Fork 0
Frédéric Guillot 592151bdb6 Add support for Invidious
- Embed Invidious player for invidio.us feeds
- Add new rewrite rule to use Invidious player for Youtube feeds
2020-03-20 20:56:59 -07:00

417 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sanitizer // import "miniflux.app/reader/sanitizer"
import (
var (
youtubeEmbedRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`//www\.youtube\.com/embed/(.*)`)
// Sanitize returns safe HTML.
func Sanitize(baseURL, input string) string {
tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(bytes.NewBufferString(input))
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var tagStack []string
blacklistedTagDepth := 0
for {
if tokenizer.Next() == html.ErrorToken {
err := tokenizer.Err()
if err == io.EOF {
return buffer.String()
return ""
token := tokenizer.Token()
switch token.Type {
case html.TextToken:
if blacklistedTagDepth > 0 {
case html.StartTagToken:
tagName := token.DataAtom.String()
if !isPixelTracker(tagName, token.Attr) && isValidTag(tagName) {
attrNames, htmlAttributes := sanitizeAttributes(baseURL, tagName, token.Attr)
if hasRequiredAttributes(tagName, attrNames) {
if len(attrNames) > 0 {
buffer.WriteString("<" + tagName + " " + htmlAttributes + ">")
} else {
buffer.WriteString("<" + tagName + ">")
tagStack = append(tagStack, tagName)
} else if isBlacklistedTag(tagName) {
case html.EndTagToken:
tagName := token.DataAtom.String()
if isValidTag(tagName) && inList(tagName, tagStack) {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("</%s>", tagName))
} else if isBlacklistedTag(tagName) {
case html.SelfClosingTagToken:
tagName := token.DataAtom.String()
if !isPixelTracker(tagName, token.Attr) && isValidTag(tagName) {
attrNames, htmlAttributes := sanitizeAttributes(baseURL, tagName, token.Attr)
if hasRequiredAttributes(tagName, attrNames) {
if len(attrNames) > 0 {
buffer.WriteString("<" + tagName + " " + htmlAttributes + "/>")
} else {
buffer.WriteString("<" + tagName + "/>")
func sanitizeAttributes(baseURL, tagName string, attributes []html.Attribute) ([]string, string) {
var htmlAttrs, attrNames []string
var err error
for _, attribute := range attributes {
value := attribute.Val
if !isValidAttribute(tagName, attribute.Key) {
if isExternalResourceAttribute(attribute.Key) {
if tagName == "iframe" {
if isValidIframeSource(attribute.Val) {
value = rewriteIframeURL(attribute.Val)
} else {
} else {
value, err = url.AbsoluteURL(baseURL, value)
if err != nil {
if !hasValidURIScheme(value) || isBlacklistedResource(value) {
attrNames = append(attrNames, attribute.Key)
htmlAttrs = append(htmlAttrs, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, attribute.Key, html.EscapeString(value)))
extraAttrNames, extraHTMLAttributes := getExtraAttributes(tagName)
if len(extraAttrNames) > 0 {
attrNames = append(attrNames, extraAttrNames...)
htmlAttrs = append(htmlAttrs, extraHTMLAttributes...)
