import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { HtmlRendererService } from '@app/core' import { ConfirmService } from '@app/core/confirm/confirm.service' import { POP_STATE_MODAL_DISMISS } from '@app/helpers' import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { NgbModalRef } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/modal/modal-ref' @Component({ selector: 'my-confirm', templateUrl: './confirm.component.html', styleUrls: [ './confirm.component.scss' ] }) export class ConfirmComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('confirmModal', { static: true }) confirmModal: ElementRef title = '' message = '' expectedInputValue = '' inputLabel = '' inputValue = '' confirmButtonText = '' isPasswordInput = false private openedModal: NgbModalRef constructor ( private modalService: NgbModal, private html: HtmlRendererService, private confirmService: ConfirmService ) { } ngOnInit () { this.confirmService.showConfirm.subscribe( payload => { // Reinit fields this.title = '' this.message = '' this.expectedInputValue = '' this.inputLabel = '' this.inputValue = '' this.confirmButtonText = '' this.isPasswordInput = false const { type, title, message, confirmButtonText } = payload this.title = title if (type === 'confirm-expected-input') { this.inputLabel = payload.inputLabel this.expectedInputValue = payload.expectedInputValue } else if (type === 'confirm-password') { this.inputLabel = $localize`Confirm your password` this.isPasswordInput = true } this.confirmButtonText = confirmButtonText || $localize`Confirm` this.html.toSafeHtml(message) .then(message => { this.message = message this.showModal() }) } ) } confirm () { if (this.openedModal) this.openedModal.close() } isConfirmationDisabled () { // No input validation if (!this.inputLabel || !this.expectedInputValue) return false return this.expectedInputValue !== this.inputValue } showModal () { this.inputValue = '' this.openedModal =, { centered: true }) this.openedModal.result .then(() => {{ confirmed: true, value: this.inputValue }) }) .catch((reason: string) => { // If the reason was that the user used the back button, we don't care about the confirm dialog result if (!reason || reason !== POP_STATE_MODAL_DISMISS) {{ confirmed: false, value: this.inputValue }) } }) } }