![Adam Vigneaux](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
This better matches the most common use case for the "Mark this page as read" link, which is to click it once you have reached the bottom of the page. Especially on mobile, it can be annoying to scroll to the top of the page to click the link.
1384 lines
54 KiB
1384 lines
54 KiB
// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.
package template // import "miniflux.app/template"
var templateViewsMap = map[string]string{
"about": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "About" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "About" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="panel">
<h3>{{ t "Version" }}</h3>
<li><strong>{{ t "Version:" }}</strong> {{ .version }}</li>
<li><strong>{{ t "Build Date:" }}</strong> {{ .build_date }}</li>
<div class="panel">
<h3>{{ t "Authors" }}</h3>
<li><strong>{{ t "Author:" }}</strong> Frédéric Guillot</li>
<li><strong>{{ t "License:" }}</strong> Apache 2.0</li>
{{ end }}
"add_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Subscription" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Subscription" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category. You must have at least one category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<form action="{{ route "submitSubscription" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-url">{{ t "URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="url" id="form-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.URL }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-category">{{ t "Category" }}</label>
<select id="form-category" name="category_id">
{{ range .categories }}
<option value="{{ .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</option>
{{ end }}
<legend>{{ t "Advanced Options" }}</legend>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="crawler" value="1" {{ if .form.Crawler }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Fetch original content" }}</label>
<label for="form-feed-username">{{ t "Feed Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="feed_username" id="form-feed-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}">
<label for="form-feed-password">{{ t "Feed Password" }}</label>
We are using the type "text" otherwise Firefox always autocomplete this password:
- autocomplete="off" or autocomplete="new-password" doesn't change anything
- Changing the input ID doesn't change anything
- Using a different input name doesn't change anything
<input type="text" name="feed_password" id="form-feed-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}">
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Find a subscription" }}</button>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"bookmark_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Favorites" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Favorites" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert alert-info">{{ t "There is no bookmark at the moment." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "starredEntry" "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"categories": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Categories" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Categories" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="{{ route "createCategory" }}">{{ t "Create a category" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .categories }}
<article class="item">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<div class="item-meta">
{{ if eq .FeedCount 0 }}
{{ t "No feed." }}
{{ else }}
{{ plural "plural.categories.feed_count" .FeedCount .FeedCount }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "editCategory" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
{{ if eq .FeedCount 0 }}
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeCategory" "categoryID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"category_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .category.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .category.Title }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no article in this category." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntry" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
<section class="page-footer">
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"choose_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Subscription" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "chooseSubscription" }}" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
<input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="{{ .form.CategoryID }}">
<input type="hidden" name="feed_username" value="{{ .form.Username }}">
<input type="hidden" name="feed_password" value="{{ .form.Password }}">
{{ if .form.Crawler }}
<input type="hidden" name="crawler" value="1">
{{ end }}
<h3>{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}</h3>
{{ range .subscriptions }}
<div class="radio-group">
<label title="{{ .URL }}"><input type="radio" name="url" value="{{ .URL }}"> {{ .Title }}</label> ({{ .Type }})
<small title="Type = {{ .Type }}"><a href="{{ .URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ .URL }}</a></small>
{{ end }}
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Subscribe" }}</button>
{{ end }}
