Hosted miniflux don't keep read entries for long. If I leave my PC at home on an unread entry, read everything pending at work and get back to home later, when I click "next", I get a bare 404 error. I have to go back to /unread myself. I think it would be more user friendly (but maybe a bit suprising) to go directly to /unread in this case.
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// Copyright 2018 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ui // import "miniflux.app/ui"
import (
func (h *handler) showUnreadEntryPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user, err := h.store.UserByID(request.UserID(r))
if err != nil {
html.ServerError(w, r, err)
entryID := request.RouteInt64Param(r, "entryID")
builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(user.ID)
entry, err := builder.GetEntry()
if err != nil {
html.ServerError(w, r, err)
if entry == nil {
html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "unread"))
// Make sure we always get the pagination in unread mode even if the page is refreshed.
if entry.Status == model.EntryStatusRead {
err = h.store.SetEntriesStatus(user.ID, []int64{entry.ID}, model.EntryStatusUnread)
if err != nil {
html.ServerError(w, r, err)
entryPaginationBuilder := storage.NewEntryPaginationBuilder(h.store, user.ID, entry.ID, user.EntryDirection)
prevEntry, nextEntry, err := entryPaginationBuilder.Entries()
if err != nil {
html.ServerError(w, r, err)
nextEntryRoute := ""
if nextEntry != nil {
nextEntryRoute = route.Path(h.router, "unreadEntry", "entryID", nextEntry.ID)
prevEntryRoute := ""
if prevEntry != nil {
prevEntryRoute = route.Path(h.router, "unreadEntry", "entryID", prevEntry.ID)
// Always mark the entry as read after fetching the pagination.
err = h.store.SetEntriesStatus(user.ID, []int64{entry.ID}, model.EntryStatusRead)
if err != nil {
html.ServerError(w, r, err)
entry.Status = model.EntryStatusRead
sess := session.New(h.store, request.SessionID(r))
view := view.New(h.tpl, r, sess)
view.Set("entry", entry)
view.Set("prevEntry", prevEntry)
view.Set("nextEntry", nextEntry)
view.Set("nextEntryRoute", nextEntryRoute)
view.Set("prevEntryRoute", prevEntryRoute)
view.Set("menu", "unread")
view.Set("user", user)
view.Set("hasSaveEntry", h.store.HasSaveEntry(user.ID))
view.Set("countErrorFeeds", h.store.CountErrorFeeds(user.ID))
// Fetching the counter here avoid to be off by one.
view.Set("countUnread", h.store.CountUnreadEntries(user.ID))
html.OK(w, r, view.Render("entry"))