Fork 0

157 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */
import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
import { prepareViewsServers, prepareViewsVideos, processViewsBuffer } from '@server/tests/shared'
import { wait } from '@shared/core-utils'
import { cleanupTests, PeerTubeServer, stopFfmpeg, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands'
const expect = chai.expect
describe('Test video views/viewers counters', function () {
let servers: PeerTubeServer[]
async function checkCounter (field: 'views' | 'viewers', id: string, expected: number) {
for (const server of servers) {
const video = await server.videos.get({ id })
const messageSuffix = video.isLive
? 'live video'
: 'vod video'
expect(video[field]).to.equal(expected, `${field} not valid on server ${server.serverNumber} for ${messageSuffix} ${video.uuid}`)
before(async function () {
servers = await prepareViewsServers()
describe('Test views counter on VOD', function () {
let videoUUID: string
before(async function () {
2022-05-18 15:16:34 +02:00
const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' })
videoUUID = uuid
await waitJobs(servers)
it('Should not view a video if watch time is below the threshold', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, currentTimes: [ 1, 2 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 0)
it('Should view a video if watch time is above the threshold', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 1)
it('Should not view again this video with the same IP', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, xForwardedFor: ',', currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, xForwardedFor: ',', currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 2)
it('Should view the video from server 2 and send the event', async function () {
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await waitJobs(servers)
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 3)
describe('Test views and viewers counters on live and VOD', function () {
let liveVideoId: string
let vodVideoId: string
let command: FfmpegCommand
before(async function () {
({ vodVideoId, liveVideoId, ffmpegCommand: command } = await prepareViewsVideos({ servers, live: true, vod: true }))
it('Should display no views and viewers', async function () {
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 0)
it('Should view twice and display 1 view/viewer', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 1)
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 1)
it('Should wait and display 0 viewers but still have 1 view', async function () {
await wait(12000)
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 0)
it('Should view on a remote and on local and display 2 viewers and 3 views', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 2)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 2)
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 3)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 3)
after(async function () {
await stopFfmpeg(command)
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests(servers)