Put activity pub sends inside transactions
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 144 additions and 113 deletions
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ async function rateVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
else if (previousRate.type === VIDEO_RATE_TYPES.DISLIKE) dislikesToIncrement--
if (rateType === 'none') { // Destroy previous rate
await previousRate.destroy()
await previousRate.destroy({ transaction: t })
} else { // Update previous rate
previousRate.type = rateType
await previousRate.save()
await previousRate.save({ transaction: t })
} else if (rateType !== 'none') { // There was not a previous rate, insert a new one if there is a rate
const query = {
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import { VideoChannelObject, VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../../shared'
import { ActivityUpdate } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/activity'
import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils'
@ -6,9 +7,8 @@ import { resetSequelizeInstance } from '../../../helpers/utils'
import { database as db } from '../../../initializers'
import { AccountInstance } from '../../../models/account/account-interface'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models/video/video-interface'
import { videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from './misc'
import Bluebird = require('bluebird')
import { getOrCreateAccountAndServer } from '../account'
import { videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from './misc'
async function processUpdateActivity (activity: ActivityUpdate) {
const account = await getOrCreateAccountAndServer(activity.actor)
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ async function forwardActivity (
const toAccountFollowers = await db.Account.listByFollowersUrls(followersUrls)
const uris = await computeFollowerUris(toAccountFollowers, followersException)
const toAccountFollowers = await db.Account.listByFollowersUrls(followersUrls, t)
const uris = await computeFollowerUris(toAccountFollowers, followersException, t)
if (uris.length === 0) {
logger.info('0 followers for %s, no forwarding.', toAccountFollowers.map(a => a.id).join(', '))
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ async function broadcastToFollowers (
t: Transaction,
followersException: AccountInstance[] = []
) {
const uris = await computeFollowerUris(toAccountFollowers, followersException)
const uris = await computeFollowerUris(toAccountFollowers, followersException, t)
if (uris.length === 0) {
logger.info('0 followers for %s, no broadcasting.', toAccountFollowers.map(a => a.id).join(', '))
return undefined
@ -100,22 +100,22 @@ function getObjectFollowersAudience (accountsInvolvedInObject: AccountInstance[]
async function getAccountsInvolvedInVideo (video: VideoInstance) {
const accountsToForwardView = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id)
async function getAccountsInvolvedInVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const accountsToForwardView = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id, t)
return accountsToForwardView
async function getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance) {
const accountsToForwardView = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id)
async function getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Transaction) {
const accountsToForwardView = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id, t)
return accountsToForwardView
async function getAudience (accountSender: AccountInstance, isPublic = true) {
const followerInboxUrls = await accountSender.getFollowerSharedInboxUrls()
async function getAudience (accountSender: AccountInstance, t: Transaction, isPublic = true) {
const followerInboxUrls = await accountSender.getFollowerSharedInboxUrls(t)
// Thanks Mastodon: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/master/app/lib/activitypub/tag_manager.rb#L47
let to = []
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ async function getAudience (accountSender: AccountInstance, isPublic = true) {
return { to, cc }
async function computeFollowerUris (toAccountFollower: AccountInstance[], followersException: AccountInstance[]) {
async function computeFollowerUris (toAccountFollower: AccountInstance[], followersException: AccountInstance[], t: Transaction) {
const toAccountFollowerIds = toAccountFollower.map(a => a.id)
const result = await db.AccountFollow.listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls(toAccountFollowerIds)
const result = await db.AccountFollow.listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls(toAccountFollowerIds, t)
const followersSharedInboxException = followersException.map(f => f.sharedInboxUrl)
const uris = result.data.filter(sharedInbox => followersSharedInboxException.indexOf(sharedInbox) === -1)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ async function sendAccept (accountFollow: AccountFollowInstance, t: Transaction)
const me = accountFollow.AccountFollowing
const url = getAccountFollowAcceptActivityPubUrl(accountFollow)
const data = await acceptActivityData(url, me)
const data = acceptActivityData(url, me)
return unicastTo(data, me, follower.inboxUrl, t)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function acceptActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
function acceptActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
const activity: ActivityAccept = {
type: 'Accept',
id: url,
@ -8,15 +8,22 @@ async function sendAddVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const byAccount = video.VideoChannel.Account
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await addActivityData(video.url, byAccount, video, video.VideoChannel.url, videoObject)
const data = await addActivityData(video.url, byAccount, video, video.VideoChannel.url, videoObject, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, [ byAccount ], t)
async function addActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, target: string, object: any) {
async function addActivityData (
url: string,
byAccount: AccountInstance,
video: VideoInstance,
target: string,
object: any,
t: Transaction
) {
const videoPublic = video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC
