import { escapeHTML } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { CONFIG } from '../../../initializers/config.js' import { CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS, EMBED_SIZE, WEBSERVER } from '../../../initializers/constants.js' import { MVideo, MVideoPlaylist } from '../../../types/models/index.js' import { Hooks } from '../../plugins/hooks.js' import truncate from 'lodash-es/truncate.js' import { mdToOneLinePlainText } from '@server/helpers/markdown.js' type Tags = { indexationPolicy: 'always' | 'never' url?: string ogType?: string twitterCard?: 'player' | 'summary' | 'summary_large_image' schemaType?: string jsonldProfile?: { createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date } list?: { numberOfItems: number } escapedSiteName?: string escapedTitle?: string escapedTruncatedDescription?: string image?: { url: string width?: number height?: number } embed?: { url: string createdAt: string duration?: string views?: number } } type HookContext = { video?: MVideo playlist?: MVideoPlaylist } export class TagsHtml { static addTitleTag (htmlStringPage: string, title?: string) { let text = title || CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME if (title) text += ` - ${CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME}` const titleTag = `${escapeHTML(text)}` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.TITLE, titleTag) } static addDescriptionTag (htmlStringPage: string, escapedTruncatedDescription?: string) { const content = escapedTruncatedDescription || escapeHTML(CONFIG.INSTANCE.SHORT_DESCRIPTION) const descriptionTag = `` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.DESCRIPTION, descriptionTag) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static async addTags (htmlStringPage: string, tagsValues: Tags, context: HookContext) { const openGraphMetaTags = this.generateOpenGraphMetaTagsOptions(tagsValues) const standardMetaTags = this.generateStandardMetaTagsOptions(tagsValues) const twitterCardMetaTags = this.generateTwitterCardMetaTagsOptions(tagsValues) const schemaTags = await this.generateSchemaTagsOptions(tagsValues, context) const { url, escapedTitle, embed, indexationPolicy } = tagsValues const oembedLinkTags: { type: string, href: string, escapedTitle: string }[] = [] if (embed) { oembedLinkTags.push({ type: 'application/json+oembed', href: WEBSERVER.URL + '/services/oembed?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url), escapedTitle }) } let tagsStr = '' // Opengraph Object.keys(openGraphMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = openGraphMetaTags[tagName] if (!tagValue) return tagsStr += `` }) // Standard Object.keys(standardMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = standardMetaTags[tagName] if (!tagValue) return tagsStr += `` }) // Twitter card Object.keys(twitterCardMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = twitterCardMetaTags[tagName] if (!tagValue) return tagsStr += `` }) // OEmbed for (const oembedLinkTag of oembedLinkTags) { tagsStr += `` } // if (schemaTags) { tagsStr += `` } // SEO, use origin URL if (indexationPolicy !== 'never' && url) { tagsStr += `` } if (indexationPolicy === 'never') { tagsStr += `` } return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.META_TAGS, tagsStr) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static generateOpenGraphMetaTagsOptions (tags: Tags) { if (!tags.ogType) return {} const metaTags = { 'og:type': tags.ogType, 'og:site_name': tags.escapedSiteName, 'og:title': tags.escapedTitle, 'og:image': tags.image.url } if (tags.image.width && tags.image.height) { metaTags['og:image:width'] = tags.image.width metaTags['og:image:height'] = tags.image.height } metaTags['og:url'] = tags.url metaTags['og:description'] = tags.escapedTruncatedDescription if (tags.embed) { metaTags['og:video:url'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['og:video:secure_url'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['og:video:type'] = 'text/html' metaTags['og:video:width'] = EMBED_SIZE.width metaTags['og:video:height'] = EMBED_SIZE.height } return metaTags } static generateStandardMetaTagsOptions (tags: Tags) { return { name: tags.escapedTitle, description: tags.escapedTruncatedDescription, image: tags.image?.url } } static generateTwitterCardMetaTagsOptions (tags: Tags) { if (!tags.twitterCard) return {} const metaTags = { 'twitter:card': tags.twitterCard, 'twitter:site': CONFIG.SERVICES.TWITTER.USERNAME, 'twitter:title': tags.escapedTitle, 'twitter:description': tags.escapedTruncatedDescription, 'twitter:image': tags.image.url } if (tags.image.width && tags.image.height) { metaTags['twitter:image:width'] = tags.image.width metaTags['twitter:image:height'] = tags.image.height } if (tags.twitterCard === 'player') { metaTags['twitter:player'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['twitter:player:width'] = EMBED_SIZE.width metaTags['twitter:player:height'] = EMBED_SIZE.height } return metaTags } static generateSchemaTagsOptions (tags: Tags, context: HookContext) { if (!tags.schemaType) return if (tags.schemaType === 'ProfilePage') { if (!tags.jsonldProfile) throw new Error('Missing `jsonldProfile` with ProfilePage schema type') const profilePageSchema = { '@context': '', '@type': tags.schemaType, 'dateCreated': tags.jsonldProfile.createdAt.toISOString(), 'dateModified': tags.jsonldProfile.updatedAt.toISOString(), 'mainEntity': { '@id': '#main-author', '@type': 'Person', 'name': tags.escapedTitle, 'description': tags.escapedTruncatedDescription, 'image': tags.image.url } } return Hooks.wrapObject(profilePageSchema, 'filter:html.client.json-ld.result', context) } const schema = { '@context': '', '@type': tags.schemaType, 'name': tags.escapedTitle, 'description': tags.escapedTruncatedDescription, 'image': tags.image.url, 'url': tags.url } if (tags.list) { schema['numberOfItems'] = tags.list.numberOfItems schema['thumbnailUrl'] = tags.image.url } if (tags.embed) { schema['embedUrl'] = tags.embed.url schema['uploadDate'] = tags.embed.createdAt if (tags.embed.duration) schema['duration'] = tags.embed.duration schema['thumbnailUrl'] = tags.image.url schema['contentUrl'] = tags.url } return Hooks.wrapObject(schema, 'filter:html.client.json-ld.result', context) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static buildEscapedTruncatedDescription (description: string) { return truncate(mdToOneLinePlainText(description), { length: 200 }) } }