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import * as debug from 'debug'
import truncate from 'lodash-es/truncate'
import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/api'
import { buildVideoLink, buildVideoOrPlaylistEmbed } from 'src/assets/player/utils'
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment'
import { AfterViewInit, Component, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser'
2020-11-16 13:47:05 +00:00
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'
import { ConfirmService, MarkdownService, Notifier, RestPagination, RestTable } from '@app/core'
import { Account, Actor, DropdownAction, Video, VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main'
import { AbuseService, BlocklistService, VideoBlockService } from '@app/shared/shared-moderation'
import { VideoCommentService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-comment'
import { AbuseState, AdminAbuse } from '@shared/models'
import { AbuseMessageModalComponent } from './abuse-message-modal.component'
import { ModerationCommentModalComponent } from './moderation-comment-modal.component'
import { ProcessedAbuse } from './processed-abuse.model'
import { AdvancedInputFilter } from '../shared-forms'
const logger = debug('peertube:moderation:AbuseListTableComponent')
selector: 'my-abuse-list-table',
templateUrl: './abuse-list-table.component.html',
styleUrls: [ '../shared-moderation/moderation.scss', './abuse-list-table.component.scss' ]
export class AbuseListTableComponent extends RestTable implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
@Input() viewType: 'admin' | 'user'
@ViewChild('abuseMessagesModal', { static: true }) abuseMessagesModal: AbuseMessageModalComponent
@ViewChild('moderationCommentModal', { static: true }) moderationCommentModal: ModerationCommentModalComponent
abuses: ProcessedAbuse[] = []
totalRecords = 0
sort: SortMeta = { field: 'createdAt', order: 1 }
pagination: RestPagination = { count: this.rowsPerPage, start: 0 }
abuseActions: DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[][] = []
inputFilters: AdvancedInputFilter[] = [
queryParams: { 'search': 'state:pending' },
label: $localize`Unsolved reports`
queryParams: { 'search': 'state:accepted' },
label: $localize`Accepted reports`
queryParams: { 'search': 'state:rejected' },
label: $localize`Refused reports`
queryParams: { 'search': 'videoIs:blacklisted' },
label: $localize`Reports with blocked videos`
queryParams: { 'search': 'videoIs:deleted' },
label: $localize`Reports with deleted videos`
constructor (
2020-11-16 13:47:05 +00:00
protected route: ActivatedRoute,
protected router: Router,
private notifier: Notifier,
private abuseService: AbuseService,
private blocklistService: BlocklistService,
private commentService: VideoCommentService,
private videoService: VideoService,
private videoBlocklistService: VideoBlockService,
private confirmService: ConfirmService,
private markdownRenderer: MarkdownService,
2020-11-16 13:47:05 +00:00
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer
) {
ngOnInit () {
this.abuseActions = [
2020-11-16 13:47:05 +00:00
ngAfterViewInit () {
2020-12-17 14:48:54 +00:00
if (this.search) this.setTableFilter(this.search, false)
isAdminView () {
return this.viewType === 'admin'
getIdentifier () {
return 'AbuseListTableComponent'
openModerationCommentModal (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
onModerationCommentUpdated () {
isAbuseAccepted (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
return abuse.state.id === AbuseState.ACCEPTED
isAbuseRejected (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
return abuse.state.id === AbuseState.REJECTED
getVideoUrl (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
return Video.buildClientUrl(abuse.video.uuid)
getCommentUrl (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
return Video.buildClientUrl(abuse.comment.video.uuid) + ';threadId=' + abuse.comment.threadId
getAccountUrl (abuse: ProcessedAbuse) {
return '/accounts/' + abuse.flaggedAccount.nameWithHost
getVideoEmbed (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
return buildVideoOrPlaylistEmbed(
2020-11-09 15:25:27 +00:00
baseUrl: `${environment.originServerUrl}/videos/embed/${abuse.video.uuid}`,
title: false,
warningTitle: false,
2020-11-10 13:41:20 +00:00
startTime: abuse.video.startAt,
stopTime: abuse.video.endAt
async removeAbuse (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
const res = await this.confirmService.confirm($localize`Do you really want to delete this abuse report?`, $localize`Delete`)
if (res === false) return
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Abuse deleted.`)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
updateAbuseState (abuse: AdminAbuse, state: AbuseState) {
this.abuseService.updateAbuse(abuse, { state })
() => this.loadData(),
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
onCountMessagesUpdated (event: { abuseId: number, countMessages: number }) {
const abuse = this.abuses.find(a => a.id === event.abuseId)
if (!abuse) {
console.error('Cannot find abuse %d.', event.abuseId)
abuse.countMessages = event.countMessages
openAbuseMessagesModal (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
isLocalAbuse (abuse: AdminAbuse) {
if (this.viewType === 'user') return true
return Actor.IS_LOCAL(abuse.reporterAccount.host)
protected loadData () {
logger('Loading data.')
