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528 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"skip_to_content": "Skip to content",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"confirm.question": "Sei sicuro?",
"confirm.question.refresh": "Vuoi forzare l'aggiornamento?",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2020-02-09 11:41:00 -08:00
"action.home_screen": "Aggiungere alla schermata Home",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"menu.refresh_all_feeds": "Aggiorna tutti i feed in background",
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"menu.add_feed": "Aggiungi feed",
"menu.add_user": "Aggiungi utente",
"menu.flush_history": "Svuota la cronologia",
2020-01-02 13:03:34 -08:00
"menu.feed_entries": "Articoli",
2020-03-01 17:38:29 -08:00
"menu.api_keys": "Chiavi API",
"menu.create_api_key": "Crea una nuova chiave API",
"menu.shared_entries": "Voci condivise",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2024-02-04 13:15:06 -08:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"entry.bookmark.toggle.off": "Rimuovi dai preferiti",
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"entry.scraper.title": "Scarica il contenuto integrale",
"entry.scraper.completed": "Fatto!",
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"entry.shared_entry.title": "Apri il link pubblico",
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2020-07-17 04:46:24 +02:00
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2023-06-25 00:44:37 +00:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2020-06-14 19:00:41 -07:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"%d errori"
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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2021-02-16 16:37:24 +01:00
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"page.add_feed.title": "Nuovo feed",
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2019-04-05 19:10:52 -07:00
"page.entry.attachments": "Allegati",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_previous_item": "Mostra l'articolo precedente",
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2020-01-07 00:02:02 -06:00
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"page.keyboard_shortcuts.refresh_all_feeds": "Aggiorna tutti i feed in background",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"page.keyboard_shortcuts.mark_page_as_read": "Segna la pagina attuale come letta",
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2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"page.keyboard_shortcuts.remove_feed": "Rimuovi questo feed",
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"page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_entry_attachments": "Toggle open/close entry attachments",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"page.settings.webauthn.register.error": "Impossibile registrare la passkey",
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"Rimuovi %d passkey",
"Rimuovi %d passkey"
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"page.login.title": "Accedi",
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"page.login.webauthn_login.error": "Impossibile accedere con passkey",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
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"page.integration.bookmarklet.help": "Questo collegamento speciale ti consente di abbonarti ad un sito web semplicemente usando un segnalibro del tuo browser.",
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2020-03-01 17:38:29 -08:00
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"alert.no_shared_entry": "Non ci sono voci condivise.",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"alert.no_bookmark": "Nessun preferito disponibile.",
"alert.no_category": "Nessuna categoria disponibile.",
"alert.no_category_entry": "Questa categoria non contiene alcun articolo.",
"alert.no_feed_entry": "Questo feed non contiene alcun articolo.",
"alert.no_feed": "Nessun feed disponibile.",
2019-11-17 19:44:12 -08:00
"alert.no_feed_in_category": "Non esiste un abbonamento per questa categoria.",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"alert.no_history": "La tua cronologia al momento è vuota.",
"alert.feed_error": "Sembra ci sia un problema con questo feed",
"alert.no_search_result": "La ricerca non ha prodotto risultati.",
"alert.no_unread_entry": "Nessun articolo da leggere.",
"alert.no_user": "Tu sei l'unico utente.",
"alert.account_unlinked": "Il tuo account esterno ora è scollegato!",
"alert.account_linked": "Il tuo account esterno ora è collegato!",
"alert.pocket_linked": "Il tuo account Pocket ora è collegato!",
"alert.prefs_saved": "Preferenze salvate!",
"error.unlink_account_without_password": "Devi scegliere una password altrimenti la prossima volta non riuscirai ad accedere.",
"error.duplicate_linked_account": "Esiste già un account configurato per questo servizio!",
"error.duplicate_fever_username": "Esiste già un account Fever con lo stesso nome utente!",
