import { FfprobeFormat, FfprobeStream } from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { mapValues, pick } from 'lodash-es' import { BytesPipe } from 'ngx-pipes' import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { AuthService, Notifier } from '@app/core' import { NgbActiveModal, NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { VideoCaption, VideoFile, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { NumberFormatterPipe, VideoDetails, VideoService } from '../shared-main' type DownloadType = 'video' | 'subtitles' type FileMetadata = { [key: string]: { label: string, value: string }} @Component({ selector: 'my-video-download', templateUrl: './video-download.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-download.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoDownloadComponent { @ViewChild('modal', { static: true }) modal: ElementRef downloadType: 'direct' | 'torrent' = 'torrent' resolutionId: number | string = -1 subtitleLanguageId: string video: VideoDetails videoFile: VideoFile videoFileMetadataFormat: FileMetadata videoFileMetadataVideoStream: FileMetadata | undefined videoFileMetadataAudioStream: FileMetadata | undefined videoCaptions: VideoCaption[] activeModal: NgbActiveModal type: DownloadType = 'video' private bytesPipe: BytesPipe private numbersPipe: NumberFormatterPipe constructor ( private notifier: Notifier, private modalService: NgbModal, private videoService: VideoService, private auth: AuthService, private i18n: I18n ) { this.bytesPipe = new BytesPipe() this.numbersPipe = new NumberFormatterPipe() } get typeText () { return this.type === 'video' ? this.i18n('video') : this.i18n('subtitles') } getVideoFiles () { if (! return [] return } show (video: VideoDetails, videoCaptions?: VideoCaption[]) { = video this.videoCaptions = videoCaptions && videoCaptions.length ? videoCaptions : undefined this.activeModal =, { centered: true }) this.resolutionId = this.getVideoFiles()[0] this.onResolutionIdChange() if (this.videoCaptions) this.subtitleLanguageId = this.videoCaptions[0] } onClose () { = undefined this.videoCaptions = undefined } download () { window.location.assign(this.getLink()) this.activeModal.close() } getLink () { return this.type === 'subtitles' && this.videoCaptions ? this.getSubtitlesLink() : this.getVideoFileLink() } async onResolutionIdChange () { this.videoFile = this.getVideoFile() if (this.videoFile.metadata || !this.videoFile.metadataUrl) return await this.hydrateMetadataFromMetadataUrl(this.videoFile) this.videoFileMetadataFormat = this.videoFile ? this.getMetadataFormat(this.videoFile.metadata.format) : undefined this.videoFileMetadataVideoStream = this.videoFile ? this.getMetadataStream(this.videoFile.metadata.streams, 'video') : undefined this.videoFileMetadataAudioStream = this.videoFile ? this.getMetadataStream(this.videoFile.metadata.streams, 'audio') : undefined } getVideoFile () { // HTML select send us a string, so convert it to a number this.resolutionId = parseInt(this.resolutionId.toString(), 10) const file = this.getVideoFiles().find(f => === this.resolutionId) if (!file) { console.error('Could not find file with resolution %d.', this.resolutionId) return } return file } getVideoFileLink () { const file = this.videoFile if (!file) return const suffix = === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE || === VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL ? '?access_token=' + this.auth.getAccessToken() : '' switch (this.downloadType) { case 'direct': return file.fileDownloadUrl + suffix case 'torrent': return file.torrentDownloadUrl + suffix } } getSubtitlesLink () { return window.location.origin + this.videoCaptions.find(caption => === this.subtitleLanguageId).captionPath } activateCopiedMessage () { this.notifier.success(this.i18n('Copied')) } switchToType (type: DownloadType) { this.type = type } getMetadataFormat (format: FfprobeFormat) { const keyToTranslateFunction = { 'encoder': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Encoder'), value }), 'format_long_name': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Format name'), value }), 'size': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Size'), value: this.bytesPipe.transform(value, 2) }), 'bit_rate': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Bitrate'), value: `${this.numbersPipe.transform(value)}bps` }) } // flattening format const sanitizedFormat = Object.assign(format, format.tags) delete sanitizedFormat.tags return mapValues( pick(sanitizedFormat, Object.keys(keyToTranslateFunction)), (val, key) => keyToTranslateFunction[key](val) ) } getMetadataStream (streams: FfprobeStream[], type: 'video' | 'audio') { const stream = streams.find(s => s.codec_type === type) if (!stream) return undefined let keyToTranslateFunction = { 'codec_long_name': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Codec'), value }), 'profile': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Profile'), value }), 'bit_rate': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Bitrate'), value: `${this.numbersPipe.transform(value)}bps` }) } if (type === 'video') { keyToTranslateFunction = Object.assign(keyToTranslateFunction, { 'width': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Resolution'), value: `${value}x${stream.height}` }), 'display_aspect_ratio': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Aspect ratio'), value }), 'avg_frame_rate': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Average frame rate'), value }), 'pix_fmt': (value: string) => ({ label: this.i18n('Pixel format'), value }) }) } else { keyToTranslateFunction = Object.assign(keyToTranslateFunction, { 'sample_rate': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Sample rate'), value }), 'channel_layout': (value: number) => ({ label: this.i18n('Channel Layout'), value }) }) } return mapValues( pick(stream, Object.keys(keyToTranslateFunction)), (val, key) => keyToTranslateFunction[key](val) ) } private hydrateMetadataFromMetadataUrl (file: VideoFile) { const observable = this.videoService.getVideoFileMetadata(file.metadataUrl) observable.subscribe(res => file.metadata = res) return observable.toPromise() } }