585 lines
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585 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Miniflux Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package fever // import "miniflux.app/v2/internal/fever"
import (
// Serve handles Fever API calls.
func Serve(router *mux.Router, store *storage.Storage) {
handler := &handler{store, router}
sr := router.PathPrefix("/fever").Subrouter()
sr.HandleFunc("/", handler.serve).Name("feverEndpoint")
type handler struct {
store *storage.Storage
router *mux.Router
func (h *handler) serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch {
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "groups"):
h.handleGroups(w, r)
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "feeds"):
h.handleFeeds(w, r)
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "favicons"):
h.handleFavicons(w, r)
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "unread_item_ids"):
h.handleUnreadItems(w, r)
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "saved_item_ids"):
h.handleSavedItems(w, r)
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "items"):
h.handleItems(w, r)
case r.FormValue("mark") == "item":
h.handleWriteItems(w, r)
case r.FormValue("mark") == "feed":
h.handleWriteFeeds(w, r)
case r.FormValue("mark") == "group":
h.handleWriteGroups(w, r)
json.OK(w, r, newBaseResponse())
A request with the groups argument will return two additional members:
groups contains an array of group objects
feeds_groups contains an array of feeds_group objects
A group object has the following members:
id (positive integer)
title (utf-8 string)
The feeds_group object is documented under “Feeds/Groups Relationships.”
The “Kindling” super group is not included in this response and is composed of all feeds with
an is_spark equal to 0.
The “Sparks” super group is not included in this response and is composed of all feeds with an
is_spark equal to 1.
func (h *handler) handleGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching groups",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
categories, err := h.store.Categories(userID)
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
feeds, err := h.store.Feeds(userID)
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
var result groupsResponse
for _, category := range categories {
result.Groups = append(result.Groups, group{ID: category.ID, Title: category.Title})
result.FeedsGroups = h.buildFeedGroups(feeds)
json.OK(w, r, result)
A request with the feeds argument will return two additional members:
feeds contains an array of group objects
feeds_groups contains an array of feeds_group objects
A feed object has the following members:
id (positive integer)
favicon_id (positive integer)
title (utf-8 string)
url (utf-8 string)
site_url (utf-8 string)
is_spark (boolean integer)
last_updated_on_time (Unix timestamp/integer)
The feeds_group object is documented under “Feeds/Groups Relationships.”
The “All Items” super feed is not included in this response and is composed of all items from all feeds
that belong to a given group. For the “Kindling” super group and all user created groups the items
should be limited to feeds with an is_spark equal to 0.
For the “Sparks” super group the items should be limited to feeds with an is_spark equal to 1.
func (h *handler) handleFeeds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching feeds",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
feeds, err := h.store.Feeds(userID)
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
var result feedsResponse
result.Feeds = make([]feed, 0)
for _, f := range feeds {
subscripion := feed{
ID: f.ID,
Title: f.Title,
URL: f.FeedURL,
SiteURL: f.SiteURL,
IsSpark: 0,
LastUpdated: f.CheckedAt.Unix(),
if f.Icon != nil {
subscripion.FaviconID = f.Icon.IconID
result.Feeds = append(result.Feeds, subscripion)
result.FeedsGroups = h.buildFeedGroups(feeds)
json.OK(w, r, result)
A request with the favicons argument will return one additional member:
favicons contains an array of favicon objects
A favicon object has the following members:
id (positive integer)
data (base64 encoded image data; prefixed by image type)
An example data value:
The data member of a favicon object can be used with the data: protocol to embed an image in CSS or HTML.
A PHP/HTML example:
echo '<img src="data:'.$favicon['data'].'">';
func (h *handler) handleFavicons(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching favicons",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
icons, err := h.store.Icons(userID)
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
var result faviconsResponse
for _, i := range icons {
result.Favicons = append(result.Favicons, favicon{
ID: i.ID,
Data: i.DataURL(),
json.OK(w, r, result)
A request with the items argument will return two additional members:
items contains an array of item objects
total_items contains the total number of items stored in the database (added in API version 2)
An item object has the following members:
id (positive integer)
feed_id (positive integer)
title (utf-8 string)
author (utf-8 string)
html (utf-8 string)
url (utf-8 string)
is_saved (boolean integer)
is_read (boolean integer)
created_on_time (Unix timestamp/integer)
Most servers won’t have enough memory allocated to PHP to dump all items at once.
Three optional arguments control determine the items included in the response.
Use the since_id argument with the highest id of locally cached items to request 50 additional items.
Repeat until the items array in the response is empty.
Use the max_id argument with the lowest id of locally cached items (or 0 initially) to request 50 previous items.
Repeat until the items array in the response is empty. (added in API version 2)
Use the with_ids argument with a comma-separated list of item ids to request (a maximum of 50) specific items.
