diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf
index 93c8059a6..c3ff8c127 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- okomentoval vaše video . Tento komentář vyžaduje váš souhlas
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ okomentoval vaše video . Tento komentář vyžaduje váš souhlassrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- Váš import videa byl úspěšný
+ Your video import succeeded
+ Váš import videa byl úspěšný src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- se o vás zmínil ve videu
+ mentioned you on video
+ se o vás zmínil ve videu src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Nová verze zásuvného modulu / motivu je dostupná:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Nová verze zásuvného modulu / motivu je dostupná: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Nová verze PeerTube je dostupná:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Nová verze PeerTube je dostupná: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- Zveřejnění vašeho videa je dokončeno
+ Your video edition has finished
+ Zveřejnění vašeho videa je dokončeno src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- Uživatel se chce zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ Uživatel se chce zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- je živé vysílání v
+ is live streaming in
+ je živé vysílání v src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- přepis vaše video bylo vygenerováno
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ přepis vaše video bylo vygenerováno src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
Your video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: , used: , quota: )
- U tohoto videa byla překročena kvóta videa (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: V případě, že se jedná o video, které má být použito, je kvóta: , kvóta: ()
+ U tohoto videa byla překročena kvóta videa (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: V případě, že se jedná o video, které má být použito, je kvóta: , kvóta: ()src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-upload.service.ts34
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibilní, který podporuje:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibilní, který podporuje:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Tato instance umožňuje registraci. Dávejte však pozor, abyste zkontrolovali Podmínky použití Podmínky použití před vytvořením účtu. Můžete také vyhledat jinou instanci, která bude přesně odpovídat vašim potřebám: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Tato instance umožňuje registraci. Dávejte však pozor, abyste zkontrolovali Podmínky použití Podmínky použití před vytvořením účtu. Můžete také vyhledat jinou instanci, která bude přesně odpovídat vašim potřebám: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- V současné době tato instance neumožňuje registraci uživatele, můžete zkontrolovat PodmínkyPodmínky pro další podrobnosti nebo najděte instanci, která vám dává možnost zaregistrovat si účet a nahrajte tam svá videa. Najděte svůj mezi několika instancemi na: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ V současné době tato instance neumožňuje registraci uživatele, můžete zkontrolovat PodmínkyPodmínky pro další podrobnosti nebo najděte instanci, která vám dává možnost zaregistrovat si účet a nahrajte tam svá videa. Najděte svůj mezi několika instancemi na: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.E-mail s pokyny pro obnovení hesla bude odeslán na adresu . Platnost odkazu vyprší do 1 hodiny.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- pro
+ for
+ pro src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Jak jste si pravděpodobně všimli: pro sledování videa na není nutné vytvářet účet. Vytvoření účtu na vám však umožní:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Jak jste si pravděpodobně všimli: pro sledování videa na není nutné vytvářet účet. Vytvoření účtu na vám však umožní: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Komentovat videa
+ Comment videos
+ Komentovat videasrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- Odebírat kanály abyste byli upozorněni na nová videa
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ Odebírat kanály abyste byli upozorněni na nová videasrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Budete mít ppřístu vaší historii sledování
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Budete mít ppřístu vaší historii sledovánísrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Můžete si vytvořit kanál k publikování videí
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Můžete si vytvořit kanál k publikování videísrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- byl vytvořen pomocí PeerTube, platformou pro tvorbu videí vyvinutou společností Framasoft. Framasoft je francouzská nezisková organizace, která nabízí alternativy k digitálním nástrojům Big Tech.
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ byl vytvořen pomocí PeerTube, platformou pro tvorbu videí vyvinutou společností Framasoft. Framasoft je francouzská nezisková organizace, která nabízí alternativy k digitálním nástrojům Big Tech. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- Chcete publkovat videa na ? Pak je třeba vytvořit první kanál.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ Chcete publkovat videa na ? Pak je třeba vytvořit první kanál. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Možná budete chtít vytvořit kanál podle tématu: například můžete vytvořit kanál s názvem "SweetMelodies", kde budete zveřejňovat své klavírní koncerty, a další kanál "Ecology", kde budete zveřejňovat svá videa o ekologii.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Možná budete chtít vytvořit kanál podle tématu: například můžete vytvořit kanál s názvem "SweetMelodies", kde budete zveřejňovat své klavírní koncerty, a další kanál "Ecology", kde budete zveřejňovat svá videa o ekologii. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- správci umožňují publikovat až videí na svých webových stránkách.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ správci umožňují publikovat až videí na svých webových stránkách. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2540,16 +2541,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Oficiální webové stránky PeerTube (novinky, podpora, příspěvky...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Oficiální webové stránky PeerTube (novinky, podpora, příspěvky...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Umístěte svou instanci na veřejný seznam PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Umístěte svou instanci na veřejný seznam PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2564,8 +2565,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Výběr názvu instance, nastavení popisu, uvedení kdo jste, proč jste vytvořili svou instanci a jak dlouho plánujete udržovat je velmi důležité, aby návštěvníci pochopili, o jaký typ instance se jedná.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Výběr názvu instance, nastavení popisu, uvedení kdo jste, proč jste vytvořili svou instanci a jak dlouho plánujete udržovat je velmi důležité, aby návštěvníci pochopili, o jaký typ instance se jedná. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3034,8 +3035,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ Pokud je povoleno, doporučujeme použít a HTTP proxy, abyste zabránili přístupu k soukromým URL ze serveru PeerTube
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ Pokud je povoleno, doporučujeme použít a HTTP proxy, abyste zabránili přístupu k soukromým URL ze serveru PeerTubesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3086,24 +3087,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- Již má účet, Zaloguji se
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ Již má účet, Zaloguji se src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Zásadypro
+ Termsof
+ Zásadypro src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Nastavenívašeho účtu
+ Setupyour account
+ Nastavenívašeho účtusrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3118,8 +3119,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Vytvořteváš první kanál
+ Createyour first channel
+ Vytvořteváš první kanálsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3210,24 +3211,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Pomozte moderátorům a ostatním uživatelům zjistit kdo jste tímto:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Pomozte moderátorům a ostatním uživatelům zjistit kdo jste tímto:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Nahrání avatara
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Nahrání avatarasrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- Napsáním popisku
+ Writing a description
+ Napsáním popiskusrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3879,8 +3880,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Časová značka (například 00:05) je automaticky převedena na odkaz na část videa.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Časová značka (například 00:05) je automaticky převedena na odkaz na část videa.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3939,8 +3940,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Kompatibilní s Markdown který také podporuje vlastní PeerTube HTML značky
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Kompatibilní s Markdown který také podporuje vlastní PeerTube HTML značkysrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4079,8 +4080,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Vyberte vhodnou licenci pro vaše dílo.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Vyberte vhodnou licenci pro vaše dílo. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4139,8 +4140,8 @@
- Requested on
- Vyžádáno na
+ Requested on
+ Vyžádáno na src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4315,7 +4316,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Již nahráno ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4397,8 +4398,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Kapitoly lze nastavit i v popisu videa. Zkontrolujte formát v dokumentaci PeerTube
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Kapitoly lze nastavit i v popisu videa. Zkontrolujte formát v dokumentaci PeerTube src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4481,8 +4482,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Krátký text, který lidem řekne, jak mohou kanál podpořit (členská platforma...).<br /> Když je na tento kanál nahráno video, pole pro podporu videa se automaticky vyplní tímto textem.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Krátký text, který lidem řekne, jak mohou kanál podpořit (členská platforma...).<br /> Když je na tento kanál nahráno video, pole pro podporu videa se automaticky vyplní tímto textem.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4721,8 +4723,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- Vzdálený kanál můžete synchronizovat také ve vaší knihovně
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ Vzdálený kanál můžete synchronizovat také ve vaší knihovněsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7760,8 +7762,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8537,8 +8539,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Priorita (1 = nejvyšší priorita)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Priorita (1 = nejvyšší priorita)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8573,8 +8575,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Nenalezena žádná úloha .
+ No jobs found.
+ Nenalezena žádná úloha .src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8673,8 +8675,8 @@
- By ->
- Od ->
+ By ->
+ Od ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8721,8 +8723,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- Lze ji také zobrazit na externích webových stránkách k propagaci vaší instance, například JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ Lze ji také zobrazit na externích webových stránkách k propagaci vaší instance, například JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8849,8 +8851,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Spravovat uživatele pro vytvoření a moderování týmu.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Spravovat uživatele pro vytvoření a moderování týmu. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8865,8 +8867,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Pokud ji povolíte, ostatní správci budou vědět, že sdružujete především citlivý obsah. Kromě toho bude ve výchozím nastavení automaticky zaškrtnuto políčko NSFW při nahrávání videa.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Pokud ji povolíte, ostatní správci budou vědět, že sdružujete především citlivý obsah. Kromě toho bude ve výchozím nastavení automaticky zaškrtnuto políčko NSFW při nahrávání videa. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9077,8 +9079,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Použijte plugins & themes pro rozsáhlejší změny nebo přidejte mírné přizpůsobení.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Použijte plugins & themes pro rozsáhlejší změny nebo přidejte mírné přizpůsobení. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9221,8 +9223,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Spravujte uživatele pro individuální nastavení jejich kvóty.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Spravujte uživatele pro individuální nastavení jejich kvóty. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9557,8 +9559,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Ke zpracování úloh přepisu použijte vzdálené runnery. Vzdálené runnery se musí nejprve zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Ke zpracování úloh přepisu použijte vzdálené runnery. Vzdálené runnery se musí nejprve zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9645,8 +9647,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Na veřejném webu byste měli používat pouze moderované vyhledávací indexy nebo hostovat vlastní.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ Na veřejném webu byste měli používat pouze moderované vyhledávací indexy nebo hostovat vlastní. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9781,8 +9783,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Správa vztahů s jinými instancemi.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Správa vztahů s jinými instancemi. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9853,8 +9855,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Více informací o očekávané adrese URL naleznete v dokumentaci.
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Více informací o očekávané adrese URL naleznete v dokumentaci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10157,8 +10159,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Použít vzdálené runnery ke zpracování živého překódování. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Použít vzdálené runnery ke zpracování živého překódování. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat ve vaší instanci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10221,8 +10223,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Použijte vzdálené runnery pro zpracování překódování VOD. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat na vaší instanci.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Použijte vzdálené runnery pro zpracování překódování VOD. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat na vaší instanci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10325,8 +10327,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Vyžaduje ffmpeg >= 4. 1Generuje seznamy stop HLS a fragmentované soubory MP4, což vede k lepšímu přehrávání než u webových videí: Změna rozlišení je plynulejšíRychlejší přehrávání zejména dlouhých videíStabilnější přehrávání (méně chyb/nekonečné načítání)Pokud jste také povolili podporu webových videí, znásobí se úložiště videí o 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Vyžaduje ffmpeg >= 4. 1Generuje seznamy stop HLS a fragmentované soubory MP4, což vede k lepšímu přehrávání než u webových videí: Změna rozlišení je plynulejšíRychlejší přehrávání zejména dlouhých videíStabilnější přehrávání (méně chyb/nekonečné načítání)Pokud jste také povolili podporu webových videí, znásobí se úložiště videí o 2src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10493,8 +10495,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Použijte vzdálené runnery ke zpracování úloh studiového překódování. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat na vaší instanci.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Použijte vzdálené runnery ke zpracování úloh studiového překódování. Vzdálení runneři se musí nejprve zaregistrovat na vaší instanci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10621,16 +10623,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Napište přímo kód JavaScriptu. Příklad:console.log('moje instance je úžasná');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Napište přímo kód JavaScriptu. Příklad:console.log('moje instance je úžasná');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- Napište přímo kód CSS. Příklad:#custom-css color: red; Předepište pomocí #custom-css pro přepsání stylů. Příklad:#custom-css . logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ Napište přímo kód CSS. Příklad:#custom-css color: red; Předepište pomocí #custom-css pro přepsání stylů. Příklad:#custom-css . logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10653,8 +10661,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Ve formuláři jsou chyby:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Ve formuláři jsou chyby: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10877,8 +10885,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Aktualizujte vaše nastavení
+ Update your settings
+ Aktualizujte vaše nastavenísrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10901,56 +10909,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Seřadit podle "Nedávno přidané"
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Seřadit podle "Nedávno přidané"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Řadit podle "původního data vydání"
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Řadit podle "původního data vydání"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Řadit podle "Jméno"
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Řadit podle "Jméno"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Seřadit podle "Poslední zobrazení"
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Seřadit podle "Poslední zobrazení"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Seřadit podle "Nejzajímavější"
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Seřadit podle "Nejzajímavější"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Seřadit podle "Líbí se mi"
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Seřadit podle "Líbí se mi"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Řadit podle "Globálních shlédnutí"
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Řadit podle "Globálních shlédnutí"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11089,8 +11097,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Pomocí Skrýt nebo Rozostřit náhledy a pro zhlédnutí videa bude vyžadováno potvrzení.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Pomocí Skrýt nebo Rozostřit náhledy a pro zhlédnutí videa bude vyžadováno potvrzení. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11297,24 +11305,24 @@
- External Channel
- Externí kanál
+ External Channel
+ Externí kanál src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Kanál
+ Channel
+ Kanál src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Poslední synchronizace v
+ Last synchronization at
+ Poslední synchronizace v src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11675,8 +11683,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Některé z vašich kanálů nejsou zcela nastaveny. Vylepšete jim srozumitelnost a jednoznačně informujte o tom, co zveřejňujete, přidáním úvodního obrázku, avataru a popisu.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Některé z vašich kanálů nejsou zcela nastaveny. Vylepšete jim srozumitelnost a jednoznačně informujte o tom, co zveřejňujete, přidáním úvodního obrázku, avataru a popisu.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12131,8 +12139,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Pokud potřebujete pomoc s používáním PeerTube, můžete se podívat na dokumentace.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Pokud potřebujete pomoc s používáním PeerTube, můžete se podívat na dokumentace. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12143,8 +12151,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Vítejtena
+ Welcomeon
+ Vítejtena src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12167,16 +12175,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení žádosti o registraci.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení žádosti o registraci. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení registrace.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení registrace. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12443,8 +12451,8 @@
+ ZOBRAZIT TENTO KANÁL >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12827,8 +12835,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Weboví peeři nejsou veřejně přístupní: protože používáme transportní protokol websocket, je protokol odlišný od klasického trasovače BitTorrent. Když jste ve webovém prohlížeči, odešlete signál obsahující vaši IP adresu do trasovače, který náhodně vybere další peery, kterým informaci předá. Další informace naleznete v tomto dokumentu
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Weboví peeři nejsou veřejně přístupní: protože používáme transportní protokol websocket, je protokol odlišný od klasického trasovače BitTorrent. Když jste ve webovém prohlížeči, odešlete signál obsahující vaši IP adresu do trasovače, který náhodně vybere další peery, kterým informaci předá. Další informace naleznete v tomto dokumentusrc/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -12983,8 +12991,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Kontakt na administrátora(y)
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Kontakt na administrátora(y) src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13267,8 +13275,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Je mi alespoň let a souhlasím s Podmínkami a se Zásadami chování z .
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Je mi alespoň let a souhlasím s Podmínkami a se Zásadami chování z . src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13719,8 +13727,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Možná si však budete chtít přečíst naše pokyny před úpravou následujících hodnot.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Možná si však budete chtít přečíst naše pokyny před úpravou následujících hodnot. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14905,8 +14913,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube si myslí, že veřejná IP adresa vašeho webového prohlížeče je .
