// FIXME: something weird with our path definition in tsconfig and typings // @ts-ignore import * as videojs from 'video.js' import { P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions, PlayerNetworkInfo, VideoJSComponentInterface } from '../peertube-videojs-typings' import { Engine, initHlsJsPlayer, initVideoJsContribHlsJsPlayer } from 'p2p-media-loader-hlsjs' import { Events } from 'p2p-media-loader-core' // videojs-hlsjs-plugin needs videojs in window window['videojs'] = videojs require('@streamroot/videojs-hlsjs-plugin') const Plugin: VideoJSComponentInterface = videojs.getPlugin('plugin') class P2pMediaLoaderPlugin extends Plugin { private readonly CONSTANTS = { INFO_SCHEDULER: 1000 // Don't change this } private readonly options: P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions private hlsjs: any // Don't type hlsjs to not bundle the module private p2pEngine: Engine private statsP2PBytes = { pendingDownload: [] as number[], pendingUpload: [] as number[], numPeers: 0, totalDownload: 0, totalUpload: 0 } private statsHTTPBytes = { pendingDownload: [] as number[], pendingUpload: [] as number[], totalDownload: 0, totalUpload: 0 } private networkInfoInterval: any constructor (player: videojs.Player, options: P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions) { super(player, options) this.options = options if (!videojs.Html5Hlsjs) { const message = 'HLS.js does not seem to be supported.' console.warn(message) player.ready(() => player.trigger('error', new Error(message))) return } videojs.Html5Hlsjs.addHook('beforeinitialize', (videojsPlayer: any, hlsjs: any) => { this.hlsjs = hlsjs }) initVideoJsContribHlsJsPlayer(player) player.src({ type: options.type, src: options.src }) player.on('play', () => { player.addClass('vjs-has-big-play-button-clicked') }) player.ready(() => this.initialize()) } dispose () { if (this.hlsjs) this.hlsjs.destroy() if (this.p2pEngine) this.p2pEngine.destroy() clearInterval(this.networkInfoInterval) } private initialize () { initHlsJsPlayer(this.hlsjs) const tech = this.player.tech_ this.p2pEngine = tech.options_.hlsjsConfig.loader.getEngine() // Avoid using constants to not import hls.hs // https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/blob/master/src/events.js#L37 this.hlsjs.on('hlsLevelSwitching', (_: any, data: any) => { this.trigger('resolutionChange', { auto: this.hlsjs.autoLevelEnabled, resolutionId: data.height }) }) this.p2pEngine.on(Events.SegmentError, (segment, err) => { console.error('Segment error.', segment, err) }) this.statsP2PBytes.numPeers = 1 + this.options.redundancyBaseUrls.length this.runStats() } private runStats () { this.p2pEngine.on(Events.PieceBytesDownloaded, (method: string, size: number) => { const elem = method === 'p2p' ? this.statsP2PBytes : this.statsHTTPBytes elem.pendingDownload.push(size) elem.totalDownload += size }) this.p2pEngine.on(Events.PieceBytesUploaded, (method: string, size: number) => { const elem = method === 'p2p' ? this.statsP2PBytes : this.statsHTTPBytes elem.pendingUpload.push(size) elem.totalUpload += size }) this.p2pEngine.on(Events.PeerConnect, () => this.statsP2PBytes.numPeers++) this.p2pEngine.on(Events.PeerClose, () => this.statsP2PBytes.numPeers--) this.networkInfoInterval = setInterval(() => { const p2pDownloadSpeed = this.arraySum(this.statsP2PBytes.pendingDownload) const p2pUploadSpeed = this.arraySum(this.statsP2PBytes.pendingUpload) const httpDownloadSpeed = this.arraySum(this.statsHTTPBytes.pendingDownload) const httpUploadSpeed = this.arraySum(this.statsHTTPBytes.pendingUpload) this.statsP2PBytes.pendingDownload = [] this.statsP2PBytes.pendingUpload = [] this.statsHTTPBytes.pendingDownload = [] this.statsHTTPBytes.pendingUpload = [] return this.player.trigger('p2pInfo', { http: { downloadSpeed: httpDownloadSpeed, uploadSpeed: httpUploadSpeed, downloaded: this.statsHTTPBytes.totalDownload, uploaded: this.statsHTTPBytes.totalUpload }, p2p: { downloadSpeed: p2pDownloadSpeed, uploadSpeed: p2pUploadSpeed, numPeers: this.statsP2PBytes.numPeers, downloaded: this.statsP2PBytes.totalDownload, uploaded: this.statsP2PBytes.totalUpload } } as PlayerNetworkInfo) }, this.CONSTANTS.INFO_SCHEDULER) } private arraySum (data: number[]) { return data.reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b, 0) } } videojs.registerPlugin('p2pMediaLoader', P2pMediaLoaderPlugin) export { P2pMediaLoaderPlugin }