"error.duplicate_googlereader_username": "Esiste già un account Google Reader con lo stesso nome utente!",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"error.pocket_request_token": "Non sono riuscito ad ottenere il request token da Pocket!",
"error.pocket_access_token": "Non sono riuscito ad ottenere l'access token da Pocket!",
"error.category_already_exists": "Questa categoria esiste già.",
"error.unable_to_create_category": "Non sono riuscito ad aggiungere questa categoria.",
"error.unable_to_update_category": "Non sono riuscito ad aggiornare questa categoria.",
"error.user_already_exists": "Questo utente esiste già.",
"error.unable_to_create_user": "Non sono riuscito ad aggiungere questo user.",
"error.unable_to_update_user": "Non sono riuscito ad aggiornare questo utente.",
"error.unable_to_update_feed": "Non sono riuscito ad aggiornare questo feed.",
"error.subscription_not_found": "Non ho trovato nessun feed.",
"error.empty_file": "Questo file è vuoto.",
"error.bad_credentials": "Nome utente o password non validi.",
"error.fields_mandatory": "Tutti i campi sono obbligatori.",
"error.title_required": "Il titolo è obbligatorio.",
"error.different_passwords": "Le password non coincidono.",
"error.password_min_length": "La password deve contenere almeno 6 caratteri.",
"error.settings_mandatory_fields": "Il nome utente, il tema, la lingua ed il fuso orario sono campi obbligatori.",
2021-08-30 16:53:05 +02:00
"error.settings_reading_speed_is_positive": "Le velocità di lettura devono essere numeri interi positivi.",
"error.entries_per_page_invalid": "Il numero di articoli per pagina non è valido.",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"error.feed_mandatory_fields": "L'URL e la categoria sono obbligatori.",
2021-01-04 13:49:28 -08:00
"error.feed_already_exists": "Questo feed esiste già.",
"error.invalid_feed_url": "URL del feed non valido.",
"error.invalid_site_url": "URL del sito non valido.",
"error.feed_url_not_empty": "L'URL del feed non può essere vuoto.",
"error.site_url_not_empty": "L'URL del sito non può essere vuoto.",
"error.feed_title_not_empty": "Il titolo del feed non può essere vuoto.",
"error.feed_category_not_found": "Questa categoria non esiste o non appartiene a questo utente.",
"error.feed_invalid_blocklist_rule": "La regola dell'elenco di blocco non è valida.",
"error.feed_invalid_keeplist_rule": "La regola dell'elenco di conservazione non è valida.",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"error.user_mandatory_fields": "Il nome utente è obbligatorio.",
2020-03-01 17:38:29 -08:00
"error.api_key_already_exists": "Questa chiave API esiste già.",
"error.unable_to_create_api_key": "Impossibile creare questa chiave API.",
"error.invalid_theme": "Tema non valido.",
"error.invalid_language": "Lingua non valida.",
"error.invalid_timezone": "Fuso orario non valido.",
"error.invalid_entry_direction": "Ordinamento non valido.",
"error.invalid_display_mode": "Modalità di visualizzazione web app non valida.",
"error.invalid_gesture_nav": "Navigazione gestuale non valida.",
2022-07-20 22:07:55 +02:00
"error.invalid_default_home_page": "Pagina iniziale predefinita non valida!",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.feed.label.title": "Titolo",
"form.feed.label.site_url": "URL del sito",
"form.feed.label.feed_url": "URL del feed",
"form.feed.label.category": "Categoria",
"form.feed.label.crawler": "Scarica il contenuto integrale",
"form.feed.label.feed_username": "Nome utente del feed",
"form.feed.label.feed_password": "Password del feed",
"form.feed.label.user_agent": "Usa user agent personalizzato",
2021-03-23 04:27:58 +01:00
"form.feed.label.cookie": "Installare i cookies",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.feed.label.scraper_rules": "Regole di estrazione del contenuto",
"form.feed.label.rewrite_rules": "Regole di impaginazione del contenuto",
2023-08-26 09:16:41 +02:00
"form.feed.label.apprise_service_urls": "Comma separated list of Apprise service URLs",
"form.feed.label.blocklist_rules": "Regole di blocco",
"form.feed.label.keeplist_rules": "Regole di autorizzazione",
"form.feed.label.urlrewrite_rules": "Regole di riscrittura URL",
2020-06-05 21:50:59 -07:00
"form.feed.label.ignore_http_cache": "Ignora cache HTTP",
"form.feed.label.allow_self_signed_certificates": "Consenti certificati autofirmati o non validi",
"form.feed.label.disable_http2": "Disable HTTP/2 to avoid fingerprinting",
"form.feed.label.fetch_via_proxy": "Recuperare tramite proxy",
2019-07-26 21:13:06 -07:00
"form.feed.label.disabled": "Non aggiornare questo feed",