"create_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Category" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New Category" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "Categories" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "saveCategory" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Save" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"create_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New User" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "New User" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "saveUser" }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" autocomplete="new-password" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" autocomplete="new-password" required>
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}" required>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="is_admin" value="1" {{ if .form.IsAdmin }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Administrator" }}</label>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Save" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"edit_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Category: %s" .category.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Edit Category: %s" .category.Title }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "Categories" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createCategory" }}">{{ t "Create a category" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "updateCategory" "categoryID" .category.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "categories" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"edit_feed": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Feed: %s" .feed.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .feed.Title }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
{{ if not .categories }}
<p class="alert alert-error">{{ t "There is no category!" }}</p>
{{ else }}
{{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<div class="alert alert-error">
<h3>{{ t "Last Parsing Error" }}</h3>
<p>{{ t .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}</p>
{{ end }}
<form action="{{ route "updateFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-title">{{ t "Title" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="form-title" value="{{ .form.Title }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-site-url">{{ t "Site URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="site_url" id="form-site-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.SiteURL }}" required>
<label for="form-feed-url">{{ t "Feed URL" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="feed_url" id="form-feed-url" placeholder="https://domain.tld/" value="{{ .form.FeedURL }}" required>
<label for="form-feed-username">{{ t "Feed Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="feed_username" id="form-feed-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}">
<label for="form-feed-password">{{ t "Feed Password" }}</label>
We are using the type "text" otherwise Firefox always autocomplete this password:
- autocomplete="off" or autocomplete="new-password" doesn't change anything
- Changing the input ID doesn't change anything
- Using a different input name doesn't change anything
<input type="text" name="feed_password" id="form-feed-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}">
<label for="form-scraper-rules">{{ t "Scraper Rules" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="scraper_rules" id="form-scraper-rules" value="{{ .form.ScraperRules }}">
<label for="form-rewrite-rules">{{ t "Rewrite Rules" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="rewrite_rules" id="form-rewrite-rules" value="{{ .form.RewriteRules }}">
<label for="form-category">{{ t "Category" }}</label>
<select id="form-category" name="category_id">
{{ range .categories }}
<option value="{{ .ID }}" {{ if eq .ID $.form.CategoryID }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ .Title }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label><input type="checkbox" name="crawler" value="1" {{ if .form.Crawler }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Fetch original content" }}</label>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
<div class="panel">
<li><strong>{{ t "Last checked:" }} </strong><time datetime="{{ isodate .feed.CheckedAt }}" title="{{ isodate .feed.CheckedAt }}">{{ elapsed $.user.Timezone .feed.CheckedAt }}</time></li>
<li><strong>{{ t "ETag header:" }} </strong>{{ if .feed.EtagHeader }}{{ .feed.EtagHeader }}{{ else }}{{ t "None" }}{{ end }}</li>
<li><strong>{{ t "LastModified header:" }} </strong>{{ if .feed.LastModifiedHeader }}{{ .feed.LastModifiedHeader }}{{ else }}{{ t "None" }}{{ end }}</li>
<div class="alert alert-error">
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}"
data-redirect-url="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Remove this feed" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}`,
"edit_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit user: %s" .selected_user.Username }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Edit user %s" .selected_user.Username }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "updateUser" "userID" .selected_user.ID }}" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" autocomplete="new-password" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="is_admin" value="1" {{ if .form.IsAdmin }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Administrator" }}</label>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button> {{ t "or" }} <a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "cancel" }}</a>
{{ end }}
"entry": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .entry.Title }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="entry" data-id="{{ .entry.ID }}">
<header class="entry-header">
