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2024-02-17 15:07:36 -05:00
Version 2.1.0 (February 17, 2024)
* Add Linkwarden integration
* Add LinkAce integration
* Add `FORCE_REFRESH_INTERVAL` config option
* Add `item-meta-info-reading-time` CSS class
* Add `add_dynamic_iframe` rewrite function
* Add attribute `data-original-mos` to `add_dynamic_image` rewrite candidates
* Update entry processor to allow blocking/keeping entries by tags and/or authors
* Change default `Accept` header when fetching feeds
* Rewrite relative RSS Bridge URL to absolute URL
* Use numeric user ID in Alpine and distroless container image (avoid `securityContext` error in Kubernetes)
* Always try to use HTTP/2 when fetching feeds if available
* Add `type` attribute in OPML export as per OPML 2.0 specs
* Fix missing translation argument for the key `error.unable_to_parse_feed`
2024-02-17 16:28:17 -05:00
* Fix Debian package builder when using Go 1.22 and `armhf` architecture
2024-02-17 15:07:36 -05:00
* Fix typo in log message
* Fix incorrect label shown when saving an article
* Fix incorrect condition in refresh feeds cli
* Fix incorrect label `for` attribute
* Add missing label ID for custom CSS field
* Accessibility improvements:
* Add workaround for macOS VoiceOver that didn't announce `details` and `summary` when expanded
* Add `alert` role to alert message element
* Add a `h2` heading to the article element so that the screen reader users can navigate the article through the heading level
* Add an `aria-label` attribute for the article element for screen readers
* Remove the icon image `alt` attribute in feeds list to prevent screen reader to announce it before entry title
* Add `sr-only` CSS class for screen reader users (provides more context)
* Differentiate between buttons and links
* Change links that could perform actions to buttons
* Improve translation of hidden Aria elements
* Remove the redundant article role
* Add a search landmark for the search form so that the screen reader users can navigate to it
* Add skip to content link
* Add `nav` landmark to page header links
* Limit feed/category entry pagination to unread entries when coming from unread entry list
* Update German translation
2024-02-17 16:28:17 -05:00
* Update GitHub Actions to Go 1.22
2024-02-17 15:07:36 -05:00
* Bump `golang.org/x/term` from `0.16.0` to `0.17.0`
* Bump `github.com/google/uuid` from `1.5.0` to `1.6.0`
* Bump `github.com/yuin/goldmark` from `1.6.0` to `1.7.0`
* Bump `golang.org/x/oauth2` from `0.15.0` to `0.17.0`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.20.10` to `2.20.12`
* Bump `golang.org/x/term` from `0.15.0` to `0.16.0`
* Bump `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` from `1.17.0` to `1.18.0`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.20.9` to `2.20.16`
* Bump `golang.org/x/crypto` from `0.16.0` to `0.19.0`
* Bump `github.com/go-webauthn/webauthn` from `0.9.4` to` 0.10.1`
* Bump `golang.org/x/net` from `0.20.0` to `0.21.0`
2023-12-13 20:59:46 -05:00
Version 2.0.51 (December 13, 2023)
* Add Omnivore integration
* Fixes for the regressions introduced in version 2.0.50:
* Ensure all HTML documents are encoded in UTF-8
* Send default User-Agent and HTTP caching headers when making HTTP requests
* Allow Youtube links to be opened outside the `iframe` (avoid `ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE` error)
* Fix inaccessible metrics endpoint when listening on Unix socket
* Allow renaming and moving feed at the same time in the Google Reader API
* Log `nb_jobs` only when number of jobs is larger than 0 in background scheduler
* Deduplicate feed URLs when parsing HTML document during discovery process
* Calculate a virtual weekly count based on the average updating frequency (`POLLING_SCHEDULER=entry_frequency`)
* Update GitHub Actions workflow to be able to run the linter and tests on-demand
* Add links to GitHub for the commit hash and the version in the about page
* Use "starred" rather than "bookmarked" in English translation
* Update Chinese (CN & TW) translation
* Bump `github.com/google/uuid` from `1.4.0` to `1.5.0`
* Bump `github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3` from `3.7.0` to `3.9.0`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.20.6` to `2.20.9`
* Bump `github.com/go-webauthn/webauthn` from `0.8.6` to `0.9.4`
* Bump `golang.org/x/oauth2` from `0.14.0` to `0.15.0`
2023-11-12 12:14:47 -05:00
Version 2.0.50 (November 12, 2023)
* Add WebAuthn / Passkey integration
* Add RSS-Bridge integration
* Take RSS TTL field into consideration to schedule next check date
* Show number of visible entries instead of number of read entries in feed list
* OpenID Connect: Redirect to configured user home page after successful authentication
* Google Reader API fixes:
* `user/{userID}/state/com.google/read` is missing in categories section for read entries
* Take `ExcludeTargets` into consideration in feed stream handler
* Allow iframes pointing to Twitch videos
* Filter feed entries based on URL or title
* Take into consideration `hide_globally` property defined for categories in `/v1/entries` API endpoint
* Add category ID to webhooks request body
* Update date parser to parse more invalid date formats
* Refactor feed discovery handler, and avoid an extra HTTP request if the URL provided is the feed
* Refactor HTTP Client and `LocalizedError` packages
* Refactor Batch Builder, and prevent accidental and excessive refreshes from the web UI
* Refactor icon finder:
- Continue the discovery process when the feed icon is invalid
- Search all icons from the HTML document and do not stop on the first one
* Add support for SVG icons with data URL without encoding
* Expose `next_check_at` in the web ui and API
* Add database indexes to improve performance
* Change log level to warning for failed feeds refresh in cronjob
* Do not log website without icon as warning
* Add GitHub workflow to build binaries
* Add GitHub extensions to devcontainer
* Make sure to pull the latest base image when building the Docker image
* Strip version prefix when building Debian package
* Add `github-cli` and `docker-outside-of-docker` features to devcontainer
* Bump `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
* Bump `github.com/gorilla/mux` from `1.8.0` to `1.8.1`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.19.9` to `2.20.6`
* Bump `github.com/yuin/goldmark` from `1.5.6` to `1.6.0`
* Bump `github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3` from `3.6.0` to `3.7.0`
2023-10-15 14:04:31 -04:00
Version 2.0.49 (October 15, 2023)
* Implement structured logging using `log/slog` package. New config options available:
* `LOG_FORMAT`: `json` or `text`
* `LOG_LEVEL`: `debug`, `info`, `warning`, or `error`
* `LOG_FILE`: `sdterr`, `stdout`, or a file path
* The `DEBUG` option is now deprecated in favor of `LOG_LEVEL`
* API Improvements:
* Add endpoint `/v1/version`
* Add endpoint `PUT /v1/entries` to update entry title and content
* Add endpoint `/v1/icons/{iconID}`
* Add endpoint `/v1/flush-history` to flush history
* Make the category optional when creating feeds for API clients who don't support categories
* Add enclosures to `GET /v1/entries` endpoint
* Add `published_after`, `published_before`, `changed_after` and `changed_before` options to `/v1/entries` endpoint
* Telegram integration improvements:
* Replace feed HTML link with a button to avoid page preview issues
* Add the possibility to disable buttons
* Add Bruno Miniflux API collection in `contrib` folder (Bruno is an open source alternative to Postman/Insomnia)