Add Media Player and resume to last playback position In order to ease podcast listening, the player can be put on top of the feed entry as main content. Use the `Use podcast player` option to enable that. It works on audio and video. Also, when playing audio or video, progression will be saved in order to be able to resume listening later. This position saving is done using the original attachement/enclosures player AND podcast player and do not rely on the podcast player option ti be enabled. Additionally, I made the player fill the width with the entry container to ease seeking and have a bigger video. updateEnclosures now keep existing enclosures based on URL When feeds get updated, enclosures entries are always wiped and re-created. This cause two issue - enclosure progression get lost in the process - enclosure ID changes I used the URL as identifier of an enclosure. Not perfect but hopefully should work. When an enclosure already exist, I simply do nothing and leave the entry as is in the database. If anyone is listening/watching to this enclosure during the refresh, the id stay coherent and progression saving still works. The updateEnclosures function got a bit more complex. I tried to make it the more clear I could. Some optimisation are possible but would make the function harder to read in my opinion. I'm not sure if this is often the case, but some feeds may include tracking or simply change the url each time we update the feed. In those situation, enclosures ids and progression will be lost. I have no idea how to handle this last situation. Use the size instead/alongside url to define the identity of an enclosure ? Translation: english as placeholder for every language except French Aside, I tested a video feed and fixed a few things for it. In fact, the MimeType was not working at all on my side, and found a pretty old stackoverflow discussion that suggest to use an Apple non-standard MimeType for m4v video format. I only did one substitution because I only have one feed to test. Any new video feed can make this go away or evolve depending on the situation. Real video feeds does not tend to be easy to find and test extensively this. Co-authored-by: toastal
2023-04-13 11:46:43 +02:00
"form.feed.label.no_media_player": "No media player (audio/video)",
"form.feed.label.hide_globally": "Nascondere le voci nella lista globale dei non letti",
"form.feed.fieldset.general": "General",
"form.feed.fieldset.rules": "Rules",
"form.feed.fieldset.network_settings": "Network Settings",
"form.feed.fieldset.integration": "Third-Party Services",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.category.label.title": "Titolo",
"form.category.hide_globally": "Nascondere le voci nella lista globale dei non letti",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.user.label.username": "Nome utente",
"form.user.label.password": "Password",
"form.user.label.confirmation": "Conferma password",
"form.user.label.admin": "Amministratore",
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"form.prefs.label.entry_sorting": "Ordinamento articoli",
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2021-08-30 16:53:05 +02:00
"form.prefs.label.default_reading_speed": "Velocità di lettura di altre lingue (parole al minuto)",
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"form.prefs.label.display_mode": "Modalità di visualizzazione dell'app Web progressiva (PWA).",
"form.prefs.select.older_first": "Prima i più vecchi",
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"form.prefs.select.minimal_ui": "Minimale",
"form.prefs.select.browser": "Browser",
"form.prefs.select.publish_time": "Ora di pubblicazione dell'entrata",
"form.prefs.select.created_time": "Tempo di creazione dell'entrata",
"form.prefs.select.alphabetical": "In ordine alfabetico",
"form.prefs.select.unread_count": "Conteggio dei non letti",
"form.prefs.select.none": "Nessuno",
"form.prefs.select.tap": "Tocca due volte",
"form.prefs.select.swipe": "Scorri",
"form.prefs.label.keyboard_shortcuts": "Abilita le scorciatoie da tastiera",
"form.prefs.label.entry_swipe": "Abilita lo scorrimento della voce sui touch screen",
"form.prefs.label.gesture_nav": "Gesto per navigare tra le voci",
2020-07-17 04:46:24 +02:00
"form.prefs.label.show_reading_time": "Mostra il tempo di lettura stimato per gli articoli",
2020-03-31 00:54:02 +01:00
"form.prefs.label.custom_css": "CSS personalizzati",
"form.prefs.label.entry_order": "Colonna di ordinamento delle voci",
2022-07-20 22:07:55 +02:00
"form.prefs.label.default_home_page": "Pagina iniziale predefinita",
"form.prefs.label.categories_sorting_order": "Ordinamento delle categorie",
"form.prefs.label.mark_read_on_view": "Contrassegna automaticamente le voci come lette quando visualizzate",
"form.prefs.fieldset.application_settings": "Application Settings",
"form.prefs.fieldset.authentication_settings": "Authentication Settings",
"form.prefs.fieldset.reader_settings": "Reader Settings",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.import.label.file": "File OPML",
2019-08-15 09:48:07 +02:00
"form.import.label.url": "URL",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.integration.fever_activate": "Abilita l'API di Fever",
"form.integration.fever_username": "Nome utente dell'account Fever",
"form.integration.fever_password": "Password dell'account Fever",
"form.integration.fever_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Fever:",
"form.integration.googlereader_activate": "Abilita l'API di Google Reader",
"form.integration.googlereader_username": "Nome utente dell'account Google Reader",
