import express from 'express' import { body, param } from 'express-validator' import { toBooleanOrNull } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { Redis } from '../../lib/redis' import { areValidationErrors, checkUserEmailExist, checkUserIdExist } from './shared' import { checkRegistrationEmailExist, checkRegistrationIdExist } from './shared/user-registrations' const usersAskSendVerifyEmailValidator = [ body('email').isEmail().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid email'), async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return const [ userExists, registrationExists ] = await Promise.all([ checkUserEmailExist(, res, false), checkRegistrationEmailExist(, res, false) ]) if (!userExists && !registrationExists) { logger.debug('User or registration with email %s does not exist (asking verify email).', // Do not leak our emails return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204).end() } if (res.locals.user?.pluginAuth) { return{ status: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409, message: 'Cannot ask verification email of a user that uses a plugin authentication.' }) } return next() } ] const usersVerifyEmailValidator = [ param('id') .isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'), body('verificationString') .not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid verification string'), body('isPendingEmail') .optional() .customSanitizer(toBooleanOrNull), async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return if (!await checkUserIdExist(, res)) return const user = res.locals.user const redisVerificationString = await Redis.Instance.getUserVerifyEmailLink( if (redisVerificationString !== req.body.verificationString) { return{ status: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403, message: 'Invalid verification string.' }) } return next() } ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const registrationVerifyEmailValidator = [ param('registrationId') .isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid registrationId'), body('verificationString') .not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid verification string'), async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return if (!await checkRegistrationIdExist(req.params.registrationId, res)) return const registration = res.locals.userRegistration const redisVerificationString = await Redis.Instance.getRegistrationVerifyEmailLink( if (redisVerificationString !== req.body.verificationString) { return{ status: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403, message: 'Invalid verification string.' }) } return next() } ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { usersAskSendVerifyEmailValidator, usersVerifyEmailValidator, registrationVerifyEmailValidator }