Fork 0
Solderpunk e06f8bddbc Fix infinite redirect bug.
Previously, URLs without trailing slashes in the path which
resolved to directories caused infinite redirects if there was
anything in the URL after the path (like a query).

Thanks to both Luke Emmet and Stephane Bortzmeyer for reporting
2021-01-24 16:27:53 +01:00

270 lines
7.4 KiB

package main
import (
func handleGeminiRequest(conn net.Conn, config Config, accessLogEntries chan LogEntry, errorLog *log.Logger) {
defer conn.Close()
var tlsConn (*tls.Conn) = conn.(*tls.Conn)
var log LogEntry
log.Time = time.Now()
log.RemoteAddr = conn.RemoteAddr()
log.RequestURL = "-"
log.Status = 0
defer func() { accessLogEntries <- log }()
// Read request
URL, err := readRequest(conn, &log, errorLog)
if err != nil {
// Enforce client certificate validity
clientCerts := tlsConn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
enforceCertificateValidity(clientCerts, conn, &log)
if log.Status != 0 {
// Reject non-gemini schemes
if URL.Scheme != "gemini" {
conn.Write([]byte("53 No proxying to non-Gemini content!\r\n"))
log.Status = 53
// Reject requests for content from other servers
if URL.Hostname() != config.Hostname || (URL.Port() != "" && URL.Port() != strconv.Itoa(config.Port)) {
conn.Write([]byte("53 No proxying to other hosts or ports!\r\n"))
log.Status = 53
// Fail if there are dots in the path
if strings.Contains(URL.Path, "..") {
conn.Write([]byte("50 Your directory traversal technique has been defeated!\r\n"))
log.Status = 50
// Resolve URI path to actual filesystem path
path := resolvePath(URL.Path, config)
// Paranoid security measures:
// Fail ASAP if the URL has mapped to a sensitive file
if path == config.CertPath || path == config.KeyPath || path == config.AccessLog || path == config.ErrorLog || filepath.Base(path) == ".molly" {
conn.Write([]byte("51 Not found!\r\n"))
log.Status = 51
// Read Molly files
if config.ReadMollyFiles {
parseMollyFiles(path, &config, errorLog)
// Check whether this URL is in a certificate zone
handleCertificateZones(URL, clientCerts, config, conn, &log)
if log.Status != 0 {
// Check for redirects
handleRedirects(URL, config, conn, &log, errorLog)
if log.Status != 0 {
// Check whether this URL is mapped to an SCGI app
for scgiPath, scgiSocket := range config.SCGIPaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(URL.Path, scgiPath) {
handleSCGI(URL, scgiPath, scgiSocket, config, &log, errorLog, conn)
// Check whether this URL is in a configured CGI path
for _, cgiPath := range config.CGIPaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, cgiPath) {
handleCGI(config, path, cgiPath, URL, &log, errorLog, conn)
if log.Status != 0 {
// Fail if file does not exist or perms aren't right
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) || os.IsPermission(err) {
conn.Write([]byte("51 Not found!\r\n"))
log.Status = 51
} else if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error getting info for file " + path + ": " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("40 Temporary failure!\r\n"))
log.Status = 40
} else if uint64(info.Mode().Perm())&0444 != 0444 {
conn.Write([]byte("51 Not found!\r\n"))
log.Status = 51
// Finally, serve the file or directory
if info.IsDir() {
serveDirectory(URL, path, &log, conn, config, errorLog)
} else {
serveFile(path, &log, conn, config, errorLog)
func readRequest(conn net.Conn, log *LogEntry, errorLog *log.Logger) (*url.URL, error) {
reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, 1024)
request, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine()
if overflow {
conn.Write([]byte("59 Request too long!\r\n"))
log.Status = 59
return nil, errors.New("Request too long")
} else if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error reading request from " + conn.RemoteAddr().String() + ": " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("40 Unknown error reading request!\r\n"))
log.Status = 40
return nil, errors.New("Error reading request")
// Parse request as URL
URL, err := url.Parse(string(request))
if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error parsing request URL " + string(request) + ": " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("59 Error parsing URL!\r\n"))
log.Status = 59
return nil, errors.New("Bad URL in request")
log.RequestURL = URL.String()
// Set implicit scheme
if URL.Scheme == "" {
URL.Scheme = "gemini"
return URL, nil
func resolvePath(path string, config Config) string {
// Handle tildes
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "/~") {
bits := strings.Split(path, "/")
username := bits[1][1:]
new_prefix := filepath.Join(config.DocBase, config.HomeDocBase, username)
path = strings.Replace(path, bits[1], new_prefix, 1)
path = filepath.Clean(path)
} else {
path = filepath.Join(config.DocBase, path)
return path
func handleRedirects(URL *url.URL, config Config, conn net.Conn, log *LogEntry, errorLog *log.Logger) {
handleRedirectsInner(URL, config.TempRedirects, 30, conn, log, errorLog)
handleRedirectsInner(URL, config.PermRedirects, 31, conn, log, errorLog)
func handleRedirectsInner(URL *url.URL, redirects map[string]string, status int, conn net.Conn, log *LogEntry, errorLog *log.Logger) {
strStatus := strconv.Itoa(status)
for src, dst := range redirects {
compiled, err := regexp.Compile(src)
if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error compiling redirect regexp " + src + ": " + err.Error())
if compiled.MatchString(URL.Path) {
URL.Path = compiled.ReplaceAllString(URL.Path, dst)
conn.Write([]byte(strStatus + " " + URL.String() + "\r\n"))
log.Status = status
func serveDirectory(URL *url.URL, path string, log *LogEntry, conn net.Conn, config Config, errorLog *log.Logger) {
// Redirect to add trailing slash if missing
// (otherwise relative links don't work properly)
if !strings.HasSuffix(URL.Path, "/") {
URL.Path += "/"
conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("31 %s\r\n", URL.String())))
log.Status = 31
// Check for index.gmi if path is a directory
index_path := filepath.Join(path, "index."+config.GeminiExt)
index_info, err := os.Stat(index_path)
if err == nil && uint64(index_info.Mode().Perm())&0444 == 0444 {
serveFile(index_path, log, conn, config, errorLog)
// Serve a generated listing
} else {
listing, err := generateDirectoryListing(URL, path, config)
if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error generating listing for directory " + path + ": " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("40 Server error!\r\n"))
log.Status = 40
conn.Write([]byte("20 text/gemini\r\n"))
log.Status = 20
func serveFile(path string, log *LogEntry, conn net.Conn, config Config, errorLog *log.Logger) {
// Get MIME type of files
ext := filepath.Ext(path)
var mimeType string
if ext == "."+config.GeminiExt {
mimeType = "text/gemini"
} else {
mimeType = mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
// Override extension-based MIME type
for pathRegex, newType := range config.MimeOverrides {
overridden, err := regexp.Match(pathRegex, []byte(path))
if err == nil && overridden {
mimeType = newType
// Set a generic MIME type if the extension wasn't recognised
if mimeType == "" {
mimeType = "application/octet-stream"
// Add lang parameter
if mimeType == "text/gemini" && config.DefaultLang != "" {
mimeType += "; lang=" + config.DefaultLang
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error reading file " + path + ": " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("50 Error!\r\n"))
log.Status = 50
defer f.Close()
conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("20 %s\r\n", mimeType)))
io.Copy(conn, f)
log.Status = 20