"form.integration.googlereader_password": "Password dell'account Google Reader",
"form.integration.googlereader_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Google Reader:",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.integration.pinboard_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Pinboard",
"form.integration.pinboard_token": "Token dell'API di Pinboard",
"form.integration.pinboard_tags": "Tag di Pinboard",
"form.integration.pinboard_bookmark": "Segna i preferiti come non letti",
"form.integration.instapaper_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Instapaper",
"form.integration.instapaper_username": "Nome utente dell'account Instapaper",
"form.integration.instapaper_password": "Password dell'account Instapaper",
"form.integration.pocket_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Pocket",
"form.integration.pocket_consumer_key": "Consumer key dell'account Pocket",
"form.integration.pocket_access_token": "Access token dell'account Pocket",
"form.integration.pocket_connect_link": "Collega il tuo account Pocket",
"form.integration.wallabag_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Wallabag",
"form.integration.wallabag_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Wallabag",
"form.integration.wallabag_only_url": "Invia solo URL (invece del contenuto completo)",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.integration.wallabag_client_id": "Client ID dell'account Wallabag",
"form.integration.wallabag_client_secret": "Client secret dell'account Wallabag",
"form.integration.wallabag_username": "Nome utente dell'account Wallabag",
"form.integration.wallabag_password": "Password dell'account Wallabag",
2023-07-08 00:20:14 +02:00
"form.integration.notion_activate": "Save entries to Notion",
"form.integration.notion_page_id": "Notion Page ID",
"form.integration.notion_token": "Notion Secret Token",
2023-08-01 05:55:17 +02:00
"form.integration.apprise_activate": "Push entries to Apprise",
"form.integration.apprise_url": "Apprise API URL",
"form.integration.apprise_services_url": "Comma separated list of Apprise service URLs",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.integration.nunux_keeper_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Nunux Keeper",
"form.integration.nunux_keeper_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Nunux Keeper",
"form.integration.nunux_keeper_api_key": "API key dell'account Nunux Keeper",
2023-12-04 23:05:04 -05:00
"form.integration.omnivore_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Omnivore",
"form.integration.omnivore_url": "Endpoint dell'API di Omnivore",
"form.integration.omnivore_api_key": "API key dell'account Omnivore",
2022-04-21 05:44:47 +03:00
"form.integration.espial_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Espial",
"form.integration.espial_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Espial",
"form.integration.espial_api_key": "API key dell'account Espial",
"form.integration.espial_tags": "Tag di Espial",
2023-07-27 23:51:44 -04:00
"form.integration.readwise_activate": "Save entries to Readwise Reader",
"form.integration.readwise_api_key": "Readwise Reader Access Token",
"form.integration.readwise_api_key_link": "Get your Readwise Access Token",
2021-09-08 11:04:22 +08:00
"form.integration.telegram_bot_activate": "Invia nuovi articoli alla chat di Telegram",
"form.integration.telegram_bot_token": "Token bot",
"form.integration.telegram_chat_id": "ID chat",
"form.integration.telegram_topic_id": "Topic ID",
"form.integration.telegram_bot_disable_web_page_preview": "Disable web page preview",
"form.integration.telegram_bot_disable_notification": "Disable notification",
"form.integration.telegram_bot_disable_buttons": "Disable buttons",
2024-01-23 18:12:31 +01:00
"form.integration.linkace_activate": "Salva gli articoli su LinkAce",
"form.integration.linkace_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di LinkAce",
"form.integration.linkace_api_key": "API key dell'account LinkAce",
"form.integration.linkace_tags": "LinkAce Tags",
"form.integration.linkace_is_private": "Rendi i link privati",
"form.integration.linkace_check_disabled": "Disabilita i controlli",
2022-05-23 23:53:06 +08:00
"form.integration.linkding_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Linkding",
"form.integration.linkding_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Linkding",
"form.integration.linkding_api_key": "API key dell'account Linkding",
"form.integration.linkding_tags": "Linkding Tags",
"form.integration.linkding_bookmark": "Segna i preferiti come non letti",
2024-02-12 02:12:37 +01:00
"form.integration.linkwarden_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Linkwarden",
"form.integration.linkwarden_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Linkwarden",
"form.integration.linkwarden_api_key": "API key dell'account Linkwarden",
2022-10-14 17:18:44 +02:00
"form.integration.matrix_bot_activate": "Trasferimento di nuovi articoli a Matrix",
"form.integration.matrix_bot_user": "Nome utente per Matrix",