<a href="{{ .entry.URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ .entry.Title }}</a>
<div class="entry-actions">
<a href="#"
title="{{ t "Change entry status" }}"
data-label-read="✔︎ {{ t "Read" }}"
data-label-unread="✘ {{ t "Unread" }}"
data-value="{{ if eq .entry.Status "read" }}read{{ else }}unread{{ end }}"
>{{ if eq .entry.Status "read" }}✘ {{ t "Unread" }}{{ else }}✔︎ {{ t "Read" }}{{ end }}</a>
<a href="#"
data-bookmark-url="{{ route "toggleBookmark" "entryID" .entry.ID }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Saving..." }}"
data-label-star="☆ {{ t "Star" }}"
data-label-unstar="★ {{ t "Unstar" }}"
data-value="{{ if .entry.Starred }}star{{ else }}unstar{{ end }}"
>{{ if .entry.Starred }}★ {{ t "Unstar" }}{{ else }}☆ {{ t "Star" }}{{ end }}</a>
{{ if .hasSaveEntry }}
<a href="#"
title="{{ t "Save this article" }}"
data-save-url="{{ route "saveEntry" "entryID" .entry.ID }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Saving..." }}"
data-label-done="{{ t "Done!" }}"
>{{ t "Save" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="#"
title="{{ t "Fetch original content" }}"
data-fetch-content-url="{{ route "fetchContent" "entryID" .entry.ID }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}"
data-label-done="{{ t "Done!" }}"
>{{ t "Fetch original content" }}</a>
{{ if .entry.CommentsURL }}
<a href="{{ .entry.CommentsURL }}" title="{{ t "View Comments" }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ t "Comments" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="entry-meta">
<span class="entry-website">
{{ if ne .entry.Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .entry.Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .entry.Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .entry.Feed.ID }}">{{ .entry.Feed.Title }}</a>
{{ if .entry.Author }}
<span class="entry-author">
{{ if isEmail .entry.Author }}
- <a href="mailto:{{ .entry.Author }}">{{ .entry.Author }}</a>
{{ else }}
– <em>{{ .entry.Author }}</em>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<span class="category">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .entry.Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .entry.Feed.Category.Title }}</a>
<div class="entry-date">
<time datetime="{{ isodate .entry.Date }}" title="{{ isodate .entry.Date }}">{{ elapsed $.user.Timezone .entry.Date }}</time>
{{ if gt (len .entry.Content) 120 }}
<div class="pagination-top">
{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
{{ end }}
<article class="entry-content">
{{ noescape (proxyFilter .entry.Content) }}
{{ if .entry.Enclosures }}
<aside class="entry-enclosures">
<h3>{{ t "Attachments" }}</h3>
{{ range .entry.Enclosures }}
<div class="entry-enclosure">
{{ if hasPrefix .MimeType "audio/" }}
<div class="enclosure-audio">
<audio controls preload="metadata">
<source src="{{ .URL }}" type="{{ .MimeType }}">
{{ else if hasPrefix .MimeType "video/" }}
<div class="enclosure-video">
<video controls preload="metadata">
<source src="{{ .URL }}" type="{{ .MimeType }}">
{{ else if hasPrefix .MimeType "image/" }}
<div class="enclosure-image">
<img src="{{ proxyURL .URL }}" title="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})" alt="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})">
{{ end }}
<div class="entry-enclosure-download">
<a href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .URL }} ({{ .MimeType }})" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">{{ t "Download" }}</a>
<small>({{ .URL }})</small>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="pagination-bottom">
{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
{{ end }}
"feed_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .feed.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ .feed.Title }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "refreshFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}">{{ t "Refresh" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "editFeed" "feedID" .feed.ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
{{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<div class="alert alert-error">
<h3>{{ t "There is a problem with this feed" }}</h3>
<p>{{ t .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}</p>
{{ else if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no article for this feed." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntry" "feedID" .Feed.ID "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
<section class="page-footer">
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"feeds": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Feeds" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Feeds" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "import" }}">{{ t "Import" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "refreshAllFeeds" }}">{{ t "Refresh all feeds in background" }}</a>
{{ if not .feeds }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "You don't have any subscription." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .feeds }}
<article class="item {{ if ne .ParsingErrorCount 0 }}feed-parsing-error{{ end }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if .Icon }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "feedEntries" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category">
<a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Category.ID }}">{{ .Category.Title }}</a>
<div class="item-meta">
<a href="{{ .SiteURL }}" title="{{ .SiteURL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" data-original-link="true">{{ domain .SiteURL }}</a>
