'use strict' module.exports = function (grunt) { var paths = { dist: 'dist', jade: 'views/**/**/*.jade', css: 'public/stylesheets/*.css', scss: 'public/stylesheets/*.scss', vendor: 'public/stylesheets/vendor', js: 'public/javascripts/*.js', src: 'src/*.js', routes: 'routes/**/*.js', main: './server.js', browserified: 'public/javascripts/bundle.js', img: 'public/images/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}', test: 'tests', server: 'server.js' } require('time-grunt')(grunt) // Project Configuration grunt.initConfig({ paths: paths, pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), browserify: { dev: { src: [ paths.js, '!public/javascripts/bundle.js' ], dest: paths.browserified, options: { browserifyOptions: { 'debug': true }, watch: true } } }, concurrent: { options: { logConcurrentOutput: true }, dev: [ 'watch:livereload', 'watch:sass', 'express:dev' ] }, copy: { dev: { cwd: 'node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/', src: [ 'fonts/bootstrap/*' ], expand: true, dest: paths.vendor } }, clean: { dev: { files: [{ dot: true, src: [ paths.browserified, 'public/stylesheets/global.css', paths.vendor ] }] } }, express: { dev: { options: { script: paths.server, harmony: true, port: 9000, node_env: 'development', debug: true, background: false } } }, sass: { options: { includePaths: [ 'node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/' ] }, dev: { files: { 'public/stylesheets/global.css': paths.scss } } }, watch: { livereload: { files: [ paths.jade, paths.css, paths.browserified ], tasks: [ ], options: { livereload: true } }, sass: { files: [ paths.scss ], tasks: [ 'sass:dev' ] } } }) // Load automatically all the tasks require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt) // Build client javascript and copy bootstrap dependencies grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'sass:dev', 'newer:browserify:dev', 'newer:copy:dev' ]) // Start in dev mode (reload front end files without refresh) grunt.registerTask('dev', [ 'sass:dev', 'newer:browserify:dev', 'newer:copy:dev', 'concurrent:dev' ]) // Clean build grunt.registerTask('clean', [], function () { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean') grunt.task.run( 'clean:dev' ) }) }