181 lines
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181 lines
6.6 KiB
/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */
import 'mocha'
import { flushAndRunMultipleServers, flushTests, killallServers, ServerInfo } from '../../utils'
import { HTTP_SIGNATURE } from '../../../initializers'
import { buildDigest, buildGlobalHeaders } from '../../../lib/job-queue/handlers/utils/activitypub-http-utils'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { setActorField } from '../../utils/miscs/sql'
import { activityPubContextify, buildSignedActivity } from '../../../helpers/activitypub'
import { makeFollowRequest, makePOSTAPRequest } from '../../utils/requests/activitypub'
const expect = chai.expect
function setKeysOfServer2 (serverNumber: number, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) {
return Promise.all([
setActorField(serverNumber, 'http://localhost:9002/accounts/peertube', 'publicKey', publicKey),
setActorField(serverNumber, 'http://localhost:9002/accounts/peertube', 'privateKey', privateKey)
function setKeysOfServer3 (serverNumber: number, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) {
return Promise.all([
setActorField(serverNumber, 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube', 'publicKey', publicKey),
setActorField(serverNumber, 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube', 'privateKey', privateKey)
describe('Test ActivityPub security', function () {
let servers: ServerInfo[]
let url: string
const keys = require('./json/peertube/keys.json')
const invalidKeys = require('./json/peertube/invalid-keys.json')
const baseHttpSignature = {
authorizationHeaderName: HTTP_SIGNATURE.HEADER_NAME,
keyId: 'acct:peertube@localhost:9002',
key: keys.privateKey,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
before(async function () {
servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(3)
url = servers[0].url + '/inbox'
await setKeysOfServer2(1, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
const to = { url: 'http://localhost:9001/accounts/peertube' }
const by = { url: 'http://localhost:9002/accounts/peertube', privateKey: keys.privateKey }
await makeFollowRequest(to, by)
describe('When checking HTTP signature', function () {
it('Should fail with an invalid digest', async function () {
const body = activityPubContextify(require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json'))
const headers = {
Digest: buildDigest({ hello: 'coucou' })
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, body, baseHttpSignature, headers)
it('Should fail with an invalid date', async function () {
const body = activityPubContextify(require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json'))
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(body)
headers['date'] = 'Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT'
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, body, baseHttpSignature, headers)
it('Should fail with bad keys', async function () {
await setKeysOfServer2(1, invalidKeys.publicKey, invalidKeys.privateKey)
await setKeysOfServer2(2, invalidKeys.publicKey, invalidKeys.privateKey)
const body = activityPubContextify(require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json'))
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(body)
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, body, baseHttpSignature, headers)
it('Should succeed with a valid HTTP signature', async function () {
await setKeysOfServer2(1, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
await setKeysOfServer2(2, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
const body = activityPubContextify(require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json'))
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(body)
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, body, baseHttpSignature, headers)
describe('When checking Linked Data Signature', function () {
before(async () => {
await setKeysOfServer3(3, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
const to = { url: 'http://localhost:9001/accounts/peertube' }
const by = { url: 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube', privateKey: keys.privateKey }
await makeFollowRequest(to, by)
it('Should fail with bad keys', async function () {
await setKeysOfServer3(1, invalidKeys.publicKey, invalidKeys.privateKey)
await setKeysOfServer3(3, invalidKeys.publicKey, invalidKeys.privateKey)
const body = require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json')
body.actor = 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube'
const signer: any = { privateKey: invalidKeys.privateKey, url: 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube' }
const signedBody = await buildSignedActivity(signer, body)
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(signedBody)
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, signedBody, baseHttpSignature, headers)
it('Should fail with an altered body', async function () {
await setKeysOfServer3(1, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
await setKeysOfServer3(3, keys.publicKey, keys.privateKey)
const body = require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json')
body.actor = 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube'
const signer: any = { privateKey: keys.privateKey, url: 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube' }
const signedBody = await buildSignedActivity(signer, body)
signedBody.actor = 'http://localhost:9003/account/peertube'
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(signedBody)
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, signedBody, baseHttpSignature, headers)
it('Should succeed with a valid signature', async function () {
const body = require('./json/peertube/announce-without-context.json')
body.actor = 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube'
const signer: any = { privateKey: keys.privateKey, url: 'http://localhost:9003/accounts/peertube' }
const signedBody = await buildSignedActivity(signer, body)
const headers = buildGlobalHeaders(signedBody)
const { response } = await makePOSTAPRequest(url, signedBody, baseHttpSignature, headers)
after(async function () {
// Keep the logs if the test failed
if (this['ok']) {
await flushTests()