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube si myslí, že veřejná IP adresa vašeho webového prohlížeče je .src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -14953,8 +14961,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Zkontrolujte konfigurační klíč trust_proxy
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Zkontrolujte konfigurační klíč trust_proxysrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15053,16 +15061,16 @@
- Files
- Soubory
+ Files
+ Soubory src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Publikováno
+ Published
+ Publikováno src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15153,16 +15161,16 @@
- Priority
- Priorita
+ Priority
+ Priorita src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Pokrok
+ Progress
+ Pokrok src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15353,8 +15361,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Přijmout registraciOdmítnout registraci
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Přijmout registraciOdmítnout registracisrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15369,40 +15377,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- Přijetí registrace vytvoří účet a kanál.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ Přijetí registrace vytvoří účet a kanál. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- E-mail bude odeslán na adresu vysvětlující, že tento účet byl vytvořen s moderátorskou odpovědí, kterou napíšete níže.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ E-mail bude odeslán na adresu vysvětlující, že tento účet byl vytvořen s moderátorskou odpovědí, kterou napíšete níže. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- E-maily nejsou v této instanci povoleny, takže PeerTube nebude moci odeslat e-mail na vysvětlující, že jeho účet byl vytvořen.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ E-maily nejsou v této instanci povoleny, takže PeerTube nebude moci odeslat e-mail na vysvětlující, že jeho účet byl vytvořen. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- E-mail bude odeslán na adresu vysvětlující, že jeho žádost o registraci byla odmítnuta s moderátorskou odpovědí, kterou napíšete níže.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ E-mail bude odeslán na adresu vysvětlující, že jeho žádost o registraci byla odmítnuta s moderátorskou odpovědí, kterou napíšete níže. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- E-maily nejsou v této instanci povoleny, takže PeerTube nebude moci odeslat e-mail na vysvětlující, že jeho žádost o registraci byla zamítnuta.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ E-maily nejsou v této instanci povoleny, takže PeerTube nebude moci odeslat e-mail na vysvětlující, že jeho žádost o registraci byla zamítnuta. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15785,8 +15793,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>Nelze vytvořit uživatele nebo kanál s uživatelským jménem, které již používá smazaný uživatel/kanál.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>Nelze vytvořit uživatele nebo kanál s uživatelským jménem, které již používá smazaný uživatel/kanál.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15865,8 +15873,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Vymazat celou historii
+ Clear all history
+ Vymazat celou historii src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16815,8 +16823,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- čeká na ověření e-mailem
+ is awaiting email verification
+ čeká na ověření e-mailem src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16831,8 +16839,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- Váš aktuální e-mail je . Veřejnosti se nikdy neukazuje.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ Váš aktuální e-mail je . Veřejnosti se nikdy neukazuje. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17151,16 +17159,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- Aktuální video bude přepsáno tímto upraveným videem a <strong>nebude možné jej obnovit</strong>.<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ Aktuální video bude přepsáno tímto upraveným videem a <strong>nebude možné jej obnovit</strong>.<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Pro připomenutí, budou provedeny následující úlohy: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Pro připomenutí, budou provedeny následující úlohy: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17263,7 +17271,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Nelze načíst pověření klienta OAuth: . Ujistěte se, že jste správně nakonfigurovali PeerTube (adresář config/), zejména část "webserver".src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17539,8 +17548,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Dlouhé (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Dlouhé (> 10 min)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17679,8 +17688,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- Kvóta videa zohledňuje pouze velikost nahraných videí, nikoli překódovaných souborů nebo uživatelských exportních archivů (které mohou obsahovat video soubory).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ Kvóta videa zohledňuje pouze velikost nahraných videí, nikoli překódovaných souborů nebo uživatelských exportních archivů (které mohou obsahovat video soubory). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17897,8 +17906,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- Tyto automatické značky lze použít k filtrování komentářů nebo jejich automatickému blokování.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ Tyto automatické značky lze použít k filtrování komentářů nebo jejich automatickému blokování.src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18833,8 +18842,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- Viz dokumentace, kde se dozvíte, jak používat funkci živého vysílání PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ Viz dokumentace, kde se dozvíte, jak používat funkci živého vysílání PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20008,8 +20017,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Pokud tohoto uživatele odstraníte, nebudete moci vytvořit dalšího uživatele nebo kanál s tímto <strong></strong> uživatelským jménem!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Pokud tohoto uživatele odstraníte, nebudete moci vytvořit dalšího uživatele nebo kanál s tímto <strong></strong> uživatelským jménem!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20842,8 +20851,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- Pokud zahrnete video soubory, bude archivní soubor mít přibližně
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ Pokud zahrnete video soubory, bude archivní soubor mít přibližně src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20898,8 +20907,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- Jedná se o importní nástroj, nikoli o migrační nástroj. To je důvod, proč jsou data (jako kanály nebo videa) duplikována a nejsou přesunuta z vaší předchozí webové stránky PeerTube.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ Jedná se o importní nástroj, nikoli o migrační nástroj. To je důvod, proč jsou data (jako kanály nebo videa) duplikována a nejsou přesunuta z vaší předchozí webové stránky PeerTube. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -20978,8 +20987,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- Pokud archiv obsahuje video soubory, vytvořte videa, pokud ještě neexistují
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ Pokud archiv obsahuje video soubory, vytvořte videa, pokud ještě neexistujísrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22166,8 +22175,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />Chcete ještě nahradit svůj videosoubor?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Chcete ještě nahradit svůj videosoubor?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22338,8 +22347,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Toto video není v tomto případě k dispozici. Chcete být přesměrováni na původní instanci: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Toto video není v tomto případě k dispozici. Chcete být přesměrováni na původní instanci: <a href=""></a>?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
index e14d2c2d1..8b9727b94 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- comentó tu video . Este comentario requiere tu aprobación
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ comentó tu video . Este comentario requiere tu aprobaciónsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- Your video import succeeded
+ Your video import succeeded
+ Your video import succeeded src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- te mencionó en el video
+ mentioned you on video
+ te mencionó en el video src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Una nueva versión del complemento/tema está disponible:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Una nueva versión del complemento/tema está disponible: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Una nueva versión de PeerTube está disponible:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Una nueva versión de PeerTube está disponible: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- La edición de tu video ha terminado
+ Your video edition has finished
+ La edición de tu video ha terminado src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- El usuario quiere registrarse en tu instancia
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ El usuario quiere registrarse en tu instancia src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- is live streaming in
+ is live streaming in
+ is live streaming in src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- transcription of your video has been generated
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ transcription of your video has been generated src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que admite:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que admite:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Esta instancia permite el registro. Sin embargo, procura comprobar los TérminosTérminos antes de crear una cuenta. También puedes buscar otra instancia que coincida exactamente con tus necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Esta instancia permite el registro. Sin embargo, procura comprobar los TérminosTérminos antes de crear una cuenta. También puedes buscar otra instancia que coincida exactamente con tus necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.Se enviará un correo electrónico con las instrucciones para restablecer la contraseña a . El enlace caducará en 1 hora.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- para
+ for
+ para src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Como probablemente hayas notado: no es necesario crear una cuenta para ver videos en . Sin embargo, crear una cuenta en te permitirá:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Como probablemente hayas notado: no es necesario crear una cuenta para ver videos en . Sin embargo, crear una cuenta en te permitirá: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Comentar videos
+ Comment videos
+ Comentar videossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- Suscribirte a los canales para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ Suscribirte a los canales para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Acceder a tu historial de visualizaciones
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Acceder a tu historial de visualizacionessrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Crea tu canal para publicar vídeos
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Crea tu canal para publicar vídeossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- se ha creado usando PeerTube, una plataforma de creación de videos desarrollada por Framasoft. Framasoft es una organización francesa sin fines de lucro que ofrece alternativas a las herramientas digitales de Big Tech
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ se ha creado usando PeerTube, una plataforma de creación de videos desarrollada por Framasoft. Framasoft es una organización francesa sin fines de lucro que ofrece alternativas a las herramientas digitales de Big Tech src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- ¿Quieres publicar videos en ? Entonces necesitas crear tu primer canal.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ ¿Quieres publicar videos en ? Entonces necesitas crear tu primer canal. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Podrías querer crear un canal por tema: por ejemplo, puedes crear un canal llamado «DulceMelodías» para publicar tus conciertos de piano y otro «Ecología» en el que publiques tus videos hablando de ecología.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Podrías querer crear un canal por tema: por ejemplo, puedes crear un canal llamado «DulceMelodías» para publicar tus conciertos de piano y otro «Ecología» en el que publiques tus videos hablando de ecología. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- Los administradores de te permiten publicar hasta videos en su sitio web.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ Los administradores de te permiten publicar hasta videos en su sitio web. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2542,16 +2543,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2566,8 +2567,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Elegir tu nombre de instancia, establecer una descripción, especificando quién eres, por qué has creado tu instancia y cuánto tiempo planeas mantenerla es muy importante para que los visitantes entiendan en qué tipo de instancia están.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Elegir tu nombre de instancia, establecer una descripción, especificando quién eres, por qué has creado tu instancia y cuánto tiempo planeas mantenerla es muy importante para que los visitantes entiendan en qué tipo de instancia están. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3034,8 +3035,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️Si está habilitado, recomendamos usar un servidor proxy HTTP para evitar el acceso a URLs privadas desde tu servidor PeerTube
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️Si está habilitado, recomendamos usar un servidor proxy HTTP para evitar el acceso a URLs privadas desde tu servidor PeerTubesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3086,24 +3087,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- Ya tengo una cuenta, me conecto
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ Ya tengo una cuenta, me conecto src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Términosde
+ Termsof
+ Términosdesrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Configurartu cuenta
+ Setupyour account
+ Configurartu cuentasrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3118,8 +3119,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Creatu primer canal
+ Createyour first channel
+ Creatu primer canalsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3210,24 +3211,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Ayuda a los moderadores y a otros usuarios a conocer quién eres:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Ayuda a los moderadores y a otros usuarios a conocer quién eres:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Subiendo un avatar
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Subiendo un avatarsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- Escribiendo una descripción
+ Writing a description
+ Escribiendo una descripciónsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3877,8 +3878,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Una marca de tiempo (00:05, por ejemplo) es convertida automáticamente en un enlace a una parte del video.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Una marca de tiempo (00:05, por ejemplo) es convertida automáticamente en un enlace a una parte del video.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3937,8 +3938,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Compatible con Markdown, además de soportar etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTube
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Compatible con Markdown, además de soportar etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTubesrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4077,8 +4078,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Escoge la licencia apropiada para tu trabajo.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Escoge la licencia apropiada para tu trabajo. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4137,8 +4138,8 @@
- Requested on
- Solicitado el
+ Requested on
+ Solicitado el src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4313,7 +4314,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Ya subido el ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4395,8 +4396,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentationsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4479,8 +4480,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Texto corto para decirle a la gente cómo pueden apoyar el canal (plataforma de membresía...).<br /> Cuando se suba un video a este canal, el campo de apoyo del video será rellenado automaticamente con este texto.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Texto corto para decirle a la gente cómo pueden apoyar el canal (plataforma de membresía...).<br /> Cuando se suba un video a este canal, el campo de apoyo del video será rellenado automaticamente con este texto.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4719,8 +4721,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- También puedes sincronizar un canal remoto en tu biblioteca
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ También puedes sincronizar un canal remoto en tu bibliotecasrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7785,8 +7787,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8562,8 +8564,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Prioridad(1 =más alta prioridad)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Prioridad(1 =más alta prioridad)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8598,8 +8600,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Ningún trabajo encontrado.
+ No jobs found.
+ Ningún trabajo encontrado.src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8698,8 +8700,8 @@
- By ->
- Por->
+ By ->
+ Por->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8746,8 +8748,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8874,8 +8876,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Administrar usuarios para crear un equipo de moderación.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Administrar usuarios para crear un equipo de moderación. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8890,8 +8892,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9102,8 +9104,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Use complementos& temas para cambios más complicados, o añadir ligerasadaptaciones.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Use complementos& temas para cambios más complicados, o añadir ligerasadaptaciones. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9246,8 +9248,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Gestionar usuarios para establecer su cuota individualmente.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Gestionar usuarios para establecer su cuota individualmente. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9582,8 +9584,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9670,8 +9672,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Solo debe usar índices de búsqueda moderados en producción, o aloja tu propio.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ Solo debe usar índices de búsqueda moderados en producción, o aloja tu propio. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9806,8 +9808,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Aministrarrelaciones con otras instancias.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Aministrarrelaciones con otras instancias. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9878,8 +9880,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Verla documentaciónpara obtener más información sobre la URL esperada.
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Verla documentaciónpara obtener más información sobre la URL esperada. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10182,8 +10184,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10246,8 +10248,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10350,8 +10352,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10518,8 +10520,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10646,22 +10648,28 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
color: red;
-Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
@@ -10684,8 +10692,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Hay errores en el formulario:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Hay errores en el formulario:src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10908,8 +10916,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Update your settings
+ Update your settings
+ Update your settingssrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10932,56 +10940,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Ordenar por «Añadido recientemente»
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Ordenar por «Añadido recientemente»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Ordenar por «Fecha de publicación original»
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Ordenar por «Fecha de publicación original»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Ordenar por «Nombre»
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Ordenar por «Nombre»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Ordenar por «Visualizaciones recientes»
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Ordenar por «Visualizaciones recientes»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Ordenar por «Caliente»
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Ordenar por «Caliente»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Ordenar por «Me gusta»
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Ordenar por «Me gusta»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Ordenar por «Visualizaciones globales»
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Ordenar por «Visualizaciones globales»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11120,8 +11128,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- ConOcultar o Desenfocar miniaturasx , Se solicitará una confirmación para ver el video.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ ConOcultar o Desenfocar miniaturasx , Se solicitará una confirmación para ver el video. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11328,24 +11336,24 @@
- External Channel
- Canal externo
+ External Channel
+ Canal externo src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Canal
+ Channel
+ Canalsrc/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Última sincronización en
+ Last synchronization at
+ Última sincronización ensrc/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11706,8 +11714,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Algunos de sus canales no están completamente configurados. Hágalos acogedores y explícitos sobre lo que publica agregando una bandera, un avatar y una descripción.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Algunos de sus canales no están completamente configurados. Hágalos acogedores y explícitos sobre lo que publica agregando una bandera, un avatar y una descripción.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12182,8 +12190,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12194,8 +12202,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Bienvenidoa
+ Welcomeon
+ Bienvenidoasrc/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12218,16 +12226,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12494,8 +12502,8 @@
+ MOSTRAR ESTE CANAL >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12878,8 +12886,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Las coparticipaciones web (peers) no son de acceso público: debido a que usamos el transporte websocket, el protocolo es diferente del rastreador clásico de BitTorrent. Cuando está en un navegador web, envía una señal que contiene su dirección IP al rastreador que elegirá aleatoriamente a otros pares para reenviar la información. Ver este documento para obtener mas información
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Las coparticipaciones web (peers) no son de acceso público: debido a que usamos el transporte websocket, el protocolo es diferente del rastreador clásico de BitTorrent. Cuando está en un navegador web, envía una señal que contiene su dirección IP al rastreador que elegirá aleatoriamente a otros pares para reenviar la información. Ver este documento para obtener mas información src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -13034,8 +13042,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Póngase en contacto con el administrador (es)
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Póngase en contacto con el administrador (es)src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13318,8 +13326,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Tengo al menos años de edad y acepto los Términos y el Código de conducta de
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Tengo al menos años de edad y acepto los Términos y el Código de conducta de src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13770,8 +13778,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Sin embargo, es posible que desee leer nuestras pautasantes de ajustar los siguientes valores.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Sin embargo, es posible que desee leer nuestras pautasantes de ajustar los siguientes valores. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14966,8 +14974,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube cree que la IP pública de tu navegador web es.
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube cree que la IP pública de tu navegador web es.src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -15014,8 +15022,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Comprobar eltrust_proxyclave de configuración
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Comprobar eltrust_proxyclave de configuraciónsrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15114,16 +15122,16 @@
- Files
- Files
+ Files
+ Files src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Publicado
+ Published
+ Publicado src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15214,16 +15222,16 @@
- Priority
- Prioridad
+ Priority
+ Prioridad src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Progress
+ Progress
+ Progress src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15414,8 +15422,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Acepta el registroRechaza el registro
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Acepta el registroRechaza el registrosrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15430,40 +15438,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- Si aceptas el registro se creará la cuenta y el canal.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ Si aceptas el registro se creará la cuenta y el canal. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Se enviará un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido creada con la respuesta de la moderación que escribirá a continuación.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Se enviará un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido creada con la respuesta de la moderación que escribirá a continuación. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- Los correos electrónicos no están habilitados en esta instancia, por lo que PeerTube no podrá enviar un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido creada.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ Los correos electrónicos no están habilitados en esta instancia, por lo que PeerTube no podrá enviar un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido creada. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Se enviará un correo electrónico a explicando que la petición de registro ha sido rechazada con la respuesta de moderación que escribirá a continuación.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Se enviará un correo electrónico a explicando que la petición de registro ha sido rechazada con la respuesta de moderación que escribirá a continuación. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- Los correos electrónicos no están habilitados en esta instancia, por lo que PeerTube no podrá enviar un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido rechazada.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ Los correos electrónicos no están habilitados en esta instancia, por lo que PeerTube no podrá enviar un correo electrónico a informando que la cuenta ha sido rechazada. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15846,8 +15854,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>No puede crear usuarios o canales con un nombre de usuario que ya utilizó un usuario/canal eliminado.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>No puede crear usuarios o canales con un nombre de usuario que ya utilizó un usuario/canal eliminado.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15926,8 +15934,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Borrar todo el historial
+ Clear all history
+ Borrar todo el historial src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16876,8 +16884,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- está esperando verificación de correo electrónico
+ is awaiting email verification
+ está esperando verificación de correo electrónico src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16892,8 +16900,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- Tu correo electrónico actual es .Nunca se muestra al público.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ Tu correo electrónico actual es .Nunca se muestra al público. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17212,16 +17220,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- El video actual será sobrescrito por este video editado y <strong>no podrás recuperarlo</strong>.<br><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ El video actual será sobrescrito por este video editado y <strong>no podrás recuperarlo</strong>.<br><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Como recordatorio, se ejecutarán las siguientes tareas: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Como recordatorio, se ejecutarán las siguientes tareas: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17324,7 +17332,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.No se pueden recuperar las credenciales del cliente OAuth: . Asegúrese de haber configurado correctamente PeerTube (config / directorio), en particular la sección "servidor web".src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17600,8 +17609,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Largo (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Largo (> 10 min)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17740,8 +17749,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17960,8 +17969,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18896,8 +18905,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- Lee la documentación para aprender a usar la función de transmisión en vivo de PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ Lee la documentación para aprender a usar la función de transmisión en vivo de PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20075,8 +20084,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Si elimina este usuario, no podrá crear otro usuario o canal con el nombre du usuario <strong></strong>!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Si elimina este usuario, no podrá crear otro usuario o canal con el nombre du usuario <strong></strong>!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20917,8 +20926,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20973,8 +20982,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -21053,8 +21062,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already existsrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22244,8 +22253,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22368,8 +22377,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Este video no está disponible en esta instancia. ¿Quieres ser redirigido a la instancia de origen: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Este video no está disponible en esta instancia. ¿Quieres ser redirigido a la instancia de origen: <a href=""></a>?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
index eedfc756f..0f429e4bd 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approvalsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- L'importation de votre vidéo a réussi
+ Your video import succeeded
+ L'importation de votre vidéo a réussi src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- vous a mentionné sur la vidéo
+ mentioned you on video
+ vous a mentionné sur la vidéo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Une nouvelle version du plugin/thème est disponible :
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Une nouvelle version du plugin/thème est disponible : src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Une nouvelle version de PeerTube est disponible :
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Une nouvelle version de PeerTube est disponible : src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- L'édition de votre vidéo est terminée
+ Your video edition has finished
+ L'édition de votre vidéo est terminée src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- L’utilisateur·ice souhaite s'enregistrer sur votre instance
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ L’utilisateur·ice souhaite s'enregistrer sur votre instance src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- est en direct sur
+ is live streaming in
+ est en direct sur src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- transcription of your video has been generated
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ transcription of your video has been generated src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible qui supporte :
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible qui supporte :src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Cette instance autorise l'inscription. Cependant, veuillez consulter les Conditions d'utilisationConditions d'utilisation avant de créer un compte. Vous pouvez aussi chercher une autre instance qui correspond à vos besoins sur : https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Cette instance autorise l'inscription. Cependant, veuillez consulter les Conditions d'utilisationConditions d'utilisation avant de créer un compte. Vous pouvez aussi chercher une autre instance qui correspond à vos besoins sur : https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.Un courrier électronique contenant les instructions de réinitialisation du mot de passe sera envoyé à . Le lien expirera dans 1 heure.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- pour
+ for
+ pour src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Comme vous l'aurez probablement remarqué : créer un compte n'est pas nécessaire pour regarder une vidéo sur . Cependant, créer un compte sur vous permettra de :
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Comme vous l'aurez probablement remarqué : créer un compte n'est pas nécessaire pour regarder une vidéo sur . Cependant, créer un compte sur vous permettra de : src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Commenter les vidéos
+ Comment videos
+ Commenter les vidéossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- S'abonner aux chaînes pour être notifié·e de nouvelles vidéos
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ S'abonner aux chaînes pour être notifié·e de nouvelles vidéossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Accéder à votre historique de visionnage
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Accéder à votre historique de visionnagesrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Créer une chaîne pour publier des vidéos
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Créer une chaîne pour publier des vidéossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- a été créé en utilisant PeerTube, une plateforme de création vidéo développée par Framasoft. Framasoft est une association à but non lucratif offrant des alternatives aux outils numériques des géants du Web
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ a été créé en utilisant PeerTube, une plateforme de création vidéo développée par Framasoft. Framasoft est une association à but non lucratif offrant des alternatives aux outils numériques des géants du Web src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- Vous souhaitez publier des vidéos sur ? Vous devez au préalable créer votre première chaîne.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ Vous souhaitez publier des vidéos sur ? Vous devez au préalable créer votre première chaîne. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Vous pourriez vouloir créer une chaîne par thème : par exemple, vous pouvez créer une chaîne nommée « Musiques Douces » pour publier vos concerts de piano et une autre « Écologie » dans laquelle vous pourrez publier vos vidéos parlant d'écologie.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Vous pourriez vouloir créer une chaîne par thème : par exemple, vous pouvez créer une chaîne nommée « Musiques Douces » pour publier vos concerts de piano et une autre « Écologie » dans laquelle vous pourrez publier vos vidéos parlant d'écologie. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- Les administrateur·ices de vous permettent de publier jusqu'à de videos sur leur site web.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ Les administrateur·ices de vous permettent de publier jusqu'à de videos sur leur site web. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2542,16 +2543,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Site web officiel de Peertube (nouvelles, support, contribuer...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Site web officiel de Peertube (nouvelles, support, contribuer...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Ajouter votre instance sur l'index publique PeerTube : https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Ajouter votre instance sur l'index publique PeerTube : https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2566,8 +2567,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Choisir votre nom d'instance, définir une description, spécifier qui vous êtes, pourquoi vous avez créé votre instance et pour combien de temps vous envisagez de la maintenir est très important pour vos visiteur·ices pour comprendre sur quel type d'instance iels sont.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Choisir votre nom d'instance, définir une description, spécifier qui vous êtes, pourquoi vous avez créé votre instance et pour combien de temps vous envisagez de la maintenir est très important pour vos visiteur·ices pour comprendre sur quel type d'instance iels sont. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3036,8 +3037,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ Si activé, nous recommandons d'utiliser un proxy HTTP afin d'éviter l'accès à des URL privées par votre serveur PeerTube
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ Si activé, nous recommandons d'utiliser un proxy HTTP afin d'éviter l'accès à des URL privées par votre serveur PeerTubesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3088,24 +3089,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- Je possède déjà un compte, Je me connecte
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ Je possède déjà un compte, Je me connecte src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Conditions d'utilisationde
+ Termsof
+ Conditions d'utilisationde src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Paramétrervotre compte
+ Setupyour account
+ Paramétrervotre comptesrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3120,8 +3121,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Créezvotre première chaîne
+ Createyour first channel
+ Créezvotre première chaînesrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3212,24 +3213,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Aidez les modérateur·ices et les autres utilisateur·ices à vous identifier avec :
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Aidez les modérateur·ices et les autres utilisateur·ices à vous identifier avec :src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Le téléchargement d'un avatar
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Le téléchargement d'un avatarsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- La rédaction d'une description
+ Writing a description
+ La rédaction d'une descriptionsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3881,8 +3882,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Une indication temporelle (00:05 par exemple) est automatiquement convertie en un lien cliquable vers cet instant de la vidéo.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Une indication temporelle (00:05 par exemple) est automatiquement convertie en un lien cliquable vers cet instant de la vidéo.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3941,8 +3942,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Compatible avec le format Markdown qui prend également en charge les balises HTML PeerTube personnalisées
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Compatible avec le format Markdown qui prend également en charge les balises HTML PeerTube personnaliséessrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4081,8 +4082,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Choisissez la licence appropriée pour votre travail.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Choisissez la licence appropriée pour votre travail. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4141,8 +4142,8 @@
- Requested on
- Demandé le
+ Requested on
+ Demandé le src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4317,7 +4318,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Déjà téléversé le ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4399,8 +4400,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentationsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4483,7 +4484,8 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.Un court texte expliquant à votre audience les options pour soutenir votre chaîne (plateforme d'adhésion...).< ;br /> ; Lorsqu'une nouvelle vidéo est téléversée sur cette chaîne, le champ "Soutenir" sera automatiquement rempli par ce texte.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html
@@ -4723,8 +4725,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- Vous pouvez aussi synchroniser une chaîne distante dans votre bibliothèque
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ Vous pouvez aussi synchroniser une chaîne distante dans votre bibliothèquesrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7789,8 +7791,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8568,8 +8570,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Priorité (1 = plus haute priorité)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Priorité (1 = plus haute priorité)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8604,8 +8606,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Pas de tâches trouvées.
