Fork 0
Thiago Perrotta d22c6c535e Add pagination on top of all entries. Closes #1305.
Enable users to move to prev/next page without having to scroll all the
way to the bottom of the page.

Furthermore, ensure consistency with entry.html which has top and bottom
2022-01-24 20:55:27 -08:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

{{ define "title"}}{{ t "page.search.title" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }}
{{ define "content"}}
<section class="page-header">
<h1>{{ t "page.search.title" }} ({{ .total }})</h1>
{{ if not .entries }}
<p class="alert alert-info">{{ t "alert.no_search_result" }}</p>
{{ else }}
<div class="pagination-top">
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
<div class="items">
{{ range .entries }}
<article role="article" class="item {{ if $.user.EntrySwipe }}touch-item{{ end }} item-status-{{ .Status }}" data-id="{{ .ID }}">
<div class="item-header" dir="auto">
<span class="item-title">
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }}
<img src="{{ route "icon" "iconID" .Feed.Icon.IconID }}" width="16" height="16" loading="lazy" alt="{{ .Feed.Title }}">
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "searchEntry" "entryID" .ID }}?q={{ $.searchQuery }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<span class="category"><a href="{{ route "categoryEntries" "categoryID" .Feed.Category.ID }}">{{ .Feed.Category.Title }}</a></span>
{{ template "item_meta" dict "user" $.user "entry" . "hasSaveEntry" $.hasSaveEntry }}
{{ end }}
<div class="pagination-bottom">
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}