{{ t "Last check:" }} <time datetime="{{ isodate .CheckedAt }}" title="{{ isodate .CheckedAt }}">{{ elapsed $.user.Timezone .CheckedAt }}</time>
<a href="{{ route "refreshFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Refresh" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "editFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeFeed" "feedID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
{{ if ne .ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
<div class="parsing-error">
<strong title="{{ .ParsingErrorMsg }}" class="parsing-error-count">{{ plural "plural.feed.error_count" .ParsingErrorCount .ParsingErrorCount }}</strong>
- <small class="parsing-error-message">{{ .ParsingErrorMsg }}</small>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"history_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "History" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "History" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="{{ route "flushHistory" }}">{{ t "Flush history" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert alert-info">{{ t "There is no history at the moment." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "readEntry" "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"import": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Import" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Import" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}">{{ t "Feeds" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}">{{ t "Add subscription" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "export" }}">{{ t "Export" }}</a>
<form action="{{ route "uploadOPML" }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-file">{{ t "OPML file" }}</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="form-file">
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Import" }}</button>
{{ end }}
"integrations": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Integrations" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Integrations" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<form method="post" autocomplete="off" action="{{ route "updateIntegration" }}">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="fever_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.FeverEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Activate Fever API" }}
<label for="form-fever-username">{{ t "Fever Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="fever_username" id="form-fever-username" value="{{ .form.FeverUsername }}">
<label for="form-fever-password">{{ t "Fever Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="fever_password" id="form-fever-password" value="{{ .form.FeverPassword }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<p>{{ t "Fever API endpoint:" }} <strong>{{ rootURL }}{{ route "feverEndpoint" }}</strong></p>
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="pinboard_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.PinboardEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Save articles to Pinboard" }}
<label for="form-pinboard-token">{{ t "Pinboard API Token" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="pinboard_token" id="form-pinboard-token" value="{{ .form.PinboardToken }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label for="form-pinboard-tags">{{ t "Pinboard Tags" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="pinboard_tags" id="form-pinboard-tags" value="{{ .form.PinboardTags }}">
<input type="checkbox" name="pinboard_mark_as_unread" value="1" {{ if .form.PinboardMarkAsUnread }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Mark bookmark as unread" }}
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="instapaper_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.InstapaperEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Save articles to Instapaper" }}
<label for="form-instapaper-username">{{ t "Instapaper Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="instapaper_username" id="form-instapaper-username" value="{{ .form.InstapaperUsername }}">
<label for="form-instapaper-password">{{ t "Instapaper Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="instapaper_password" id="form-instapaper-password" value="{{ .form.InstapaperPassword }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="pocket_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.PocketEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Save articles to Pocket" }}
{{ if not .hasPocketConsumerKeyConfigured }}
<label for="form-pocket-consumer-key">{{ t "Pocket Consumer Key" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="pocket_consumer_key" id="form-pocket-consumer-key" value="{{ .form.PocketConsumerKey }}">
{{ end }}
<label for="form-pocket-access-token">{{ t "Pocket Access Token" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="pocket_access_token" id="form-pocket-access-token" value="{{ .form.PocketAccessToken }}" autocomplete="new-password">
{{ if not .form.PocketAccessToken }}
<p><a href="{{ route "pocketAuthorize" }}">{{ t "Connect your Pocket account" }}</a></p>
{{ end }}
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="wallabag_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.WallabagEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Save articles to Wallabag" }}
<label for="form-wallabag-url">{{ t "Wallabag API Endpoint" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="wallabag_url" id="form-wallabag-url" value="{{ .form.WallabagURL }}" placeholder="http://v2.wallabag.org/">