"form.integration.matrix_bot_password": "Password per l'utente Matrix",
"form.integration.matrix_bot_url": "URL del server Matrix",
"form.integration.matrix_bot_chat_id": "ID della stanza Matrix",
2024-02-22 03:57:34 +00:00
"form.integration.readeck_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Readeck",
"form.integration.readeck_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Readeck",
"form.integration.readeck_api_key": "API key dell'account Readeck",
"form.integration.readeck_labels": "Readeck Labels",
"form.integration.readeck_only_url": "Invia solo URL (invece del contenuto completo)",
2023-08-13 12:48:29 -07:00
"form.integration.shiori_activate": "Salva gli articoli su Shiori",
"form.integration.shiori_endpoint": "Endpoint dell'API di Shiori",
"form.integration.shiori_username": "Nome utente dell'account Shiori",
"form.integration.shiori_password": "Password dell'account Shiori",
2023-08-13 14:30:57 -07:00
"form.integration.shaarli_activate": "Save articles to Shaarli",
"form.integration.shaarli_endpoint": "Shaarli URL",
"form.integration.shaarli_api_secret": "Shaarli API Secret",
2023-09-08 22:45:17 -07:00
"form.integration.webhook_activate": "Enable Webhook",
"form.integration.webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"form.integration.webhook_secret": "Webhook Secret",
2023-10-22 14:10:56 -04:00
"form.integration.rssbridge_activate": "Check RSS-Bridge when adding subscriptions",
"form.integration.rssbridge_url": "RSS-Bridge server URL",
2020-03-01 17:38:29 -08:00
"form.api_key.label.description": "Etichetta chiave API",
2018-12-16 11:48:43 +01:00
"form.submit.loading": "Caricamento in corso...",
"form.submit.saving": "Salvataggio in corso...",
"time_elapsed.not_yet": "non ancora",
"time_elapsed.yesterday": "ieri",
"time_elapsed.now": "adesso",
"time_elapsed.minutes": [
"%d minuto fa",
"%d minuti fa"
"time_elapsed.hours": [
"%d ora fa",
"%d ore fa"
"time_elapsed.days": [
"%d giorno fa",
"%d giorni fa"
"time_elapsed.weeks": [
"%d settimana fa",
"%d settimane fa"
"time_elapsed.months": [
"%d mese fa",
"%d mesi fa"
"time_elapsed.years": [
"%d anno fa",
"%d anni fa"
"alert.too_many_feeds_refresh": [
"You have triggered too many feed refreshes. Please wait %d minute before trying again.",
"You have triggered too many feed refreshes. Please wait %d minutes before trying again."
"alert.background_feed_refresh": "All feeds are being refreshed in the background. You can continue to use Miniflux while this process is running.",
"error.http_response_too_large": "The HTTP response is too large. You could increase the HTTP response size limit in the global settings (requires a server restart).",
"error.http_body_read": "Unable to read the HTTP body: %v.",
"error.http_empty_response_body": "The HTTP response body is empty.",
"error.http_empty_response": "The HTTP response is empty. Perhaps, this website is using a bot protection mechanism?",
"error.tls_error": "TLS error: %v. You could disable TLS verification in the feed settings if you would like.",
"error.network_operation": "Miniflux is not able to reach this website due to a network error: %v.",
"error.network_timeout": "This website is too slow and the request timed out: %v",
"error.http_client_error": "HTTP client error: %v.",
"error.http_not_authorized": "Access to this website is not authorized. It could be a bad username or password.",
"error.http_too_many_requests": "Miniflux generated too many requests to this website. Please, try again later or change the application configuration.",
"error.http_forbidden": "Access to this website is forbidden. Perhaps, this website has a bot protection mechanism?",
"error.http_resource_not_found": "The requested resource is not found. Please, verify the URL.",
"error.http_internal_server_error": "The website is not available at the moment due to a server error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.",
"error.http_bad_gateway": "The website is not available at the moment due to a bad gateway error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.",
"error.http_service_unavailable": "The website is not available at the moment due to an internal server error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.",
"error.http_gateway_timeout": "The website is not available at the moment due to a gateway timeout error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.",
"error.http_unexpected_status_code": "The website is not available at the moment due to an unexpected HTTP status code: %d. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.",
"error.database_error": "Database error: %v.",
"error.category_not_found": "This category does not exist or does not belong to this user.",
"error.duplicated_feed": "This feed already exists.",
"error.unable_to_parse_feed": "Unable to parse this feed: %v.",
"error.feed_not_found": "This feed does not exist or does not belong to this user.",
"error.unable_to_detect_rssbridge": "Unable to detect feed using RSS-Bridge: %v.",
"error.feed_format_not_detected": "Unable to detect feed format: %v."
2023-12-04 23:05:04 -05:00