(added in API version 2)
func (h *handler) handleItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var result itemsResponse
userID := request.UserID(r)
builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(userID)
builder.WithSorting("id", model.DefaultSortingDirection)
switch {
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "since_id"):
sinceID := request.QueryInt64Param(r, "since_id", 0)
if sinceID > 0 {
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching items since a given date",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("since_id", sinceID),
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "max_id"):
maxID := request.QueryInt64Param(r, "max_id", 0)
if maxID == 0 {
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching most recent items",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
builder.WithSorting("id", "DESC")
} else if maxID > 0 {
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching items before a given item ID",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("max_id", maxID),
builder.WithSorting("id", "DESC")
case request.HasQueryParam(r, "with_ids"):
csvItemIDs := request.QueryStringParam(r, "with_ids", "")
if csvItemIDs != "" {
var itemIDs []int64
for _, strItemID := range strings.Split(csvItemIDs, ",") {
strItemID = strings.TrimSpace(strItemID)
itemID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strItemID, 10, 64)
itemIDs = append(itemIDs, itemID)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching oldest items",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
entries, err := builder.GetEntries()
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
builder = h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(userID)
result.Total, err = builder.CountEntries()
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
result.Items = make([]item, 0)
for _, entry := range entries {
isRead := 0
if entry.Status == model.EntryStatusRead {
isRead = 1
isSaved := 0
if entry.Starred {
isSaved = 1
result.Items = append(result.Items, item{
ID: entry.ID,
FeedID: entry.FeedID,
Title: entry.Title,
Author: entry.Author,
HTML: mediaproxy.RewriteDocumentWithAbsoluteProxyURL(h.router, entry.Content),
URL: entry.URL,
IsSaved: isSaved,
IsRead: isRead,
CreatedAt: entry.Date.Unix(),
json.OK(w, r, result)
The unread_item_ids and saved_item_ids arguments can be used to keep your local cache synced
with the remote Fever installation.
A request with the unread_item_ids argument will return one additional member:
unread_item_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers)
func (h *handler) handleUnreadItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching unread items",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(userID)
rawEntryIDs, err := builder.GetEntryIDs()
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
var itemIDs []string
for _, entryID := range rawEntryIDs {
itemIDs = append(itemIDs, strconv.FormatInt(entryID, 10))
var result unreadResponse
result.ItemIDs = strings.Join(itemIDs, ",")
json.OK(w, r, result)
The unread_item_ids and saved_item_ids arguments can be used to keep your local cache synced
with the remote Fever installation.
A request with the saved_item_ids argument will return one additional member:
saved_item_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers)
func (h *handler) handleSavedItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Fetching saved items",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(userID)
entryIDs, err := builder.GetEntryIDs()
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
var itemsIDs []string
for _, entryID := range entryIDs {
itemsIDs = append(itemsIDs, strconv.FormatInt(entryID, 10))
result := &savedResponse{ItemIDs: strings.Join(itemsIDs, ",")}
json.OK(w, r, result)
as=? where ? is replaced with read, saved or unsaved
id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the item to modify
func (h *handler) handleWriteItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Receiving mark=item call",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
entryID := request.FormInt64Value(r, "id")
if entryID <= 0 {
builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(userID)
entry, err := builder.GetEntry()
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
if entry == nil {
slog.Debug("[Fever] Entry not found",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("entry_id", entryID),
json.OK(w, r, newBaseResponse())
switch r.FormValue("as") {
case "read":
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark entry as read",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("entry_id", entryID),
h.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, []int64{entryID}, model.EntryStatusRead)
case "unread":
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark entry as unread",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("entry_id", entryID),
h.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, []int64{entryID}, model.EntryStatusUnread)
case "saved":
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark entry as saved",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("entry_id", entryID),
if err := h.store.ToggleBookmark(userID, entryID); err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
settings, err := h.store.Integration(userID)
if err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
go func() {
integration.SendEntry(entry, settings)
case "unsaved":
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark entry as unsaved",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("entry_id", entryID),
if err := h.store.ToggleBookmark(userID, entryID); err != nil {
json.ServerError(w, r, err)
json.OK(w, r, newBaseResponse())
id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the feed or group to modify
before=? where ? is replaced with the Unix timestamp of the the local client’s most recent items API request
func (h *handler) handleWriteFeeds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
feedID := request.FormInt64Value(r, "id")
before := time.Unix(request.FormInt64Value(r, "before"), 0)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark feed as read before a given date",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("feed_id", feedID),
slog.Time("before_ts", before),
if feedID <= 0 {
go func() {
if err := h.store.MarkFeedAsRead(userID, feedID, before); err != nil {
slog.Error("[Fever] Unable to mark feed as read",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("feed_id", feedID),
slog.Time("before_ts", before),
slog.Any("error", err),
json.OK(w, r, newBaseResponse())
id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the feed or group to modify
before=? where ? is replaced with the Unix timestamp of the the local client’s most recent items API request
func (h *handler) handleWriteGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userID := request.UserID(r)
groupID := request.FormInt64Value(r, "id")
before := time.Unix(request.FormInt64Value(r, "before"), 0)
slog.Debug("[Fever] Mark group as read before a given date",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("group_id", groupID),
slog.Time("before_ts", before),
if groupID < 0 {
go func() {
var err error
if groupID == 0 {
err = h.store.MarkAllAsRead(userID)
} else {
err = h.store.MarkCategoryAsRead(userID, groupID, before)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("[Fever] Unable to mark group as read",
slog.Int64("user_id", userID),
slog.Int64("group_id", groupID),
slog.Time("before_ts", before),
slog.Any("error", err),
json.OK(w, r, newBaseResponse())
A feeds_group object has the following members:
group_id (positive integer)
feed_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers)
func (h *handler) buildFeedGroups(feeds model.Feeds) []feedsGroups {
feedsGroupedByCategory := make(map[int64][]string)
for _, feed := range feeds {
feedsGroupedByCategory[feed.Category.ID] = append(feedsGroupedByCategory[feed.Category.ID], strconv.FormatInt(feed.ID, 10))
result := make([]feedsGroups, 0)
for categoryID, feedIDs := range feedsGroupedByCategory {
result = append(result, feedsGroups{
GroupID: categoryID,
FeedIDs: strings.Join(feedIDs, ","),
return result