+ No jobs found.
+ Pas de tâches trouvées.src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8704,8 +8706,8 @@
- By ->
- Par ->
+ By ->
+ Par ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8752,8 +8754,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- Elle peut également être affichée sur des sites web externes pour promouvoir votre instance, comme par exemple JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ Elle peut également être affichée sur des sites web externes pour promouvoir votre instance, comme par exemple JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8880,8 +8882,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Gérer les utilisateurs pour créer une équipe de modération.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Gérer les utilisateurs pour créer une équipe de modération. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8896,8 +8898,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- L'activer permettra aux autres administrateurs de savoir que vous fédérez principalement du contenu sensible. De plus, la case NSFW (not safe for work) sera automatiquement cochée lors du téléversement des nouvelles vidéos.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ L'activer permettra aux autres administrateurs de savoir que vous fédérez principalement du contenu sensible. De plus, la case NSFW (not safe for work) sera automatiquement cochée lors du téléversement des nouvelles vidéos. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9108,8 +9110,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Utilisez des extensions & thèmes pour des changements plus importants ou ajouter des modifications mineures.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Utilisez des extensions & thèmes pour des changements plus importants ou ajouter des modifications mineures. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9252,8 +9254,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Gérer les utilisateur·ices pour qu'iels fixent leur quota individuellement.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Gérer les utilisateur·ices pour qu'iels fixent leur quota individuellement. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9588,8 +9590,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9676,8 +9678,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Vous ne devez utiliser que des index de recherche modérés en production, ou héberger le vôtre.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ Vous ne devez utiliser que des index de recherche modérés en production, ou héberger le vôtre. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9812,8 +9814,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Gérer relations avec d’autres instances.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Gérer relations avec d’autres instances. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9884,8 +9886,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Voir la documentation pour plus d’informations sur l’URL prévue
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Voir la documentation pour plus d’informations sur l’URL prévue src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10188,8 +10190,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Utiliser des encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages des flux en direct. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Utiliser des encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages des flux en direct. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10252,8 +10254,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Utiliserdes encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages de la VOD. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Utiliserdes encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages de la VOD. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10356,8 +10358,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Nécessite ffmpeg >= 4.1Génère des listes de lecture HLS et des fichiers MP4 fragmentés, ce qui permet une meilleure lecture qu'avec les fichiers Web Vidéos historiques :Le changement de résolution est plus douxLecture plus rapide, notamment avec les longues vidéosLecture plus stable (moins de bugs/chargement infini)Si vous avez également activé la prise en charge du format Web Vidéos, le stockage des vidéos sera multiplié par 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Nécessite ffmpeg >= 4.1Génère des listes de lecture HLS et des fichiers MP4 fragmentés, ce qui permet une meilleure lecture qu'avec les fichiers Web Vidéos historiques :Le changement de résolution est plus douxLecture plus rapide, notamment avec les longues vidéosLecture plus stable (moins de bugs/chargement infini)Si vous avez également activé la prise en charge du format Web Vidéos, le stockage des vidéos sera multiplié par 2src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10524,8 +10526,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Utiliser des encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages du Studio. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Utiliser des encodeurs distants pour traiter les transcodages du Studio. Les encodeurs distants doivent s'enregistrer au préalable sur votre instance. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10652,22 +10654,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Écrire directement du code JavaScript. Par exemple :console.log('mon instance est fantastique');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Écrire directement du code JavaScript. Par exemple :console.log('mon instance est fantastique');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
color: red;
-Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
color: red;
- Écrire directement du code CSS. Par exemple :#custom-css color : red; Ajouter un préfixe avec #custom-css pour remplacer les styles. Par exemple :#custom-css .logged-in-email color : red;
+ Écrire directement du code CSS. Par exemple :#custom-css color : red; Ajouter un préfixe avec #custom-css pour remplacer les styles. Par exemple :#custom-css .logged-in-email color : red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10690,8 +10692,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Il y a des erreurs dans le formulaire :
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Il y a des erreurs dans le formulaire : src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10914,8 +10916,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Update your settings
+ Update your settings
+ Update your settingssrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10938,56 +10940,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Trier par "Ajouts récents"
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Trier par "Ajouts récents"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Trier par « Date de Publication Originale »
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Trier par « Date de Publication Originale »src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Classer par "Nom"
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Classer par "Nom"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Trier par "Vues récentes"
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Trier par "Vues récentes"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Trier par "Hot"
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Trier par "Hot"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Trier par "J'aimes"
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Trier par "J'aimes"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Trier par "Vues globales"
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Trier par "Vues globales"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11126,8 +11128,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Avec cacher ou flouter les vignettes, une confirmation sera demandée pour regarder la vidéo.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Avec cacher ou flouter les vignettes, une confirmation sera demandée pour regarder la vidéo. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11334,24 +11336,24 @@
- External Channel
- Chaîne distante
+ External Channel
+ Chaîne distante src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Chaîne
+ Channel
+ Chaîne src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Dernière synchronisation le
+ Last synchronization at
+ Dernière synchronisation le src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11710,8 +11712,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Certaines de vos chaînes ne sont pas entièrement configurées. Rendez-les accueillantes et explicites sur ce que vous publiez en ajoutant une bannière, un avatar et une description.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Certaines de vos chaînes ne sont pas entièrement configurées. Rendez-les accueillantes et explicites sur ce que vous publiez en ajoutant une bannière, un avatar et une description.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12186,8 +12188,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour utiliser PeerTube, vous pouvez consulter la documentation.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour utiliser PeerTube, vous pouvez consulter la documentation. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12198,8 +12200,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Bienvenuesur
+ Welcomeon
+ Bienvenuesur src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12222,16 +12224,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Vérifier votre boîte email pour valider votre demande d'inscription.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Vérifier votre boîte email pour valider votre demande d'inscription. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Vérifier votre boîte email pour finaliser votre inscription.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Vérifier votre boîte email pour finaliser votre inscription. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12498,8 +12500,8 @@
+ MONTRER CETTE CHAÎNE >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12882,8 +12884,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Les pairs Web ne sont pas accessibles au public : comme nous utilisons le transport par websocket, le protocole est différent du traqueur BitTorrent classique. Lorsque vous êtes dans un navigateur web, vous envoyez un signal contenant votre adresse IP au tracker qui choisira au hasard d'autres pairs auxquels il transmettra les informations. Voir ce document pour plus d'information
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Les pairs Web ne sont pas accessibles au public : comme nous utilisons le transport par websocket, le protocole est différent du traqueur BitTorrent classique. Lorsque vous êtes dans un navigateur web, vous envoyez un signal contenant votre adresse IP au tracker qui choisira au hasard d'autres pairs auxquels il transmettra les informations. Voir ce document pour plus d'information src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -13038,8 +13040,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Contact de(s) administrateur·ice(s)
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Contact de(s) administrateur·ice(s)src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13322,8 +13324,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Je suis au moins âgé·e de ans et j'accepte les Conditions d'utilisation et le Code de conduite de
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Je suis au moins âgé·e de ans et j'accepte les Conditions d'utilisation et le Code de conduite de src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13774,8 +13776,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Vous pourriez cependant vouloir lire nos lignes directrices avant de modifier les valeurs suivantes.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Vous pourriez cependant vouloir lire nos lignes directrices avant de modifier les valeurs suivantes. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14968,8 +14970,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube pense que l'IP publique de votre navigateur web est .
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube pense que l'IP publique de votre navigateur web est .src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -15016,8 +15018,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Vérifier la clé de configuration trust_proxy
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Vérifier la clé de configuration trust_proxysrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15116,16 +15118,16 @@
- Files
- Fichiers
+ Files
+ Fichiers src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Publié le
+ Published
+ Publié le src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15216,16 +15218,16 @@
- Priority
- Priorité
+ Priority
+ Priorité src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Progression 2
+ Progress
+ Progression 2src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15416,8 +15418,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Accepter l'inscriptionRejeter l'inscription
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Accepter l'inscriptionRejeter l'inscriptionsrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15432,40 +15434,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- L'acceptation de l'inscription créera le compte et la chaîne de l'utilisateur.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ L'acceptation de l'inscription créera le compte et la chaîne de l'utilisateur. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Un email sera envoyé sur annonçant que le compte a été créé, et incluant le message de modération rédigé ci-dessous.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Un email sera envoyé sur annonçant que le compte a été créé, et incluant le message de modération rédigé ci-dessous. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- Les emails ne sont pas activés sur cette instance, PeerTube ne pourra donc pas envoyer d'e-mail à annonçant que le compte a été créé.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ Les emails ne sont pas activés sur cette instance, PeerTube ne pourra donc pas envoyer d'e-mail à annonçant que le compte a été créé. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Un email sera envoyé sur annonçant que le demande d'inscription à été rejetée avec le message de modération rédigé ci-dessous.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Un email sera envoyé sur annonçant que le demande d'inscription à été rejetée avec le message de modération rédigé ci-dessous. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- Les emails ne sont pas activés sur cette instance, PeerTube ne pourra donc pas envoyer d'e-mail à annonçant que la demande d'inscription a été rejetée.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ Les emails ne sont pas activés sur cette instance, PeerTube ne pourra donc pas envoyer d'e-mail à annonçant que la demande d'inscription a été rejetée. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15848,8 +15850,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>Vous ne pouvez créer d'utilisateur·ices ou de chaînes avec un nom déjà pris par un·e utilisateur·ice/chaîne supprimé·e.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>Vous ne pouvez créer d'utilisateur·ices ou de chaînes avec un nom déjà pris par un·e utilisateur·ice/chaîne supprimé·e.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15928,8 +15930,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Supprimer tout l'historique
+ Clear all history
+ Supprimer tout l'historique src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16878,8 +16880,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- est en attente de vérification d'email
+ is awaiting email verification
+ est en attente de vérification d'email src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16894,8 +16896,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- Votre email actuel est . Il n'est jamais montré publiquement.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ Votre email actuel est . Il n'est jamais montré publiquement. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17214,16 +17216,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- La vidéo actuelle sera remplacée par cette nouvelle vidéo et <strong>vous ne pourrez pas la récupérer</strong>.<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ La vidéo actuelle sera remplacée par cette nouvelle vidéo et <strong>vous ne pourrez pas la récupérer</strong>.<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Pour rappel, les tâches suivantes seront exécutées : <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Pour rappel, les tâches suivantes seront exécutées : <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17326,7 +17328,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Impossible de récupérer les identifiants du Client OAuth : . Assurez-vous d'avoir correctement configuré PeerTube (dossier config/), en particulier la section "serveur web".src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17602,8 +17605,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Longue (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Longue (> 10 min)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17742,8 +17745,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- Ce quota vidéo ne prend en compte que la taille des vidéos téléversées, pas la taille des fichiers transcodés ou des exports d'archives des utilisateur⋅rices (qui peuvent contenir des fichiers vidéos).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ Ce quota vidéo ne prend en compte que la taille des vidéos téléversées, pas la taille des fichiers transcodés ou des exports d'archives des utilisateur⋅rices (qui peuvent contenir des fichiers vidéos). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17960,8 +17963,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18896,8 +18899,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- Voir la documentation pour apprendre à utiliser la fonctionnalité de direct de PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ Voir la documentation pour apprendre à utiliser la fonctionnalité de direct de PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20075,8 +20078,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Si vous supprimez cet·te utilisateur·ice, vous ne serez pas en mesure de créer un·e autre utilisateur·ice ou chaîne avec le nom <strong></strong> !
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Si vous supprimez cet·te utilisateur·ice, vous ne serez pas en mesure de créer un·e autre utilisateur·ice ou chaîne avec le nom <strong></strong> !src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20913,8 +20916,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- Si vous incluez les fichiers vidéo, le fichier d'archive va peser approximativement
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ Si vous incluez les fichiers vidéo, le fichier d'archive va peser approximativement src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20969,8 +20972,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- Il s'agit d'un outil d'importation et non d'un outil de migration. C'est la raison pour laquelle les données (comme les chaînes ou les vidéos) sont dupliquées et non déplacées depuis votre ancien site PeerTube.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ Il s'agit d'un outil d'importation et non d'un outil de migration. C'est la raison pour laquelle les données (comme les chaînes ou les vidéos) sont dupliquées et non déplacées depuis votre ancien site PeerTube. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -21049,8 +21052,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- Si l'archive contient des fichiers vidéos, créer les vidéos si elles n'existent pas encore
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ Si l'archive contient des fichiers vidéos, créer les vidéos si elles n'existent pas encoresrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22240,7 +22243,7 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?< ;br /> ;< ;br /> ;Souhaitez-vous toujours remplacer ce fichier vidéo ?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts
@@ -22364,8 +22367,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible sur cette instance ? Voulez-vous être redirigé sur l'instance d'origine : <a href=""></a> ?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible sur cette instance ? Voulez-vous être redirigé sur l'instance d'origine : <a href=""></a> ?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
index d6d092603..e0a99562d 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- comentou o teu vídeo . O comentario debe ser aprobado
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ comentou o teu vídeo . O comentario debe ser aprobadosrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- A importación do teu vídeo foi correcta
+ Your video import succeeded
+ A importación do teu vídeo foi correcta src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- mencionoute en vídeo
+ mentioned you on video
+ mencionoute en vídeo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Unha nova versión do complemento/decorado está dispoñible:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Unha nova versión do complemento/decorado está dispoñible: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Nova versión de PeerTube dispoñible:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Nova versión de PeerTube dispoñible: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- Rematou a edición do teu vídeo
+ Your video edition has finished
+ Rematou a edición do teu vídeo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- A usuaria quere rexistrarse na túa instancia
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ A usuaria quere rexistrarse na túa instancia src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- está emitindo en directo
+ is live streaming in
+ está emitindo en directo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- Creouse a transcrición do teu vídeo
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ Creouse a transcrición do teu vídeo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Esta instancia permíteche crear unha conta. Mais pon atención e lé os TermosTermos antes de crear a conta. Podes atopar outras instancias acordes ás túas necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Esta instancia permíteche crear unha conta. Mais pon atención e lé os TermosTermos antes de crear a conta. Podes atopar outras instancias acordes ás túas necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Actualmente esta instancia non permite a creación de contas, podes ler os TermosTermos para saber máis ou atopar unha instancia que permita a creación de contas e subir alí os vídeos. Atopa unha instancia entre moitas posibilidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Actualmente esta instancia non permite a creación de contas, podes ler os TermosTermos para saber máis ou atopar unha instancia que permita a creación de contas e subir alí os vídeos. Atopa unha instancia entre moitas posibilidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.Enviaremos un email con instruccións para o restablecemento a . A ligazón caduca nunha hora.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- para
+ for
+ para src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Xa te darías conta: non é preciso crear unha conta para ver un vídeo en . Mais se creas unha conta en poderás:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Xa te darías conta: non é preciso crear unha conta para ver un vídeo en . Mais se creas unha conta en poderás: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Comentar vídeos
+ Comment videos
+ Comentar vídeossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- Subscribirte a canles e recibir notificacións de novos vídeos
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ Subscribirte a canles e recibir notificacións de novos vídeossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Ter acceso ao teu historial de visualización
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Ter acceso ao teu historial de visualizaciónsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Crear a túa canle para publicar vídeos
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Crear a túa canle para publicar vídeossrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- foi creado usando PeerTube, unha plataforma de creación de vídeos desenvolta por Framasoft. Framasoft é unha organización sen ánimo de lucro francesa que ofrece alternativas ás ferramentas dixitais das Big Tech.
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ foi creado usando PeerTube, unha plataforma de creación de vídeos desenvolta por Framasoft. Framasoft é unha organización sen ánimo de lucro francesa que ofrece alternativas ás ferramentas dixitais das Big Tech. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- Queres publicar vídeos en ? Entón primeiro tes que crear a túa primeira canle.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ Queres publicar vídeos en ? Entón primeiro tes que crear a túa primeira canle. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Pode que queiras crear unha canle tamática: por exemplo, podes crear unha canle chamada "MuiñeirasFermosas" onde publiques os teus concertos coa gaita e outra co nome "Ecoloxía" onde publicas vídeos onde falas do medio ambiente.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Pode que queiras crear unha canle tamática: por exemplo, podes crear unha canle chamada "MuiñeirasFermosas" onde publiques os teus concertos coa gaita e outra co nome "Ecoloxía" onde publicas vídeos onde falas do medio ambiente. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- A administración de permíteche publicar de vídeo no seu sitio web.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ A administración de permíteche publicar de vídeo no seu sitio web. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2542,16 +2543,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Páxina web oficial de PeerTube (novas, axuda, colaborar...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Páxina web oficial de PeerTube (novas, axuda, colaborar...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Engade a túa instancia ao índice público de PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Engade a túa instancia ao índice público de PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2566,8 +2567,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Elixir o nome da instancia, escribir unha descricióin, indicando quen es, por que creaches a túa instancia e por canto tempo tes pensado mantela é información relevante para que as túas visitas entendan o tipo de instancia na que están.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Elixir o nome da instancia, escribir unha descricióin, indicando quen es, por que creaches a túa instancia e por canto tempo tes pensado mantela é información relevante para que as túas visitas entendan o tipo de instancia na que están. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3036,8 +3037,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ Se está activo, recomendamos utilizar un proxy HTTP para o acceso privado a URL desde o teu servidor PeerTube
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ Se está activo, recomendamos utilizar un proxy HTTP para o acceso privado a URL desde o teu servidor PeerTubesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3088,24 +3089,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- Xa teño unha conta, vou acceder
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ Xa teño unha conta, vou acceder src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Termosde
+ Termsof
+ Termosde src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Configurara túa conta
+ Setupyour account
+ Configurara túa contasrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3120,8 +3121,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Creara túa primeira canle
+ Createyour first channel
+ Creara túa primeira canlesrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3212,24 +3213,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Cóntalle a outras usuarias e á moderación quen es con:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Cóntalle a outras usuarias e á moderación quen es con:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Subindo un avatar
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Subindo un avatarsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- Escribindo unha descrición
+ Writing a description
+ Escribindo unha descriciónsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3881,8 +3882,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Unha marca temporal convértese automaticamente nunha ligazón (por exemplo 00:05 ) a unha parte do vídeo.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Unha marca temporal convértese automaticamente nunha ligazón (por exemplo 00:05 ) a unha parte do vídeo.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3941,8 +3942,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Compatible con markdown e con soporte tamén para etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTube
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Compatible con markdown e con soporte tamén para etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTubesrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4081,8 +4082,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Elixe a licenza axeitada para o teu traballo.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Elixe a licenza axeitada para o teu traballo. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4141,8 +4142,8 @@
- Requested on
- Solicitado o
+ Requested on
+ Solicitado o src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4317,7 +4318,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Xa foi subido o ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4399,8 +4400,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Tamén se poden establecer capítulos na descrición do vídeo. Mira o formato na documentación de PeerTube
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Tamén se poden establecer capítulos na descrición do vídeo. Mira o formato na documentación de PeerTubesrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4483,8 +4484,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Texto curto para informar do xeito en que poden axudar á canle (membresía...) <br/> Cando se sube un vídeo a esta canle, o campo de texto de axuda será completado automáticamente con este texto.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Texto curto para informar do xeito en que poden axudar á canle (membresía...) <br/> Cando se sube un vídeo a esta canle, o campo de texto de axuda será completado automáticamente con este texto.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4723,8 +4725,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- Tamén podes sincronizar unha canle remota coa túa biblioteca
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ Tamén podes sincronizar unha canle remota coa túa bibliotecasrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7808,8 +7810,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8585,8 +8587,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Prioridade (1 = a prioridade máis alta)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Prioridade (1 = a prioridade máis alta)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8621,8 +8623,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Non se atoparon tarefas.
