Fork 0

1054 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.
2017-11-22 16:11:01 -05:00
// 2017-11-22 12:56:32.16193023 -0800 PST m=+0.013440852
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
package template
var templateViewsMap = map[string]string{
"about": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "About" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "About" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="panel">
<h3>{{ t "Version" }}</h3>
<li><strong>{{ t "Version:" }}</strong> {{ .version }}</li>
<li><strong>{{ t "Build Date:" }}</strong> {{ .build_date }}</li>
<div class="panel">
<h3>{{ t "Authors" }}</h3>
<li><strong>{{ t "Author:" }}</strong> Frédéric Guillot</li>
<li><strong>{{ t "License:" }}</strong> Apache 2.0</li>
{{ end }}
"add_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Subscription" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Subscription" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category. You must have at least one category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<form action="{{ route "submitSubscription" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-url">{{ t "URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="url" id="form-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.URL }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-category">{{ t "Category" }}</label>
<select id="form-category" name="category_id">
{{ range .categories }}
<option value="{{ .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</option>
{{ end }}
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Find a subscription" }}</button>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"categories": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Categories" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Categories" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="{{ route "createCategory" }}">{{ t "Create a category" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .categories }}
<article class="item">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<div class="item-meta">
{{ if eq .FeedCount 0 }}
{{ t "No feed." }}
{{ else }}
{{ plural "plural.categories.feed_count" .FeedCount .FeedCount }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "editCategory" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
{{ if eq .FeedCount 0 }}
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeCategory" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"category_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .category.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .category.Title }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no article in this category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntry" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .Feed.ID }}" title="{{ .Feed.Title }}">{{ domain .Feed.SiteURL }}</a>
<time datetime="{{ isodate .Date }}" title="{{ isodate .Date }}">{{ elapsed .Date }}</time>
<a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ t "Original" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"choose_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Subscription" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "chooseSubscription" }}" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
<input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="{{ .categoryID }}">
<h3>{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}</h3>
{{ range .subscriptions }}
<div class="radio-group">
<label title="{{ .URL }}"><input type="radio" name="url" value="{{ .URL }}"> {{ .Title }}</label> ({{ .Type }})
<small title="Type = {{ .Type }}"><a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ .URL }}</a></small>
{{ end }}
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Subscribe" }}</button>
{{ end }}
"create_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Category" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Category" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "Categories" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "saveCategory" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Save" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"create_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New User" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New User" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "saveUser" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" required>
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}" required>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="is_admin" value="1" {{ if .form.IsAdmin }}checked="checked"{{ end }}> {{ t "Administrator" }}</label>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Save" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"edit_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Category: %s" .category.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Edit Category: %s" .category.Title }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "Categories" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createCategory" }}">{{ t "Create a category" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "updateCategory" "categoryID" .category.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"edit_feed": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Feed: %s" .feed.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .feed.Title }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category!" }}</p>
{{ else }}
{{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<div class="alert alert-error">
<h3>{{ t "Last Parsing Error" }}</h3>
{{ .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}
{{ end }}
<form action="{{ route "updateFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-site-url">{{ t "Site URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="site_url" id="form-site-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.SiteURL }}" required>
<label for="form-feed-url">{{ t "Feed URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="feed_url" id="form-feed-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.FeedURL }}" required>
<label for="form-category">{{ t "Category" }}</label>
<select id="form-category" name="category_id">
{{ range .categories }}
<option value="{{ .ID }}" {{ if eq .ID $.form.CategoryID }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ .Title }}</option>
{{ end }}
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}`,
"edit_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit user: %s" .selected_user.Username }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Edit user %s" .selected_user.Username }}"</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "updateUser" "userID" .selected_user.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}">
