FROM node:8-alpine # Install dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache ffmpeg openssl bash make g++ git \ && apk add --no-cache --repository vips-dev fftw-dev # Add peertube user RUN addgroup -g 991 peertube \ && adduser -D -u 991 -G peertube peertube # Download the latest version RUN git clone /app \ && chown -R peertube:peertube /app # Install PeerTube USER peertube WORKDIR /app RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile \ && npm run build # Configure PeerTube RUN cp /app/config/default.yaml /app/support/docker/production/config/default.yaml ENV NODE_ENV production ENV NODE_CONFIG_DIR /app/support/docker/production/config # Run the application CMD ["npm", "start"] VOLUME ["/data"] EXPOSE 9000