import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators' import { Component, ElementRef, LOCALE_ID, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, Inject } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { RedirectService } from '@app/core/routing/redirect.service' import { peertubeLocalStorage } from '@app/shared/misc/peertube-local-storage' import { VideoSupportComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component' import { MetaService } from '@ngx-meta/core' import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications' import { Subscription } from 'rxjs' import * as videojs from 'video.js' import 'videojs-hotkeys' import * as WebTorrent from 'webtorrent' import { UserVideoRateType, VideoRateType } from '../../../../../shared' import '../../../assets/player/peertube-videojs-plugin' import { AuthService, ConfirmService } from '../../core' import { RestExtractor, VideoBlacklistService } from '../../shared' import { VideoDetails } from '../../shared/video/video-details.model' import { Video } from '../../shared/video/video.model' import { VideoService } from '../../shared/video/video.service' import { MarkdownService } from '../shared' import { VideoDownloadComponent } from './modal/video-download.component' import { VideoReportComponent } from './modal/video-report.component' import { VideoShareComponent } from './modal/video-share.component' import { getVideojsOptions, loadLocale, addContextMenu } from '../../../assets/player/peertube-player' import { ServerService } from '@app/core' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment' import { getDevLocale, isOnDevLocale } from '@app/shared/i18n/i18n-utils' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-watch', templateUrl: './video-watch.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-watch.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoWatchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { private static LOCAL_STORAGE_PRIVACY_CONCERN_KEY = 'video-watch-privacy-concern' @ViewChild('videoDownloadModal') videoDownloadModal: VideoDownloadComponent @ViewChild('videoShareModal') videoShareModal: VideoShareComponent @ViewChild('videoReportModal') videoReportModal: VideoReportComponent @ViewChild('videoSupportModal') videoSupportModal: VideoSupportComponent otherVideosDisplayed: Video[] = [] player: videojs.Player playerElement: HTMLVideoElement userRating: UserVideoRateType = null video: VideoDetails = null descriptionLoading = false completeDescriptionShown = false completeVideoDescription: string shortVideoDescription: string videoHTMLDescription = '' likesBarTooltipText = '' hasAlreadyAcceptedPrivacyConcern = false private videojsLocaleLoaded = false private otherVideos: Video[] = [] private paramsSub: Subscription constructor ( private elementRef: ElementRef, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private videoService: VideoService, private videoBlacklistService: VideoBlacklistService, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private metaService: MetaService, private authService: AuthService, private serverService: ServerService, private restExtractor: RestExtractor, private notificationsService: NotificationsService, private markdownService: MarkdownService, private zone: NgZone, private redirectService: RedirectService, private i18n: I18n, @Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string ) {} get user () { return this.authService.getUser() } ngOnInit () { if ( WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT === false || peertubeLocalStorage.getItem(VideoWatchComponent.LOCAL_STORAGE_PRIVACY_CONCERN_KEY) === 'true' ) { this.hasAlreadyAcceptedPrivacyConcern = true } this.videoService.getVideos({ currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 5 }, '-createdAt') .subscribe( data => { this.otherVideos = data.videos this.updateOtherVideosDisplayed() }, err => console.error(err) ) this.paramsSub = this.route.params.subscribe(routeParams => { if (this.player) { this.player.pause() } const uuid = routeParams['uuid'] // Video did not change if ( && === uuid) return // Video did change this.videoService .getVideo(uuid) .pipe(catchError(err => this.restExtractor.redirectTo404IfNotFound(err, [ 400, 404 ]))) .subscribe( video => { const startTime = this.route.snapshot.queryParams.start this.onVideoFetched(video, startTime) .catch(err => this.handleError(err)) } ) }) } ngOnDestroy () { this.flushPlayer() // Unsubscribe subscriptions this.paramsSub.unsubscribe() } setLike () { if (this.isUserLoggedIn() === false) return if (this.userRating === 'like') { // Already liked this video this.setRating('none') } else { this.setRating('like') } } setDislike () { if (this.isUserLoggedIn() === false) return if (this.userRating === 'dislike') { // Already disliked this video this.setRating('none') } else { this.setRating('dislike') } } async blacklistVideo (event: Event) { event.preventDefault() const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(this.i18n('Do you really want to blacklist this video?'), this.i18n('Blacklist')) if (res === false) return this.videoBlacklistService.blacklistVideo( .subscribe( status => { this.notificationsService.success( this.i18n('Success'), this.i18n('Video {{videoName}} had been blacklisted.', { videoName: }) ) this.redirectService.redirectToHomepage() }, error => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), error.message) ) } showMoreDescription () { if (this.completeVideoDescription === undefined) { return this.loadCompleteDescription() } this.updateVideoDescription(this.completeVideoDescription) this.completeDescriptionShown = true } showLessDescription () { this.updateVideoDescription(this.shortVideoDescription) this.completeDescriptionShown = false } loadCompleteDescription () { this.descriptionLoading = true this.videoService.loadCompleteDescription( .subscribe( description => { this.completeDescriptionShown = true this.descriptionLoading = false this.shortVideoDescription = this.completeVideoDescription = description this.updateVideoDescription(this.completeVideoDescription) }, error => { this.descriptionLoading = false this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), error.message) } ) } showReportModal (event: Event) { event.preventDefault() } showSupportModal () { } showShareModal () { } showDownloadModal (event: Event) { event.preventDefault() } isUserLoggedIn () { return this.authService.isLoggedIn() } isVideoUpdatable () { return } isVideoBlacklistable () { return } getVideoPoster () { if (! return '' return } getVideoTags () { if (! || Array.isArray( === false) return [] return', ') } isVideoRemovable () { return } async removeVideo (event: Event) { event.preventDefault() const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(this.i18n('Do you really want to delete this video?'), this.i18n('Delete')) if (res === false) return this.videoService.removeVideo( .subscribe( status => { this.notificationsService.success( this.i18n('Success'), this.i18n('Video {{videoName}} deleted.', { videoName: }) ) // Go back to the video-list. this.redirectService.redirectToHomepage() }, error => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), error.message) ) } acceptedPrivacyConcern () { peertubeLocalStorage.setItem(VideoWatchComponent.LOCAL_STORAGE_PRIVACY_CONCERN_KEY, 'true') this.hasAlreadyAcceptedPrivacyConcern = true } private updateVideoDescription (description: string) { = description this.setVideoDescriptionHTML() } private setVideoDescriptionHTML () { if (! { this.videoHTMLDescription = '' return } this.videoHTMLDescription = this.markdownService.textMarkdownToHTML( } private setVideoLikesBarTooltipText () { this.likesBarTooltipText = this.i18n( '{{likesNumber}} likes / {{dislikesNumber}} dislikes', { likesNumber:, dislikes: } ) } private handleError (err: any) { const errorMessage: string = typeof err === 'string' ? err : err.message if (!errorMessage) return let message = '' if (errorMessage.indexOf('http error') !== -1) { message = this.i18n('Cannot fetch video from server, maybe down.') } else { message = errorMessage } this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), message) } private checkUserRating () { // Unlogged users do not have ratings if (this.isUserLoggedIn() === false) return this.videoService.getUserVideoRating( .subscribe( ratingObject => { if (ratingObject) { this.userRating = ratingObject.rating } }, err => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), err.message) ) } private async onVideoFetched (video: VideoDetails, startTime = 0) { = video // Re init attributes this.descriptionLoading = false this.completeDescriptionShown = false this.updateOtherVideosDisplayed() if (, this.serverService.getConfig())) { const res = await this.confirmService.confirm( this.i18n('This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?'), this.i18n('Mature or explicit content') ) if (res === false) return this.redirectService.redirectToHomepage() } // Flush old player if needed this.flushPlayer() // Build video element, because videojs remove it on dispose const playerElementWrapper = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('#video-element-wrapper') this.playerElement = document.createElement('video') this.playerElement.className = 'video-js vjs-peertube-skin' this.playerElement.setAttribute('playsinline', 'true') playerElementWrapper.appendChild(this.playerElement) const videojsOptions = getVideojsOptions({ autoplay: this.isAutoplay(), inactivityTimeout: 2500, videoFiles:, playerElement: this.playerElement, videoViewUrl: this.videoService.getVideoViewUrl(, videoDuration:, enableHotkeys: true, peertubeLink: false, poster:, startTime }) if (this.videojsLocaleLoaded === false) { await loadLocale(environment.apiUrl, videojs, isOnDevLocale() ? getDevLocale() : this.localeId) this.videojsLocaleLoaded = true } const self = this () => { videojs(this.playerElement, videojsOptions, function () { self.player = this this.on('customError', (event, data) => self.handleError(data.err)) addContextMenu(self.player, }) }) this.setVideoDescriptionHTML() this.setVideoLikesBarTooltipText() this.setOpenGraphTags() this.checkUserRating() } private setRating (nextRating) { let method switch (nextRating) { case 'like': method = this.videoService.setVideoLike break case 'dislike': method = this.videoService.setVideoDislike break case 'none': method = this.videoService.unsetVideoLike break }, .subscribe( () => { // Update the video like attribute this.updateVideoRating(this.userRating, nextRating) this.userRating = nextRating }, err => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), err.message) ) } private updateVideoRating (oldRating: UserVideoRateType, newRating: VideoRateType) { let likesToIncrement = 0 let dislikesToIncrement = 0 if (oldRating) { if (oldRating === 'like') likesToIncrement-- if (oldRating === 'dislike') dislikesToIncrement-- } if (newRating === 'like') likesToIncrement++ if (newRating === 'dislike') dislikesToIncrement++ += likesToIncrement += dislikesToIncrement this.setVideoLikesBarTooltipText() } private updateOtherVideosDisplayed () { if ( && this.otherVideos && this.otherVideos.length > 0) { this.otherVideosDisplayed = this.otherVideos.filter(v => v.uuid !== } } private setOpenGraphTags () { this.metaService.setTitle( this.metaService.setTag('og:type', 'video') this.metaService.setTag('og:title', this.metaService.setTag('name', this.metaService.setTag('og:description', this.metaService.setTag('description', this.metaService.setTag('og:image', this.metaService.setTag('og:duration', this.metaService.setTag('og:site_name', 'PeerTube') this.metaService.setTag('og:url', window.location.href) this.metaService.setTag('url', window.location.href) } private isAutoplay () { // True by default if (!this.user) return true // Be sure the autoPlay is set to false return this.user.autoPlayVideo !== false } private flushPlayer () { // Remove player if it exists if (this.player) { this.player.dispose() this.player = undefined } } }