import { createTransport, Transporter } from 'nodemailer' import { UserRight } from '../../shared/models/users' import { isTestInstance } from '../helpers/core-utils' import { bunyanLogger, logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers' import { UserModel } from '../models/account/user' import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video' import { JobQueue } from './job-queue' import { EmailPayload } from './job-queue/handlers/email' import { readFileSync } from 'fs' class Emailer { private static instance: Emailer private initialized = false private transporter: Transporter private constructor () {} init () { // Already initialized if (this.initialized === true) return this.initialized = true if (CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME && CONFIG.SMTP.PORT) {'Using %s:%s as SMTP server.', CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, CONFIG.SMTP.PORT) let tls if (CONFIG.SMTP.CA_FILE) { tls = { ca: [ readFileSync(CONFIG.SMTP.CA_FILE) ] } } let auth if (CONFIG.SMTP.USERNAME && CONFIG.SMTP.PASSWORD) { auth = { user: CONFIG.SMTP.USERNAME, pass: CONFIG.SMTP.PASSWORD } } this.transporter = createTransport({ host: CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, port: CONFIG.SMTP.PORT, secure: CONFIG.SMTP.TLS, debug: CONFIG.LOG.LEVEL === 'debug', logger: bunyanLogger as any, ignoreTLS: CONFIG.SMTP.DISABLE_STARTTLS, tls, auth }) } else { if (!isTestInstance()) { logger.error('Cannot use SMTP server because of lack of configuration. PeerTube will not be able to send mails!') } } } async checkConnectionOrDie () { if (!this.transporter) return'Testing SMTP server...') try { const success = await this.transporter.verify() if (success !== true) this.dieOnConnectionFailure()'Successfully connected to SMTP server.') } catch (err) { this.dieOnConnectionFailure(err) } } addForgetPasswordEmailJob (to: string, resetPasswordUrl: string) { const text = `Hi dear user,\n\n` + `It seems you forgot your password on ${CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST}! ` + `Please follow this link to reset it: ${resetPasswordUrl}.\n\n` + `If you are not the person who initiated this request, please ignore this email.\n\n` + `Cheers,\n` + `PeerTube.` const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { to: [ to ], subject: 'Reset your PeerTube password', text } return JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } async addVideoAbuseReport (videoId: number) { const video = await VideoModel.load(videoId) const text = `Hi,\n\n` + `Your instance received an abuse for video the following video ${video.url}\n\n` + `Cheers,\n` + `PeerTube.` const to = await UserModel.listEmailsWithRight(UserRight.MANAGE_VIDEO_ABUSES) const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { to, subject: '[PeerTube] Received a video abuse', text } return JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } sendMail (to: string[], subject: string, text: string) { if (!this.transporter) { throw new Error('Cannot send mail because SMTP is not configured.') } return this.transporter.sendMail({ from: CONFIG.SMTP.FROM_ADDRESS, to: to.join(','), subject, text }) } private dieOnConnectionFailure (err?: Error) { logger.error('Failed to connect to SMTP %s:%d.', CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, CONFIG.SMTP.PORT, { err }) process.exit(-1) } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { Emailer }