* Add command line argument to export user feeds as OPML
* Add new rewrite rules `add_hn_links_using_hack` and `add_hn_links_using_opener` to open HN comments with iOS apps
* Fix timestamp format for `Expires` response header
* Fix Javascript error when reading time option is disabled
* Fix Apprise logic to handle feed service URLs
* Fix missing word in force refresh message
* Remove deprecated `PreferServerCipherSuites` TLS option
* Replace `github.com/rylans/getlang` with `github.com/abadojack/whatlanggo` because `getlang` doesn't seems to be updated anymore
* Bump `github.com/mccutchen/go-httpbin/v2` from `2.11.0` to `2.11.1`
* Bump `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
2023-09-15 18:41:13 -04:00
Version 2.0.48 (September 15, 2023)
* Add generic webhook integration
* Send webhook events when new entries are detected
* Send wehbook events when saving an entry
* Sign the outgoing requests with HMAC-SHA256
* Improve Telegram integration
* Add built-in Telegram client
* Remove dependency on `go-telegram-bot-api` library
* Add new options:
* Optional topic ID
* Disable page preview
* Disable notifications
* Add new button to go to article
* Improve Matrix integration
* Add built-in Matrix client
* Remove dependency on `gomatrix` library
* Send HTML formatted messages to Matrix
* OpenID Connect authentication improvements:
* Add OAuth2 PKCE support
* Add `profile` scope to OIDC integration to support accounts without email address
* Prevent empty username when using the OIDC integration
* Add `factor` for `entry_frequency` scheduler:
* Allow the user to increase the frequency of the `entry_frequency`
scheduler by a configurable factor in order to shorten the time between
* Fix: status bar is unreadable when using PWA in dark mode on Firefox Android
* Group form fields into fieldsets to improve page layout
* Update Russian translation
* Make sure icon URLs are always absolute
* Add Apprise service URLs per feed
* Trim `username` and `password` form fields
* Strip HTML tags from DublinCore Creator tags
* Fix scroll up behavior on Firefox Android
* Add missing `return` statement in `fetchContent` UI handler
2023-09-15 18:56:30 -04:00
* Add `replace_title` rewrite rule to adjust entry titles
2023-09-15 18:41:13 -04:00
* Fix Pocket integration redirect URL and Google Reader API HREF
* Fix feed `hide_globally` property to use it with third-party clients.
2023-08-21 00:41:30 -04:00
Version 2.0.47 (August 20, 2023)
* Update rules for `webtoons.com`
* Use HTTP client from the standard library for third-party integrations
* Rename internal `url` package to `urllib` to avoid overlap with `net/url`
* Add Shaarli integration
* Add Shiori integration
* Add Apprise integration
2023-08-21 01:27:17 -04:00
* Add Readwise Reader integration
2023-08-21 00:41:30 -04:00
* Consider base path when generating third-party services API endpoint
* Use podcast duration tag as reading time
* Move internal packages to an `internal` folder
* For reference: <https://go.dev/doc/go1.4#internalpackages>
* Rename Miniflux package name to follow Go module naming convention
* For reference: <https://go.dev/ref/mod#major-version-suffixes>
* Update RockyLinux image from 8 to 9 (used to build RPM package)
* Add force refresh in feed edit and feed entries page
* Use Odysee video duration as read time
* Upgrade to Go 1.21
* Use details disclosure element to show the list of third-party services
* Use Web Share API for sharing entry
* Add a workaround for parsing some invalid date format
* Add Thunder Client API collection into contrib folder
* Add new API endpoint: `/entries/{entryID}/save`
* Trigger Docker and packages workflows only for semantic tags
* Go module versioning expect Git tags to start with the letter v.
2024-02-17 15:07:36 -05:00
* The goal is to keep the existing naming convention for generated artifacts and
2023-08-21 00:41:30 -04:00
have proper versioning for the Go module.
* Bump `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
* Bump `github.com/yuin/goldmark`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2`
* Bump `github.com/mccutchen/go-httpbin/v2`
2023-07-21 21:07:13 -04:00
Version 2.0.46 (July 21, 2023)
* Add scraper and rewrite rules for Webtoons
* Fix regression in integration page and simplify SQL query
* Wallabag integration: add more information in log messages
* Add support for custom Youtube embed URL
* Fix accessibility issues in modal component
* Fix modal aria role
* Trap focusing with tab / shift+tab inside the modal
* Restore keyboard focus when closing modal
* Automatically move keyboard focus to first focusable element unless specified otherwise
* Keyboard shortcut help modal: move keyboard focus to modal title
* Keyboard shortcut help modal: change close control from link to button
* Add Notion integration
* Update `golang.org/x/*` dependencies and `go-oidc` to v3.6.0
* Improve responsive design
* Add user setting for marking entry as read on view
* Improve Russian translation
* Add the possibility to run cleanup tasks from the command line
* Add the possibility to run Miniflux as a cronjob
* Use `go-httpbin` to run tests locally and avoid remote calls to `httpbin.org`
* Display tags when viewing entries
* Update categories API endpoint to return `total_unread` and `feed_count`
* Improve date parser to handle various broken date formats
* Avoid `pq: time zone displacement out of range` errors
* Improve entry existance check to make better use of index
* Add unique index `enclosures_user_entry_url_idx`
* Add mark as unread for Linkding integration
* Add sub-folder support for Wallabag integration
* Use RockyLinux to build RPM package
* Disable CGO when building RPM package
* Disable CGO when building Docker images
2023-06-21 23:42:31 -04:00
Version 2.0.45 (June 21, 2023)
* Add media player to listen to audio and video podcasts with the possiblity to resume to last playback position
* Add default tag names for Linkding integration
* Mark only globally visible entries when marking all entries from UI
* Use image included in feed as feed icon when available
* Order history by `changed_at` and `published_at`
* Remove title attribute from entry title links
* Fix reading time that is not aligned correctly with the latest version of Safari
* Use glyphs of the same size on keyboard shortcuts page
* Add maskable versions of the PWA icon
* Replace copyright header with SPDX identifier
* Remove the "í" letter from the Portuguese "lido" word
* Increase golangci-lint timeout value
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2`, `github.com/prometheus/client_golang`, `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
2023-05-06 17:09:45 -04:00
Version 2.0.44 (May 6, 2023)
* Add link to the URL rewrite rules documentation
* Update scraping rules for `ilpost.it`
* Update rewrite rules for `theverge.com`
* Add a rewrite rule to remove clickbait titles
* Make sure `PROXY_IMAGES` option is backward compatible with `PROXY_OPTION` and `PROXY_MEDIA_TYPES`
* Add new rule to remove tables
* Add support for searching well-known URLs in subdirectory
* Add CSS `word-wrap` rule to break very long entry title into multiple lines
* Add swipe as option for gesture navigation between entries. There are now 3 possible choices: `none`, `double-tap`, and `swipe`.
* Prefer typographic punctuation in English translation
* Process older entries first:
- Feed entries are usually ordered from most to least recent.
- Processing older entries first ensures that their creation timestamp
is lower than that of newer entries.
- This is useful when we order by creation, because then we get a
consistent timeline.
