{ "plural.feed.error_count": [ "%d 错误", "%d 错误" ], "plural.categories.feed_count": [ "有 %d 个源.", "有 %d 个源." ], "Username": "用户名", "Password": "密码", "Unread": "未读", "History": "历史", "Feeds": "源", "Categories": "分类", "Settings": "设置", "Logout": "登出", "Next": "下一页", "Previous": "上一页", "New Subscription": "新订阅", "Import": "导入", "Export": "导出", "There is no category. You must have at least one category.": "目前没有分类.需要有一个已有的分类存在.", "URL": "URL", "Category": "分类", "Find a subscription": "寻找订阅", "Loading...": "载入中...", "Create a category": "新建分类", "There is no category.": "目前没有分类.", "Edit": "编辑", "Remove": "删除", "No feed.": "没有源.", "There is no article in this category.": "该分类下没有文章.", "Original": "原始链接", "Mark this page as read": "标记为已读", "not yet": "尚未", "just now": "刚刚", "1 minute ago": "1 分钟前", "%d minutes ago": "%d 分钟前", "1 hour ago": "1 小时前", "%d hours ago": "%d 小时前", "yesterday": "昨天", "%d days ago": "%d 天前", "%d weeks ago": "%d 周前", "%d months ago": "%d 月前", "%d years ago": "%d 年前", "Date": "日期", "IP Address": "IP地址", "User Agent": "User Agent", "Actions": "操作", "Current session": "当前会话", "Sessions": "会话", "Users": "用户", "Add user": "新建用户", "Choose a Subscription": "选择一个订阅", "Subscribe": "订阅", "New Category": "新分类", "Title": "标题", "Save": "保存", "or": "或", "cancel": "取消", "New User": "新用户", "Confirmation": "确认", "Administrator": "管理员", "Edit Category: %s": "编辑分类 : %s", "Update": "更新", "Edit Feed: %s": "编辑源 : %s", "There is no category!": "没有分类!", "Edit user: %s": "编辑用户: %s", "There is no article for this feed.": "这个源中没有文章.", "Add subscription": "新增订阅", "You don't have any subscription.": "当前没有订阅", "Last check:": "最后检查时间:", "Refresh": "更新", "There is no history at the moment.": "当前没有历史.", "OPML file": "OPML 文件", "Sign In": "登陆", "Sign in": "登陆", "Theme": "主题", "Timezone": "时区", "Language": "语言", "There is no unread article.": "目前没有未读文章.", "You are the only user.": "你是目前仅有的用户.", "Last Login": "最后登录时间", "Yes": "是", "No": "否", "This feed already exists (%s)": "源已存在 (%s)", "Unable to fetch feed (statusCode=%d)": "无法获取源 (错误代码=%d)", "Unable to open this link: %v": "无法打开这一链接: %v", "Unable to analyze this page: %v": "无法分析这一页面: %v", "Unable to find any subscription.": "找不到任何订阅.", "The URL and the category are mandatory.": "必须填写URL和分类.", "All fields are mandatory.": "必须填写全部信息.", "Passwords are not the same.": "两次输入的密码不同.", "You must use at least 6 characters.": "请至少使用6个字符.", "The username is mandatory.": "必须填写用户名.", "The username, theme, language and timezone fields are mandatory.": "必须填写用户名,主题,语言和时区.", "The title is mandatory.": "必须填写标题.", "About": "关于", "version": "版本", "Version:": "版本:", "Build Date:": "构建日期:", "Author:": "作者:", "Authors": "作者", "License:": "协议:", "Attachments": "附件", "Download": "下载", "Invalid username or password.": "用户名或密码无效.", "Never": "永不", "Unable to execute request: %v": "无法执行这一请求: %v", "Last Parsing Error": "最后一次解析错误", "There is a problem with this feed": "这一源存在问题", "Unable to parse OPML file: %v.": "无法解析OPML文件: %v.", "Unable to parse RSS feed: %v.": "无法解析RSS源: %v.", "Unable to parse Atom feed: %v.": "无法解析Atom源: %v.", "Unable to parse JSON feed: %v.": "无法解析JSON源: %v.", "Unable to parse RDF feed: %v.": "无法解析RDF源: %v.", "Unable to normalize encoding: %v": "无法正则化编码: %v", "Unable to create this category.": "无法建立这个分类.", "yes": "是", "no": "否", "Are you sure?": "您确认吗?", "Work in progress...": "执行中...", "This user already exists.": "用户已存在.", "This category already exists.": "分类已存在.", "Unable to update this