<label for="form-wallabag-client-id">{{ t "Wallabag Client ID" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="wallabag_client_id" id="form-wallabag-client-id" value="{{ .form.WallabagClientID }}">
<label for="form-wallabag-client-secret">{{ t "Wallabag Client Secret" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="wallabag_client_secret" id="form-wallabag-client-secret" value="{{ .form.WallabagClientSecret }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label for="form-wallabag-username">{{ t "Wallabag Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="wallabag_username" id="form-wallabag-username" value="{{ .form.WallabagUsername }}">
<label for="form-wallabag-password">{{ t "Wallabag Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="wallabag_password" id="form-wallabag-password" value="{{ .form.WallabagPassword }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<h3>Nunux Keeper</h3>
<div class="form-section">
<input type="checkbox" name="nunux_keeper_enabled" value="1" {{ if .form.NunuxKeeperEnabled }}checked{{ end }}> {{ t "Save articles to Nunux Keeper" }}
<label for="form-nunux-keeper-url">{{ t "Nunux Keeper API Endpoint" }}</label>
<input type="url" name="nunux_keeper_url" id="form-nunux-keeper-url" value="{{ .form.NunuxKeeperURL }}" placeholder="https://api.nunux.org/keeper">
<label for="form-nunux-keeper-api-key">{{ t "Nunux Keeper API key" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="nunux_keeper_api_key" id="form-nunux-keeper-api-key" value="{{ .form.NunuxKeeperAPIKey }}">
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button>
<h3>{{ t "Miniflux API" }}</h3>
<div class="panel">
{{ t "API Endpoint" }} = <strong>{{ baseURL }}/v1/</strong>
{{ t "Username" }} = <strong>{{ .user.Username }}</strong>
{{ t "Password" }} = <strong>{{ t "Your account password" }}</strong>
<h3>{{ t "Bookmarklet" }}</h3>
<div class="panel">
<p>{{ t "This special link allows you to subscribe to a website directly by using a bookmark in your web browser." }}</p>
<div class="bookmarklet">
<a href="javascript:location.href='{{ rootURL }}{{ route "bookmarklet" }}?uri='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)">{{ t "Add to Miniflux" }}</a>
<p>{{ t "Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks." }}</p>
{{ end }}
"login": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sign In" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="login-form">
<form action="{{ route "checkLogin" }}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" required autofocus>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" required>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Sign in" }}</button>
{{ if hasOAuth2Provider "google" }}
<div class="oauth2">
<a href="{{ route "oauth2Redirect" "provider" "google" }}">{{ t "Sign in with Google" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"search_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Search Results" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Search Results" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert alert-info">{{ t "There is no result for this search." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "searchEntry" "entryID" .ID }}?q={{ $.searchQuery }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"sessions": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sessions" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Sessions" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<th>{{ t "Date" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "IP Address" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "User Agent" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Actions" }}</th>
{{ range .sessions }}
<tr {{ if eq .Token $.currentSessionToken }}class="row-highlighted"{{ end }}>
<td class="column-20" title="{{ isodate .CreatedAt }}">{{ elapsed $.user.Timezone .CreatedAt }}</td>
<td class="column-20" title="{{ .IP }}">{{ .IP }}</td>
<td title="{{ .UserAgent }}">{{ .UserAgent }}</td>
<td class="column-20">
{{ if eq .Token $.currentSessionToken }}
{{ t "Current session" }}
{{ else }}
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeSession" "sessionID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"settings": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Settings" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Settings" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
{{ if .user.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ route "users" }}">{{ t "Users" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
<form method="post" autocomplete="off" action="{{ route "updateSettings" }}">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ .csrf }}">
{{ if .errorMessage }}
<div class="alert alert-error">{{ t .errorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-username">{{ t "Username" }}</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="form-username" value="{{ .form.Username }}" required>
<label for="form-password">{{ t "Password" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-password" value="{{ .form.Password }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label for="form-confirmation">{{ t "Confirmation" }}</label>
<input type="password" name="confirmation" id="form-confirmation" value="{{ .form.Confirmation }}" autocomplete="new-password">
<label for="form-language">{{ t "Language" }}</label>
<select id="form-language" name="language">
{{ range $key, $value := .languages }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Language }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-timezone">{{ t "Timezone" }}</label>
<select id="form-timezone" name="timezone">