return attrNames, strings.Join(htmlAttrs, " ")
func getExtraAttributes(tagName string) ([]string, []string) {
switch tagName {
case "a":
return []string{"rel", "target", "referrerpolicy"}, []string{`rel="noopener noreferrer"`, `target="_blank"`, `referrerpolicy="no-referrer"`}
case "video", "audio":
return []string{"controls"}, []string{"controls"}
case "iframe":
return []string{"sandbox", "loading"}, []string{`sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups"`, `loading="lazy"`}
case "img":
return []string{"loading"}, []string{`loading="lazy"`}
return nil, nil
func isValidTag(tagName string) bool {
for element := range getTagWhitelist() {
if tagName == element {
return true
return false
func isValidAttribute(tagName, attributeName string) bool {
for element, attributes := range getTagWhitelist() {
if tagName == element {
if inList(attributeName, attributes) {
return true
return false
func isExternalResourceAttribute(attribute string) bool {
switch attribute {
case "src", "href", "poster", "cite":
return true
return false
func isPixelTracker(tagName string, attributes []html.Attribute) bool {
if tagName == "img" {
hasHeight := false
hasWidth := false
for _, attribute := range attributes {
if attribute.Key == "height" && attribute.Val == "1" {
hasHeight = true
if attribute.Key == "width" && attribute.Val == "1" {
hasWidth = true
return hasHeight && hasWidth
return false
func hasRequiredAttributes(tagName string, attributes []string) bool {
elements := make(map[string][]string)
elements["a"] = []string{"href"}
elements["iframe"] = []string{"src"}
elements["img"] = []string{"src"}
elements["source"] = []string{"src"}
for element, attrs := range elements {
if tagName == element {
for _, attribute := range attributes {
for _, attr := range attrs {
if attr == attribute {
return true
return false
return true
// See https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
func hasValidURIScheme(src string) bool {
whitelist := []string{
for _, prefix := range whitelist {
if strings.HasPrefix(src, prefix) {
return true
return false
func isBlacklistedResource(src string) bool {
blacklist := []string{
for _, element := range blacklist {
if strings.Contains(src, element) {
return true
return false
func isValidIframeSource(src string) bool {
whitelist := []string{
for _, prefix := range whitelist {
if strings.HasPrefix(src, prefix) {
return true
return false
func getTagWhitelist() map[string][]string {
whitelist := make(map[string][]string)
whitelist["img"] = []string{"alt", "title", "src"}
whitelist["audio"] = []string{"src"}
whitelist["video"] = []string{"poster", "height", "width", "src"}
whitelist["source"] = []string{"src", "type"}
whitelist["dt"] = []string{}
whitelist["dd"] = []string{}
whitelist["dl"] = []string{}
whitelist["table"] = []string{}
whitelist["caption"] = []string{}
whitelist["thead"] = []string{}
whitelist["tfooter"] = []string{}
whitelist["tr"] = []string{}
whitelist["td"] = []string{"rowspan", "colspan"}
whitelist["th"] = []string{"rowspan", "colspan"}
whitelist["h1"] = []string{}
whitelist["h2"] = []string{}
whitelist["h3"] = []string{}
whitelist["h4"] = []string{}
whitelist["h5"] = []string{}
whitelist["h6"] = []string{}
whitelist["strong"] = []string{}
whitelist["em"] = []string{}
whitelist["code"] = []string{}
whitelist["pre"] = []string{}
whitelist["blockquote"] = []string{}
whitelist["q"] = []string{"cite"}
whitelist["p"] = []string{}
whitelist["ul"] = []string{}
whitelist["li"] = []string{}
whitelist["ol"] = []string{}
whitelist["br"] = []string{}
whitelist["del"] = []string{}
whitelist["a"] = []string{"href", "title"}
whitelist["figure"] = []string{}
whitelist["figcaption"] = []string{}
whitelist["cite"] = []string{}
whitelist["time"] = []string{"datetime"}
whitelist["abbr"] = []string{"title"}
whitelist["acronym"] = []string{"title"}
whitelist["wbr"] = []string{}
whitelist["dfn"] = []string{}
whitelist["sub"] = []string{}
whitelist["sup"] = []string{}
whitelist["var"] = []string{}
whitelist["samp"] = []string{}
whitelist["s"] = []string{}
whitelist["del"] = []string{}
whitelist["ins"] = []string{}
whitelist["kbd"] = []string{}
whitelist["rp"] = []string{}
whitelist["rt"] = []string{}
whitelist["rtc"] = []string{}
whitelist["ruby"] = []string{}
whitelist["iframe"] = []string{"width", "height", "frameborder", "src", "allowfullscreen"}
return whitelist
func inList(needle string, haystack []string) bool {
for _, element := range haystack {
if element == needle {
return true
return false
func rewriteIframeURL(link string) string {
matches := youtubeEmbedRegex.FindStringSubmatch(link)
if len(matches) == 2 {
return `https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/` + matches[1]
return link
// Blacklisted tags remove the tag and all descendants.
func isBlacklistedTag(tagName string) bool {
blacklist := []string{
for _, element := range blacklist {
if element == tagName {
return true
return false