const options = {
pagination: this.pagination,
sort: this.sort,
search: this.search
const observable = this.viewType === 'admin'
? this.abuseService.getAdminAbuses(options)
: this.abuseService.getUserAbuses(options)
return observable.subscribe(
async resultList => {
this.totalRecords = resultList.total
this.abuses = []
for (const a of resultList.data) {
const abuse = a as ProcessedAbuse
abuse.reasonHtml = await this.toHtml(abuse.reason)
if (abuse.moderationComment) {
abuse.moderationCommentHtml = await this.toHtml(abuse.moderationComment)
if (abuse.video) {
abuse.embedHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(this.getVideoEmbed(abuse))
if (abuse.video.channel?.ownerAccount) {
abuse.video.channel.ownerAccount = new Account(abuse.video.channel.ownerAccount)
if (abuse.comment) {
if (abuse.comment.deleted) {
abuse.truncatedCommentHtml = abuse.commentHtml = $localize`Deleted comment`
} else {
const truncated = truncate(abuse.comment.text, { length: 100 })
abuse.truncatedCommentHtml = await this.markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML(truncated, true)
abuse.commentHtml = await this.markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML(abuse.comment.text, true)
if (abuse.reporterAccount) {
abuse.reporterAccount = new Account(abuse.reporterAccount)
if (abuse.flaggedAccount) {
abuse.flaggedAccount = new Account(abuse.flaggedAccount)
if (abuse.updatedAt === abuse.createdAt) delete abuse.updatedAt
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private buildInternalActions (): DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[] {
return [
label: $localize`Internal actions`,
isHeader: true
label: this.isAdminView()
? $localize`Messages with reporter`
: $localize`Messages with moderators`,
handler: abuse => this.openAbuseMessagesModal(abuse),
isDisplayed: abuse => this.isLocalAbuse(abuse)
label: $localize`Update internal note`,
handler: abuse => this.openModerationCommentModal(abuse),
isDisplayed: abuse => this.isAdminView() && !!abuse.moderationComment
label: $localize`Mark as accepted`,
handler: abuse => this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.ACCEPTED),
isDisplayed: abuse => this.isAdminView() && !this.isAbuseAccepted(abuse)
label: $localize`Mark as rejected`,
handler: abuse => this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.REJECTED),
isDisplayed: abuse => this.isAdminView() && !this.isAbuseRejected(abuse)
label: $localize`Add internal note`,
handler: abuse => this.openModerationCommentModal(abuse),
isDisplayed: abuse => this.isAdminView() && !abuse.moderationComment
label: $localize`Delete report`,
handler: abuse => this.isAdminView() && this.removeAbuse(abuse)
private buildFlaggedAccountActions (): DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[] {
if (!this.isAdminView()) return []
return [
label: $localize`Actions for the flagged account`,
isHeader: true,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.flaggedAccount && !abuse.comment && !abuse.video
label: $localize`Mute account`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.flaggedAccount && !abuse.comment && !abuse.video,
handler: abuse => this.muteAccountHelper(abuse.flaggedAccount)
label: $localize`Mute server account`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.flaggedAccount && !abuse.comment && !abuse.video,
handler: abuse => this.muteServerHelper(abuse.flaggedAccount.host)
private buildAccountActions (): DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[] {
if (!this.isAdminView()) return []
return [
label: $localize`Actions for the reporter`,
isHeader: true,
isDisplayed: abuse => !!abuse.reporterAccount
label: $localize`Mute reporter`,
isDisplayed: abuse => !!abuse.reporterAccount,
handler: abuse => this.muteAccountHelper(abuse.reporterAccount)
label: $localize`Mute server`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.reporterAccount && !abuse.reporterAccount.userId,
handler: abuse => this.muteServerHelper(abuse.reporterAccount.host)
private buildVideoActions (): DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[] {
if (!this.isAdminView()) return []
return [
label: $localize`Actions for the video`,
isHeader: true,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.video && !abuse.video.deleted
label: $localize`Block video`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.video && !abuse.video.deleted && !abuse.video.blacklisted,
handler: abuse => {
2020-08-26 06:45:48 +00:00
this.videoBlocklistService.blockVideo(abuse.video.id, undefined, abuse.video.channel.isLocal)
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Video blocked.`)
this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.ACCEPTED)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
label: $localize`Unblock video`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.video && !abuse.video.deleted && abuse.video.blacklisted,
handler: abuse => {
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Video unblocked.`)
this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.ACCEPTED)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
label: $localize`Delete video`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.video && !abuse.video.deleted,
handler: async abuse => {
const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(
$localize`Do you really want to delete this video?`,
if (res === false) return
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Video deleted.`)
this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.ACCEPTED)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private buildCommentActions (): DropdownAction<ProcessedAbuse>[] {
if (!this.isAdminView()) return []
return [
label: $localize`Actions for the comment`,
isHeader: true,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.comment && !abuse.comment.deleted
label: $localize`Delete comment`,
isDisplayed: abuse => abuse.comment && !abuse.comment.deleted,
handler: async abuse => {
const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(
$localize`Do you really want to delete this comment?`,
if (res === false) return
this.commentService.deleteVideoComment(abuse.comment.video.id, abuse.comment.id)
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Comment deleted.`)
this.updateAbuseState(abuse, AbuseState.ACCEPTED)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private muteAccountHelper (account: Account) {
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${account.nameWithHost} muted by the instance.`)
account.mutedByInstance = true
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private muteServerHelper (host: string) {
() => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Server ${host} muted by the instance.`)
err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private toHtml (text: string) {
return this.markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML(text)