+ No jobs found.
+ Non se atoparon tarefas.src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8721,8 +8723,8 @@
- By ->
- Por ->
+ By ->
+ Por ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8769,8 +8771,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- Tamén pode ser mostrada en páxinas externas para promocionar a túa instancia, tales como JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ Tamén pode ser mostrada en páxinas externas para promocionar a túa instancia, tales como JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8897,8 +8899,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Xestionar usuarias para compoñer un equipo de moderación.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Xestionar usuarias para compoñer un equipo de moderación. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8913,8 +8915,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Ao activarlo permitiralle á administración saber que maiormente compartes contido sensible.Ademáis, engádese por defecto a marca NSFW aos vídeos ao subilos.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Ao activarlo permitiralle á administración saber que maiormente compartes contido sensible.Ademáis, engádese por defecto a marca NSFW aos vídeos ao subilos. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9125,8 +9127,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Usa complementos & decorados para un maior control, ou engade pequenas personalizacións.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Usa complementos & decorados para un maior control, ou engade pequenas personalizacións. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9269,8 +9271,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Xestionar usuarias para establecer a súa cota individualmente.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Xestionar usuarias para establecer a súa cota individualmente. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9605,8 +9607,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Usar servizos remotos para tarefas de transcrición. Primeiro hai que rexistrar os servizos remotos na túa instancia.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Usar servizos remotos para tarefas de transcrición. Primeiro hai que rexistrar os servizos remotos na túa instancia. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9693,8 +9695,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Só deberías usar índices de busca moderados en produción, ou hospedar o teu propio.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ Só deberías usar índices de busca moderados en produción, ou hospedar o teu propio. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9829,8 +9831,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Xestionar relacións con outras instancias.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Xestionar relacións con outras instancias. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9901,8 +9903,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Le a documentación para saber máis sobre o URL agardado.
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Le a documentación para saber máis sobre o URL agardado. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10205,8 +10207,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Usar programas remotos para procesar a transcodificación do directo. Os programas remotos teñen que rexistrarse primeiro na túa instancia.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Usar programas remotos para procesar a transcodificación do directo. Os programas remotos teñen que rexistrarse primeiro na túa instancia. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10269,8 +10271,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Usar programas remotos para procesar a transcodificación VOD. Os programas remotos primeiro teñen que rexistrarse na instancia.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Usar programas remotos para procesar a transcodificación VOD. Os programas remotos primeiro teñen que rexistrarse na instancia. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10373,8 +10375,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Require ffmpeg >= 4.1Xerar listas de reprodución HLS e ficheiros MP4 en anacos mellora a reprodución de Web Videos:O cambio de resolución é máis suaveReprodución máis rápida sobre todo en vídeos longosReprodución máis estable (menos bucles/pausas ao cargar)Se activas o soporte para Web Videos vas multiplicar por 2 os requerimentos de almacenaxe
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Require ffmpeg >= 4.1Xerar listas de reprodución HLS e ficheiros MP4 en anacos mellora a reprodución de Web Videos:O cambio de resolución é máis suaveReprodución máis rápida sobre todo en vídeos longosReprodución máis estable (menos bucles/pausas ao cargar)Se activas o soporte para Web Videos vas multiplicar por 2 os requerimentos de almacenaxesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10541,8 +10543,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Usar programas remotos para procesar tarefas de transcodificación de audio. Os programas remotos deben primeiro rexistrarse na túa instancia.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Usar programas remotos para procesar tarefas de transcodificación de audio. Os programas remotos deben primeiro rexistrarse na túa instancia. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10669,16 +10671,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Escribir código JavaScript directamente. Examplo:console.log('esta instancia é abraiante');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Escribir código JavaScript directamente. Examplo:console.log('esta instancia é abraiante');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- Escribir código CSS directamente. Exemplo:#custom-css color: red; Engadir #custom-css para sobrescribir o estilo. Examplo:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ Escribir código CSS directamente. Exemplo:#custom-css color: red; Engadir #custom-css para sobrescribir o estilo. Examplo:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10701,8 +10709,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Hai erros no formulario:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Hai erros no formulario: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10925,8 +10933,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Actualiza a túa configuración
+ Update your settings
+ Actualiza a túa configuraciónsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10949,56 +10957,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Orde por "Engadido recentemente"
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Orde por "Engadido recentemente"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Orde por "Data Orixinal de Publicación"
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Orde por "Data Orixinal de Publicación"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Orde por "Nome"
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Orde por "Nome"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Orde por "Visto recentemente"
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Orde por "Visto recentemente"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Orde por "Popularidade"
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Orde por "Popularidade"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Orde por "Gústame"
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Orde por "Gústame"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Orde por "Visualizacións totais"
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Orde por "Visualizacións totais"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11137,8 +11145,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Con Agochar ou Esvaecer miniaturas, pedirase confirmación para ver o vídeo.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Con Agochar ou Esvaecer miniaturas, pedirase confirmación para ver o vídeo. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11345,24 +11353,24 @@
- External Channel
- Canle externa
+ External Channel
+ Canle externa src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Canle
+ Channel
+ Canle src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Última sincronización
+ Last synchronization at
+ Última sincronización src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11721,8 +11729,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Algunha das túas canles non están totalmente configuradas. Fainas máis amigables indicando de xeito explícito o seu contido engadindo unha cabeceira, un avatar e unha descrición.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Algunha das túas canles non están totalmente configuradas. Fainas máis amigables indicando de xeito explícito o seu contido engadindo unha cabeceira, un avatar e unha descrición.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12177,8 +12185,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Se precisas axuda para usar PeerTube, podes ler a documentación.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Se precisas axuda para usar PeerTube, podes ler a documentación. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12189,8 +12197,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Ola, recibe a benvida a
+ Welcomeon
+ Ola, recibe a benvida a src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12213,16 +12221,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Comproba o correo para validar a conta e completar a solicitude de creación da conta.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Comproba o correo para validar a conta e completar a solicitude de creación da conta. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Comproba o correo para validar a túa conta e completar o rexistro.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Comproba o correo para validar a túa conta e completar o rexistro. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12489,8 +12497,8 @@
+ MOSTRAR ESTA CANLE >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12873,8 +12881,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Os parceiros da web non son públicamente accesibles: porque usamos websocket transport, o protocolo é diferente ao clásico rastrexador BitTorrent. Cando usas un navegador web, envías ao rastrexador un sinal que contén o teu enderezo IP que elixirá aleatoriamente outros parceiros aos que enviar a información. Le este documento para ter máis información
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Os parceiros da web non son públicamente accesibles: porque usamos websocket transport, o protocolo é diferente ao clásico rastrexador BitTorrent. Cando usas un navegador web, envías ao rastrexador un sinal que contén o teu enderezo IP que elixirá aleatoriamente outros parceiros aos que enviar a información. Le este documento para ter máis información src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -13029,8 +13037,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Contacta coa administración
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Contacta coa administración src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13313,8 +13321,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Teño anos alomenos e acepto os Termos e o Código de Conduta de
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Teño anos alomenos e acepto os Termos e o Código de Conduta de src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13765,8 +13773,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Considera ler as nosas guías antes de comezar a cambiar os seguintes valores.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Considera ler as nosas guías antes de comezar a cambiar os seguintes valores. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14949,8 +14957,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube cre que o IP do teu navegador é .
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube cre que o IP do teu navegador é .src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -14997,8 +15005,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Comproba a chave de configuración do trust_proxy
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Comproba a chave de configuración do trust_proxysrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15097,16 +15105,16 @@
- Files
- Ficheiros
+ Files
+ Ficheiros src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Publicado
+ Published
+ Publicado src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15197,16 +15205,16 @@
- Priority
- Prioridade
+ Priority
+ Prioridade src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Progreso
+ Progress
+ Progreso src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15397,8 +15405,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Aceptar rexistro de Rexeitar rexistro de
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Aceptar rexistro de Rexeitar rexistro de src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15413,40 +15421,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- Ao aceptar o rexistro de crearás a conta e a canle.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ Ao aceptar o rexistro de crearás a conta e a canle. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Enviarase un email a explicando que se creou a conta xunto coa resposta da moderación que escribirás aquí embaixo.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Enviarase un email a explicando que se creou a conta xunto coa resposta da moderación que escribirás aquí embaixo. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- Os emails non están activados nesta instancia polo que PeerTube non poderá enviar un email a dicíndolle que se creou a conta.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ Os emails non están activados nesta instancia polo que PeerTube non poderá enviar un email a dicíndolle que se creou a conta. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Vaise enviar un email a explicandolle que a súa solicitude de rexistro foi rexeitada xunto coa resposta da moderación que vas escribir aquí embaixo.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Vaise enviar un email a explicandolle que a súa solicitude de rexistro foi rexeitada xunto coa resposta da moderación que vas escribir aquí embaixo. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- Os emails non están activados nesta instancia polo que PeerTube non poderá enviarlle un email a explicándolle a razón do rexeitamento da súa solicitude de rexistro.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ Os emails non están activados nesta instancia polo que PeerTube non poderá enviarlle un email a explicándolle a razón do rexeitamento da súa solicitude de rexistro. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15829,8 +15837,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>Non podes crear usuarias ou canles cun nome que xa foi utilizado por unha usuaria/canle eliminada.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>Non podes crear usuarias ou canles cun nome que xa foi utilizado por unha usuaria/canle eliminada.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15909,8 +15917,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Limpar historial
+ Clear all history
+ Limpar historial src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16857,8 +16865,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- están agardando a verficiación do email
+ is awaiting email verification
+ están agardando a verficiación do email src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16873,8 +16881,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- O teu email actual é . Nunca se mostra ao público.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ O teu email actual é . Nunca se mostra ao público. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17193,16 +17201,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- O vídeo actual vai ser sobrescrito ao editalo e <strong>non poderás recuperalo</strong>.<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ O vídeo actual vai ser sobrescrito ao editalo e <strong>non poderás recuperalo</strong>.<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Lembrámosche que imos realizar estas accións: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Lembrámosche que imos realizar estas accións: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17305,7 +17313,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Non se poden obter as credenciais OAuth Client: . Asegúrate de ter configurado correctamente PeerTube (config/ directory), en particular a sección "webserver".src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17581,8 +17590,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Longo (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Longo (> 10 min)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17721,8 +17730,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- A cota de vídeo só ten en conta o tamaño dos vídeos subidos , non os ficheiros transcodificados ou os ficheiros de exportación da usuaria (que poderían conter ficheiros de vídeo).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ A cota de vídeo só ten en conta o tamaño dos vídeos subidos , non os ficheiros transcodificados ou os ficheiros de exportación da usuaria (que poderían conter ficheiros de vídeo). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17937,8 +17946,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- Estas etiquetas automáticas poden usarse para filtrar comentarios ou bloquealos automáticamente.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ Estas etiquetas automáticas poden usarse para filtrar comentarios ou bloquealos automáticamente.src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18873,8 +18882,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- Le a documentación para saber cómo utilizar a función de retransmisión en directo de PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ Le a documentación para saber cómo utilizar a función de retransmisión en directo de PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20042,8 +20051,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Se eliminas a usuaria, non poderás crear outra usuaria ou canle con identificador <strong></strong>!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Se eliminas a usuaria, non poderás crear outra usuaria ou canle con identificador <strong></strong>!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20874,8 +20883,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- Se inclúes os vídeos, o arquivo vai ter aproximadamente
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ Se inclúes os vídeos, o arquivo vai ter aproximadamente src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20930,8 +20939,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- Esta é unha ferramenta de importación e non unha ferramenta para migración. Esta é a razón pola que os datos (como canles e vídeos) están duplicados e non movidos desde o teu nodo anterior de PeerTube.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ Esta é unha ferramenta de importación e non unha ferramenta para migración. Esta é a razón pola que os datos (como canles e vídeos) están duplicados e non movidos desde o teu nodo anterior de PeerTube. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -21010,8 +21019,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- Se o arquivo contén ficheiros de vídeo, creará os vídeos se non existen
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ Se o arquivo contén ficheiros de vídeo, creará os vídeos se non existensrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22198,8 +22207,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />Aínda así, queres substituír o ficheiro do teu vídeo?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Aínda así, queres substituír o ficheiro do teu vídeo?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22322,8 +22331,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Este vídeo non está dispoñible na túa instancia. Queres ser redirixida á instancia orixinal: <a href="">/a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Este vídeo non está dispoñible na túa instancia. Queres ser redirixida á instancia orixinal: <a href="">/a>?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
index 29008a56a..69bae7859 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- さんがあなたの動画「 」にコメントしました。このコメントは、あなたの承認が必要です
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ さんがあなたの動画「 」にコメントしました。このコメントは、あなたの承認が必要ですsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- あなたのビデオインポート 成功
+ Your video import succeeded
+ あなたのビデオインポート 成功 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- さんが動画「」であなたに対して返信しました
+ mentioned you on video
+ さんが動画「」であなたに対して返信しましたsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- 新しいバージョンのプラグインまたはテーマが利用可能です:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ 新しいバージョンのプラグインまたはテーマが利用可能です: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeが利用可能です:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeが利用可能です: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- あなたの動画「」の編集処理が完了しました
+ Your video edition has finished
+ あなたの動画「」の編集処理が完了しました src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- ユーザー「」があなたのインスタンスに登録を求めています
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ ユーザー「」があなたのインスタンスに登録を求めています src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- さんが で配信中です
+ is live streaming in
+ さんが で配信中ですsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- あなたの動画「」の文字起こしが生成されました。
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ あなたの動画「」の文字起こしが生成されました。 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">マークダウン記法</a>による次の記述をサポートしています:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">マークダウン記法</a>による次の記述をサポートしています:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2188,16 +2188,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- このインスタンスは、アカウントの新規登録を受け付けています。ただし、アカウントを登録する前に、利用規約利用規約をよくご確認ください。もし自分に合っていないと感じた場合は、よりあなたに合ったインスタンスを次のサイトで探すこともできます:https://joinpeertube.org/instances
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ このインスタンスは、アカウントの新規登録を受け付けています。ただし、アカウントを登録する前に、利用規約利用規約をよくご確認ください。もし自分に合っていないと感じた場合は、よりあなたに合ったインスタンスを次のサイトで探すこともできます:https://joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- 現在のところ、このインスタンスは新しいユーザーの登録を受け付けていませんが、より詳細な利用規約Termsを確認したり、ユーザー登録を受け付けており、動画のアップロードが可能なインスタンスを探すこともできます: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ 現在のところ、このインスタンスは新しいユーザーの登録を受け付けていませんが、より詳細な利用規約Termsを確認したり、ユーザー登録を受け付けており、動画のアップロードが可能なインスタンスを探すこともできます: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2236,7 +2236,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.パスワードをリセットするための手順が書かれたメールが に送信されます。 このリンクは1時間以内に無効となります。src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2317,8 +2318,8 @@
- for
- 検索キーワード:
+ for
+ 検索キーワード: src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2370,40 +2371,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- もしかするとお気づきかもしれませんが、で動画を再生するためにアカウントは必ずしも必要ありません。しかし、でアカウントを作成すると次のようなことが可能となります:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ もしかするとお気づきかもしれませんが、で動画を再生するためにアカウントは必ずしも必要ありません。しかし、でアカウントを作成すると次のようなことが可能となります: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- 動画にコメントする
+ Comment videos
+ 動画にコメントするsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- チャンネル登録して新着動画の通知を受け取る
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ チャンネル登録して新着動画の通知を受け取るsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- 自分の再生履歴を確認
+ Have access to your watch history
+ 自分の再生履歴を確認src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- チャンネルを作成して動画を公開する
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ チャンネルを作成して動画を公開するsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2426,32 +2427,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- はPeerTubeという、Framasoftによって開発された動画制作プラットフォームを利用しています。Framasoftはフランスの非営利団体であり、ビッグテックが提供しているデジタルツールの代替となるものを提供しています。
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ はPeerTubeという、Framasoftによって開発された動画制作プラットフォームを利用しています。Framasoftはフランスの非営利団体であり、ビッグテックが提供しているデジタルツールの代替となるものを提供しています。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- で動画を公開 したいですか? そのためには、まずチャンネルを作成する必要があります。
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ で動画を公開 したいですか? そのためには、まずチャンネルを作成する必要があります。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- チャンネルを作成する際に何らかのテーマに基づきたい場合: 例として、ピアノコンサートの動画を公開するのであれば「SweetMelodies」というチャンネル名をつけたり、エコについて話す動画を公開するのであれば「Ecology」というチャンネル名にしてみると良いかもしれません。
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ チャンネルを作成する際に何らかのテーマに基づきたい場合: 例として、ピアノコンサートの動画を公開するのであれば「SweetMelodies」というチャンネル名をつけたり、エコについて話す動画を公開するのであれば「Ecology」というチャンネル名にしてみると良いかもしれません。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- の管理者は、このウェブサイトでまでの動画をアップロードする事を許可しています。
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ の管理者は、このウェブサイトでまでの動画をアップロードする事を許可しています。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2538,16 +2539,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- PeerTube 公式Webサイト (ニュース、サポート、コントリビュートなど...): https://joinpeertube.org/ja
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ PeerTube 公式Webサイト (ニュース、サポート、コントリビュートなど...): https://joinpeertube.org/jasrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- PeerTubeの公開インスタンスリストにあなたのPeerTubeサーバーを掲載しましょう: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ PeerTubeの公開インスタンスリストにあなたのPeerTubeサーバーを掲載しましょう: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2562,8 +2563,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- インスタンスの名前を決める、インスタンスの説明を設定する、あなたが誰なのかを説明する、なぜインスタンスを作成したのかそしてどのぐらいの期間インスタンスを運営していく予定なのかを記載しておくことは、どのようなインスタンスなのかを訪問者が理解するために非常に重要です。
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ インスタンスの名前を決める、インスタンスの説明を設定する、あなたが誰なのかを説明する、なぜインスタンスを作成したのかそしてどのぐらいの期間インスタンスを運営していく予定なのかを記載しておくことは、どのようなインスタンスなのかを訪問者が理解するために非常に重要です。 src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3030,8 +3031,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ この設定を有効にした場合、PeerTubeサーバーからのプライベートURLアクセスを防止するため、HTTPプロキシの利用を推奨します
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ この設定を有効にした場合、PeerTubeサーバーからのプライベートURLアクセスを防止するため、HTTPプロキシの利用を推奨しますsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3082,24 +3083,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- 既にアカウントがあるので、ログイン
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ 既にアカウントがあるので、ログイン src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- の利用規約
+ Termsof
+ の利用規約src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- アカウントを設定
+ Setupyour account
+ アカウントを設定src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3114,8 +3115,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- あなたの初めてのチャンネルを作成
+ Createyour first channel
+ あなたの初めてのチャンネルを作成src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3206,24 +3207,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、次の事をやってみましょう:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、次の事をやってみましょう:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- アバターをアップロードする
+ Uploading an avatar
+ アバターをアップロードするsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- アカウントの説明を書く
+ Writing a description
+ アカウントの説明を書くsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3873,8 +3874,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- タイムスタンプ(例えば、00:05)は、動画の該当時間へのリンクに自動的に変換されます。
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ タイムスタンプ(例えば、00:05)は、動画の該当時間へのリンクに自動的に変換されます。src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3933,8 +3934,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Markdown記法はPeerTubeのHTMLタグへのカスタマイズもサポートしています
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Markdown記法はPeerTubeのHTMLタグへのカスタマイズもサポートしていますsrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4073,8 +4074,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- あなたのコンテンツに対して、適切なライセンスを選択してください。
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ あなたのコンテンツに対して、適切なライセンスを選択してください。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4133,8 +4134,8 @@
- Requested on
- にリクエスト
+ Requested on
+ にリクエストsrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4309,7 +4310,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔ に既にアップロードされています✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4389,8 +4390,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- チャプターは、動画の説明欄にも記載することができます。PeerTubeのドキュメントで記述フォーマットをご確認ください
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ チャプターは、動画の説明欄にも記載することができます。PeerTubeのドキュメントで記述フォーマットをご確認くださいsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4473,8 +4474,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- どうすれば視聴者がチャンネルを応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービスなど...)を簡潔に記入してください。<br /> このチャンネルに動画がアップロードされると、この文章が自動的に動画応援欄に入力されます。
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ どうすれば視聴者がチャンネルを応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービスなど...)を簡潔に記入してください。<br /> このチャンネルに動画がアップロードされると、この文章が自動的に動画応援欄に入力されます。src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4713,8 +4715,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- ライブラリから、外部チャンネルを同期することもできます
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ ライブラリから、外部チャンネルを同期することもできますsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7752,8 +7754,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8529,8 +8531,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- 優先度(1 = 最も優先度が高い)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ 優先度(1 = 最も優先度が高い)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8565,8 +8567,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- のジョブは見つかりませんでした。
+ No jobs found.