* Fix Grafana dashboard
* Push Docker images to `Quay.io` (RedHat)
* Bump `golang.org/x/*`, `github.com/lib/pq`, `mvdan.cc/xurls/v2` and `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` dependencies
2023-03-16 22:34:20 -04:00
Version 2.0.43 (March 16, 2023)
* Avoid XSS when opening a broken image due to unescaped ServerError in proxy handler (CVE-2023-27592)
2023-05-06 17:09:45 -04:00
2023-03-16 22:34:20 -04:00
Creating an RSS feed item with the inline description containing an `<img>` tag
with a `srcset` attribute pointing to an invalid URL like
`http:a<script>alert(1)</script>`, we can coerce the proxy handler into an error
condition where the invalid URL is returned unescaped and in full.
2023-05-06 17:09:45 -04:00
2023-03-16 22:34:20 -04:00
This results in JavaScript execution on the Miniflux instance as soon as the
user is convinced to open the broken image.
* Use `r.RemoteAddr` to check `/metrics` endpoint network access (CVE-2023-27591)
2023-05-06 17:09:45 -04:00
2023-03-16 22:34:20 -04:00
HTTP headers like `X-Forwarded-For` or `X-Real-Ip` can be easily spoofed. As
such, it cannot be used to test if the client IP is allowed.
2023-05-06 17:09:45 -04:00
2023-03-16 22:34:20 -04:00
The recommendation is to use HTTP Basic authentication to protect the
metrics endpoint, or run Miniflux behind a trusted reverse-proxy.
* Add HTTP Basic authentication for `/metrics` endpoint
* Add proxy support for several media types
* Parse feed categories from RSS, Atom and JSON feeds
* Ignore empty link when discovering feeds
* Disable CGO explicitly to make sure the binary is statically linked
* Add CSS classes to differentiate between category/feed/entry view and icons
* Add rewrite and scraper rules for `blog.cloudflare.com`
* Add `color-scheme` to themes
* Add new keyboard shortcut to toggle open/close entry attachments section
* Sanitizer: allow `id` attribute in `<sup>` element
* Add Indonesian Language
* Update translations
* Update Docker Compose examples:
- Run the application in one command
- Bring back the health check condition to `depends_on`
- Remove deprecated `version` element
* Update scraping rules for `ilpost.it`
* Bump `github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery` from `1.8.0` to `1.8.1`
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.12.4` to `2.12.5`
* Bump `github.com/yuin/goldmark` from `1.5.3` to `1.5.4`
* Bump `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
2023-01-29 20:01:14 -05:00
Version 2.0.42 (January 29, 2023)
* Fix header items wrapping
* Add option to enable or disable double tap
* Improve PWA display mode label in settings page
* Bump `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
* Update translations
* Add scraping rule for `ilpost.it`
* Update reading time HTML element after fetching the original web page
* Add category feeds refresh feature
2022-12-10 13:45:34 -05:00
Version 2.0.41 (December 10, 2022)
* Reverted PR #1290 (follow the only link) because it leads to several panics/segfaults that prevent feed updates
* Disable double-tap mobile gesture if swipe gesture is disabled
* Skip integrations if there are no entries to push
* Enable TLS-ALPN-01 challenge for ACME
- This type of challenge works purely at the TLS layer and is compatible
with SNI proxies. The existing HTTP-01 challenge support has been left
* Preconfigure Miniflux for GitHub Codespaces
* Updated `golang.org/x/net/*` dependencies
2022-11-13 18:22:25 -05:00
Version 2.0.40 (November 13, 2022)
* Update dependencies
* Pin Postgres image version in Docker Compose examples to avoid unexpected upgrades
* Make English and Spanish translation more consistent:
- Use "Feed" everywhere instead of "Subscription"
- Use "Entry" instead of "Article"
* Allow Content-Type and Accept headers in CORS policy
* Use dirs file for Debian package
* Use custom home page in PWA manifest
* Fix scraper rule that could be incorrect when there is a redirect
* Improve web scraper to fetch the only link present as workaround to some landing pages
* Add Matrix bot integration
* Proxify images in API responses
* Add new options in user preferences to configure sorting of entries in the category page
* Remove dependency on `github.com/mitchellh/go-server-timing`
* Add support for the `continuation` parameter and result for Google Reader API ID calls
* Use automatic variable for build target file names
* Add rewrite rule for `recalbox.com`
* Improve Dutch translation
2022-10-16 17:29:17 -04:00
Version 2.0.39 (October 16, 2022)
* Add support for date filtering in Google Reader API item ID calls
* Handle RSS entries with only a GUID permalink
* Go API Client: Accept endpoint URLs ending with `/v1/`
* CORS API headers: Allow `Basic` authorization header
* Log feed URL when submitting a subscription that returns an error
* Update `make run` command to execute migrations automatically
* Add option to send only the URL to Wallabag
* Do not convert anchors to absolute links
* Add config option to use a custom image proxy URL
* Allow zoom on mobile devices
* Add scraping rules for `theverge.com`, `royalroad.com`, `swordscomic.com`, and `smbc-comics.com`
* Add Ukrainian translation
* Update `golang.org/x/*` dependencies
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.12.0` to `2.12.4`
* Bump `github.com/yuin/goldmark` from `1.4.13` to `1.5.2`
* Bump `github.com/lib/pq` from `1.10.6` to `1.10.7`
2022-08-13 15:15:17 -04:00
Version 2.0.38 (August 13, 2022)
* Rename default branch from master to main
* Update GitHub Actions
* Bump `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` from `1.12.2` to `1.13.0`
* Fix some linter issues
* Handle Atom links with a text/html type defined
* Add `parse_markdown` rewrite function
* Build RPM and Debian packages automatically using GitHub Actions
* Add `explosm.net` scraper rule
* Make default home page configurable
* Add title attribute to entry links because text could be truncated
* Highlight categories with unread entries
* Allow option to order by title and author in API entry endpoint
* Update Russian translation
* Make reading speed user-configurable
* Added translation for Hindi language used in India
* Add rewrite rules for article URL before fetching content
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.11.7` to `2.12.0`
* Support other repo owners in GitHub Docker Action
* Proxify empty URL should not crash
* Avoid stretched image if specified width is larger than Miniflux's layout
* Add support for OPML files with several nested outlines
* sanitizer: handle image URLs in `srcset` attribute with comma
* Allow `width` and `height` attributes for `img` tags
* Document that `-config-dump` command line argument shows sensitive info
* Add System-V init service in contrib folder
* Fix syntax error in `RequestBuilder.getCsrfToken()` method
2022-05-27 17:29:57 -04:00
Version 2.0.37 (May 27, 2022)
* Add rewrite rule to decode base64 content
* Add Linkding integration
* Add comment button to Telegram message
* Add API endpoint to fetch unread and read counters
* Fixes logic bug in Google Reader API sanity check
* Reduce number of CORS preflight check to save network brandwidth
* Add Espial integration
* Allow API search for entries which are not starred
* Try to use outermost element text when title is empty
* Make swipe gestures feel more natural
- Removes opacity transition when swiping an article read/unread
- Adds "resistance" to the swiped entry when the 75px threshold is
- Fixes an issue in which a swiped article couldn't be moved <15px
* Add support for feed streams to Google Reader API IDs API
* Fix invalid parsing of icon data URL
* Add Traditional Chinese translation