{{ range $key, $value := .timezones }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Timezone }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-theme">{{ t "Theme" }}</label>
<select id="form-theme" name="theme">
{{ range $key, $value := .themes }}
<option value="{{ $key }}" {{ if eq $key $.form.Theme }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ $value }}</option>
{{ end }}
<label for="form-entry-direction">{{ t "Entry Sorting" }}</label>
<select id="form-entry-direction" name="entry_direction">
<option value="asc" {{ if eq "asc" $.form.EntryDirection }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ t "Older entries first" }}</option>
<option value="desc" {{ if eq "desc" $.form.EntryDirection }}selected="selected"{{ end }}>{{ t "Recent entries first" }}</option>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button button-primary" data-label-loading="{{ t "Loading..." }}">{{ t "Update" }}</button>
{{ if hasOAuth2Provider "google" }}
<div class="panel">
{{ if hasKey .user.Extra "google_id" }}
<a href="{{ route "oauth2Unlink" "provider" "google" }}">{{ t "Unlink my Google account" }}</a>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ route "oauth2Redirect" "provider" "google" }}">{{ t "Link my Google account" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
"unread_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Unread Items" }} {{ if gt .countUnread 0 }}({{ .countUnread }}){{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Unread" }} (<span class="unread-counter">{{ .countUnread }}</span>)</h1>
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "markAllAsRead" }}">{{ t "Mark all as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "There is no unread article." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="items hide-read-items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article class="item touch-item item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "unreadEntry" "entryID" .ID }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
<section class="page-footer">
{{ if .entries }}
<a href="#" data-on-click="markPageAsRead">{{ t "Mark this page as read" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}`,
"users": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Users" }}{{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "Users" }}</h1>
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}">{{ t "Settings" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "integrations" }}">{{ t "Integrations" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "sessions" }}">{{ t "Sessions" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "createUser" }}">{{ t "Add user" }}</a>
<a href="{{ route "about" }}">{{ t "About" }}</a>
{{ if eq (len .users) 1 }}
<p class="alert">{{ t "You are the only user." }}</p>
{{ else }}
<th class="column-20">{{ t "Username" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Administrator" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Last Login" }}</th>
<th>{{ t "Actions" }}</th>
{{ range .users }}
{{ if ne .ID $.user.ID }}
<td>{{ .Username }}</td>
<td>{{ if eq .IsAdmin true }}{{ t "Yes" }}{{ else }}{{ t "No" }}{{ end }}</td>
{{ if .LastLoginAt }}
<time datetime="{{ isodate .LastLoginAt }}" title="{{ isodate .LastLoginAt }}">{{ elapsed $.user.Timezone .LastLoginAt }}</time>
{{ else }}
{{ t "Never" }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "editUser" "userID" .ID }}">{{ t "Edit" }}</a>,
<a href="#"
data-label-question="{{ t "Are you sure?" }}"
data-label-yes="{{ t "yes" }}"
data-label-no="{{ t "no" }}"
data-label-loading="{{ t "Work in progress..." }}"
data-url="{{ route "removeUser" "userID" .ID }}">{{ t "Remove" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
var templateViewsMapChecksums = map[string]string{
"about": "ad2fb778fc73c39b733b3f81b13e5c7d689b041fadd24ee2d4577f545aa788ad",
"add_subscription": "3fbcffefc94fb0fccfcf870d602f5ba78ce3ab7ebaeacd04198a6e529143cb29",
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"categories": "ca1280cd157bb527d4fc907da67b05a8347378f6dce965b9389d4bcdf3600a11",
"category_entries": "d219d4bd5376c526c00a3da49b511fb73e812be5d1e12acadeceee8dfa4bbfe2",
"choose_subscription": "7266b269ddbe145e757a24a57f3fbc7611e34a20383fbd887988204cebce2681",
"create_category": "2b82af5d2dcd67898dc5daa57a6461e6ff8121a6089b2a2a1be909f35e4a2275",
"create_user": "1ef0a1f9bf119d44929c81f13073a257d69650cf5064960cf06a63fe51923e86",
"edit_category": "cee720faadcec58289b707ad30af623d2ee66c1ce23a732965463250d7ff41c5",
"edit_feed": "1a8e342e4fac80e8b9c73537c7fe8aaf7f9e3e7af22f411927010897dd37e9c3",
"edit_user": "7373e09f805e6c017167001519b9feb04226be6c81c2875cbacd5ce94f2c24bf",
"entry": "1aa2767a879591f0a3681787fc9e2c53e06949695b21106286d190712a9f428a",
"feed_entries": "bebc42317ca9e908fcdb98cc1c4a2dc3f4bb7ef6d4c288d3d3fba8f8339403b6",
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"history_entries": "f94e15d37d7604500cede7b583e03bf79c06be81c6597a4a43693f5712af2e13",
"import": "73b5112e20bfd232bf73334544186ea419505936bc237d481517a8622901878f",
"integrations": "20c1c82070b93235d189b10acccd0cda5694cc5684d0b3be23de2ba5ae83e73f",
"login": "7d83c3067c02f1f6aafdd8816c7f97a4eb5a5a4bdaaaa4cc1e2fbb9c17ea65e8",
"search_entries": "a6e69c3edf414558541e8a23bf197d7580b043f8ddaf53a5b609bcd678fd6f3d",
"sessions": "3fa79031dd883847eba92fbafe5f535fa3a4e1614bb610f20588b6f8fc8b3624",
"settings": "d435dc37e82896ce9a7a573b3c2aeda1db71eec62349e2472ebbf1d5c3e0bc21",
"unread_entries": "13c03de837d39daa0457288ecca723d1140395999123b54abbe649537146620e",
"users": "c6d91b0b29984b4cb3073bec6a2933cfb72981ec60f54b6c7aa05194f0e860bd",