+ のジョブは見つかりませんでした。src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8665,8 +8667,8 @@
- By ->
- ->
+ By ->
+ ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8713,8 +8715,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- また、JoinPeerTube.orgのような、あなたのインスタンスを紹介するサイトでも表示されます。
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ また、JoinPeerTube.orgのような、あなたのインスタンスを紹介するサイトでも表示されます。src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8841,8 +8843,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- モデレーションチームを作成するため、ユーザーを管理しましょう。
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ モデレーションチームを作成するため、ユーザーを管理しましょう。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8857,8 +8859,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- 有効にすることで、このインスタンスはセンシティブなコンテンツを主に連合させている事を、他のインスタンスの管理者が知ることができます。 さらに、動画アップロード時のNSFWチェックボックスがデフォルトで有効になります。
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ 有効にすることで、このインスタンスはセンシティブなコンテンツを主に連合させている事を、他のインスタンスの管理者が知ることができます。 さらに、動画アップロード時のNSFWチェックボックスがデフォルトで有効になります。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9069,8 +9071,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- さらに強力な変更をする場合は、プラグイン&テーマをご利用ください。小さなカスタマイズを追加する事もできます。
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ さらに強力な変更をする場合は、プラグイン&テーマをご利用ください。小さなカスタマイズを追加する事もできます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9213,8 +9215,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- それぞれのユーザーの動画容量制限を設定する場合は、ユーザーから設定してください。
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ それぞれのユーザーの動画容量制限を設定する場合は、ユーザーから設定してください。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9549,8 +9551,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 文字起こしタスク処理のために、リモートランナーを使用します。初めに、リモートランナーをインスタンスに登録する必要があります。
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 文字起こしタスク処理のために、リモートランナーを使用します。初めに、リモートランナーをインスタンスに登録する必要があります。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9637,8 +9639,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- 現在も稼働中で、よくモデレートされている検索インデックスを一つ選ぶ必要があります。またはあなた自身でホストすることもできます。
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ 現在も稼働中で、よくモデレートされている検索インデックスを一つ選ぶ必要があります。またはあなた自身でホストすることもできます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9773,8 +9775,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- その他のインスタンスとの関係性を管理します。
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ その他のインスタンスとの関係性を管理します。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9845,8 +9847,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- 自動的にフォローすると予想されるインスタンスについての詳しい情報はドキュメントをご覧下さい。
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ 自動的にフォローすると予想されるインスタンスについての詳しい情報はドキュメントをご覧下さい。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10149,8 +10151,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- ライブ配信のトランスコードを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ ライブ配信のトランスコードを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10213,8 +10215,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- ビデオ・オン・デマンド動画のトランスコードを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ ビデオ・オン・デマンド動画のトランスコードを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10317,8 +10319,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- ffmpeg 4.1以上が必要HLSプレイリストとフラグメント化されたMP4ファイルの生成は、ウェブ動画よりもスムーズな再生が可能になります:解像度の変更がスムーズになる特に長時間の動画において再生の開始が早くなるより安定した再生 (より少ないバグ/無限読み込み)Web動画サポートも有効になっている場合、2倍のストレージスペースが必要となります
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ ffmpeg 4.1以上が必要HLSプレイリストとフラグメント化されたMP4ファイルの生成は、ウェブ動画よりもスムーズな再生が可能になります:解像度の変更がスムーズになる特に長時間の動画において再生の開始が早くなるより安定した再生 (より少ないバグ/無限読み込み)Web動画サポートも有効になっている場合、2倍のストレージスペースが必要となりますsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10485,8 +10487,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 動画スタジオのトランスコードのタスクを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 動画スタジオのトランスコードのタスクを処理するため、リモートのランナーを利用しましょう。まず、あなたのインスタンスでリモートのランナーを登録しなければなりません。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10613,16 +10615,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- JavaScriptのコードを直接入力してください。例:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ JavaScriptのコードを直接入力してください。例:console.log('my instance is amazing');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- CSSのコードを直接入力してください。例:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ CSSのコードを直接入力してください。例:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10645,8 +10653,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- フォームにエラーがありました:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ フォームにエラーがありました: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10869,8 +10877,8 @@
- Update your settings
- 設定を更新
+ Update your settings
+ 設定を更新src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10893,56 +10901,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- "最近公開された動画順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ "最近公開された動画順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- "オリジナルの公開日順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ "オリジナルの公開日順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- "名前"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Name"
+ "名前"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- "最近再生された動画順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ "最近再生された動画順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- "話題の動画順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ "話題の動画順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- "高評価が多い動画順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ "高評価が多い動画順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- "再生回数が多い動画順"で並び替え
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ "再生回数が多い動画順"で並び替えsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11081,8 +11089,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- 「非表示」または「サムネイルをぼかす」設定の場合、動画を再生する際に確認を求められます。
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ 「非表示」または「サムネイルをぼかす」設定の場合、動画を再生する際に確認を求められます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11289,24 +11297,24 @@
- External Channel
- 外部のチャンネル
+ External Channel
+ 外部のチャンネル src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- チャンネル
+ Channel
+ チャンネル src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- 最終チャンネル同期日
+ Last synchronization at
+ 最終チャンネル同期日 src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11665,8 +11673,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- 一部のチャンネルが完全に設定されていません。バナー、アバター、説明を加えてチャンネルを公開することで、どのようなチャンネルなのか分かりやすくし、またあなたのチャンネルに訪れる人を歓迎するものにしましょう。
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ 一部のチャンネルが完全に設定されていません。バナー、アバター、説明を加えてチャンネルを公開することで、どのようなチャンネルなのか分かりやすくし、またあなたのチャンネルに訪れる人を歓迎するものにしましょう。src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12121,8 +12129,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- PeerTubeを利用する際にヘルプが必要な場合は、ドキュメントをご覧ください。
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ PeerTubeを利用する際にヘルプが必要な場合は、ドキュメントをご覧ください。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12133,8 +12141,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- にようこそ
+ Welcomeon
+ にようこそsrc/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12157,16 +12165,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- アカウントを有効化し、登録リクエストを完了するにはメールを確認してください。
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ アカウントを有効化し、登録リクエストを完了するにはメールを確認してください。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- アカウントを有効化し、登録リクエストを完了するにはメールを確認してください。
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ アカウントを有効化し、登録リクエストを完了するにはメールを確認してください。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12433,8 +12441,8 @@
- このチャンネルを表示 >
+ このチャンネルを表示 >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12817,8 +12825,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Web上のピアには公的にはアクセスできません。なぜなら、PeerTubeはWebSocketプロトコルを利用しており、クラシックなBitTorrentのトラッカーとは異なるからです。PeerTubeをWebブラウザーで利用するとき、情報を転送するための自分以外のピアをランダムに選ぶトラッカーに向けて、Webブラウザーはあなたの公開IPアドレスを含んだシグナルを送信します。詳しくはこちらのドキュメントをご覧下さい。
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Web上のピアには公的にはアクセスできません。なぜなら、PeerTubeはWebSocketプロトコルを利用しており、クラシックなBitTorrentのトラッカーとは異なるからです。PeerTubeをWebブラウザーで利用するとき、情報を転送するための自分以外のピアをランダムに選ぶトラッカーに向けて、Webブラウザーはあなたの公開IPアドレスを含んだシグナルを送信します。詳しくはこちらのドキュメントをご覧下さい。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -12973,8 +12981,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- の管理者に問い合わせる
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ の管理者に問い合わせるsrc/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13257,8 +13265,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- 私は少なくとも 歳以上であり、の利用規約と行動規範に同意します
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ 私は少なくとも 歳以上であり、の利用規約と行動規範に同意します src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13709,8 +13717,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- しかし、次の項目を調整する前にPeerTubeガイドラインをお読み頂く事をオススメします。
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ しかし、次の項目を調整する前にPeerTubeガイドラインをお読み頂く事をオススメします。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14893,8 +14901,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTubeはあなたのWebブラウザーの公開IPアドレスをと認識しています。
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTubeはあなたのWebブラウザーの公開IPアドレスをと認識しています。src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -14941,8 +14949,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- trust_proxyの設定キーを確認する
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ trust_proxyの設定キーを確認するsrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15041,16 +15049,16 @@
- Files
- ファイル
+ Files
+ ファイル src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- 公開
+ Published
+ 公開 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15141,16 +15149,16 @@
- Priority
- 優先順位
+ Priority
+ 優先順位 src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- 処理
+ Progress
+ 処理 src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15341,8 +15349,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- の登録を承認の登録を拒否
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ の登録を承認の登録を拒否src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15357,40 +15365,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- の登録を承認し、アカウントとチャンネルを作成する。
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ の登録を承認し、アカウントとチャンネルを作成する。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- に送信されたメールで、あなたが下記のように書いたモデレーション回答に基づいてアカウントが作成されたことを説明しています。
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ に送信されたメールで、あなたが下記のように書いたモデレーション回答に基づいてアカウントが作成されたことを説明しています。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- このインスタンスではメールが有効化されていないため、PeerTubeはにアカウントが作成されたことを説明するためのメールを送信できません。
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ このインスタンスではメールが有効化されていないため、PeerTubeはにアカウントが作成されたことを説明するためのメールを送信できません。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- に送信されたメールで、この登録リクエストが拒否されたことを下記のように書いたモデレーション回答に基づいて説明しています。
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ に送信されたメールで、この登録リクエストが拒否されたことを下記のように書いたモデレーション回答に基づいて説明しています。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- このインスタンスではメールが有効化されていないため、PeerTubeはに登録リクエストが拒否されたことを説明するためのメールを送信できません。
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ このインスタンスではメールが有効化されていないため、PeerTubeはに登録リクエストが拒否されたことを説明するためのメールを送信できません。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15773,8 +15781,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>削除されたユーザーやチャンネルで利用されていたユーザー名を用いて、ユーザーまたはチャンネルを新たに作成することはできません。</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>削除されたユーザーやチャンネルで利用されていたユーザー名を用いて、ユーザーまたはチャンネルを新たに作成することはできません。</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15853,8 +15861,8 @@
- Clear all history
- 全ての再生履歴を削除
+ Clear all history
+ 全ての再生履歴を削除 src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16801,8 +16809,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- がメールアドレスの認証を待っています
+ is awaiting email verification
+ がメールアドレスの認証を待っています src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16817,8 +16825,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- あなたの現在のメールアドレスはです。このメールアドレスが外部に公開されることはありません。
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ あなたの現在のメールアドレスはです。このメールアドレスが外部に公開されることはありません。 src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17137,16 +17145,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- 現在の動画は編集済みの動画に上書きされるため、<strong>動画を元に戻すことはできません</strong>。<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ 現在の動画は編集済みの動画に上書きされるため、<strong>動画を元に戻すことはできません</strong>。<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- なお、次のタスクが実行されます: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ なお、次のタスクが実行されます: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17249,7 +17257,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.OAuthクライアントの認証情報を取得できません: . PeerTube (config/ directory)が正しく設定されているか、特に"webserver"の項目が正しく設定されているか確認してください。src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17525,8 +17534,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- 長い (> 10分)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ 長い (> 10分)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17665,8 +17674,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- 動画のアップロード容量制限は、あなたがアップロードした動画のサイズのみに適用され、 トランスコードされたファイルやユーザーが作成したエクスポートのアーカイブファイル(動画ファイルが含まれる場合があります )は含まれません。
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ 動画のアップロード容量制限は、あなたがアップロードした動画のサイズのみに適用され、 トランスコードされたファイルやユーザーが作成したエクスポートのアーカイブファイル(動画ファイルが含まれる場合があります )は含まれません。 src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17881,8 +17890,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- これらの自動タグ付けは、コメントをフィルタリングしたり、自動的にブロックするために使用されます。
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ これらの自動タグ付けは、コメントをフィルタリングしたり、自動的にブロックするために使用されます。src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18817,8 +18826,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- ドキュメントを読んで、PeerTubeのライブ配信の特徴を学びましょう。
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ ドキュメントを読んで、PeerTubeのライブ配信の特徴を学びましょう。 src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -19992,8 +20001,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- このユーザーを削除すると、ユーザー名<strong></strong>で他のユーザーやチャンネルを作成できなくなります!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ このユーザーを削除すると、ユーザー名<strong></strong>で他のユーザーやチャンネルを作成できなくなります!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20824,8 +20833,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- 動画ファイルを含める場合、アーカイブファイルのサイズはおよそになります
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ 動画ファイルを含める場合、アーカイブファイルのサイズはおよそになりますsrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20880,8 +20889,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- これは、 インポート ツールであり、移行ツールではありません。これがデータ(チャンネルや動画など)が複製され、以前のPeerTubeインスタンスから移動されない理由です。
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ これは、 インポート ツールであり、移行ツールではありません。これがデータ(チャンネルや動画など)が複製され、以前のPeerTubeインスタンスから移動されない理由です。 src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -20960,8 +20969,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- 動画ファイルが含まれている場合に限り、まだ存在しない動画の作成
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ 動画ファイルが含まれている場合に限り、まだ存在しない動画の作成src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22148,8 +22157,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />それでも動画ファイルを置き換えたいですか?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />それでも動画ファイルを置き換えたいですか?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22320,8 +22329,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- この動画はインスタンスにはありません。元の動画のあるインスタンス <a href=""></a>にリダイレクトしますか?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ この動画はインスタンスにはありません。元の動画のあるインスタンス <a href=""></a>にリダイレクトしますか?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
index 955254ab7..ca3db9e9d 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- прокомментировал ваше видео . Для этого комментария требуется your approval
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ прокомментировал ваше видео . Для этого комментария требуется your approvalsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- Импорт вашего видео успешно выполнен
+ Your video import succeeded
+ Импорт вашего видео успешно выполнен src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- упомянул вас в видео
+ mentioned you on video
+ упомянул вас в видео src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Новая версия плагина / темы доступна:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Новая версия плагина / темы доступна: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Новая версия PeerTube доступна:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Новая версия PeerTube доступна: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- Обработка вашего видео завершена
+ Your video edition has finished
+ Обработка вашего видео завершена src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- Пользователь хочет зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ Пользователь хочет зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- прямая трансляция в
+ is live streaming in
+ прямая трансляция в src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- транскрипция вашего видео была сгенерирована
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ транскрипция вашего видео была сгенерирована src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1338,8 +1338,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Примеры_синтаксиса" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> совместимый что поддерживает:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Примеры_синтаксиса" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> совместимый что поддерживает:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2188,16 +2188,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Этот экземпляр разрешает регистрацию. Однако не забудьте проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования перед созданием учетной записи. Вы также можете выполнить поиск другого экземпляра, точно соответствующего вашим потребностям, по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Этот экземпляр разрешает регистрацию. Однако не забудьте проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования перед созданием учетной записи. Вы также можете выполнить поиск другого экземпляра, точно соответствующего вашим потребностям, по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- В настоящее время в этом экземпляре не предусмотрена регистрация пользователя, вы можете проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования для получения более подробной информации или найдите приложение, которое дает вам возможность зарегистрироваться в учетной записи и загружать туда свои видео. Найдите свой среди множества экземпляров по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ В настоящее время в этом экземпляре не предусмотрена регистрация пользователя, вы можете проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования для получения более подробной информации или найдите приложение, которое дает вам возможность зарегистрироваться в учетной записи и загружать туда свои видео. Найдите свой среди множества экземпляров по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2236,7 +2236,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.Письмо с руководством по сбросу пароля будет отправлено на . Ссылка будет рабочей в течении 1 часа.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2317,8 +2318,8 @@
- for
- для
+ for
+ для src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2370,40 +2371,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Как вы, наверное, заметили: для просмотра видео на не требуется создавать учетную запись. Однако, создание учетной записи на позволит вам:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Как вы, наверное, заметили: для просмотра видео на не требуется создавать учетную запись. Однако, создание учетной записи на позволит вам: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Комментировать видео
+ Comment videos
+ Комментировать видеоsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- Подписываться на каналы и получать уведомления о новых видео
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ Подписываться на каналы и получать уведомления о новых видеоsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Получать доступ к личной истории просмотров
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Получать доступ к личной истории просмотровsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Создавать свои каналы, чтобы публиковать видео
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Создавать свои каналы, чтобы публиковать видеоsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2426,32 +2427,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- создан с использованием PeerTube, платформы для создания видео, разработанной Framasoft. Framasoft - французская некоммерческая организация, предлагающая альтернативы цифровым инструментам Big Tech
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ создан с использованием PeerTube, платформы для создания видео, разработанной Framasoft. Framasoft - французская некоммерческая организация, предлагающая альтернативы цифровым инструментам Big Tech src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- Вы хотите опубликовать видео на ? Для этого вам нужно создать свой первый канал.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ Вы хотите опубликовать видео на ? Для этого вам нужно создать свой первый канал. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Вы можете создать канал по теме: например, вы можете создать канал под названием "SweetMelodies", чтобы публиковать свои фортепианные концерты, и еще один "Экология", на котором вы публикуете свои видеоролики, рассказывающие об экологии.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Вы можете создать канал по теме: например, вы можете создать канал под названием "SweetMelodies", чтобы публиковать свои фортепианные концерты, и еще один "Экология", на котором вы публикуете свои видеоролики, рассказывающие об экологии. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- администраторы разрешают вам публиковать до видео на их сайте.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ администраторы разрешают вам публиковать до видео на их сайте. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2540,16 +2541,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Официальный сайт PeerTube (новости, поддержка, вклад...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Официальный сайт PeerTube (новости, поддержка, вклад...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Добавьте свой экземпляр в общедоступный индекс PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Добавьте свой экземпляр в общедоступный индекс PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2564,8 +2565,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Выбор имени экземпляра, настройка описания, указав кто вы, почему вы создали свой экземпляр и как долго вы планируете поддерживать его очень важно, чтобы посетители понимали, на каком типе экземпляра они находятся.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Выбор имени экземпляра, настройка описания, указав кто вы, почему вы создали свой экземпляр и как долго вы планируете поддерживать его очень важно, чтобы посетители понимали, на каком типе экземпляра они находятся. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3034,8 +3035,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ Если включено, мы рекомендуем использовать прокси-сервер HTTP для предотвращения доступа к частному URL-адресу с вашего сервера PeerTube
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ Если включено, мы рекомендуем использовать прокси-сервер HTTP для предотвращения доступа к частному URL-адресу с вашего сервера PeerTubesrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3086,24 +3087,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- У меня уже есть аккаунт, войти
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ У меня уже есть аккаунт, войти src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Условия пользованияиз
+ Termsof
+ Условия пользованияиз src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Настройкаваша учетная запись
+ Setupyour account
+ Настройкаваша учетная записьsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3118,8 +3119,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Создатьваш первый канал
+ Createyour first channel
+ Создатьваш первый каналsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3210,24 +3211,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Помогите модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы by:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Помогите модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы by:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Загрузка аватара
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Загрузка аватараsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- Добавьте описание
+ Writing a description
+ Добавьте описаниеsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3879,8 +3880,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Отметка времени (00:05 например) автоматически преобразуется в ссылку на часть видео.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Отметка времени (00:05 например) автоматически преобразуется в ссылку на часть видео.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3939,8 +3940,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- совместим с Markdown который также поддерживает пользовательские HTML-метки PeerTube
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ совместим с Markdown который также поддерживает пользовательские HTML-метки PeerTubesrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4079,8 +4080,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Выберите подходящую лицензию для своей работы.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Выберите подходящую лицензию для своей работы. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4139,8 +4140,8 @@
- Requested on
- Запрошено
+ Requested on
+ Запрошено src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4315,7 +4316,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Уже загружено на ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4395,8 +4396,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Главы также можно указать в описании видео. Проверьте формат в документации PeerTube
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Главы также можно указать в описании видео. Проверьте формат в документации PeerTubesrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4479,8 +4480,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Короткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать канал (платформу членства...).<br /> Когда видео загружается на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Короткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать канал (платформу членства...).<br /> Когда видео загружается на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4719,8 +4721,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- Вы также можете синхронизировать удаленный канал в своей библиотеке
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ Вы также можете синхронизировать удаленный канал в своей библиотекеsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7810,8 +7812,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8587,8 +8589,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Приоритет (1 = наивысший приоритет)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Приоритет (1 = наивысший приоритет)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8623,8 +8625,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Заданий не найдено.