* Add distroless Docker image variant
* Add Go 1.18 to GitHub Action
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from `2.10.0` to `2.11`
2022-05-27 23:46:41 -04:00
* Bump `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` from `1.12.1` to `1.12.2`
2022-05-27 17:29:57 -04:00
* Bump `github.com/lib/pq` from `1.10.4` to `1.10.6`
2022-03-08 23:52:59 -05:00
Version 2.0.36 (March 8, 2022)
* Gray out pagination buttons when they are not applicable
* Use truncated entry description as title if unavailable
* Do not fallback to InnerXML if XHTML title is empty
* Add `+` keyboard shortcut for new subscription page
* Add `(+)` action next to Feeds to quickly add new feeds
* Fix unstar not working via Google Reader API
* Remove circles in front of page header list items
* Fix CSS hover style for links styled as buttons
* Avoid showing `undefined` when clicking on read/unread
* Add new keyboard shortcut `M` to toggle read/unread, and go to previous item
* Add several icons to menus according to their roles
* Add missing event argument to `onClick()` function call
* Add links to scraper/rewrite/filtering docs when editing feeds
* Add a rewrite rule for Castopod episodes
* Fix regression: reset touch-item if not in `/unread` page
* Add API endpoint to fetch original article
* Show the category first in feed settings
* Add pagination on top of all entries
* Display Go version in "About" page
* Bump `mvdan.cc/xurls/v2` from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
* Bump `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` from 1.11.0 to 1.12.1
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from 2.9.28 to 2.10.0
2022-01-21 19:45:37 -05:00
Version 2.0.35 (January 21, 2022)
* Set `read-all` permission to `GITHUB_TOKEN` for GitHub Actions
* Pin `jshint` version in linter job
* Fix incorrect conversion between integer types
* Add new GitHub Actions workflows: CodeQL and Scorecards analysis
* Handle Atom feeds with space around CDATA
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from 2.9.22 to 2.9.28
* Add Documentation directive to Systemd service
* Do not reset `touch-item` if successfully swiped
* Add support for multiple authors in Atom feeds
* Omit `User-Agent` header in image proxy to avoid being blocked
* Use custom feed user agent to fetch website icon
* Make default Invidious instance configurable
* Add new rewrite rule `add_youtube_video_from_id` to add Youtube videos in Quanta articles
* Add scrape and rewrite rules for `quantamagazine.org`
* Expose entry unshare link in the entry and list views
* Add Google Reader API implementation (experimental)
* Add `Content-Security-Policy` header to feed icon and image proxy endpoints
- SVG images could contain Javascript. This CSP blocks inline script.
- Feed icons are served using `<img>` tag and Javascript is not interpreted.
* Add Finnish translation
* Add scraper rule for `ikiwiki.iki.fi`
* Remove `SystemCallFilter` from `miniflux.service`
* Fix minor typo in French translation
2021-12-16 20:00:50 -05:00
Version 2.0.34 (December 16, 2021)
* Add rewrite rule for comics website http://monkeyuser.com
* Add `<head>` tag to OPML export
* Tighten Systemd sandboxing and update comments in `miniflux.service`
* Add `RuntimeDirectory` to Systemd service
* Order disabled feeds at the end of the list
* Add support for theme color based on preferred color scheme of OS
* Bump `github.com/lib/pq` from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4
* Bump `github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery` from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0
* Fix typos in `model/icon.go`
* Add `data-srcset` support to `add_dynamic_image rewrite` rewrite rule
* Fix Docker Compose example files compatibility to v3
* Added the `role="article"` to `<article>` elements for better accessibility with screen readers
* Redact secrets shown on the about page
* Handle `srcset` images with no space after comma
* Hide the logout link when using auth proxy
* Fix wrong CSS variable
* Change `-config-dump` command to use `KEY=VALUE` format
2021-09-25 20:16:03 -04:00
Version 2.0.33 (September 25, 2021)
* Build RPM and Debian package with PIE mode enabled
* Add CSS rule to hide `<template>` tag in old browsers
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.9.21 to 2.9.22`
* Bump `github.com/lib/pq from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3`
* Remove `RequestURI()` hack
* Improve `zh_CN` translation
* Add ability to change entry sort order in the UI
* Add minor improvements in integration package
* Add Telegram integration
* Add rewrite rule to remove DOM elements
* Add proxy argument to `scraper.Fetch()`
* Add mime type `application/feed+json` to discover JSON Feed v1.1
* Update scraper rule for `theregister.com`
* Add Go 1.17 to GitHub Actions
* Display option to hide feed only when category is not already hidden
* Add option to hide feeds from the global Unread list
2021-08-14 22:48:20 -04:00
Version 2.0.32 (August 14, 2021)
* Bump `github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2` from 2.9.17 to 2.9.21
* Bump `mvdan.cc/xurls/v2` from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
* Bump `github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery` from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1
* Bump `github.com/prometheus/client_golang` from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0
* Add `/rss/` to the list of well known URLs during feed discovery
* Use `authors` entry for JSON 1.1 feeds
* Added Greek translation
* Added the ability to mark an entire category as read in the web ui
* Added "in" in "logged in" for en_US `tooltip.logged_user`
* Added option to hide categories from the global unread list
* Show "saving" labels for entry status button
* Golang client: Try to parse response body on `InternalServerError` errors
* contrib: Add support for a $MINIFLUX_IMAGE env var in docker-compose
* contrib: Bump docker-compose version to 3.4
2021-06-06 13:03:44 -04:00
Version 2.0.31 (June 6, 2021)
* Expose comments_url entry field in Golang API client
* Use unique file names for cache busting instead of query string
* Highlight and sort feeds with unread entries in feeds list
* Mark items as read on click/middle click of external links
* Fix: Firefox on Windows does not show the active link as bold
* Avoid extra HTTP request for fetching custom stylesheet
* Remove invalid CSRF HTML meta tag
* Add lang attribute to root HTML tag
* Use runes instead of bytes to truncate JSON feed titles (avoid breaking Unicode strings)
* Expose changed_at time through the API
* Add new config option CLEANUP_ARCHIVE_BATCH_SIZE
* Add database stats to Prometheus exporter
* Add Systemd watchdog
* Avoid custom stylesheet to be cached by third-party CDN
* Update a shared entry label translation in zh_CN
* Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.9.16 to 2.9.17
* Bump github.com/lib/pq from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2
2021-05-07 19:35:08 -04:00
Version 2.0.30 (May 7, 2021)
* Security fix: any user can delete any feed (Regression introduced in commit 51fb949)
* Fix password reset via CLI
* Increase default batch size value
* Handle RSS feed title with encoded Unicode entities
* Show number of unread per category in category list instead of number of feeds
* Bump github.com/lib/pq from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1
* Filtering doesn't work when selecting from multiple found feeds
* Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.9.15 to 2.9.16
* Use an appropriate color for visited links on dark theme
* Fix typo in reader/json/doc.go
* Create SECURITY.md
* Setup golangci-lint Github Action