const { to, cc } = await getAudience(byAccount, videoPublic)
const { to, cc } = await getAudience(byAccount, t, videoPublic)
const activity: ActivityAdd = {
type: 'Add',
id: url,
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ async function buildVideoAnnounceToFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, video:
const url = getAnnounceActivityPubUrl(video.url, byAccount)
const videoChannel = video.VideoChannel
const announcedActivity = await addActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, video, videoChannel.url, video.toActivityPubObject())
const announcedActivity = await addActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, video, videoChannel.url, video.toActivityPubObject(), t)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(accountsToForwardView)
const data = await announceActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, audience)
const data = await announceActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, t, audience)
return data
@ -40,22 +40,22 @@ async function sendVideoAnnounceToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: Vid
const url = getAnnounceActivityPubUrl(video.url, byAccount)
const videoChannel = video.VideoChannel
const announcedActivity = await addActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, video, videoChannel.url, video.toActivityPubObject())
const announcedActivity = await addActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, video, videoChannel.url, video.toActivityPubObject(), t)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, videoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
async function buildVideoChannelAnnounceToFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Transaction) {
const url = getAnnounceActivityPubUrl(videoChannel.url, byAccount)
const announcedActivity = await createActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannel.toActivityPubObject())
const announcedActivity = await createActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannel.toActivityPubObject(), t)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel(videoChannel)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel(videoChannel, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(accountsToForwardView)
const data = await announceActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, audience)
const data = await announceActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, t, audience)
return data
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ async function sendVideoChannelAnnounceToFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance,
async function sendVideoChannelAnnounceToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Transaction) {
const url = getAnnounceActivityPubUrl(videoChannel.url, byAccount)
const announcedActivity = await createActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannel.toActivityPubObject())
const announcedActivity = await createActivityData(url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannel.toActivityPubObject(), t)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel(videoChannel)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideoChannel(videoChannel, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoChannelAudience(videoChannel, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, announcedActivity, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, videoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -81,10 +81,11 @@ async function announceActivityData (
url: string,
byAccount: AccountInstance,
object: ActivityCreate | ActivityAdd,
t: Transaction,
audience?: ActivityAudience
) {
if (!audience) {
audience = await getAudience(byAccount)
audience = await getAudience(byAccount, t)
const activity: ActivityAnnounce = {
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import {
} from './misc'
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ async function sendCreateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Tr
const byAccount = videoChannel.Account
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await createActivityData(videoChannel.url, byAccount, videoChannelObject)
const data = await createActivityData(videoChannel.url, byAccount, videoChannelObject, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, [ byAccount ], t)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ async function sendVideoAbuse (byAccount: AccountInstance, videoAbuse: VideoAbus
const url = getVideoAbuseActivityPubUrl(videoAbuse)
const audience = { to: [ video.VideoChannel.Account.url ], cc: [] }
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, videoAbuse.toActivityPubObject(), audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, videoAbuse.toActivityPubObject(), t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ async function sendCreateViewToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoI
const url = getVideoViewActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const viewActivity = createViewActivityData(byAccount, video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ async function sendCreateViewToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, video
const url = getVideoViewActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const viewActivity = createViewActivityData(byAccount, video)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(accountsToForwardView)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, t, audience)
// Use the server account to send the view, because it could be an unregistered account
const serverAccount = await getServerAccount()
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ async function sendCreateDislikeToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: Vid
const url = getVideoDislikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const dislikeActivity = createDislikeActivityData(byAccount, video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, dislikeActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, dislikeActivity, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ async function sendCreateDislikeToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, vi