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="is_admin" value="1" {{ if .form.IsAdmin }}checked="checked"{{ end }}> {{ t "Administrator" }}</label>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"entry": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .entry.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="entry">
<header class="entry-header">
<a href="{{ .entry.URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ .entry.Title }}</a>
<div class="entry-meta">
<span class="entry-website">
{{ if ne .entry.Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .entry.Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .entry.Feed.ID }}">{{ .entry.Feed.Title }}</a>
{{ if .entry.Author }}
<span class="entry-author">
{{ if contains .entry.Author "@" }}
- <a href="mailto:{{ .entry.Author }}">{{ .entry.Author }}</a>
{{ else }}
<em>{{ .entry.Author }}</em>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<span class="category">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .entry.Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .entry.Feed.Category.Title }}</a>
<div class="entry-date">
<time datetime="{{ isodate .entry.Date }}" title="{{ isodate .entry.Date }}">{{ elapsed .entry.Date }}</time>
<div class="pagination-top">
{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
<article class="entry-content">
{{ noescape (proxyFilter .entry.Content) }}
{{ if .entry.Enclosures }}
<aside class="entry-enclosures">
<h3>{{ t "Attachments" }}</h3>
{{ range .entry.Enclosures }}
<div class="entry-enclosure">
{{ if hasPrefix .MimeType "audio/" }}
<div class="enclosure-audio">
<audio controls preload="metadata">
<source src="{{ .URL }}" type="{{ .MimeType }}">
{{ else if hasPrefix .MimeType "video/" }}
<div class="enclosure-video">
<video controls preload="metadata">
<source src="{{ .URL }}" type="{{ .MimeType }}">
{{ else if hasPrefix .MimeType "image/" }}
<div class="enclosure-image">
<img src="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})" alt="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})">
{{ end }}
<div class="entry-enclosure-download">
<a href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ t "Download" }}</a>
<small>({{ .URL }})</small>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="pagination-bottom">
{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
{{ end }}
"feed_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .feed.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .feed.Title }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="{{ route "refreshFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}">{{ t "Refresh" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "editFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<div class="alert alert-error">
<h3>{{ t "There is a problem with this feed" }}</h3>
{{ .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}
{{ else if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no article for this feed." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntry" "feedID" .Feed.ID "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .Feed.ID }}" title="{{ .Feed.Title }}">{{ domain .Feed.SiteURL }}</a>
<time datetime="{{ isodate .Date }}" title="{{ isodate .Date }}">{{ elapsed .Date }}</time>
<a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ t "Original" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"feeds": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Feeds" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Feeds" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "refreshAllFeeds" }}">{{ t "Refresh all feeds in the background" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ if not .feeds }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "You don't have any subscription." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .feeds }}
<article class="item">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Category.ID }}">{{ .Category.Title }}</a>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ .SiteURL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ domain .SiteURL }}</a>
{{ t "Last check:" }} <time datetime="{{ isodate .CheckedAt }}" title="{{ isodate .CheckedAt }}">{{ elapsed .CheckedAt }}</time>
{{ if ne .ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<li><strong title="{{ .ParsingErrorMsg }}">{{ plural "plural.feed.error_count" .ParsingErrorCount .ParsingErrorCount }}</strong></li>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "refreshFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Refresh" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "editFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"history": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "History" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "History" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
2017-11-21 18:46:59 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "flushHistory" }}">{{ t "Flush history" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert alert-info">{{ t "There is no history at the moment." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "readEntry" "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .Feed.ID }}" title="{{ .Feed.Title }}">{{ domain .Feed.SiteURL }}</a>
<time datetime="{{ isodate .Date }}" title="{{ isodate .Date }}">{{ elapsed .Date }}</time>
<a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ t "Original" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"import": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Import" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Import" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "uploadOPML" }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-file">{{ t "OPML file" }}</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="form-file">
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Import" }}</button>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
{{ end }}
"integrations": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Integrations" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Integrations" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<div class="panel">
<h3>{{ t "Bookmarklet" }}</h3>
<p>{{ t "This special link allows you to subscribe to a website directly by using a bookmark in your web browser." }}</p>
<div class="bookmarklet">
<a href="javascript:location.href='{{ baseURL }}{{ route "bookmarklet" }}?uri='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)">{{ t "Add to Miniflux" }}</a>
<p>{{ t "Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks." }}</p>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ end }}
"login": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sign In" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="login-form">