* Add per feed cookies option
* Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
* Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.9.13 to 2.9.15
2021-03-21 14:29:24 -04:00
Version 2.0.29 (Mar 21, 2021)
* Miniflux requires at least Go 1.16 now
* Improved support of Atom text constructs
- Improve handling of CDATA in text elements
- Omit XHTML root element because it should not be part of the content
- Fix incorrect parsing of HTML elements
* Handle RDF feed with HTML encoded entry title
* Add Turkish language
* Improve deletion of feeds with lots of entries
* Add support of Systemd readiness notification using the sd_notify protocol
* Remove feed_icons service worker cache because it's causing more problems than it solves (and HTTP cache seems faster)
* Add basic PWA offline page
- Add basic offline mode when using the service worker
- Starting in Chrome 93, offline mode is going to be a requirement to install the PWA
* Replace icon for "Add to home screen" button
* Use SVG icons for "toast" notifications
* Use SVG sprite for icons instead of inline elements
* Reset scroll position on mark page as read
* Add link to mark all feed entries as read
* Make web app display mode configurable (The change is visible after reinstalling the web app)
* Handle RSS feeds with CDATA in author item element
* Add read time on the article page
* Avoid showing a broken image when there is no feed icon
* Add option to allow self-signed or invalid certificates
* Add new config option to scrape YouTube's website to get video duration as read time (disabled by default)
* Send full article content to Wallabag
* Add more extensive health check support
- Improve endpoint to test database connection
- Add new cli argument: -healthcheck
- Update Docker Compose examples
* Update iframe "allow list" to support Bilibili videos
* Remove completely generated files and use embed package to bundle JS/CSS/Images/Translations files into the final binary
* Remove deprecated io/ioutil package
* Show Postgres version in "About" page
2021-02-15 23:34:19 -05:00
Version 2.0.28 (Feb 15, 2021)
* Add HTTP header "Referrer-Policy: no-referrer"
* Handle entry title with double encoded entities
* Add Open Containers annotations to Docker image
* Remove iframe inner HTML contents (iframe element never has fallback content)
* Update date parser to fix another time zone issue
* Update German translation for blocklist and keeplist
* Validate Keep list and Block list rules syntax
* Add support for IPv6 with zone index
* Allow images with data URLs
* Limit full-text search indexation to first 500K characters (tsvector has a size limit of 1MB)
* Change PWA display mode to standalone
* ETag value is not set correctly in HTTP client (regression)
* Add database backed Let's Encrypt certificate cache
* Update systemd service file comments to use `systemctl edit` for editing
* Update Go version to 1.15 in go.mod
* Don't discard the "Fetch via Proxy" option
* Update man page to show the default values
* Add PostgreSQL indices
* Add API endpoints to get feeds and entries of a category
* Create feed query builder
* Bump github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
* Show global options in the about page
* Update man page to mention -1 can be used for CLEANUP_ARCHIVE_* options
2021-01-09 20:45:56 -05:00
Version 2.0.27 (Jan 9, 2021)
* Add spellcheck="false" to input fields
* Refactoring of entry, feed, category, and user validation
* Avoid stripping tags for entry title
* Add the possibility to subscribe to feeds with the Android Share menu
* API improvements:
- Change feed creation request to allow setting most fields via API
- Allow regular users to change settings via API
- Make user fields editable via API
- Renaming non-existent category via API should return a 404
* Update Systemd service file:
- Add capability CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE (allow the process to listen on privileged ports)
- Enable a private /tmp for $CERT_CACHE (required when using Let's Encrypt)
* Update read/star icons to SVGs
* Add autocomplete="username" to HTML forms
* Improve user mass delete to use fewer Goroutines
* Use SQL transaction when creating user sessions and users
* Remove extra column (HSTORE field) from users table and migrate key/value pairs to specific columns
* Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0
* Bump github.com/lib/pq from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0
* Add styles for <abbr> HTML tag
* Refactor SQL migrations:
- Avoid embedding SQL files into binary
- Allow more flexible changes by using Go functions
* Add Server-Timing header to unread page
* Show correct User Agent in input placeholders
* Add autocomplete attribute to login form
* Add Grafana dashboard in contrib folder
2020-12-05 19:21:10 -05:00
Version 2.0.26 (Dec 5, 2020)
* Use created_at instead of published_at for archiving entries
* Add created_at field for entries
* Handle invalid feeds with relative URLs
* Add API routes for "mark all as read"
* Add support for setting a global default User-Agent
* Add rewrite rule "replace" for custom search and replace
* Calculate reading time during feed processing
* Handle various invalid dates
* systemd: keep /run writeable
* debian package: add missing post-install script
* Do not follow redirects when trying known feed URLs
* Trim spaces around icon URLs
* Reinstate EXPOSE instruction in Dockerfile
* Update German and Portuguese translations
2020-11-03 14:53:28 -05:00
Version 2.0.25 (Nov 3, 2020)
* Rename "original" link to be more explicit
* Do not escape HTML for Atom 1.0 text content during parsing (Avoid HTML entities issues)
* Do not use charset.NewReader if the body is a valid UTF-8 document
* Restore the ability to use a proxy for all HTTP requests (see https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#ProxyFromEnvironment)
* Show Git commit in about page
* Publish Docker images to GitHub Container Registry
* Added few Docker Compose examples in contrib folder
* Added Ansible Role + Playbook for Miniflux in contrib folder
* Add rewrite rule to use noscript content for images rendered with Javascript
* Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0
* Update contributor link and Godoc badge for API client
* Move Debian package builder to main repository
* Move RPM build files to main repository
* Add GitHub Action to generate Docker images
* Build multi-platform images with Docker Buildx
* Add keyboard shortcut to scroll current item to the top
* Add feed filters (Keeplist and Blocklist)
* Do not proxy image with a data URL
* Bump github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0
* Proxify articles crawled manually
* Proxify images defined in srcset attribute
* Remove plaintext Fever password from database
* Add keyboard shortcut to jump to an item's feed page
* Add option for swipe gesture on entries on mobile
2020-10-03 21:16:09 -04:00
Version 2.0.24 (Oct 3, 2020)
* Add rewrite rule to fix Medium.com images
* Update sanitizer to support responsive images:
- Add support for picture HTML tag
- Add support for srcset, media, and sizes attributes to img and source tags
* Enhance man page formatting
* Add Prometheus exporter
* Remove dependency on global config options in HTTP client
* API:
- Avoid database lookup if empty credentials are provided
- Add the possibility to filter entries by category ID
- Add the possibility to filter entries by a list of statuses
* Add Feed ID in worker error logs
* Tweak default HTTP client transport timeout values to reduce the number of file descriptors
* CSS tweaks and optimizations:
- Prevent sub and sup from affecting line-height
