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Lesterpig 41a2b7e58e Add "Share article" feature
A new "shareCode" field is generated for each entry, and allows
unlogged users to access the entry through the /shared endpoint.
This feature is particularly useful to share articles from miniflux
to third-party users without having them to visit the original source.

The image proxy is disabled and special cache headers are proposed in
the shared page to avoid denial of service.
2020-03-17 20:09:46 -07:00

376 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package storage // import "miniflux.app/storage"
import (
// EntryQueryBuilder builds a SQL query to fetch entries.
type EntryQueryBuilder struct {
store *Storage
args []interface{}
conditions []string
order string
direction string
limit int
offset int
// WithSearchQuery adds full-text search query to the condition.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithSearchQuery(query string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if query != "" {
nArgs := len(e.args) + 1
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.document_vectors @@ plainto_tsquery($%d)", nArgs))
e.args = append(e.args, query)
e.WithOrder(fmt.Sprintf("ts_rank(document_vectors, plainto_tsquery($%d))", nArgs))
return e
// WithStarred adds starred filter.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithStarred() *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, "e.starred is true")
return e
// BeforeDate adds a condition < published_at
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) BeforeDate(date time.Time) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.published_at < $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, date)
return e
// AfterDate adds a condition > published_at
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) AfterDate(date time.Time) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.published_at > $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, date)
return e
// BeforeEntryID adds a condition < entryID.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) BeforeEntryID(entryID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if entryID != 0 {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.id < $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, entryID)
return e
// AfterEntryID adds a condition > entryID.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) AfterEntryID(entryID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if entryID != 0 {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.id > $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, entryID)
return e
// WithEntryIDs adds a condition to fetch only the given entry IDs.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithEntryIDs(entryIDs []int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.id = ANY($%d)", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, pq.Array(entryIDs))
return e
// WithEntryID set the entryID.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithEntryID(entryID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if entryID != 0 {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.id = $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, entryID)
return e
// WithFeedID set the feedID.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithFeedID(feedID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if feedID != 0 {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.feed_id = $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, feedID)
return e
// WithCategoryID set the categoryID.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithCategoryID(categoryID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if categoryID > 0 {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("f.category_id = $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, categoryID)
return e
// WithStatus set the entry status.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithStatus(status string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if status != "" {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.status = $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, status)
return e
// WithoutStatus set the entry status that should not be returned.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithoutStatus(status string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
if status != "" {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.status <> $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, status)
return e
// WithShareCode set the entry hash.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithShareCode(shareCode string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.conditions = append(e.conditions, fmt.Sprintf("e.share_code = $%d", len(e.args)+1))
e.args = append(e.args, shareCode)
return e
// WithOrder set the sorting order.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithOrder(order string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.order = order
return e
// WithDirection set the sorting direction.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithDirection(direction string) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.direction = direction
return e
// WithLimit set the limit.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithLimit(limit int) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.limit = limit
return e
// WithOffset set the offset.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) WithOffset(offset int) *EntryQueryBuilder {
e.offset = offset
return e
// CountEntries count the number of entries that match the condition.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) CountEntries() (count int, err error) {
query := `SELECT count(*) FROM entries e LEFT JOIN feeds f ON f.id=e.feed_id WHERE %s`
condition := e.buildCondition()
err = e.store.db.QueryRow(fmt.Sprintf(query, condition), e.args...).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to count entries: %v", err)
return count, nil
// GetEntry returns a single entry that match the condition.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) GetEntry() (*model.Entry, error) {
e.limit = 1
entries, err := e.GetEntries()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(entries) != 1 {
return nil, nil
entries[0].Enclosures, err = e.store.GetEnclosures(entries[0].ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return entries[0], nil
// GetEntries returns a list of entries that match the condition.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) GetEntries() (model.Entries, error) {
query := `
e.published_at at time zone u.timezone,
f.title as feed_title,
f.category_id, c.title as category_title,
entries e
feeds f ON f.id=e.feed_id
categories c ON c.id=f.category_id
feed_icons fi ON fi.feed_id=f.id
users u ON u.id=e.user_id
WHERE %s %s
condition := e.buildCondition()
sorting := e.buildSorting()
query = fmt.Sprintf(query, condition, sorting)
rows, err := e.store.db.Query(query, e.args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get entries: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
entries := make(model.Entries, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var entry model.Entry
var iconID interface{}
var tz string
entry.Feed = &model.Feed{}
entry.Feed.Category = &model.Category{}
entry.Feed.Icon = &model.FeedIcon{}
err := rows.Scan(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch entry row: %v", err)
if iconID == nil {
entry.Feed.Icon.IconID = 0
} else {
entry.Feed.Icon.IconID = iconID.(int64)
// Make sure that timestamp fields contains timezone information (API)
entry.Date = timezone.Convert(tz, entry.Date)
entry.Feed.CheckedAt = timezone.Convert(tz, entry.Feed.CheckedAt)
entry.Feed.ID = entry.FeedID
entry.Feed.UserID = entry.UserID
entry.Feed.Icon.FeedID = entry.FeedID
entry.Feed.Category.UserID = entry.UserID
entries = append(entries, &entry)
return entries, nil
// GetEntryIDs returns a list of entry IDs that match the condition.
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) GetEntryIDs() ([]int64, error) {
query := `SELECT e.id FROM entries e LEFT JOIN feeds f ON f.id=e.feed_id WHERE %s %s`
condition := e.buildCondition()
query = fmt.Sprintf(query, condition, e.buildSorting())
rows, err := e.store.db.Query(query, e.args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get entries: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
var entryIDs []int64
for rows.Next() {
var entryID int64
err := rows.Scan(&entryID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch entry row: %v", err)
entryIDs = append(entryIDs, entryID)
return entryIDs, nil
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) buildCondition() string {
return strings.Join(e.conditions, " AND ")
func (e *EntryQueryBuilder) buildSorting() string {
var parts []string
if e.order != "" {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(`ORDER BY %s`, e.order))
if e.direction != "" {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, e.direction))
if e.limit != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(`LIMIT %d`, e.limit))
if e.offset != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(`OFFSET %d`, e.offset))
return strings.Join(parts, " ")
// NewEntryQueryBuilder returns a new EntryQueryBuilder.
func NewEntryQueryBuilder(store *Storage, userID int64) *EntryQueryBuilder {
return &EntryQueryBuilder{
store: store,
args: []interface{}{userID},
conditions: []string{"e.user_id = $1"},
// NewAnonymousQueryBuilder returns a new EntryQueryBuilder suitable for anonymous users.
func NewAnonymousQueryBuilder(store *Storage) *EntryQueryBuilder {
return &EntryQueryBuilder{
store: store,