<form action="{{ route "checkLogin" }}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" required>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Sign in" }}</button>
{{ end }}
"sessions": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sessions" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Sessions" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<th>{{ t "Date" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "IP Address" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "User Agent" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Actions" }}</th>
{{ range .sessions }}
<tr {{ if eq .Token $.currentSessionToken }}class="row-highlighted"{{ end }}>
<td class="column-20" title="{{ isodate .CreatedAt }}">{{ elapsed .CreatedAt }}</td>
<td class="column-20" title="{{ .IP }}">{{ .IP }}</td>
<td title="{{ .UserAgent }}">{{ .UserAgent }}</td>
<td class="column-20">
{{ if eq .Token $.currentSessionToken }}
{{ t "Current session" }}
{{ else }}
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeSession" "sessionID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"settings": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Settings" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Settings" }}</h1>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<form method="post" autocomplete="off" action="{{ route "updateSettings" }}">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" required>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" autocomplete="off">
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}" autocomplete="off">
<label for="form-language">{{ t "Language" }}</label>
<select id="form-language" name="language">
{{ range $key, $value := .languages }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Language }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-timezone">{{ t "Timezone" }}</label>
<select id="form-timezone" name="timezone">
{{ range $key, $value := .timezones }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Timezone }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-theme">{{ t "Theme" }}</label>
<select id="form-theme" name="theme">
{{ range $key, $value := .themes }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Theme }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button>
{{ end }}
"unread": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Unread Items" }} {{ if gt .countUnread 0 }}({{ .countUnread }}){{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Unread" }} ({{ .countUnread }})</h1>
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no unread article." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items hide-read-items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "unreadEntry" "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .Feed.ID }}" title="{{ .Feed.Title }}">{{ domain .Feed.SiteURL }}</a>
<time datetime="{{ isodate .Date }}" title="{{ isodate .Date }}">{{ elapsed .Date }}</time>
<a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ t "Original" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}`,
"users": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Users" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Users" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
{{ if eq (len .users) 1 }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "You are the only user." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<th class="column-20">{{ t "Username" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Administrator" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Last Login" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Actions" }}</th>
{{ range .users }}
{{ if ne .ID $.user.ID }}
<td>{{ .Username }}</td>
<td>{{ if eq .IsAdmin true }}{{ t "Yes" }}{{ else }}{{ t "No" }}{{ end }}</td>
{{ if .LastLoginAt }}
<time datetime="{{ isodate .LastLoginAt }}" title="{{ isodate .LastLoginAt }}">{{ elapsed .LastLoginAt }}</time>
{{ else }}
{{ t "Never" }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "editUser" "userID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>,
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeUser" "userID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
var templateViewsMapChecksums = map[string]string{
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"about": "ad2fb778fc73c39b733b3f81b13e5c7d689b041fadd24ee2d4577f545aa788ad",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"add_subscription": "098ea9e492e18242bd414b22c4d8638006d113f728e5ae78c9186663f60ae3f1",
"categories": "ca1280cd157bb527d4fc907da67b05a8347378f6dce965b9389d4bcdf3600a11",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"category_entries": "0bdcf28ef29b976b78d1add431896a8c56791476abd7a4240998d52c3efe1f35",
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00
"choose_subscription": "d37682743d8bbd84738a964e238103db2651f95fa340c6e285ffe2e12548d673",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"create_category": "2b82af5d2dcd67898dc5daa57a6461e6ff8121a6089b2a2a1be909f35e4a2275",
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"create_user": "815dd31faaa6e9ba81a2a6664e5707aaf4153c392accd2b1f77cf1937035a881",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"edit_category": "cee720faadcec58289b707ad30af623d2ee66c1ce23a732965463250d7ff41c5",
"edit_feed": "c5bc4c22bf7e8348d880395250545595d21fb8c8e723fc5d7cca68e25d250884",
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"edit_user": "c835d78f7cf36c11533db9cef253457a9003987d704070d59446cb2b0e84dcb9",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"entry": "32e605edd6d43773ac31329d247ebd81d38d974cd43689d91de79fffec7fe04b",
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"feeds": "c22af39b42ba9ca69ea0914ca789303ec2c5b484abcd4eaa49016e365381257c",
2017-11-21 18:46:59 -05:00
"history": "947603cbde888516e62925f5d08fb0b13d930623d3ee4c690dbc22612fdda75e",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"import": "73b5112e20bfd232bf73334544186ea419505936bc237d481517a8622901878f",
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"integrations": "c485d6d9ed996635e55e73320610e6bcb01a41c1153e8e739ae2294b0b14b243",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"login": "568f2f69f248048f3e55e9bbc719077a74ae23fe18f237aa40e3de37e97b7a41",
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"sessions": "878dbe8f8ea783b44130c495814179519fa5c3aa2666ac87508f94d58dd008bf",
"settings": "a972fb5767fd32522648149880e40607ed8bbed7a389038bbab6b08539ac2893",
2017-11-20 16:46:22 -05:00
"unread": "b6f9be1a72188947c75a6fdcac6ff7878db7745f9efa46318e0433102892a722",
2017-11-21 22:37:47 -05:00
"users": "44677e28bb5347799ed0020c90ec785aadec4b1454446d92411cfdaf6e32110b",
2017-11-20 00:10:04 -05:00