- Set touch-action on .items to prevent browser navigation
- Move font-family specific CSS to the appropriate file
- Update primary font-family for UI to be even more compatible with various operating systems
- Make .entry-content font-weight variable depending on font-family used
* Avoid Javascript minifier to break keyboard shortcuts
* Rename service worker script to avoid being blocked by uBlock
* Update date parser to handle Pacific Daylight Time in addition to Pacific Standard Time
* Create index to speed up bookmark page
* Do not try to update a duplicated feed after a refresh
* Use a transaction to refresh and create entries
* Speed up entries clean up with an index and a goroutine
* Avoid the accumulation of enclosures by keeping only what is referenced in the feed
* Add workarounds for parsing an invalid date
* Archive older entries first
* Update API client to support more filters
* Avoid duplication between get feed entries and get entries API endpoints
* Enable strict slash to avoid a page not found (404) when using a trailing slash in the URLs
* Add a submit button to each section of the integration page
* Reload page after making page as read when showing unread entries
* Add option to archive unread entries
* Add option to enable maintenance mode
* Add HTTP proxy option for subscriptions
* Make add_invidious_video rule applicable for different invidious instances
* Fix reading time for jp, ko and zh languages
* Update POLLING_SCHEDULER description in man page
* Bump gorilla/mux from 1.7.4 to 1.8.0
* Add link to mark a feed as read
2020-08-15 18:40:16 -04:00
Version 2.0.23 (Aug 15, 2020)
* Try known URLs when discovering subscriptions
* Add workarounds to find YouTube channel feeds (YouTube doesn't expose RSS links anymore for new-style URLs)
* Increase HTTP server timeout values
* Use stdlib constants for HTTP methods instead of strings
* Add support for RTL feed content
* Ignore <media:title> to avoid overriding the default title if they are different
* Add support for secret keys exposed as a file (useful for containerized environments)
* Display recent entries first in search results
* Do not archive shared items
* Add option to change the number of entries per page
* Add Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation
* Add reading time for entries
* Redirect to login page if CSRF token is expired
* Fever API:
- Use getEntryIDs instead of getEntries to reduce memory consumption
- Fix max_id argument logic to follow the specs
- Improve logging
- Do not send articles to external services when unsaving an item
- Create index to speed up API calls
- Log client IP in middleware
* API client: Do not return body for response with no content
- Delete users asynchronously (Deleting large users might lock the tables)
- Add CORS support
* Align entry actions to the left
- Attempt to avoid awkward alignment on smartphone screens
- Keep the read/star actions aligned to the left
- Remove CSS flex to allow easier override with custom CSS
* Upgrade Postgres client library
* Upgrade CI checks to Go 1.15
2020-06-19 14:43:05 -04:00
Version 2.0.22 (Jun 19, 2020)
* Remove child-src CSP policy (deprecated)
* Add /version endpoint
* Add the ability to use custom css
* Handle more invalid dates
* Add CSS styles for textarea
* Add index to speed up slow query
* Speed up feed list page rendering
* Add alternative scheduler based on the number of entries
* Setup Dependabot on GitHub
* Update Docker image to Alpine 3.12
* Add feed option to ignore HTTP cache
* Fix some Italian and German translations
* Added scraper rule for RayWenderlich.com, TheOatmeal.com, financialsamurai.com, dilbert.com and turnoff.us
* Replace link to categories by a link to the list of entries in "Category > Feeds" page
* Change feed title to a link to the original website
* Add icons to feeds and categories list
* Update dependencies and remove vendor folder
2020-03-28 17:51:26 -04:00
Version 2.0.21 (Mar 28, 2020)
* Add SVG icons to entry actions
* Add support for Invidious
- Embed Invidious player for invidio.us feeds
- Add new rewrite rule to use Invidious player for Youtube feeds
* Check during application startup if the database schema is up to date
* Change default theme for public pages to "System Serif"
* Add feature to share an article (create a public link of a feed entry)
* Fix SQL injection in full-text search rank ordering
* Add generic OpenID Connect provider (OAuth2)
* Use more secure TLS configuration for autocert server (increase SSL Labs score from B to A+)
* Add feature to create per-application API Keys
* Add Go 1.14 to GitHub Actions
* Add scraper rule for wdwnt.com
* Add API client function to refresh all feeds
* Add API endpoint to refresh all feeds
* Add Auth Proxy authentication
* Use rel=prev/next on pagination links
2020-02-15 21:00:00 -05:00
Version 2.0.20 (Feb 15, 2020)
* Add Japanese translation
* History: show entries in the order in which they were read
* Add button to add to Home screen
* Ignore enclosures without URL
* Correct spelling of "toggle"
* List view: align information to the left side, and the actionable buttons to the right
* Redirect to /unread when getting a 404 for an unread expired entry
* Do not advance to the next item when using the 'v' shortcut on the list of starred items
* Wrap around when navigating with keyboard shortcuts on a list view
* Remove unused Feed.Entries and Entry.Category from API client
* Add comments link keyboard shortcut
* Allow application/xhtml+xml links as comments URL in Atom replies
* Allow only absolute URLs in comments URL
* Use internal XML workarounds to detect feed format
* Make menu consistent across feed pages
* Make sure external URLs are not encoded incorrectly by Go template engine
* Make sure whitelisted URI schemes are handled properly by the sanitizer
* Use white background for favicon (Improve legibility when using a dark theme)
* Remove dependency on Sed to build Docker images
* Normalize URL query string before executing HTTP requests
* Improve Dublin Core support for RDF feeds
* Improve Podcast support (iTunes and Google Play feeds)
* Add support for Atom 0.3
* Add support for Atom "replies" link relation
* Return outer HTML when scraping elements
* Update scraper rule for "Le Monde"
* Filter valid XML characters for UTF-8 XML documents before decoding
* Trim spaces for RDF entry links
2019-12-01 14:44:42 -05:00
Version 2.0.19 (Dec 1, 2019)
* Add shortcut "V" to open original link in current tab
* Add the possibility to add rules during feed creation
* Wrap attachments into <details> disclosure element
* Show attachment size on entry page
* Add support of RSS Media elements (group, description, peer link, and thumbnails)
* Add rewrite functions: convert_text_link and nl2br
* Add scraper rule for openingsource.org
* Add Makefile target to build only amd64 Docker image
* Make sure to remove integration settings when removing a user
* Add API parameter to filter entries by category
* Display list of feeds per category
* Show the number of read and unread entries for each feed
* Make sure settings menu is consistent
* Remove fixed table-layout for entry content
* Update autocert lib because ACME v1 is EOL
* Do not lighten blockquote font color
* Update de_DE translation
* Send a response when changing status of removed entries in Fever API
* Add meta tag to disable Google Translate
* Improve storage module
* Improve XML decoder to remove illegal characters
* Compare Fever token case-insensitively
* Make sure integration tests are marked as failed in Github Actions
* Add new formats to date parser
* Add notification message when using keyboard shortcuts: f, s, and m.