category.": "无法更新该分类.", "Integrations": "集成", "Bookmarklet": "书签小应用", "Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks.": "拖动这个链接到书签.", "This special link allows you to subscribe to a website directly by using a bookmark in your web browser.": "你可以打开这个特殊的书签来直接订阅网站.", "Add to Miniflux": "新增到Miniflux", "Refresh all feeds in background": "在后台更新全部源", "Sign in with Google": "使用Google登陆", "Unlink my Google account": "去除Google账号关联", "Link my Google account": "关联我的Google账户", "Category not found for this user": "未找到该用户的这一分类", "Invalid theme.": "无效的主题.", "Entry Sorting": "内容排序", "Older entries first": "旧->新", "Recent entries first": "新->旧", "Saving...": "保存中", "Done!": "完成!", "Save this article": "保存这篇文章", "Mark bookmark as unread": "标记为未读", "Pinboard Tags": "Pinboard 标签", "Pinboard API Token": "Pinboard API Token", "Save articles to Pinboard": "保存文章到Pinboard", "Save articles to Instapaper": "保存文章到Instapaper", "Instapaper Username": "Instapaper 用户名", "Instapaper Password": "Instapaper 密码", "Activate Fever API": "启用 Fever API", "Fever Username": "Fever 用户名", "Fever Password": "Fever 密码", "Fetch original content": "抓取原内容", "Scraper Rules": "Scraper规则", "Rewrite Rules": "重写规则", "Preferences saved!": "偏好已存储!", "Your external account is now linked !": "您的外部账号已关联!", "Save articles to Wallabag": "保存文章到Wallabag", "Wallabag API Endpoint": "Wallabag URL", "Wallabag Client ID": "Wallabag 客户端ID", "Wallabag Client Secret": "Wallabag 客户端Secret", "Wallabag Username": "Wallabag 用户名", "Wallabag Password": "Wallabag 密码", "Save articles to Nunux Keeper": "保存文章到Nunux Keeper", "Nunux Keeper API Endpoint": "Nunux Keeper API Endpoint", "Nunux Keeper API key": "Nunux Keeper API key", "Keyboard Shortcut: %s": "快捷键: %s", "Favorites": "收藏", "Star": "标记星标", "Unstar": "去掉星标", "Starred": "星标", "There is no bookmark at the moment.": "当前没有书签.", "Last checked:": "上次检查:", "ETag header:": "ETag header:", "LastModified header:": "最后修改的Header:", "None": "无", "Keyboard Shortcuts": "快捷键", "Sections Navigation": "分区导航", "Go to unread": "去往未读", "Go to bookmarks": "去往书签", "Go to history": "去往历史", "Go to feeds": "去往源", "Go to categories": "去往分类", "Go to settings": "去往设定", "Show keyboard shortcuts": "显示快捷键", "Items Navigation": "条目导航", "Go to previous item": "上一条目", "Go to next item": "下一条目", "Pages Navigation": "页面导航", "Go to previous page": "上一页", "Go to next page": "下一页", "Open selected item": "打开选定的条目", "Open original link": "打开原始链接", "Toggle read/unread": "切换已读/未读状态", "Mark current page as read": "标记当前", "Download original content": "下载原始内容", "Toggle bookmark": "切换收藏状态", "Close modal dialog": "关闭模态对话窗口", "Save article": "保存文章", "There is already someone associated with this provider!": "该Provider已被关联!", "There is already someone else with the same Fever username!": "Fever用户名已被占用!", "Mark all as read": "全标记为已读", "This feed is empty": "该源是空的", "Flush history": "清理历史", "Site URL": "站点URL", "Feed URL": "源URL", "Logged as %s": "当前登录 %s", "Unread Items": "未读条目", "Change entry status": "更改状态", "Read": "标为已读", "Fever API endpoint:": "Fever API Endpoint:", "Miniflux API": "Miniflux API", "API Endpoint": "API Endpoint", "Your account password": "您账户的密码", "This web page is empty": "该网页是空的", "Invalid SSL certificate (original error: %q)": "无效的SSL证书 (原始错误: %q)", "This website is temporarily unreachable (original error: %q)": "该网站暂时不可达 (原始错误: %q)", "This website is permanently unreachable (original error: %q)": "该网站永久不可达 (原始错误: %q)", "Website unreachable, the request timed out after %d seconds": "网站不可达, 请求已在 %d 秒后超时" }