/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import { FIXTURE_URLS } from '@server/tests/shared' import { areHttpImportTestsDisabled } from '@shared/core-utils' import { VideoChannelSyncState, VideoInclude, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { createMultipleServers, getServerImportConfig, killallServers, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultAccountAvatar, setDefaultChannelAvatar, setDefaultVideoChannel, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Test channel synchronizations', function () { if (areHttpImportTestsDisabled()) return function runSuite (mode: 'youtube-dl' | 'yt-dlp') { describe('Sync using ' + mode, function () { let servers: PeerTubeServer[] let startTestDate: Date let rootChannelSyncId: number const userInfo = { accessToken: '', username: 'user1', channelName: 'user1_channel', channelId: -1, syncId: -1 } async function changeDateForSync (channelSyncId: number, newDate: string) { await servers[0].sql.updateQuery( `UPDATE "videoChannelSync" ` + `SET "createdAt"='${newDate}', "lastSyncAt"='${newDate}' ` + `WHERE id=${channelSyncId}` ) } async function listAllVideosOfChannel (channelName: string) { return servers[0].videos.listByChannel({ handle: channelName, include: VideoInclude.NOT_PUBLISHED_STATE }) } async function forceSyncAll (videoChannelSyncId: number, fromDate = '1970-01-01') { await changeDateForSync(videoChannelSyncId, fromDate) await servers[0].debug.sendCommand({ body: { command: 'process-video-channel-sync-latest' } }) await waitJobs(servers) } before(async function () { this.timeout(240_000) startTestDate = new Date() servers = await createMultipleServers(2, getServerImportConfig(mode)) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) await setDefaultChannelAvatar(servers) await setDefaultAccountAvatar(servers) await servers[0].config.enableChannelSync() { userInfo.accessToken = await servers[0].users.generateUserAndToken(userInfo.username) const { videoChannels } = await servers[0].users.getMyInfo({ token: userInfo.accessToken }) userInfo.channelId = videoChannels[0].id } }) it('Should fetch the latest channel videos of a remote channel', async function () { this.timeout(120_000) { const { video } = await servers[0].imports.importVideo({ attributes: { channelId: servers[0].store.channel.id, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, targetUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtube } }) expect(video.name).to.equal('small video - youtube') expect(video.waitTranscoding).to.be.true const { total } = await listAllVideosOfChannel('root_channel') expect(total).to.equal(1) } const { videoChannelSync } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.create({ attributes: { externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel, videoChannelId: servers[0].store.channel.id } }) rootChannelSyncId = videoChannelSync.id await forceSyncAll(rootChannelSyncId) { const { total, data } = await listAllVideosOfChannel('root_channel') expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(data[0].name).to.equal('test') expect(data[0].waitTranscoding).to.be.true } }) it('Should add another synchronization', async function () { const externalChannelUrl = FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel + '?foo=bar' const { videoChannelSync } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.create({ attributes: { externalChannelUrl, videoChannelId: servers[0].store.channel.id } }) expect(videoChannelSync.externalChannelUrl).to.equal(externalChannelUrl) expect(videoChannelSync.channel.id).to.equal(servers[0].store.channel.id) expect(videoChannelSync.channel.name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(videoChannelSync.state.id).to.equal(VideoChannelSyncState.WAITING_FIRST_RUN) expect(new Date(videoChannelSync.createdAt)).to.be.above(startTestDate).and.to.be.at.most(new Date()) }) it('Should add a synchronization for another user', async function () { const { videoChannelSync } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.create({ attributes: { externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel + '?baz=qux', videoChannelId: userInfo.channelId }, token: userInfo.accessToken }) userInfo.syncId = videoChannelSync.id }) it('Should not import a channel if not asked', async function () { await waitJobs(servers) const { data } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.listByAccount({ accountName: userInfo.username }) expect(data[0].state).to.contain({ id: VideoChannelSyncState.WAITING_FIRST_RUN, label: 'Waiting first run' }) }) it('Should only fetch the videos newer than the creation date', async function () { this.timeout(120_000) await forceSyncAll(userInfo.syncId, '2019-03-01') const { data, total } = await listAllVideosOfChannel(userInfo.channelName) expect(total).to.equal(1) expect(data[0].name).to.equal('test') }) it('Should list channel synchronizations', async function () { // Root { const { total, data } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root' }) expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(data[0]).to.deep.contain({ externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel, state: { id: VideoChannelSyncState.SYNCED, label: 'Synchronized' } }) expect(new Date(data[0].lastSyncAt)).to.be.greaterThan(startTestDate) expect(data[0].channel).to.contain({ id: servers[0].store.channel.id }) expect(data[1]).to.contain({ externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel + '?foo=bar' }) } // User { const { total, data } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.listByAccount({ accountName: userInfo.username }) expect(total).to.equal(1) expect(data[0]).to.deep.contain({ externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel + '?baz=qux', state: { id: VideoChannelSyncState.SYNCED, label: 'Synchronized' } }) } }) it('Should list imports of a channel synchronization', async function () { const { total, data } = await servers[0].imports.getMyVideoImports({ videoChannelSyncId: rootChannelSyncId }) expect(total).to.equal(1) expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(data[0].video.name).to.equal('test') }) it('Should remove user\'s channel synchronizations', async function () { await servers[0].channelSyncs.delete({ channelSyncId: userInfo.syncId }) const { total } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.listByAccount({ accountName: userInfo.username }) expect(total).to.equal(0) }) // FIXME: youtube-dl/yt-dlp doesn't work when speicifying a port after the hostname // it('Should import a remote PeerTube channel', async function () { // this.timeout(240_000) // await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'remote 1' }) // await waitJobs(servers) // const { videoChannelSync } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.create({ // attributes: { // externalChannelUrl: servers[1].url + '/c/root_channel', // videoChannelId: userInfo.channelId // }, // token: userInfo.accessToken // }) // await servers[0].channels.importVideos({ // channelName: userInfo.channelName, // externalChannelUrl: servers[1].url + '/c/root_channel', // videoChannelSyncId: videoChannelSync.id, // token: userInfo.accessToken // }) // await waitJobs(servers) // const { data, total } = await servers[0].videos.listByChannel({ // handle: userInfo.channelName, // include: VideoInclude.NOT_PUBLISHED_STATE // }) // expect(total).to.equal(2) // expect(data[0].name).to.equal('remote 1') // }) // it('Should keep synced a remote PeerTube channel', async function () { // this.timeout(240_000) // await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'remote 2' }) // await waitJobs(servers) // await servers[0].debug.sendCommand({ // body: { // command: 'process-video-channel-sync-latest' // } // }) // await waitJobs(servers) // const { data, total } = await servers[0].videos.listByChannel({ // handle: userInfo.channelName, // include: VideoInclude.NOT_PUBLISHED_STATE // }) // expect(total).to.equal(2) // expect(data[0].name).to.equal('remote 2') // }) it('Should fetch the latest videos of a youtube playlist', async function () { this.timeout(120_000) const { id: channelId } = await servers[0].channels.create({ attributes: { name: 'channel2' } }) const { videoChannelSync: { id: videoChannelSyncId } } = await servers[0].channelSyncs.create({ attributes: { externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubePlaylist, videoChannelId: channelId } }) await forceSyncAll(videoChannelSyncId) { const { total, data } = await listAllVideosOfChannel('channel2') expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(data[0].name).to.equal('test') expect(data[1].name).to.equal('small video - youtube') } }) after(async function () { await killallServers(servers) }) }) } runSuite('youtube-dl') runSuite('yt-dlp') })