* Avoid keyboard shortcuts to conflict with Firefoxs "Find as you type" feature
2019-09-25 23:16:18 -04:00
Version 2.0.18 (Sep 25, 2019)
* Add Docker image variant for arm32v7
* Add theme variants
- Use CSS variables instead of inherence
- Rename default theme to "Light - Serif"
- Rename Black theme to "Dark - Serif"
- Rename "Sans-Serif" theme to "Light - Sans Serif"
- Add "System" theme that use system preferences: Dark or Light
- Add Serif and Sans-Serif variants for each color theme
* Avoid constraint error when having duplicate entries during feed creation
* Disable strict XML parsing
* Ignore invalid content type
* Update man page
* Replace Travis by GitHub Actions
* Rename cleanup config variables and deprecate old ones
* Make configurable the number of days to remove old sessions
* Add native lazy loading for images and iframes
* Do not buffer responses in the image proxy
* Update dependencies
* Add Go 1.13 to test matrix
* Replace link border by outline to avoid slight content shift
* New rewrite function: add_mailto_subject
* Import OPML from URL
* Fix HTML injection in addImageTitle
* Accept HTML entities when parsing XML
2019-08-03 17:38:14 -04:00
Version 2.0.17 (Aug 3, 2019)
* Update Docker image to Alpine Linux 3.10.1
* Pass auth header to manifest request (crossorigin attribute)
* Sort feed categories before serialization
* Fix syntax errors in man page
* Add .search margin-right
* Ask for confirmation before flushing history, marking page as read, and mark all as read
* Add option to disable feeds
2019-06-08 23:13:40 -04:00
Version 2.0.16 (Jun 8, 2019)
* Add option to toggle date/time in log messages
* Add optional config file parser in addition to environment variables
* Make HTTP Client timeout and max body size configurable
* Refactor config package:
- Parse configuration only once during startup time
- Store configuration values in a global variable
* Flip behavior of j and k keyboard shortcuts
* Bump Postgresql client library to v1.1.1 to bring in SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication
* Add option to enable/disable keyboard shortcuts
* Add missing translation
* Improve page reload when showing unread/all entries:
- Show only unread entries = refresh current page
- Show all entries = go to next page
* Always display feed entries even when there is a feed error
* Use loading label instead of saving when submitting login form
* Add OPML v1 support during importation
* Add 'allow-popups' to iframe sandbox permissions
2019-03-16 21:14:00 -04:00
Version 2.0.15 (Mar 16, 2019)
* Move Dockerfile to main repo
* Change location of the binary from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin in Docker image
* Add double tap detection for next/previous page navigation
* Allow users to disable auto-remove
* Make parser compatible with Go 1.12
* Add Golang 1.12 to CI
* Use feed ID instead of user ID to check entry URLs presence
* Fix typo in stylesheet
* Sort search results by relevance
* Use preferably the published date for Atom feeds
* Add Spanish translation
* Rename session cookies
* Handle the case when application session is expired and not user session
Version 2.0.14 (Jan 13, 2019)
2019-01-13 23:34:06 -05:00
* Only attempt to change password if the confirmation field is filled in (Firefox)
* Remove URL from client user agent
* Make the feed list order case-insensitive
* Handle XHTML Summary elements for Atom feeds
* Make UTF-8 the default encoding for XML feeds
* Add more targets to Makefile
* Add -mod=vendor in Makefile
* Move health check endpoint from ui package to httpd service
* Add workaround for non GMT dates (RFC822, RFC850, and RFC1123)
* Make sure `<strong>` elements are bold
* Show scrollbars only when necessary for <pre> elements
* Add Italian translation
* Allow to switch between unread only and all entries on category/feed views
* Add function storage.UpdateFeedError()
* Add BBC News scraping rule
* Ignore JSON feeds from EnsureUnicode()
* Preserve category selection when no feed is found
* Update XML encoding regex to take single quotes into consideration
* Send cli errors to stderr
* Update dependencies
* Make password prompt compatible with Windows
* Make configurable the number of days to archive read items
* Change log level to debug when starting workers
* Do not show $DATABASE_URL warning when showing application info
* Move image proxy filter to template functions
* Update scraper rule for lemonde.fr
* Refactor manual entry scraper
* Apply rewriter rules on manual "Fetch Original Content"
* Add Makefile target for current OS and architecture
* Improve Makefile
2018-11-25 22:49:05 -05:00
Version 2.0.13 (Nov 25, 2018)
* Add man page
* Add support for Systemd Socket Activation (experimental)
2021-05-13 09:38:32 -04:00
* Add the possibility to listen on Unix sockets
2018-11-25 22:49:05 -05:00
* Add config options to disable HTTP and scheduler services
* Archive more read entries in cleanup job
* Change default database connection string (backward compatible)
* Improve logging messages in ui package
* Improve overall Simplified Chinese translations
* Improve time since post date displays:
- "15 days" now is "15 days" rather than "3 weeks" ago
- "32 days" is now "1 month" rather than "2 months" ago
- "366 days" is now "1 year" rather than "2 years" ago
* Allow the scraper to parse XHTML documents
* Remove charset=utf-8 from JSON responses
* Ignore hotkeys containing Control, Alt or Meta keys
* Handle more encoding conversion edge cases
* Disable go test caching
* Avoid duplication of ldflags in Makefile
* Fix wrong translation key for category pages
* Code refactoring:
- Simplify application HTTP middlewares
- Replace daemon and scheduler package with service package
- Move UI middlewares and routes to ui package
- Move API middleware and routes to api package
- Move Fever middleware and routes to fever package
2018-10-26 23:07:56 -04:00
Version 2.0.12 (Oct 26, 2018)
* Add OpenBSD build
* Improve logging for OAuth2 callback
* Make "g f" go to feed, or list of feeds
* Add more details in feed storage errors to facilitate debugging
* Add entries storage error to feed errors count
* Set arbitrary maximum size for tsvector column
* Unsubscribe from feed through link or "#"
* Simplify feed entries filtering
* Simplify feed fetcher
* Simplify feed parser and format detection
* Improve unit tests in url package
* Add short cli flags -i and -v
* Convert text links and line feeds to HTML in YouTube channels
* Change link state when marking all entries as read
* Add missing package descriptions for GoDoc
* Fix typo in license header
* Refactor HTTP response builder
* Improve Fever API performances when marking a feed or group as read
* Set focus on article link when pressing prev/next hotkeys
* Improve request package and add more unit tests
* Add more unit tests for config package
* Simplify locale package usage (refactoring)
* Translate application in Russian
* Use disclosure widget <details> for advanced feed options
* Use unique translation IDs instead of English text as key
* Add more unit tests for template functions
* Fix invalid output when truncating Unicode text in templates
* Add the possibility to override default user agent for each feed
* Split Makefile linux targets by architecture
* Add compiler, Arch, and OS to info command
* Avoid line break between emoji and (un)read/(un)star links
* Build Docker image for multiple architectures (amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8)
2018-09-11 21:29:28 -04:00
Version 2.0.11 (Sep 11, 2018)
* Set cookie flag `SameSite` to Lax mode
* Use predefined ciphers when TLS is configured
* Avoid displaying an error when shutting down the daemon
* Add "Mark this page as read" to the bottom
* Store client IP address in request context
* Refactor HTTP context handling
* Make user creation via environment variables idempotent
* Use regular text version of ✔︎ instead of emoji version on iOS
* Add toggle status button to entry page
* Migrate to Go Modules and Go 1.11
* Show count of feeds with permanent errors in header menu
* Display remote client IP in logs when having a login failure (Fail2Ban)
* Add remove button in feed edit page
* Split integration tests into multiple files
