# PeerTube Embed API PeerTube lets you embed videos and programmatically control their playback. This documentation covers how to interact with the PeerTube Embed API. ## Playground Any PeerTube embed URL (ie `https://my-instance.example.com/videos/embed/52a10666-3a18-4e73-93da-e8d3c12c305a`) can be viewed as an embedding playground which allows you to test various aspects of PeerTube embeds. Simply replace `/embed` with `/test-embed` and visit the URL in a browser. For instance, the playground URL for the above embed URL is `https://my-instance.example.com/videos/test-embed/52a10666-3a18-4e73-93da-e8d3c12c305a`. ## Quick Start Given an existing PeerTube embed `