const url = getVideoDislikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const dislikeActivity = createDislikeActivityData(byAccount, video)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsToForwardView = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(accountsToForwardView)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, dislikeActivity, audience)
const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, dislikeActivity, t, audience)
const followersException = [ byAccount ]
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsToForwardView, t, followersException)
async function createActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any, audience?: ActivityAudience) {
async function createActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any, t: Transaction, audience?: ActivityAudience) {
if (!audience) {
audience = await getAudience(byAccount)
audience = await getAudience(byAccount, t)
const activity: ActivityCreate = {
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import { broadcastToFollowers } from './misc'
async function sendDeleteVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Transaction) {
const byAccount = videoChannel.Account
const data = await deleteActivityData(videoChannel.url, byAccount)
const data = deleteActivityData(videoChannel.url, byAccount)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsInvolved, t)
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ async function sendDeleteVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Tr
async function sendDeleteVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const byAccount = video.VideoChannel.Account
const data = await deleteActivityData(video.url, byAccount)
const data = deleteActivityData(video.url, byAccount)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsInvolved, t)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function deleteActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
function deleteActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
const activity: ActivityDelete = {
type: 'Delete',
id: url,
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import { AccountFollowInstance } from '../../../models/account/account-follow-in
import { getAccountFollowActivityPubUrl } from '../url'
import { unicastTo } from './misc'
async function sendFollow (accountFollow: AccountFollowInstance, t: Transaction) {
function sendFollow (accountFollow: AccountFollowInstance, t: Transaction) {
const me = accountFollow.AccountFollower
const following = accountFollow.AccountFollowing
const url = getAccountFollowActivityPubUrl(accountFollow)
const data = await followActivityData(url, me, following)
const data = followActivityData(url, me, following)
return unicastTo(data, me, following.inboxUrl, t)
async function followActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, targetAccount: AccountInstance) {
function followActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, targetAccount: AccountInstance) {
const activity: ActivityFollow = {
type: 'Follow',
id: url,
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { ActivityLike } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/activity'
import { ActivityAudience, ActivityLike } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/activity'
import { AccountInstance, VideoInstance } from '../../../models'
import { getVideoLikeActivityPubUrl } from '../url'
import {
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import {
async function sendLikeToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const url = getVideoLikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await likeActivityData(url, byAccount, video, audience)
const data = await likeActivityData(url, byAccount, video, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -24,19 +24,23 @@ async function sendLikeToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstanc
async function sendLikeToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const url = getVideoLikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const data = await likeActivityData(url, byAccount, video, audience)
const toAccountsFollowers = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const data = await likeActivityData(url, byAccount, video, t, audience)
const followersException = [ byAccount ]
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, toAccountsFollowers, t, followersException)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsInvolvedInVideo, t, followersException)
async function likeActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, audience?: { to: string[], cc: string[] }) {
async function likeActivityData (
url: string,
byAccount: AccountInstance,
video: VideoInstance,
t: Transaction,
audience?: ActivityAudience
) {
if (!audience) {
audience = await getAudience(byAccount)
audience = await getAudience(byAccount, t)
const activity: ActivityLike = {
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ async function sendUndoFollow (accountFollow: AccountFollowInstance, t: Transact
const followUrl = getAccountFollowActivityPubUrl(accountFollow)
const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(followUrl)
const object = await followActivityData(followUrl, me, following)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, me, object)
const object = followActivityData(followUrl, me, following)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, me, object, t)
return unicastTo(data, me, following.inboxUrl, t)
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ async function sendUndoLikeToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoIns
const likeUrl = getVideoLikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(likeUrl)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const object = await likeActivityData(likeUrl, byAccount, video)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, audience)
const object = await likeActivityData(likeUrl, byAccount, video, t)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, t, audience)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ async function sendUndoLikeToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, video:
const likeUrl = getVideoLikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(likeUrl)
const toAccountsFollowers = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const toAccountsFollowers = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getObjectFollowersAudience(toAccountsFollowers)