* Update scraper rule for heise.de
* Expose real error messages for internal server API errors
* Move Golang API client in project source tree (the separate project is deprecated)
* Use canonical imports
* Add Procfile
* Create database package (refactoring)
* Update user agent with new website URL
* Update German translation
2018-07-23 00:29:30 -04:00
Version 2.0.10 (July 22, 2018)
* Avoid browser caching issues when assets changes
* Add Gzip/Deflate compression for HTML, JSON, CSS and Javascript responses
* Improve themes handling
* Store user theme in session
* Logged out users will keep their theme
* Add theme background color to web manifest and meta tag
* Update application icon with different sizes
* Add support for published tag in Atom feeds
* Add tooltip to feed domain in feeds list (title attribute)
* Prevent vertical scrolling on swipe
* Show feed title instead of domain in items list
* Add service worker to cache feed icons
* Make image proxy configurable via IMAGE_PROXY environment variable:
* none = No proxy
* http-only = Proxy only non-HTTPS images (default)
* all = Proxy everything
* Add alt attribute for feed icons
* Update CI jshint check
* Add embedly.com to iframe whitelist
* Use passive event listeners for touch events
* Add `add_dynamic_image` rewriter for JavaScript-loaded images
* Change feed password field type to text to avoid auto-completion with Firefox
* Using autocomplete="off" or autocomplete="new-password" doesn't change anything
* Changing the input ID doesn't change anything
* Using a different input name doesn't change anything
* Only Chrome supports autocomplete="new-password"
* Add base URL validation
* Update default stylesheet name in HTML layout
* Pre-generate themes stylesheets at build time
* Update vendor dependencies
* Refactor assets bundler and split Javascript files
* Run sanitizer after all processing and entry content rewrite
* Remove timestamp from generated files
* Add support for protocol relative YouTube URLs
* Add Postgres full-text search for entries
* Add search form in user interface
* Add search parameter to the API
* Improve Dutch locales
* Sandbox iframes when sanitizing
* Keep consistent text size on mobile orientation change
* Change permission of /etc/miniflux.conf to 600 instead of 644 in RPM package
* Add tzdata package to Docker image
* Update Docker image to Alpine Linux 3.8
2018-07-01 14:50:43 -04:00
Version 2.0.9 (July 1, 2018)
* Avoid Chrome to autocomplete no-login password fields
* Add cli flag to reset all feed errors
* Do not ignore errored feeds when a user refresh feeds manually
* Add specific 404 and 401 error messages
* Strip binaries to reduce size
* Make sure we always get the pagination in unread mode
* Fix incorrect data value when toggling bookmark flag on entry page
* Set opener to null when opening original URL with JavaScript
* Remove unnecessary style
* Refactor AddImageTitle rewriter
* Only processes images with `src` **and** `title` attributes (others are ignored)
* Processes **all** images in the document (not just the first one)
* Wraps the image and its title attribute in a `figure` tag with the title attribute's contents in a `figcaption` tag
* Improve sanitizer to remove `style`, `noscript` and `script` tag contents
* Improve feed and user API updates with optional values
* Add new fields for feed username/password
* Improve memory usage debug log
* Disable keep-alive for HTTP client
* Close HTTP response body even for failed requests
* Add Sans-Serif theme
* Rewrite iframe Youtube URLs to https://www.youtube-nocookie.com
* Add more filters for API call `/entries`:
* before (unix timestamp)
* before_entry_id (int64)
* after (unix timestamp)
* after_entry_id (int64)
* starred (boolean)
* Rewrite individual entry pagination SQL queries
* Simplify entry query builder
* Prevent items from sticking on touchend
* Extended horizontal overflow to feed and category views
* Translate missing strings
* Update German translation
2018-06-04 21:48:27 -04:00
Version 2.0.8 (June 4, 2018)
* Add Pocket integration
* Rewrite RealIP() to avoid returning an empty string
* Convert IP field from text to inet type
* Improve error handling in integration clients
* Make unread counter clickable
* Archive read entries automatically after 60 days
* Hide horizontal overflow when swiping articles on touch devices
* Add API endpoint to get logged user
* Fever API: Return response with an empty list if there is no item
* Handle feeds with dates formatted as Unix timestamp
2018-05-07 23:14:54 -04:00
Version 2.0.7 (May 7, 2018)
* Add API endpoint to import OPML file
* Make sure to close request body in HTTP client
* Do not show save link if no integration is configured
* Make sure integrations are configured before to make any HTTP requests
* Avoid people to unlink their OAuth2 account without having a local password
* Do not use shared variable to translate templates (avoid concurrency issue)
* Use vanilla HTTP handlers (refactoring)
* Move HTTP client to its own package (refactoring)
* Add middleware to read X-Forwarded-Proto header (refactoring)
* Use Gorilla middleware (refactoring)
* Scrape parent element for iframe
* Add SoundCloud and Bandcamp iframe sources
2018-04-21 00:56:38 -04:00
Version 2.0.6 (Apr 20, 2018)
* Improve graceful shutdown
* Simplify Heroku deployment
* Display memory usage and some metrics in logs
* Increase read/write timeout for HTTP server
* Add support for Dublin Core date in RDF feeds
* Do not return an error if the user session is not found
* Handle some non-english date formats
* Add missing French translation
* Rename RSS parser getters
* Get the right comments URL when having multiple namespaces
* Ignore caching headers for feeds that send "Expires: 0"
* Update translations
2018-04-07 18:47:18 -04:00
Version 2.0.5 (Apr 7, 2018)
* Avoid unread counter to be off by one when reading an entry
* Add Comments URL to entries
* Add FreeBSD build target
* Handle RSS author elements with inner HTML
* Fix typo in translations
* Add Dutch translation
* Convert enclosure size field to bigint
* Switch CI to Go v1.10
* Fix broken OPML import when compiling with Go 1.10
2018-03-06 00:42:52 -05:00
Version 2.0.4 (Mar 5, 2018)
* Add Simplified Chinese translation
* Add Nunux Keeper integration
* Filter the list of timezones
* Add timezone to entries dates for REST and Fever API
* Show last login and session creation date in current timezone
* Fix typo in edit user template
* Improve parser error messages
* Remove parentheses around feed error messages
* Support localized feed errors generated by background workers
* Print info message if DATABASE_URL is not set
2018-02-19 23:15:57 -05:00
Version 2.0.3 (Feb 19, 2018)
* Add Polish translation
* Change color of <q> tags for black theme
* Add database indexes (don't forget to run database migrations)
* Handle Atom feeds with HTML title
* Strip invalid XML characters to avoid parsing errors
* Improve error handling for HTTP client
2018-02-05 23:29:42 -05:00
Version 2.0.2 (Feb 5, 2018)
* Add support for Let's Encrypt http-01 challenge
* Move template functions outside engine (refactoring)
* Take timezone into consideration when calculating relative time
* Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security header
* Add support for base URLs with subfolders
* Add missing about menu in settings
* Show API URL endpoints in user interface
* Do not update entry date while refreshing a feed
* Add flag to toggle debug logging
* Improve unread counter updates
2018-01-23 00:03:46 -05:00
Version 2.0.1 (Jan 22, 2018)
* Change user agent (People are blocking the crawler with mod_security)
* Move environment variables to config package (refactoring)
* Add build targets for all ARM architectures
* Do not crawl existing entry URLs
* Show translated login page in user language when logged out
* Handle more encoding edge cases:
- Feeds with charset specified only in Content-Type header and not in XML document
- Feeds with charset specified in both places
- Feeds with charset specified only in XML document and not in HTTP header
* Add German translation
* Add mark as read/unread link on list items
* Add API endpoint for OPML export
Version 2.0.0 (Jan 11, 2018)
* Initial release of Miniflux 2.