Any PeerTube embed URL (ie ``) can be viewed as an embedding playground which
allows you to test various aspects of PeerTube embeds. Simply replace `/embed` with `/test-embed` and visit the URL in a browser.
Given an existing PeerTube embed `<iframe>`**with API enabled** (``),
one can use the PeerTube Embed API to control it by first including the library. You can include it via Yarn with:
You can customize PeerTube player by specifying URL query parameters.
For example ``
## start
Start the video at a specific time.
Value must be raw seconds or a duration (`3m4s`)
## stop
Stop the video at a specific time.
Value must be raw seconds or a duration (`54s`)
## controls
Mimics video HTML element `controls` attribute, meaning that all controls (including big play button, control bar, etc.) will be removed.
It can be useful if you want to have a full control of the PeerTube player.
Value must be `0` or `1`.
## controlBar
Hide control bar when the video is played.
Value must be `0` or `1`.
## peertubeLink
Hide PeerTube link in control bar.
Value must be `0` or `1`.
## muted
Mute the video by default.
Value must be `0` or `1`.
## loop
Automatically start again the video when it ends.
Value must be `0` or `1`.
## subtitle
Auto select a subtitle by default.
Value must be a valid subtitle ISO code (`fr`, `en`, etc.).
Fired when the available resolutions have changed, or when the currently selected resolution has changed. Listener should call `getResolutions()` to get the updated information.