2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
'use strict'
// ----------- Node modules -----------
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const express = require('express')
const expressValidator = require('express-validator')
const http = require('http')
const morgan = require('morgan')
const path = require('path')
const TrackerServer = require('bittorrent-tracker').Server
const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// Create our main app
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const app = express()
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// ----------- Checker -----------
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const checker = require('./server/initializers/checker')
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const miss = checker.checkConfig()
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
if (miss.length !== 0) {
2016-02-07 06:01:40 -05:00
throw new Error('Miss some configurations keys : ' + miss)
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// ----------- PeerTube modules -----------
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const config = require('config')
const constants = require('./server/initializers/constants')
const customValidators = require('./server/helpers/customValidators')
const database = require('./server/initializers/database')
const installer = require('./server/initializers/installer')
const logger = require('./server/helpers/logger')
2016-05-02 11:25:05 -04:00
const poolRequests = require('./server/lib/requestsScheduler')
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const routes = require('./server/controllers')
const utils = require('./server/helpers/utils')
const videos = require('./server/lib/videos')
const webtorrent = require('./server/lib/webtorrent')
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// Get configurations
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const port = config.get('listen.port')
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// ----------- Database -----------
// ----------- Command line -----------
// ----------- App -----------
// For the logger
app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: logger.stream }))
// For body requests
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
// Validate some params for the API
customValidators: customValidators
// ----------- Views, routes and static files -----------
// Livereload
port: 35729
// Catch sefaults
// API routes
2016-05-11 15:19:34 -04:00
const apiRoute = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION
app.use(apiRoute, routes.api)
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
2016-03-08 02:27:13 -05:00
// Static files
app.use('/app', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/client'), { maxAge: 0 }))
// 404 for static files not found
app.use('/app/*', function (req, res, next) {
2016-05-10 15:19:24 -04:00
// Thumbnails path for express
2016-05-11 15:19:34 -04:00
const thumbnailsPhysicalPath = path.join(__dirname, config.get('storage.thumbnails'))
app.use(constants.THUMBNAILS_STATIC_PATH, express.static(thumbnailsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: 0 }))
2016-05-10 15:19:24 -04:00
2016-03-07 08:48:46 -05:00
// Client application
app.use('/*', function (req, res, next) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'client/index.html'))
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// ----------- Tracker -----------
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const trackerServer = new TrackerServer({
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
http: false,
udp: false,
ws: false,
dht: false
trackerServer.on('error', function (err) {
trackerServer.on('warning', function (err) {
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const server = http.createServer(app)
const wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: '/tracker/socket'})
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
wss.on('connection', function (ws) {
// ----------- Errors -----------
// Catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
2016-03-21 16:13:10 -04:00
const err = new Error('Not Found')
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
err.status = 404
2016-03-07 08:48:46 -05:00
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
res.sendStatus(err.status || 500)
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
2016-03-21 16:11:26 -04:00
installer.installApplication(function (err) {
2016-03-21 06:56:33 -04:00
if (err) throw err
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
// Create/activate the webtorrent module
webtorrent.create(function () {
function cleanForExit () {
function exitGracefullyOnSignal () {
2016-02-07 06:01:40 -05:00
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
process.on('exit', cleanForExit)
process.on('SIGINT', exitGracefullyOnSignal)
process.on('SIGTERM', exitGracefullyOnSignal)
// ----------- Make the server listening -----------
server.listen(port, function () {
// Activate the pool requests
videos.seedAllExisting(function () {
logger.info('Seeded all the videos')
logger.info('Server listening on port %d', port)
2015-06-09 11:41:40 -04:00
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
2015-06-09 11:41:40 -04:00
2016-02-07 05:47:30 -05:00
module.exports = app