+ No jobs found.
+ Заданий не найдено.src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8723,8 +8725,8 @@
- By ->
- От ->
+ By ->
+ От ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8771,8 +8773,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- Также он будет использован на внешних веб-сайтах для привлечения внимания, например на JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ Также он будет использован на внешних веб-сайтах для привлечения внимания, например на JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8899,8 +8901,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Управлять пользователями для создания команды модераторов.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Управлять пользователями для создания команды модераторов. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8915,8 +8917,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Включение этой функции позволит другим администраторам знать, что вы в основном объединяете конфиденциальный контент. Кроме того, флажок NSFW при загрузке видео будет установлен автоматически проверяется по умолчанию.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Включение этой функции позволит другим администраторам знать, что вы в основном объединяете конфиденциальный контент. Кроме того, флажок NSFW при загрузке видео будет установлен автоматически проверяется по умолчанию. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9127,8 +9129,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Используйте плагины & темы для более сложных изменений или добавьте небольшие изменения.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Используйте плагины & темы для более сложных изменений или добавьте небольшие изменения. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9271,8 +9273,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Управление пользователями с целью установки персональной квоты.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Управление пользователями с целью установки персональной квоты. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9607,8 +9609,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Использовать удаленных участников для обработки задач транскрипции. Удаленные пользователи должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Использовать удаленных участников для обработки задач транскрипции. Удаленные пользователи должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9695,8 +9697,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- В рабочей среде следует использовать только модерируемые поисковые индексы, или создать свой собственный.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ В рабочей среде следует использовать только модерируемые поисковые индексы, или создать свой собственный. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9831,8 +9833,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Управление связями с другими экземплярами.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Управление связями с другими экземплярами. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9903,8 +9905,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Ознакомьтесь с документацией для получение информации по ожидаемому URL
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Ознакомьтесь с документацией для получение информации по ожидаемому URL src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10207,8 +10209,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Использовать удаленных участников для обработки транскодирования в реальном времени. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Использовать удаленных участников для обработки транскодирования в реальном времени. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10271,8 +10273,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Использовать удаленных участников для обработки транскодирования VOD. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Использовать удаленных участников для обработки транскодирования VOD. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10375,8 +10377,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Генерируйте списки воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированные файлы MP4, что приводит к лучшему воспроизведению, чем при использовании веб-видео:Изменение разрешения происходит более плавноБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно с длинными видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок/бесконечная загрузка)Если вы также включили поддержку веб-видео, это увеличит объем хранилища видео в 2 раза
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Генерируйте списки воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированные файлы MP4, что приводит к лучшему воспроизведению, чем при использовании веб-видео:Изменение разрешения происходит более плавноБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно с длинными видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок/бесконечная загрузка)Если вы также включили поддержку веб-видео, это увеличит объем хранилища видео в 2 разаsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10543,8 +10545,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Использовать удаленных участников для обработки задач студийного транскодирования. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре.
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Использовать удаленных участников для обработки задач студийного транскодирования. Удаленные участники должны сначала зарегистрироваться на вашем экземпляре. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10671,16 +10673,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Напишите код JavaScript напрямую. Пример:console.log('мой экземпляр потрясающий');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Напишите код JavaScript напрямую. Пример:console.log('мой экземпляр потрясающий');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- Напишите CSS-код напрямую. Пример:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ Напишите CSS-код напрямую. Пример:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10703,8 +10711,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Ошибки в форме:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Ошибки в форме: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10927,8 +10935,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Обновить ваши настройки
+ Update your settings
+ Обновить ваши настройкиsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10951,56 +10959,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Сортировка по «Недавно добавленные»
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Сортировка по «Недавно добавленные»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Сортировка по «Дата публикации»
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Сортировка по «Дата публикации»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Сортировка по «Имени»
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Сортировка по «Имени»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Сортировка по «Недавние просмотры»
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Сортировка по «Недавние просмотры»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Сортировка по «Горячее»
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Сортировка по «Горячее»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Сортировка по «Нравится»
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Сортировка по «Нравится»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Сортировка по «Общие просмотры»
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Сортировка по «Общие просмотры»src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11139,8 +11147,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- С помощьюСкрыть или Размыто превью, будет запрошено подтверждение для просмотра видео.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ С помощьюСкрыть или Размыто превью, будет запрошено подтверждение для просмотра видео. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11347,24 +11355,24 @@
- External Channel
- Внешний Канал
+ External Channel
+ Внешний Канал src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Канал
+ Channel
+ Канал src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Последняя синхронизация в
+ Last synchronization at
+ Последняя синхронизация в src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11725,8 +11733,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Некоторые из ваших каналов настроены не полностью. Сделайте их более приветливыми и сообщите о том, что вы публикуете, добавив баннер, аватар и описание.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Некоторые из ваших каналов настроены не полностью. Сделайте их более приветливыми и сообщите о том, что вы публикуете, добавив баннер, аватар и описание.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12181,8 +12189,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Если вам нужна помощь в использовании PeerTube, вы можете взглянуть на документацию.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Если вам нужна помощь в использовании PeerTube, вы можете взглянуть на документацию. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12193,8 +12201,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Добро пожаловатьна
+ Welcomeon
+ Добро пожаловатьна src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12217,16 +12225,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Проверьте свою электронную почту, чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись и заполнить заявку на регистрацию.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Проверьте свою электронную почту, чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись и заполнить заявку на регистрацию. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Проверьте свою электронную почту, чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись и завершить регистрацию.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Проверьте свою электронную почту, чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись и завершить регистрацию. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12493,8 +12501,8 @@
+ ПОКАЗАТЬ ЭТОТ КАНАЛ >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12877,8 +12885,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Одноранговые веб-узлы не являются общедоступными: поскольку мы используем транспорт веб-сокетов, этот протокол отличается от классического трекера BitTorrent. Когда вы находитесь в веб-браузере, вы отправляете сигнал, содержащий ваш IP-адрес, на трекер, который случайным образом выбирает других одноранговых узлов для пересылки информации. См. этот документ для получения дополнительной информации
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Одноранговые веб-узлы не являются общедоступными: поскольку мы используем транспорт веб-сокетов, этот протокол отличается от классического трекера BitTorrent. Когда вы находитесь в веб-браузере, вы отправляете сигнал, содержащий ваш IP-адрес, на трекер, который случайным образом выбирает других одноранговых узлов для пересылки информации. См. этот документ для получения дополнительной информации src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -13033,8 +13041,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Свяжитесь с администратором
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Свяжитесь с администраторомsrc/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13317,8 +13325,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Мне не меньше лет, и я согласен с Условиями пользования и с Правилами поведения экземпляра
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Мне не меньше лет, и я согласен с Условиями пользования и с Правилами поведения экземпляра src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13769,8 +13777,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Однако вы можете прочитать наши рекомендации перед настройкой следующих значений.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Однако вы можете прочитать наши рекомендации перед настройкой следующих значений. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14963,8 +14971,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube считает, что общедоступный IP-адрес вашего веб-браузера .
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube считает, что общедоступный IP-адрес вашего веб-браузера .src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -15011,8 +15019,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Проверьте trust_proxy ключ конфигурации
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Проверьте trust_proxy ключ конфигурацииsrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15111,16 +15119,16 @@
- Files
- Файлы
+ Files
+ Файлы src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Опубликовано
+ Published
+ Опубликовано src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15211,16 +15219,16 @@
- Priority
- Приоритет
+ Priority
+ Приоритет src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Состояние
+ Progress
+ Состояние src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15411,8 +15419,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Принять регистрациюОтклонить регистрацию
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Принять регистрациюОтклонить регистрациюsrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15427,40 +15435,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- Принятие регистрации создаст учетную запись и канал.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ Принятие регистрации создаст учетную запись и канал. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Электронное письмо будет отправлено на с объяснением того, что его учетная запись была создана с помощью ответа модератора, который вы напишете ниже.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Электронное письмо будет отправлено на с объяснением того, что его учетная запись была создана с помощью ответа модератора, который вы напишете ниже. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- Электронная почта в этом экземпляре не включена, поэтому PeerTube не сможет отправить электронное письмо на адрес с уведомлением о создании учетной записи.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ Электронная почта в этом экземпляре не включена, поэтому PeerTube не сможет отправить электронное письмо на адрес с уведомлением о создании учетной записи. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Письмо будет отправлено на с объяснением, что заявка на регистрацию была отклонена с ответом модератора, указанным ниже.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Письмо будет отправлено на с объяснением, что заявка на регистрацию была отклонена с ответом модератора, указанным ниже. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- На этом сервере не включена эл. почта, поэтому PeerTube не сможет отправить письмо на с уведомлением об отклонении заявки на регистрацию.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ На этом сервере не включена эл. почта, поэтому PeerTube не сможет отправить письмо на с уведомлением об отклонении заявки на регистрацию. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15843,8 +15851,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>Вы не можете создавать пользователей или каналы с именем, которое уже используется.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>Вы не можете создавать пользователей или каналы с именем, которое уже используется.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15923,8 +15931,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Очистить всю историю
+ Clear all history
+ Очистить всю историю src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16873,8 +16881,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- ожидает подтверждения электронной почты
+ is awaiting email verification
+ ожидает подтверждения электронной почты src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16889,8 +16897,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- Ваш текущий адрес электронной почты . Он не будет виден другим пользователям.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ Ваш текущий адрес электронной почты . Он не будет виден другим пользователям. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17209,16 +17217,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- Текущее видео будет перезаписано этим отредактированным видео и <strong>вы не сможете его восстановить</strong>.<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ Текущее видео будет перезаписано этим отредактированным видео и <strong>вы не сможете его восстановить</strong>.<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Напоминаем, что будут выполнены следующие задачи: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Напоминаем, что будут выполнены следующие задачи: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17321,7 +17329,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Не удается получить учетные данные клиента OAuth: . Убедитесь, что вы правильно настроили PeerTube (config / directory), в частности раздел «веб-сервер».src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17597,8 +17606,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Длинная (> 10 мин)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Длинная (> 10 мин)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17737,8 +17746,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- Квота на видео учитывает только размер загруженного видео, не перекодированные файлы или пользовательские архивы экспорта (которые могут содержать видеофайлы).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ Квота на видео учитывает только размер загруженного видео, не перекодированные файлы или пользовательские архивы экспорта (которые могут содержать видеофайлы). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17955,8 +17964,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- Эти автоматические теги можно использовать для фильтрации комментариев или автоматической блокировки .
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ Эти автоматические теги можно использовать для фильтрации комментариев или автоматической блокировки .src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18891,8 +18900,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- См. документацию, чтобы узнать, как использовать функцию прямой трансляции PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ См. документацию, чтобы узнать, как использовать функцию прямой трансляции PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20060,8 +20069,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Если вы удалите этого пользователя, вы не сможете создать другого пользователя или канал с <strong></strong> именем пользователя!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Если вы удалите этого пользователя, вы не сможете создать другого пользователя или канал с <strong></strong> именем пользователя!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20900,8 +20909,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- Если вы включаете видеофайлы, архивный файл будет иметь размер приблизительно
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ Если вы включаете видеофайлы, архивный файл будет иметь размер приблизительно src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20956,8 +20965,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- Это импорт инструмент, а не инструмент миграции. Это причина, по которой данные (например, каналы или видео) дублируются, а не перемещаются с вашего предыдущего веб-сайта PeerTube.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ Это импорт инструмент, а не инструмент миграции. Это причина, по которой данные (например, каналы или видео) дублируются, а не перемещаются с вашего предыдущего веб-сайта PeerTube. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -21036,8 +21045,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- Если архив содержит видеофайлы, создавайте видео, если они еще не существуют
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ Если архив содержит видеофайлы, создавайте видео, если они еще не существуютsrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22224,8 +22233,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />Вы все еще хотите заменить видеофайл?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Вы все еще хотите заменить видеофайл?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22348,8 +22357,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.vi-VN.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.vi-VN.xlf
index 4c56642e7..29b7a8388 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.vi-VN.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.vi-VN.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- đã bình luận trên video của bạn . Việc này cần bạn duyệt
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ đã bình luận trên video của bạn . Việc này cần bạn duyệtsrc/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- Video đã nhập thành công
+ Your video import succeeded
+ Video đã nhập thành công src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- nhắc tới bạn trong video
+ mentioned you on video
+ nhắc tới bạn trong video src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- Có bản cập nhật tiện ích/chủ đề mới đang chờ cập nhật:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ Có bản cập nhật tiện ích/chủ đề mới đang chờ cập nhật: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- Một phiên bản PeerTube mới đang chờ cập nhật:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ Một phiên bản PeerTube mới đang chờ cập nhật: src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- Phiên bản mới của video đã được biên tập xong
+ Your video edition has finished
+ Phiên bản mới của video đã được biên tập xong src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- muốn đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ muốn đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- đang live stream trong
+ is live streaming in
+ đang live stream trong src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- chuyển mã của video của bạn đã được tạo
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ chuyển mã của video của bạn đã được tạo src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- Hỗ trợ định dạng <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ Hỗ trợ định dạng <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Máy chủ này cho phép đăng ký. Dù vậy, hãy kiểm tra Nội quy máy chủĐiều khoản dịch vụ trước khi tạo tài khoản. Bạn cũng có thể tham khảo những máy chủ khác tại: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Máy chủ này cho phép đăng ký. Dù vậy, hãy kiểm tra Nội quy máy chủĐiều khoản dịch vụ trước khi tạo tài khoản. Bạn cũng có thể tham khảo những máy chủ khác tại: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Hiện tại máy chủ này không cho phép đăng ký, bạn có thể kiểm tra Quy tắcQuy tắc để biết thêm chi tiết hoặc tìm một máy chủ cho phép bạn đăng ký tài khoản và tải video của mình lên đó. Tìm tại: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Hiện tại máy chủ này không cho phép đăng ký, bạn có thể kiểm tra Quy tắcQuy tắc để biết thêm chi tiết hoặc tìm một máy chủ cho phép bạn đăng ký tài khoản và tải video của mình lên đó. Tìm tại: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.Một email hướng dẫn reset mật khẩu sẽ được gửi đến . Link reset hết hạn sau 1 giờ.src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- cho
+ for
+ cho src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- Chắc bạn cũng biết: không cần tạo tài khoản để xem video trên . Tuy nhiên, tạo tài khoản trên sẽ cho phép bạn:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ Chắc bạn cũng biết: không cần tạo tài khoản để xem video trên . Tuy nhiên, tạo tài khoản trên sẽ cho phép bạn: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- Bình luận video
+ Comment videos
+ Bình luận videosrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- Đăng ký kênh để được nhận thông báo về video mới
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ Đăng ký kênh để được nhận thông báo về video mớisrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- Biết lịch sử xem
+ Have access to your watch history
+ Biết lịch sử xemsrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- Tạo kênh để đăng video
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ Tạo kênh để đăng videosrc/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- được vận hành nhờ PeerTube, một nền tảng sáng tạo video bởi Framasoft. Framasoft là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận Pháp cung cấp những phần mềm thay thế phần mềm từ Big Tech
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ được vận hành nhờ PeerTube, một nền tảng sáng tạo video bởi Framasoft. Framasoft là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận Pháp cung cấp những phần mềm thay thế phần mềm từ Big Tech src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- Bạn muốn đăng video trên ? Vậy thì hãy tạo kênh.
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ Bạn muốn đăng video trên ? Vậy thì hãy tạo kênh. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Bạn nên tạo kênh theo chủ đề: ví dụ, tạo một kênh "Nốt Nhạc Vui" để đăng những video bạn chơi piano và tạo một kênh "Môi Trường" để đăng những video nói về môi trường.
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Bạn nên tạo kênh theo chủ đề: ví dụ, tạo một kênh "Nốt Nhạc Vui" để đăng những video bạn chơi piano và tạo một kênh "Môi Trường" để đăng những video nói về môi trường. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- cho phép bạn đăng tối đa video trên máy chủ của họ.
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ cho phép bạn đăng tối đa video trên máy chủ của họ. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2542,16 +2543,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Trang chủ PeerTube (tin tức, hỗ trợ, đóng góp...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Trang chủ PeerTube (tin tức, hỗ trợ, đóng góp...): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Cho máy chủ của bạn vào chỉ mục PeerTube công khai: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Cho máy chủ của bạn vào chỉ mục PeerTube công khai: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2566,8 +2567,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Chọn tên máy chủ của bạn, viết mô tả, cho biết bạn là ai, vì sao bạn tạo máy chủ này và bao lâu bạn dự định sẽ vận hành nó là rất cần thiết để khách truy cập hiểu về máy chủ của bạn.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Chọn tên máy chủ của bạn, viết mô tả, cho biết bạn là ai, vì sao bạn tạo máy chủ này và bao lâu bạn dự định sẽ vận hành nó là rất cần thiết để khách truy cập hiểu về máy chủ của bạn. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3036,8 +3037,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ Nếu kích hoạt, chúng tôi đề xuất bạn sử dụng a HTTP proxy để ngăn chặn truy cập những URL riêng tư trên máy chủ PeerTube của bạn
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ Nếu kích hoạt, chúng tôi đề xuất bạn sử dụng a HTTP proxy để ngăn chặn truy cập những URL riêng tư trên máy chủ PeerTube của bạnsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3088,24 +3089,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- Tôi đã có tài khoản
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ Tôi đã có tài khoảnsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- Nội quycủa
+ Termsof
+ Nội quycủasrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- Thiết lậptài khoản của bạn
+ Setupyour account
+ Thiết lậptài khoản của bạnsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3120,8 +3121,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- Tạokênh đầu tiên của bạn
+ Createyour first channel
+ Tạokênh đầu tiên của bạnsrc/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3212,24 +3213,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- Giúp kiểm duyệt viên và những người dùng khác biết bạn là ai bằng cách:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ Giúp kiểm duyệt viên và những người dùng khác biết bạn là ai bằng cách:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- Tải lên ảnh đại diện
+ Uploading an avatar
+ Tải lên ảnh đại diệnsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- Bổ sung mô tả bản thân
+ Writing a description
+ Bổ sung mô tả bản thânsrc/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3879,8 +3880,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- Mốc thời gian cụ thể (ví dụ 00:05) được tự động chuyển đổi thành URL đến một phần của video.
