import * as Bull from 'bull' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { downloadYoutubeDLVideo } from '../../../helpers/youtube-dl' import { VideoImportModel } from '../../../models/video/video-import' import { VideoImportState } from '../../../../shared/models/videos' import { getDurationFromVideoFile, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution } from '../../../helpers/ffmpeg-utils' import { extname, join } from 'path' import { VideoFileModel } from '../../../models/video/video-file' import { renamePromise, statPromise, unlinkPromise } from '../../../helpers/core-utils' import { CONFIG, sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers' import { doRequestAndSaveToFile } from '../../../helpers/requests' import { VideoState } from '../../../../shared' import { JobQueue } from '../index' import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../../activitypub' import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video' export type VideoImportPayload = { type: 'youtube-dl' videoImportId: number thumbnailUrl: string downloadThumbnail: boolean downloadPreview: boolean } async function processVideoImport (job: Bull.Job) { const payload = as VideoImportPayload'Processing video import in job %d.', const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.loadAndPopulateVideo(payload.videoImportId) if (!videoImport || !videoImport.Video) { throw new Error('Cannot import video %s: the video import or video linked to this import does not exist anymore.') } let tempVideoPath: string let videoDestFile: string let videoFile: VideoFileModel try { // Download video from youtubeDL tempVideoPath = await downloadYoutubeDLVideo(videoImport.targetUrl) // Get information about this video const { videoFileResolution } = await getVideoFileResolution(tempVideoPath) const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(tempVideoPath) const stats = await statPromise(tempVideoPath) const duration = await getDurationFromVideoFile(tempVideoPath) // Create video file object in database const videoFileData = { extname: extname(tempVideoPath), resolution: videoFileResolution, size: stats.size, fps, videoId: videoImport.videoId } videoFile = new VideoFileModel(videoFileData) // Import if the import fails, to clean files videoImport.Video.VideoFiles = [ videoFile ] // Move file videoDestFile = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, videoImport.Video.getVideoFilename(videoFile)) await renamePromise(tempVideoPath, videoDestFile) tempVideoPath = null // This path is not used anymore // Process thumbnail if (payload.downloadThumbnail) { if (payload.thumbnailUrl) { const destThumbnailPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, videoImport.Video.getThumbnailName()) await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: payload.thumbnailUrl }, destThumbnailPath) } else { await videoImport.Video.createThumbnail(videoFile) } } // Process preview if (payload.downloadPreview) { if (payload.thumbnailUrl) { const destPreviewPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, videoImport.Video.getPreviewName()) await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: payload.thumbnailUrl }, destPreviewPath) } else { await videoImport.Video.createPreview(videoFile) } } // Create torrent await videoImport.Video.createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(videoFile) const videoImportUpdated: VideoImportModel = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { // Refresh video const video = await VideoModel.load(videoImport.videoId, t) if (!video) throw new Error('Video linked to import ' + videoImport.videoId + ' does not exist anymore.') videoImport.Video = video const videoFileCreated = await{ transaction: t }) video.VideoFiles = [ videoFileCreated ] // Update video DB object video.duration = duration video.state = CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ENABLED ? VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE : VideoState.PUBLISHED const videoUpdated = await{ transaction: t }) // Now we can federate the video await federateVideoIfNeeded(video, true, t) // Update video import object videoImport.state = VideoImportState.SUCCESS const videoImportUpdated = await{ transaction: t })'Video %s imported.', videoImport.targetUrl) videoImportUpdated.Video = videoUpdated return videoImportUpdated }) // Create transcoding jobs? if (videoImportUpdated.Video.state === VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE) { // Put uuid because we don't have id auto incremented for now const dataInput = { videoUUID: videoImportUpdated.Video.uuid, isNewVideo: true } await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-file', payload: dataInput }) } } catch (err) { try { if (tempVideoPath) await unlinkPromise(tempVideoPath) } catch (errUnlink) { logger.warn('Cannot cleanup files after a video import error.', { err: errUnlink }) } videoImport.error = err.message videoImport.state = VideoImportState.FAILED await throw err } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { processVideoImport }