import { Account, AccountSummary } from '../actors' import { VideoChannel, VideoChannelSummary } from './channel/video-channel.model' import { VideoFile } from './file' import { VideoConstant } from './video-constant.model' import { VideoPrivacy } from './video-privacy.enum' import { VideoScheduleUpdate } from './video-schedule-update.model' import { VideoState } from './video-state.enum' import { VideoStreamingPlaylist } from './video-streaming-playlist.model' export interface Video { id: number uuid: string shortUUID: string createdAt: Date | string updatedAt: Date | string publishedAt: Date | string importedFrom: string originallyPublishedAt: Date | string category: VideoConstant licence: VideoConstant language: VideoConstant privacy: VideoConstant // Deprecated in 5.0 in favour of truncatedDescription description: string truncatedDescription: string duration: number isLocal: boolean name: string isLive: boolean thumbnailPath: string thumbnailUrl?: string previewPath: string previewUrl?: string embedPath: string embedUrl?: string url: string views: number viewers: number likes: number dislikes: number nsfw: boolean account: AccountSummary channel: VideoChannelSummary userHistory?: { currentTime: number } pluginData?: any // Additional attributes dependending on the query waitTranscoding?: boolean state?: VideoConstant scheduledUpdate?: VideoScheduleUpdate blacklisted?: boolean blacklistedReason?: string blockedOwner?: boolean blockedServer?: boolean files?: VideoFile[] streamingPlaylists?: VideoStreamingPlaylist[] } export interface VideoDetails extends Video { // Deprecated in 5.0 descriptionPath: string support: string channel: VideoChannel account: Account tags: string[] commentsEnabled: boolean downloadEnabled: boolean // Not optional in details (unlike in parent Video) waitTranscoding: boolean state: VideoConstant trackerUrls: string[] files: VideoFile[] streamingPlaylists: VideoStreamingPlaylist[] }