import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../models/redundancy/video-redundancy' import { sendUndoCacheFile } from './activitypub/send' import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { getServerActor } from '../helpers/utils' import { MVideoRedundancyVideo } from '@server/typings/models' async function removeVideoRedundancy (videoRedundancy: MVideoRedundancyVideo, t?: Transaction) { const serverActor = await getServerActor() // Local cache, send undo to remote instances if (videoRedundancy.actorId === await sendUndoCacheFile(serverActor, videoRedundancy, t) await videoRedundancy.destroy({ transaction: t }) } async function removeRedundanciesOfServer (serverId: number) { const redundancies = await VideoRedundancyModel.listLocalOfServer(serverId) for (const redundancy of redundancies) { await removeVideoRedundancy(redundancy) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { removeRedundanciesOfServer, removeVideoRedundancy }