const object = await likeActivityData(likeUrl, byAccount, video)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, audience)
const object = await likeActivityData(likeUrl, byAccount, video, t)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, t, audience)
const followersException = [ byAccount ]
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, toAccountsFollowers, t, followersException)
@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ async function sendUndoDislikeToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: Video
const dislikeUrl = getVideoDislikeActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video)
const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(dislikeUrl)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const accountsInvolvedInVideo = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const audience = getOriginVideoAudience(video, accountsInvolvedInVideo)
const dislikeActivity = createDislikeActivityData(byAccount, video)
const object = await createActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, dislikeActivity, audience)
const object = await createActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, dislikeActivity, t, audience)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, t)
return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ async function sendUndoDislikeToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, vide
const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(dislikeUrl)
const dislikeActivity = createDislikeActivityData(byAccount, video)
const object = await createActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, dislikeActivity)
const object = await createActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, dislikeActivity, t)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object)
const data = await undoActivityData(undoUrl, byAccount, object, t)
const toAccountsFollowers = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video)
const toAccountsFollowers = await getAccountsInvolvedInVideo(video, t)
const followersException = [ byAccount ]
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, toAccountsFollowers, t, followersException)
@ -105,10 +105,11 @@ async function undoActivityData (
url: string,
byAccount: AccountInstance,
object: ActivityFollow | ActivityLike | ActivityCreate,
t: Transaction,
audience?: ActivityAudience
) {
if (!audience) {
audience = await getAudience(byAccount)
audience = await getAudience(byAccount, t)
const activity: ActivityUndo = {
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ async function sendUpdateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Tr
const url = getUpdateActivityPubUrl(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.updatedAt.toISOString())
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await updateActivityData(url, byAccount, videoChannelObject)
const data = await updateActivityData(url, byAccount, videoChannelObject, t)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoChannelShare.loadAccountsByShare(videoChannel.id, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsInvolved, t)
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ async function sendUpdateVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) {
const url = getUpdateActivityPubUrl(video.url, video.updatedAt.toISOString())
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await updateActivityData(url, byAccount, videoObject)
const data = await updateActivityData(url, byAccount, videoObject, t)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id)
const accountsInvolved = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare(video.id, t)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, accountsInvolved, t)
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function updateActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any) {
const { to, cc } = await getAudience(byAccount)
async function updateActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any, t: Transaction) {
const { to, cc } = await getAudience(byAccount, t)
const activity: ActivityUpdate = {
type: 'Update',
id: url,
@ -14,9 +14,19 @@ export namespace AccountFollowMethods {
export type ListFollowingForApi = (id: number, start: number, count: number, sort: string) => Bluebird< ResultList<AccountFollowInstance>>
export type ListFollowersForApi = (id: number, start: number, count: number, sort: string) => Bluebird< ResultList<AccountFollowInstance>>
export type ListAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi = (accountId: number[], start?: number, count?: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ListAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = (accountId: number[], start?: number, count?: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ListAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls = (accountId: number[]) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ListAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi = (
accountId: number[],
t: Sequelize.Transaction,
start?: number,
count?: number
) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ListAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = (
accountId: number[],
t: Sequelize.Transaction,
start?: number,
count?: number
) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ListAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls = (accountId: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ToFormattedJSON = (this: AccountFollowInstance) => AccountFollow
@ -181,16 +181,16 @@ listFollowersForApi = function (id: number, start: number, count: number, sort:
listAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, start, count)
listAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction, start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, t, start, count)
listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (accountIds: number[]) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, undefined, undefined, 'sharedInboxUrl')
listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, t, undefined, undefined, 'sharedInboxUrl')
listAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('following', accountIds, start, count)
listAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction, start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('following', accountIds, t, start, count)
// ------------------------------ UTILS ------------------------------
@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ listAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], start?: number
async function createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery (
type: 'followers' | 'following',
accountIds: number[],
t: Sequelize.Transaction,
start?: number,
count?: number,
columnUrl = 'url'
@ -227,7 +228,8 @@ async function createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery (
const options = {
bind: { accountIds },
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
transaction: t
tasks.push(AccountFollow['sequelize'].query(query, options))
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ export namespace AccountMethods {
export type LoadByUrl = (url: string, transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance>
export type LoadLocalByName = (name: string) => Bluebird<AccountInstance>
export type LoadByNameAndHost = (name: string, host: string) => Bluebird<AccountInstance>
export type ListByFollowersUrls = (followerUrls: string[], transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type ListByFollowersUrls = (followerUrls: string[], transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type ToActivityPubObject = (this: AccountInstance) => ActivityPubActor
export type ToFormattedJSON = (this: AccountInstance) => FormattedAccount
export type IsOwned = (this: AccountInstance) => boolean
export type GetFollowerSharedInboxUrls = (this: AccountInstance) => Bluebird<string[]>
export type GetFollowerSharedInboxUrls = (this: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) => Bluebird<string[]>
export type GetFollowingUrl = (this: AccountInstance) => string
export type GetFollowersUrl = (this: AccountInstance) => string
export type GetPublicKeyUrl = (this: AccountInstance) => string
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default function (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes: Sequelize.Da
indexes: [
fields: [ 'videoId', 'accountId', 'type' ],
fields: [ 'videoId', 'accountId' ],
unique: true
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import {
import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc'
import { CONFIG, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers/constants'
import { sendDeleteAccount } from '../../lib/activitypub/send/send-delete'
import { addMethodsToModel } from '../utils'
import { AccountAttributes, AccountInstance, AccountMethods } from './account-interface'
@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ isOwned = function (this: AccountInstance) {
return this.serverId === null
getFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (this: AccountInstance) {
getFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (this: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query: Sequelize.FindOptions<AccountAttributes> = {
attributes: [ 'sharedInboxUrl' ],
include: [
@ -327,7 +326,8 @@ getFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (this: AccountInstance) {
targetAccountId: this.id
transaction: t
return Account.findAll(query)
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { AccountInstance } from '../account/account-interface'
import { VideoChannelInstance } from './video-channel-interface'
export namespace VideoChannelShareMethods {
export type LoadAccountsByShare = (videoChannelId: number) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type Load = (accountId: number, videoId: number) => Bluebird<VideoChannelShareInstance>
export type LoadAccountsByShare = (videoChannelId: number, t: Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type Load = (accountId: number, videoId: number, t: Transaction) => Bluebird<VideoChannelShareInstance>
export interface VideoChannelShareClass {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function associate (models) {
load = function (accountId: number, videoChannelId: number) {
load = function (accountId: number, videoChannelId: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
return VideoChannelShare.findOne({
where: {
@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ load = function (accountId: number, videoChannelId: number) {
include: [
transaction: t
loadAccountsByShare = function (videoChannelId: number) {
loadAccountsByShare = function (videoChannelId: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query = {
where: {
@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ loadAccountsByShare = function (videoChannelId: number) {
model: VideoChannelShare['sequelize'].models.Account,
required: true
transaction: t
return VideoChannelShare.findAll(query)
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { AccountInstance } from '../account/account-interface'
import { VideoInstance } from './video-interface'
export namespace VideoShareMethods {
export type LoadAccountsByShare = (videoId: number) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type Load = (accountId: number, videoId: number) => Bluebird<VideoShareInstance>
export type LoadAccountsByShare = (videoId: number, t: Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
export type Load = (accountId: number, videoId: number, t: Transaction) => Bluebird<VideoShareInstance>
export interface VideoShareClass {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function associate (models) {
load = function (accountId: number, videoId: number) {
load = function (accountId: number, videoId: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
return VideoShare.findOne({
where: {
@ -60,11 +60,12 @@ load = function (accountId: number, videoId: number) {
include: [
transaction: t
loadAccountsByShare = function (videoId: number) {
loadAccountsByShare = function (videoId: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query = {
where: {
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ loadAccountsByShare = function (videoId: number) {
model: VideoShare['sequelize'].models.Account,
required: true
transaction: t
return VideoShare.findAll(query)
Add table
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