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ Mốc thời gian cụ thể (ví dụ 00:05) được tự động chuyển đổi thành URL đến một phần của video.src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3939,8 +3940,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Tương thích Markdown và đồng thời hỗ trợ PeerTube HTML tags
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Tương thích Markdown và đồng thời hỗ trợ PeerTube HTML tagssrc/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4079,8 +4080,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- Chọn giấy phép phù hợp cho video của bạn.
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ Chọn giấy phép phù hợp cho video của bạn. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4139,8 +4140,8 @@
- Requested on
- Đã yêu cầu vào
+ Requested on
+ Đã yêu cầu vào src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4315,7 +4316,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔Đã tải lên xong ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4395,8 +4396,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- Các chương cũng có thể được thiết lập trong phần mô tả video. Kiểm tra định dạng trong tài liệu PeerTube
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ Các chương cũng có thể được thiết lập trong phần mô tả video. Kiểm tra định dạng trong tài liệu PeerTubesrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4479,8 +4480,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Mô tả ngắn để cho mọi người biết cách họ có thể hỗ trợ kênh (nền tảng thành viên...).<br /> Khi một video được tải lên kênh này, trường hỗ trợ video sẽ tự động được điền bằng văn bản này.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Mô tả ngắn để cho mọi người biết cách họ có thể hỗ trợ kênh (nền tảng thành viên...).<br /> Khi một video được tải lên kênh này, trường hỗ trợ video sẽ tự động được điền bằng văn bản này.src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4719,8 +4721,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- Bạn cũng có thể đồng bộ một kênh khác trong video của bạn
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ Bạn cũng có thể đồng bộ một kênh khác trong video của bạnsrc/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7758,8 +7760,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8535,8 +8537,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- Ưu tiên (1 = ưu tiên cao nhất)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ Ưu tiên (1 = ưu tiên cao nhất)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8571,8 +8573,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- Không công việc tìm thấy.
+ No jobs found.
+ Không công việc tìm thấy.src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8671,8 +8673,8 @@
- By ->
- Bởi ->
+ By ->
+ Bởi ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8719,8 +8721,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- Nó cũng có thể được hiển thị trên các trang web bên ngoài để quảng bá máy chủ của bạn, chẳng hạn như JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ Nó cũng có thể được hiển thị trên các trang web bên ngoài để quảng bá máy chủ của bạn, chẳng hạn như JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8847,8 +8849,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Quản lý người dùng để xây dựng đội ngũ kiểm duyệt.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Quản lý người dùng để xây dựng đội ngũ kiểm duyệt. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8863,8 +8865,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Việc bật tính năng này sẽ cho phép các quản trị viên khác biết rằng bạn chủ yếu liên kết nội dung nhạy cảm. Hơn nữa, hộp kiểm NSFW khi tải lên video sẽ được tự động chọn theo mặc định.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Việc bật tính năng này sẽ cho phép các quản trị viên khác biết rằng bạn chủ yếu liên kết nội dung nhạy cảm. Hơn nữa, hộp kiểm NSFW khi tải lên video sẽ được tự động chọn theo mặc định. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9075,8 +9077,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Dùng tiện ích & chủ đề để điều chỉnh máy chủ, hoặc nhẹ nhàng tùy biến.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Dùng tiện ích & chủ đề để điều chỉnh máy chủ, hoặc nhẹ nhàng tùy biến. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9219,8 +9221,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Quản lý người dùng để cài dung lượng tối đa của họ.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Quản lý người dùng để cài dung lượng tối đa của họ. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9555,8 +9557,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Dùng trình chạy từ xa để xử lý tác vụ chuyển âm. Trình chạy từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước.
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Dùng trình chạy từ xa để xử lý tác vụ chuyển âm. Trình chạy từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9643,8 +9645,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Bạn chỉ nên sử dụng truy vấn tìm kiếm đã kiểm duyệt trong sản xuất, hoặc tự host.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ Bạn chỉ nên sử dụng truy vấn tìm kiếm đã kiểm duyệt trong sản xuất, hoặc tự host. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9779,8 +9781,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Quản lý mối quan hệ với những máy chủ khác.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Quản lý mối quan hệ với những máy chủ khác. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9851,8 +9853,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- Xem tài liệu để biết thêm thông tin về URL dự kiến
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ Xem tài liệu để biết thêm thông tin về URL dự kiến src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10155,8 +10157,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý chuyển mã trực tiếp. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước.
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý chuyển mã trực tiếp. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10219,8 +10221,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý chuyển mã VOD. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước.
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý chuyển mã VOD. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10323,8 +10325,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Yêu cầu ffmpeg >= 4.1Tạo danh sách phát HLS và các tệp MP4 bị phân mảnh giúp phát lại tốt hơn so với Web Video:Thay đổi độ phân giải mượt mà hơnPhát lại nhanh hơn, đặc biệt là với các video dàiPhát lại ổn định hơn (ít lỗi hơn/tải vô hạn)Nếu bạn bật hỗ trợ Web Video cùng lúc, nó sẽ nhân đôi dung lượng lưu trữ video
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Yêu cầu ffmpeg >= 4.1Tạo danh sách phát HLS và các tệp MP4 bị phân mảnh giúp phát lại tốt hơn so với Web Video:Thay đổi độ phân giải mượt mà hơnPhát lại nhanh hơn, đặc biệt là với các video dàiPhát lại ổn định hơn (ít lỗi hơn/tải vô hạn)Nếu bạn bật hỗ trợ Web Video cùng lúc, nó sẽ nhân đôi dung lượng lưu trữ videosrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10491,8 +10493,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý tác vụ chỉnh sửa video. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước..
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ Dùng xử lý từ xa để xử lý tác vụ chỉnh sửa video. Người xử lý từ xa phải đăng ký trên máy chủ của bạn trước.. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10619,16 +10621,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Viết mã JavaScript trực tiếp. Ví dụ:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Viết mã JavaScript trực tiếp. Ví dụ:console.log('my instance is amazing');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- Viết mã CSS trực tiếp. Ví dụ:#custom-css color: red; Thêm vào trước #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ Viết mã CSS trực tiếp. Ví dụ:#custom-css color: red; Thêm vào trước #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10651,8 +10659,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- Có lỗi trong form:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ Có lỗi trong form: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10875,8 +10883,8 @@
- Update your settings
- Cập nhật thiết lập của bạn
+ Update your settings
+ Cập nhật thiết lập của bạnsrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10899,56 +10907,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- Xếp theo "Mới Nhất"
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ Xếp theo "Mới Nhất"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- Xếp theo "Công Chiếu"
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ Xếp theo "Công Chiếu"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- Xếp theo "Tên"
+ Sort by "Name"
+ Xếp theo "Tên"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- Xếp theo "Thịnh Hành"
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ Xếp theo "Thịnh Hành"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- Xếp theo "Bình Luận"
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ Xếp theo "Bình Luận"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- Xếp theo "Lượt Thích"
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ Xếp theo "Lượt Thích"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- Xếp theo "Lượt Xem"
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ Xếp theo "Lượt Xem"src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11087,8 +11095,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Bên cạnh Ẩn hoặc Làm mờ ảnh xem trước, sẽ hiện thêm một hộp thoại yêu cầu xác nhận mới có thể xem được video.
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Bên cạnh Ẩn hoặc Làm mờ ảnh xem trước, sẽ hiện thêm một hộp thoại yêu cầu xác nhận mới có thể xem được video. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11295,24 +11303,24 @@
- External Channel
- Kênh Mở Rộng
+ External Channel
+ Kênh Mở Rộng src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- Kênh
+ Channel
+ Kênh src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- Đồng bộ lần cuối lúc
+ Last synchronization at
+ Đồng bộ lần cuối lúc src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11671,8 +11679,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- Kênh của bạn chưa thiết lập xong. Hãy mô tả bạn sẽ đăng những gì bằng cách bổ sung ảnh bìa, ảnh đại diện và mô tả.
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ Kênh của bạn chưa thiết lập xong. Hãy mô tả bạn sẽ đăng những gì bằng cách bổ sung ảnh bìa, ảnh đại diện và mô tả.src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12127,8 +12135,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp sử dụng PeerTube, hãy xem qua tài liệu.
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp sử dụng PeerTube, hãy xem qua tài liệu. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12139,8 +12147,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- Chào mừngtham gia
+ Welcomeon
+ Chào mừngtham gia src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12163,16 +12171,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- Kiểm tra email để xác minh tài khoản của bạn và hoàn tất đăng ký.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ Kiểm tra email để xác minh tài khoản của bạn và hoàn tất đăng ký. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- Kiểm tra email để xác minh tài khoản của bạn và hoàn tất đăng ký.
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ Kiểm tra email để xác minh tài khoản của bạn và hoàn tất đăng ký. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12439,8 +12447,8 @@
+ XEM KÊNH NÀY >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12823,8 +12831,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Web peers không thể công khai truy cập: bởi vì chúng tôi sử dụng websocket transport, giao thức khác với BitTorrent tracker. Khi bạn đang trong trình duyệt web, bạn gửi một tín hiệu đến tracker sẽ tự động tín hiệu chứa địa chỉ IP của peer khác. Xem tài liệu này để biết thêm thông tin
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Web peers không thể công khai truy cập: bởi vì chúng tôi sử dụng websocket transport, giao thức khác với BitTorrent tracker. Khi bạn đang trong trình duyệt web, bạn gửi một tín hiệu đến tracker sẽ tự động tín hiệu chứa địa chỉ IP của peer khác. Xem tài liệu này để biết thêm thông tin src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -12979,8 +12987,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- Liên hệ quản trị viên
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ Liên hệ quản trị viênsrc/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13263,8 +13271,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- Tôi lớn hơn tuổi và đồng ý với Nội quy cũng như Điều khoản dịch vụ của
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ Tôi lớn hơn tuổi và đồng ý với Nội quy cũng như Điều khoản dịch vụ của src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13715,8 +13723,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- Tuy nhiên, bạn hãy đọc nội quy của chúng tôi trước khi quyết định.
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ Tuy nhiên, bạn hãy đọc nội quy của chúng tôi trước khi quyết định. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14899,8 +14907,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube nghĩ địa chỉ IP trên trình duyệt của bạn là .
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube nghĩ địa chỉ IP trên trình duyệt của bạn là .src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -14947,8 +14955,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- Kiểm tra mã cấu hình trust_proxy
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ Kiểm tra mã cấu hình trust_proxysrc/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15047,16 +15055,16 @@
- Files
- Tập tin
+ Files
+ Tập tin src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- Đăng vào
+ Published
+ Đăng vào src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15147,16 +15155,16 @@
- Priority
- Ưu tiên
+ Priority
+ Ưu tiên src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- Xử lý
+ Progress
+ Xử lý src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15347,8 +15355,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- Chấp nhận đăng kýTừ chối đăng ký
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ Chấp nhận đăng kýTừ chối đăng kýsrc/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15363,40 +15371,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- Chấp nhận đăng ký sẽ tạo tài khoản và kênh.
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ Chấp nhận đăng ký sẽ tạo tài khoản và kênh. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Một email vừa được gửi tới giải thích tài khoản này được tạo bằng phản hồi kiểm duyệt mà bạn sẽ viết bên dưới.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Một email vừa được gửi tới giải thích tài khoản này được tạo bằng phản hồi kiểm duyệt mà bạn sẽ viết bên dưới. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- Email không được bật trong trường hợp này nên PeerTube sẽ không thể gửi email đến giải thích lý do tạo tài khoản.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ Email không được bật trong trường hợp này nên PeerTube sẽ không thể gửi email đến giải thích lý do tạo tài khoản. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- Một email vừa được gửi tới giải thích yêu cầu đăng ký đã bị từ chối với phản hồi kiểm duyệt bạn viết bên dưới.
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ Một email vừa được gửi tới giải thích yêu cầu đăng ký đã bị từ chối với phản hồi kiểm duyệt bạn viết bên dưới. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- Email không được bật trong trường hợp này nên PeerTube sẽ không thể gửi email đến giải thích yêu cầu đăng ký đã bị từ chối.
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ Email không được bật trong trường hợp này nên PeerTube sẽ không thể gửi email đến giải thích yêu cầu đăng ký đã bị từ chối. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15779,8 +15787,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>Bạn không thể dùng tên người dùng hoặc kênh đã bị xóa trước đó.</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>Bạn không thể dùng tên người dùng hoặc kênh đã bị xóa trước đó.</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15859,8 +15867,8 @@
- Clear all history
- Xóa lịch sử
+ Clear all history
+ Xóa lịch sử src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16807,8 +16815,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- đang chờ xác minh email
+ is awaiting email verification
+ đang chờ xác minh email src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16823,8 +16831,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- Email hiện tại của bạn là . Nó sẽ không bị hiển thị công khai.
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ Email hiện tại của bạn là . Nó sẽ không bị hiển thị công khai. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17143,16 +17151,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- Video gốc sẽ bị ghi đè bởi video mới và bạn <strong>không thể phục hồi như cũ</strong>.<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ Video gốc sẽ bị ghi đè bởi video mới và bạn <strong>không thể phục hồi như cũ</strong>.<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- Những tác vụ sau sẽ được áp dụng: <ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ Những tác vụ sau sẽ được áp dụng: <ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17255,7 +17263,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Không thể truy xuất thông tin đăng nhập ứng dụng khách OAuth: . Hãy chắc rằng bạn đã cấu hình đúng PeerTube (config/ directory), đặc biệt là phần "webserver".src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17531,8 +17540,8 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
- Dài (> 10 phút)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Dài (> 10 phút)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts72
@@ -17671,8 +17680,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- Hạn mức video chỉ tính đến kích thước của video đã tải lên, tệp không được chuyển mã hoặc kho lưu trữ xuất của người dùng (có thể chứa tệp video).
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ Hạn mức video chỉ tính đến kích thước của video đã tải lên, tệp không được chuyển mã hoặc kho lưu trữ xuất của người dùng (có thể chứa tệp video). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17887,8 +17896,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- Những thẻ tự động này có thể được sử dụng để lọc bình luận hoặc chặn tự động chúng.
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ Những thẻ tự động này có thể được sử dụng để lọc bình luận hoặc chặn tự động chúng.src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18823,8 +18832,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- Đọc tài liệu để biết cách sử dụng tính năng Livestream của PeerTube.
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ Đọc tài liệu để biết cách sử dụng tính năng Livestream của PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -19998,8 +20007,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- Nếu xóa người dùng này, bạn không thể tạo lại tên người dùng hoặc kênh <strong></strong> nữa!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ Nếu xóa người dùng này, bạn không thể tạo lại tên người dùng hoặc kênh <strong></strong> nữa!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20830,8 +20839,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- Nếu bạn lấy luôn các tệp video, tệp lưu trữ sẽ nặng sấp xỉ
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ Nếu bạn lấy luôn các tệp video, tệp lưu trữ sẽ nặng sấp xỉ src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20886,8 +20895,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- Đây là một công cụ nhập và không phải công cụ chuyển đổi. Đó là lý do tại sao dữ liệu (như kênh hoặc video) bị trùng lặp và không được di chuyển khỏi trang web PeerTube trước đó của bạn.
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ Đây là một công cụ nhập và không phải công cụ chuyển đổi. Đó là lý do tại sao dữ liệu (như kênh hoặc video) bị trùng lặp và không được di chuyển khỏi trang web PeerTube trước đó của bạn. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -20966,8 +20975,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- Nếu kho lưu trữ chứa các tập tin video, tạo video nếu chúng chưa tồn tại
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ Nếu kho lưu trữ chứa các tập tin video, tạo video nếu chúng chưa tồn tạisrc/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22156,8 +22165,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />Bạn vẫn muốn thay thế video?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />Bạn vẫn muốn thay thế video?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22328,8 +22337,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Video không khả dụng trên máy chủ này. Bạn có muốn chuyển tới máy chủ gốc: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Video không khả dụng trên máy chủ này. Bạn có muốn chuyển tới máy chủ gốc: <a href=""></a>?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.zh-Hant-TW.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.zh-Hant-TW.xlf
index b7780679c..2de46b48e 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.zh-Hant-TW.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.zh-Hant-TW.xlf
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@
- commented your video . This comment requires your approval
- 在您的影片留言 。此留言需要您的核准
+ commented your video . This comment requires your approval
+ 在您的影片留言 。此留言需要您的核准src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html96,97
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
- Your video import succeeded
- 您的影片匯入成功
+ Your video import succeeded
+ 您的影片匯入成功 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html122
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
- mentioned you on video
- 提及您於 影片
+ mentioned you on video
+ 提及您於 影片 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html162
@@ -468,48 +468,48 @@
- A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
- 新版的外掛程式/佈景主題已經可用:
+ A new version of the plugin/theme is available:
+ 新版的外掛程式/佈景主題已經可用:src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html196
- A new version of PeerTube is available:
- 新版本的 PeerTube已經可用:
+ A new version of PeerTube is available:
+ 新版本的 PeerTube已經可用:src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html204
- Your video edition has finished
- 您的影片 編輯已結束
+ Your video edition has finished
+ 您的影片 編輯已結束 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html212
- User wants to register on your instance
- 使用者 想在您的站臺上註冊
+ User wants to register on your instance
+ 使用者 想在您的站臺上註冊 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html220
- is live streaming in
- 正在 進行直播
+ is live streaming in
+ 正在 進行直播src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html231
- transcription of your video has been generated
- transcription of 您的影片 已產生
+ transcription of your video has been generated
+ transcription of 您的影片 已產生 src/app/shared/standalone-notifications/user-notifications.component.html246,247
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- 相容 <a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#%E7%A4%BA%E4%BE%8B" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> ,支援:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ 相容 <a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#%E7%A4%BA%E4%BE%8B" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> ,支援:src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts80
@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@
- This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- 此站台允許註冊。不過請在建立帳號前小心檢查條款條款。您可能會想要搜尋其他符合您需求的站台:https://joinpeertube.org/instances。
+ This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ 此站台允許註冊。不過請在建立帳號前小心檢查條款條款。您可能會想要搜尋其他符合您需求的站台:https://joinpeertube.org/instances。 src/app/+login/login.component.html25
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- 本站台目前不允許使用者註冊,您可以看看條款條款來取得更多詳細資訊,或是尋找可讓您註冊帳號的站台,並在該站台上傳您的影片。在多個站台中搜尋您心儀的站台:https://joinpeertube.org/instances。
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the TermsTerms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ 本站台目前不允許使用者註冊,您可以看看條款條款來取得更多詳細資訊,或是尋找可讓您註冊帳號的站台,並在該站台上傳您的影片。在多個站台中搜尋您心儀的站台:https://joinpeertube.org/instances。 src/app/+login/login.component.html30,33
@@ -2238,7 +2238,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+The link will expire within 1 hour.包含重設密碼說明的電子郵件將會傳送到 。連結會在 1 小時內過期。src/app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -2319,8 +2320,8 @@
- for
- 給
+ for
+ 給src/app/+search/search.component.html10
@@ -2372,40 +2373,40 @@
- As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
- 您可能已經注意到了:在 上觀看影片並不需要建立帳號。不過,在 上建立帳號讓您可以:
+ As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to:
+ 您可能已經注意到了:在 上觀看影片並不需要建立帳號。不過,在 上建立帳號讓您可以: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html13
- Comment videos
- 在影片上留言
+ Comment videos
+ 在影片上留言src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html19
- Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
- 訂閱頻道以收到新影片的通知
+ Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
+ 訂閱頻道以收到新影片的通知src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html20
- Have access to your watch history
- 可存取您的觀看紀錄
+ Have access to your watch history
+ 可存取您的觀看紀錄src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html21
- Create your channel to publish videos
- 建立您的頻道以發佈影片
+ Create your channel to publish videos
+ 建立您的頻道以發佈影片src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html22
@@ -2428,32 +2429,32 @@
- has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
- 已建立,使用 PeerTube,一個由 Framasoft 開發的影片創作平台。Framasoft 是法國提供科技巨頭數位工具替代方案的非營利組織。
+ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools
+ 已建立,使用 PeerTube,一個由 Framasoft 開發的影片創作平台。Framasoft 是法國提供科技巨頭數位工具替代方案的非營利組織。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html41
- You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
- 您想要發佈影片到 嗎?然後您必須先建立您的第一個頻道。
+ You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel.
