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211 lines
6.4 KiB
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import execa from 'execa'
import { ensureDir, pathExists, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { VideoResolution } from '@shared/models'
import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '../logger'
import { getProxy, isProxyEnabled } from '../proxy'
import { isBinaryResponse, peertubeGot } from '../requests'
const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('youtube-dl')
export class YoutubeDLCLI {
static async safeGet () {
if (!await pathExists(youtubeDLBinaryPath)) {
await ensureDir(dirname(youtubeDLBinaryPath))
await this.updateYoutubeDLBinary()
return new YoutubeDLCLI()
static async updateYoutubeDLBinary () {
logger.info('Updating youtubeDL binary from %s.', url, lTags())
const gotOptions = { context: { bodyKBLimit: 20_000 }, responseType: 'buffer' as 'buffer' }
try {
let gotResult = await peertubeGot(url, gotOptions)
if (!isBinaryResponse(gotResult)) {
const json = JSON.parse(gotResult.body.toString())
const latest = json.filter(release => release.prerelease === false)[0]
if (!latest) throw new Error('Cannot find latest release')
const releaseAsset = latest.assets.find(a => a.name === releaseName)
if (!releaseAsset) throw new Error(`Cannot find appropriate release with name ${releaseName} in release assets`)
gotResult = await peertubeGot(releaseAsset.browser_download_url, gotOptions)
if (!isBinaryResponse(gotResult)) {
throw new Error('Not a binary response')
await writeFile(youtubeDLBinaryPath, gotResult.body)
logger.info('youtube-dl updated %s.', youtubeDLBinaryPath, lTags())
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot update youtube-dl from %s.', url, { err, ...lTags() })
static getYoutubeDLVideoFormat (enabledResolutions: VideoResolution[]) {
* list of format selectors in order or preference
* see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#format-selection
* case #1 asks for a mp4 using h264 (avc1) and the exact resolution in the hope
* of being able to do a "quick-transcode"
* case #2 is the first fallback. No "quick-transcode" means we can get anything else (like vp9)
* case #3 is the resolution-degraded equivalent of #1, and already a pretty safe fallback
* in any case we avoid AV1, see https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/3499
const resolution = enabledResolutions.length === 0
? VideoResolution.H_720P
: Math.max(...enabledResolutions)
return [
`bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1][height=${resolution}]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]`, // case #1
`bestvideo[vcodec!*=av01][vcodec!*=vp9.2][height=${resolution}]+bestaudio`, // case #2
`bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1][height<=${resolution}]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]`, // case #3
'best[vcodec!*=av01][vcodec!*=vp9.2]', // case fallback for known formats
'best' // Ultimate fallback
private constructor () {
download (options: {
url: string
format: string
output: string
processOptions: execa.NodeOptions
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timeout?: number
additionalYoutubeDLArgs?: string[]
}) {
return this.run({
url: options.url,
processOptions: options.processOptions,
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timeout: options.timeout,
args: (options.additionalYoutubeDLArgs || []).concat([ '-f', options.format, '-o', options.output ])
async getInfo (options: {
url: string
format: string
processOptions: execa.NodeOptions
additionalYoutubeDLArgs?: string[]
}) {
const { url, format, additionalYoutubeDLArgs = [], processOptions } = options
const completeArgs = additionalYoutubeDLArgs.concat([ '--dump-json', '-f', format ])
const data = await this.run({ url, args: completeArgs, processOptions })
const info = data.map(this.parseInfo)
return info.length === 1
? info[0]
: info
async getSubs (options: {
url: string
format: 'vtt'
processOptions: execa.NodeOptions
}) {
const { url, format, processOptions } = options
const args = [ '--skip-download', '--all-subs', `--sub-format=${format}` ]
const data = await this.run({ url, args, processOptions })
const files: string[] = []
const skipString = '[info] Writing video subtitles to: '
for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
const line = data[i]
if (line.indexOf(skipString) === 0) {
return files
private async run (options: {
url: string
args: string[]
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timeout?: number
processOptions: execa.NodeOptions
}) {
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const { url, args, timeout, processOptions } = options
let completeArgs = this.wrapWithProxyOptions(args)
completeArgs = this.wrapWithIPOptions(completeArgs)
completeArgs = this.wrapWithFFmpegOptions(completeArgs)
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const subProcess = execa(PYTHON_PATH, [ youtubeDLBinaryPath, ...completeArgs, url ], processOptions)
if (timeout) {
setTimeout(() => subProcess.cancel(), timeout)
const output = await subProcess
logger.debug('Runned youtube-dl command.', { command: output.command, ...lTags() })
return output.stdout
? output.stdout.trim().split(/\r?\n/)
: undefined
private wrapWithProxyOptions (args: string[]) {
if (isProxyEnabled()) {
logger.debug('Using proxy %s for YoutubeDL', getProxy(), lTags())
return [ '--proxy', getProxy() ].concat(args)
return args
private wrapWithIPOptions (args: string[]) {
logger.debug('Force ipv4 for YoutubeDL')
return [ '--force-ipv4' ].concat(args)
return args
private wrapWithFFmpegOptions (args: string[]) {
if (process.env.FFMPEG_PATH) {
logger.debug('Using ffmpeg location %s for YoutubeDL', process.env.FFMPEG_PATH, lTags())
return [ '--ffmpeg-location', process.env.FFMPEG_PATH ].concat(args)
return args
private parseInfo (data: string) {
return JSON.parse(data)