+ 您想要發佈影片到 嗎?然後您必須先建立您的第一個頻道。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html3
- You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- 您可能會想要根據主題建立頻道:舉例來說,您可以建立名為 "SweetMelodies" 頻道以發佈您的鋼琴演奏會,另一個則是 "Ecology",用來發佈您關於生態的演講。
+ You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ 您可能會想要根據主題建立頻道:舉例來說,您可以建立名為 "SweetMelodies" 頻道以發佈您的鋼琴演奏會,另一個則是 "Ecology",用來發佈您關於生態的演講。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html7
- administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
- 管理員允許您在他們的網站上發佈多達 的影片。
+ administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website.
+ 管理員允許您在他們的網站上發佈多達 的影片。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html12
@@ -2540,16 +2541,16 @@
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- 官方 PeerTube 網站(新聞、支援、貢獻……): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ 官方 PeerTube 網站(新聞、支援、貢獻……): https://joinpeertube.orgsrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html42
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- 將您的站台放在公開 PeerTube 索引上:https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ 將您的站台放在公開 PeerTube 索引上:https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancessrc/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html46
@@ -2564,8 +2565,8 @@
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Choosing your 站台名稱,設定描述,指定您是誰,為什麼您要建立您的站台與您打算維護多久對觀眾來說了解他們是哪種站台。
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Choosing your 站台名稱,設定描述,指定您是誰,為什麼您要建立您的站台與您打算維護多久對觀眾來說了解他們是哪種站台。 src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html59
@@ -3034,8 +3035,8 @@
- ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
- ⚠️ 若啟用,我們建議使用 HTTP 代理伺服器以避免來自您 PeerTube 伺服器的私人 URL 存取
+ ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server
+ ⚠️ 若啟用,我們建議使用 HTTP 代理伺服器以避免來自您 PeerTube 伺服器的私人 URL 存取src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html295
@@ -3086,24 +3087,24 @@
- I already have an account, I log in
- 我已經有帳號了,我要登入
+ I already have an account, I log in
+ 我已經有帳號了,我要登入 src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30
- Termsof
- 條款of
+ Termsof
+ 條款of src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41
- Setupyour account
- 設定您的帳號
+ Setupyour account
+ 設定您的帳號src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html66
@@ -3118,8 +3119,8 @@
- Createyour first channel
- 建立您的第一個頻道
+ Createyour first channel
+ 建立您的第一個頻道src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html83
@@ -3210,24 +3211,24 @@
- Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
- 協助管理員與其他使用者認識您是誰,透過:
+ Help moderators and other users to know who you are by:
+ 協助管理員與其他使用者認識您是誰,透過:src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html14
- Uploading an avatar
- 上傳大頭照
+ Uploading an avatar
+ 上傳大頭照src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html17
- Writing a description
- 編寫描述
+ Writing a description
+ 編寫描述src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html18
@@ -3879,8 +3880,8 @@
- A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
- 時間戳(例如 00:05)會自動轉換為影片連結的一部分。
+ A timestamp (00:05 for example) is automatically converted into a link to a part of the video.
+ 時間戳(例如 00:05)會自動轉換為影片連結的一部分。src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html52
@@ -3939,8 +3940,8 @@
- Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
- Markdown 相容版本也支援自訂 PeerTube HTML 標籤
+ Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags
+ Markdown 相容版本也支援自訂 PeerTube HTML 標籤src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html2
@@ -4079,8 +4080,8 @@
- Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
- 為您的作品選擇適合的授權條款。
+ Choose the appropriate licence for your work.
+ 為您的作品選擇適合的授權條款。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html86
@@ -4139,8 +4140,8 @@
- Requested on
- 請求於
+ Requested on
+ 請求於 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html46
@@ -4315,7 +4316,7 @@
- Already uploaded on ✔
+ Already uploaded on ✔已更新於 ✔src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
@@ -4397,8 +4398,8 @@
- Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
- 影片說明中也可以設定章節。請在 PeerTube 的文件中檢視其格式
+ Chapters can also be set in the video description. Check the format in the PeerTube documentation
+ 影片說明中也可以設定章節。請在 PeerTube 的文件中檢視其格式src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html243,246
@@ -4481,8 +4482,9 @@
- Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- 告訴人們如何支援該頻道(會員平台等)的簡短文字。<br />當影片上傳到該頻道時,影片支援欄位將會自動填入此文字。
+ Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br />
+ When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ 告訴人們如何支援該頻道(會員平台等)的簡短文字。<br />當影片上傳到該頻道時,影片支援欄位將會自動填入此文字。src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html68
@@ -4721,8 +4723,8 @@
- You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
- 您也可以在您的媒體庫中同步遠端頻道
+ You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library
+ 您也可以在您的媒體庫中同步遠端頻道src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html21
@@ -7786,8 +7788,8 @@
+ src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html22
@@ -8567,8 +8569,8 @@
- Priority (1 = highest priority)
- 優先程度 (1 = 最高優先度)
+ Priority (1 = highest priority)
+ 優先程度 (1 = 最高優先度)src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html53
@@ -8603,8 +8605,8 @@
- No jobs found.
- 找不到 工作。
+ No jobs found.
+ 找不到 工作。src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html122
@@ -8703,8 +8705,8 @@
- By ->
- 由 ->
+ By ->
+ 由 ->src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html54
@@ -8751,8 +8753,8 @@
- It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
- 其也可以顯示在外部網站上以推廣您的站台,例如 JoinPeerTube.org.
+ It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org.
+ 其也可以顯示在外部網站上以推廣您的站台,例如 JoinPeerTube.org.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html30
@@ -8879,8 +8881,8 @@
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- 管理使用者以建構管理團隊。
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ 管理使用者以建構管理團隊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html109
@@ -8895,8 +8897,8 @@
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- 啟用該選項將讓其他管理員知道您主要共同分享敏感內容。此外,預設會自動勾選影片上傳的 NSFW 核取方塊。
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ 啟用該選項將讓其他管理員知道您主要共同分享敏感內容。此外,預設會自動勾選影片上傳的 NSFW 核取方塊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html122
@@ -9107,8 +9109,8 @@
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- 使用外掛程式與佈景主題來進行更多變更,或是加入一些小修改。
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ 使用外掛程式與佈景主題來進行更多變更,或是加入一些小修改。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html7
@@ -9251,8 +9253,8 @@
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- 管理使用者以單獨設定他們的配額。
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ 管理使用者以單獨設定他們的配額。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html153
@@ -9587,8 +9589,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 使用遠端執行器以處理轉錄作業。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。
+ Use remote runners to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 使用遠端執行器以處理轉錄作業。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html392,393
@@ -9675,8 +9677,8 @@
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- 您只應在生產環境中使用審核的搜尋索引,或自行架設。
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ 您只應在生產環境中使用審核的搜尋索引,或自行架設。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html471
@@ -9811,8 +9813,8 @@
- Manage relations with other instances.
- 管理與其他站台的關係。
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ 管理與其他站台的關係。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html596
@@ -9883,8 +9885,8 @@
- See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
- 檢視文件以取得關於預期 URL 的更多資訊
+ See the documentation for more information about the expected URL
+ 檢視文件以取得關於預期 URL 的更多資訊 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html647
@@ -10187,8 +10189,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 使用遠端執行器來處理即時轉換編碼。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。
+ Use remote runners to process live transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 使用遠端執行器來處理即時轉換編碼。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html159
@@ -10251,8 +10253,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 使用遠端執行器來處理隨選視訊轉換編碼。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。
+ Use remote runners to process VOD transcoding. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 使用遠端執行器來處理隨選視訊轉換編碼。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html182
@@ -10355,8 +10357,8 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- 需要 ffmpeg >= 4.1產生 HLS 播放清單與分段的 MP4 檔案,從而取得比網路影片更好的播放效果:解析度變更較為平順播放速度更快,尤其是較長的影片更穩定的播放(較少臭蟲/無限載入)若您也啟用了網路影片支援,可能會讓影片的儲存空間乘以 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ 需要 ffmpeg >= 4.1產生 HLS 播放清單與分段的 MP4 檔案,從而取得比網路影片更好的播放效果:解析度變更較為平順播放速度更快,尤其是較長的影片更穩定的播放(較少臭蟲/無限載入)若您也啟用了網路影片支援,可能會讓影片的儲存空間乘以 2src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html108
@@ -10523,8 +10525,8 @@
- Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
- 使用遠端執行器來處理工作室轉換編碼作業。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。
+ Use remote runners to process studio transcoding tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
+ 使用遠端執行器來處理工作室轉換編碼作業。遠端執行器必須先在您的站台上註冊。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html272
@@ -10651,16 +10653,22 @@
- Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
- 直接編寫 JavaScript 程式碼。範例:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly. Example:console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ 直接編寫 JavaScript 程式碼。範例:console.log('my instance is amazing');src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html91,92
- Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
- 直接編寫 CSS 程式碼。範例:#custom-css color: red; 在前面附加 #custom-css 以覆寫樣式。範例:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css
+ color: red;
+Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email
+ color: red;
+ 直接編寫 CSS 程式碼。範例:#custom-css color: red; 在前面附加 #custom-css 以覆寫樣式。範例:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html111,122
@@ -10683,8 +10691,8 @@
- There are errors in the form:
- 格式有誤:
+ There are errors in the form:
+ 格式有誤:src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html72
@@ -10907,8 +10915,8 @@
- Update your settings
- 更新 your settings
+ Update your settings
+ 更新 your settingssrc/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html3
@@ -10931,56 +10939,56 @@
- Sort by "Recently Added"
- 按「最近新增」排序
+ Sort by "Recently Added"
+ 按「最近新增」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html55
- Sort by "Original Publication Date"
- 以「原始發佈日期」排序
+ Sort by "Original Publication Date"
+ 以「原始發佈日期」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html56
- Sort by "Name"
- 使用「名稱」排序
+ Sort by "Name"
+ 使用「名稱」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html58
- Sort by "Recent Views"
- 按「近期檢視」排序
+ Sort by "Recent Views"
+ 按「近期檢視」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html61
- Sort by "Hot"
- 按「熱門」排序
+ Sort by "Hot"
+ 按「熱門」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html65
- Sort by "Likes"
- 按「喜歡」排序
+ Sort by "Likes"
+ 按「喜歡」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69
- Sort by "Global Views"
- 按「全域檢視」排序
+ Sort by "Global Views"
+ 按「全域檢視」排序src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html72
@@ -11119,8 +11127,8 @@
- With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- 有隱藏或模糊縮圖,要觀看影片時將會請求確認。
+ With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ 有隱藏或模糊縮圖,要觀看影片時將會請求確認。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html135
@@ -11327,24 +11335,24 @@
- External Channel
- 外部頻道
+ External Channel
+ 外部頻道 src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html35
- Channel
- 頻道
+ Channel
+ 頻道 src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html36
- Last synchronization at
- 最後同步於
+ Last synchronization at
+ 最後同步於 src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html39
@@ -11705,8 +11713,8 @@
- Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
- 您的某些頻道還沒設定完成。透過新增橫幅、大頭照與描述使其發佈的內容足夠明確並受人歡迎。
+ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description.
+ 您的某些頻道還沒設定完成。透過新增橫幅、大頭照與描述使其發佈的內容足夠明確並受人歡迎。src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html5
@@ -12181,8 +12189,8 @@
- If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- 若您需要使用 PeerTube 的協助,您可能會想要看看文件。
+ If you need help using PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ 若您需要使用 PeerTube 的協助,您可能會想要看看文件。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html18
@@ -12193,8 +12201,8 @@
- Welcomeon
- 歡迎使用
+ Welcomeon
+ 歡迎使用 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7
@@ -12217,16 +12225,16 @@
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
- 檢查您的電子郵件以驗證您的帳號並完成註冊請求。
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration request.
+ 檢查您的電子郵件以驗證您的帳號並完成註冊請求。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html18,19
- Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
- 檢查您的電子郵件以驗證您的帳號並完成註冊。
+ Check your email to validate your account and complete your registration.
+ 檢查您的電子郵件以驗證您的帳號並完成註冊。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html22,23
@@ -12493,8 +12501,8 @@
- 顯示此頻道 >
+ 顯示此頻道 >src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50
@@ -12877,8 +12885,8 @@
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- 網路 peer 無法公開存取:因為我們使用 WebSocket 傳輸,與傳統的 BitTorrent 追蹤器不同。當您在網路瀏覽器裡時,您就會傳送包含您的 IP 的訊號到隨機選取其他 peer 轉發資訊的追蹤器。請見 此文件 以取得更多資訊
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ 網路 peer 無法公開存取:因為我們使用 WebSocket 傳輸,與傳統的 BitTorrent 追蹤器不同。當您在網路瀏覽器裡時,您就會傳送包含您的 IP 的訊號到隨機選取其他 peer 轉發資訊的追蹤器。請見 此文件 以取得更多資訊 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112
@@ -13033,8 +13041,8 @@
- Contact the administrator(s)
- 聯絡管理員
+ Contact the administrator(s)
+ 聯絡管理員src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -13317,8 +13325,8 @@
- I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
- 我至少 歲,且同意使用條款與行為準則 of
+ I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of
+ 我至少 歲,且同意使用條款與行為準則 of src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html18
@@ -13769,8 +13777,8 @@
- However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
- 不過,在調整以下的值前,您可能會想要先閱讀我們的指南。
+ However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values.
+ 不過,在調整以下的值前,您可能會想要先閱讀我們的指南。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html15
@@ -14963,8 +14971,8 @@
- PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
- PeerTube 認為您的網路瀏覽器的公開 IP 為 。
+ PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is .
+ PeerTube 認為您的網路瀏覽器的公開 IP 為 。src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html4
@@ -15011,8 +15019,8 @@
- Check the trust_proxy configuration key
- 檢查 trust_proxy 設定鍵
+ Check the trust_proxy configuration key
+ 檢查 trust_proxy 設定鍵src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html15
@@ -15111,16 +15119,16 @@
- Files
- 檔案
+ Files
+ 檔案 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html45,46
- Published
- 已發佈
+ Published
+ 已發佈 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html46
@@ -15211,16 +15219,16 @@
- Priority
- 優先程度
+ Priority
+ 優先程度 src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html34
- Progress
- 進度
+ Progress
+ 進度 src/app/+admin/system/runners/runner-job-list/runner-job-list.component.html35
@@ -15411,8 +15419,8 @@
- Accept registrationReject registration
- 接受 註冊拒絕 註冊
+ Accept registrationReject registration
+ 接受 註冊拒絕 註冊src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html4,5
@@ -15427,40 +15435,40 @@
- Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
- 接受 註冊將會建立帳號與頻道。
+ Accepting registration will create the account and channel.
+ 接受 註冊將會建立帳號與頻道。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html23
- An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
- 解釋其帳號已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆建立的電子郵件將會傳送至 。
+ An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ 解釋其帳號已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆建立的電子郵件將會傳送至 。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html27
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
- 此站台未啟用電子郵件,因此 PeerTube 將無法傳送解釋其帳號已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆建立的電子郵件至 。
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created.
+ 此站台未啟用電子郵件,因此 PeerTube 將無法傳送解釋其帳號已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆建立的電子郵件至 。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html31
- An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
- 電子郵件將傳送至 ,解釋其註冊請求已被拒絕,您將在下方寫下審核回應。
+ An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below.
+ 電子郵件將傳送至 ,解釋其註冊請求已被拒絕,您將在下方寫下審核回應。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html37
- Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
- 此站台未啟用電子郵件,因此 PeerTube 無法傳送其註冊請求已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆被拒絕的電子郵件傳送至 。
+ Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected.
+ 此站台未啟用電子郵件,因此 PeerTube 無法傳送其註冊請求已使用您將在下面編寫的審核回覆被拒絕的電子郵件傳送至 。 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html41
@@ -15843,8 +15851,8 @@
- <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
- <p>您無法建立被已刪除的使用者或頻道使用的使用者名稱或頻道名稱。</p>
+ <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p>
+ <p>您無法建立被已刪除的使用者或頻道使用的使用者名稱或頻道名稱。</p>src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts284
@@ -15923,8 +15931,8 @@
- Clear all history
- 清除所有歷史紀錄
+ Clear all history
+ 清除所有歷史紀錄 src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18
@@ -16873,8 +16881,8 @@
- is awaiting email verification
- 正在等待電子郵件驗證
+ is awaiting email verification
+ 正在等待電子郵件驗證 src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5,6
@@ -16889,8 +16897,8 @@
- Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
- 您目前的電子郵件為 。這永遠不會公開顯示。
+ Your current email is . It is never shown to the public.
+ 您目前的電子郵件為 。這永遠不會公開顯示。 src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html14
@@ -17209,16 +17217,16 @@
- The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
- 目前的影片將被編輯後的影片覆寫且<strong>您將無法還原</strong>。<br /><br />
+ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br />
+ 目前的影片將被編輯後的影片覆寫且<strong>您將無法還原</strong>。<br /><br />src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts97
- As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
- 提醒一下,將執行以下工作:<ol></ol>
+ As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol>
+ 提醒一下,將執行以下工作:<ol></ol>src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts98
@@ -17321,7 +17329,8 @@
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.無法擷取 OAuth 客戶端憑證:。請確保您已正確設定 PeerTube(config/ 目錄),特別是 "webserver" 部份。src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -17597,7 +17606,7 @@
- Long (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)長(大於 10 分鐘)src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
@@ -17737,8 +17746,8 @@
- The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
- 影片配額僅考慮上傳的影片,而不包含轉換編碼的檔案或使用者匯出封存檔(可能包含影片檔)。
+ The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files).
+ 影片配額僅考慮上傳的影片,而不包含轉換編碼的檔案或使用者匯出封存檔(可能包含影片檔)。 src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html4
@@ -17957,8 +17966,8 @@
- These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
- 這些自動標籤可用於過濾留言或自動封鎖它們。
+ These automatic tags can be used to filter comments or automatically block them.
+ 這些自動標籤可用於過濾留言或自動封鎖它們。src/app/+my-account/my-account-watched-words-list/my-account-watched-words-list.component.html7
@@ -18893,8 +18902,8 @@
- See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
- 檢視文件以取得如何使用 PeerTube 直播串流功能的資訊。
+ See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature.
+ 檢視文件以取得如何使用 PeerTube 直播串流功能的資訊。 src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html2
@@ -20066,8 +20075,8 @@
- If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
- 若您移除此使用者,您將無法建立其他有 <strong></strong> 使用者名稱的使用者或頻道!
+ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username!
+ 若您移除此使用者,您將無法建立其他有 <strong></strong> 使用者名稱的使用者或頻道!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts108
@@ -20900,8 +20909,8 @@
- If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
- 若您包含影片檔,則封存檔的大小將約為 approximately
+ If you include video files, the archive file will weigh approximately
+ 若您包含影片檔,則封存檔的大小將約為 approximately src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html104
@@ -20956,8 +20965,8 @@
- This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
- 這是匯入工具而非遷移工具。這就是為什麼資料(例如頻道或影片)會重複並且不會從您之前的 PeerTube 網站中移出的原因。
+ This is an import tool and not a migration tool. It's the reason why data (like channels or videos) is duplicated and not moved from your previous PeerTube website.
+ 這是匯入工具而非遷移工具。這就是為什麼資料(例如頻道或影片)會重複並且不會從您之前的 PeerTube 網站中移出的原因。 src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html13
@@ -21036,8 +21045,8 @@
- If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
- 若封存檔包含影片檔,則會在影片不存在時建立影片
+ If the archive contains video files, create videos if they do not already exist
+ 若封存檔包含影片檔,則會在影片不存在時建立影片src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-import.component.html28
@@ -22226,8 +22235,8 @@
- <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
- <br /><br />您仍然想要取代影片檔嗎?
+ <br /><br />Do you still want to replace your video file?
+ <br /><br />您仍然想要取代影片檔嗎?src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts305
@@ -22350,8 +22359,8 @@
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- 此影片在此站臺上不可用。您想要重新導向至原始站臺:<a href=""></a> 嗎?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ 此影片在此站臺上不可用。您想要重新導向至原始站臺:<a href=""></a> 嗎?src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts434