656 lines
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656 lines
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import { ActivityVideoUrlObject, FileStorage, VideoResolution, type FileStorageType } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js'
import { extractVideo } from '@server/helpers/video.js'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js'
import { buildRemoteUrl } from '@server/lib/activitypub/url.js'
import {
} from '@server/lib/object-storage/index.js'
import { getFSTorrentFilePath } from '@server/lib/paths.js'
import { getVideoFileMimeType } from '@server/lib/video-file.js'
import { isVideoInPrivateDirectory } from '@server/lib/video-privacy.js'
import { MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoWithHost, isStreamingPlaylist } from '@server/types/models/index.js'
import { remove } from 'fs-extra/esm'
import memoizee from 'memoizee'
import { join } from 'path'
import { FindOptions, Op, Transaction, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize'
import {
Is, Scopes,
} from 'sequelize-typescript'
import validator from 'validator'
import {
} from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos.js'
import {
} from '../../initializers/constants.js'
import { MVideoFile, MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideoFileVideo } from '../../types/models/video/video-file.js'
import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../redundancy/video-redundancy.js'
import { SequelizeModel, doesExist, parseAggregateResult, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from './video-streaming-playlist.js'
import { VideoModel } from './video.js'
export enum ScopeNames {
@DefaultScope(() => ({
attributes: {
exclude: [ 'metadata' ]
@Scopes(() => ({
[ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO]: {
include: [
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: true
[ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST]: (options: { whereVideo?: WhereOptions } = {}) => {
return {
include: [
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: false,
where: options.whereVideo
model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(),
required: false,
include: [
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: true,
where: options.whereVideo
[ScopeNames.WITH_METADATA]: {
attributes: {
include: [ 'metadata' ]
tableName: 'videoFile',
indexes: [
fields: [ 'videoId' ],
where: {
videoId: {
[Op.ne]: null
fields: [ 'videoStreamingPlaylistId' ],
where: {
videoStreamingPlaylistId: {
[Op.ne]: null
fields: [ 'infoHash' ]
fields: [ 'torrentFilename' ],
unique: true
fields: [ 'filename' ],
unique: true
fields: [ 'videoId', 'resolution', 'fps' ],
unique: true,
where: {
videoId: {
[Op.ne]: null
fields: [ 'videoStreamingPlaylistId', 'resolution', 'fps' ],
unique: true,
where: {
videoStreamingPlaylistId: {
[Op.ne]: null
export class VideoFileModel extends SequelizeModel<VideoFileModel> {
createdAt: Date
updatedAt: Date
@Is('VideoFileResolution', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoFileResolutionValid, 'resolution'))
resolution: number
width: number
height: number
@Is('VideoFileSize', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoFileSizeValid, 'size'))
size: number
@Is('VideoFileExtname', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoFileExtnameValid, 'extname'))
extname: string
@Is('VideoFileInfohash', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoFileInfoHashValid, 'info hash', true))
infoHash: string
@Is('VideoFileFPS', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoFPSResolutionValid, 'fps'))
fps: number
metadata: any
metadataUrl: string
// Could be null for remote files
fileUrl: string
// Could be null for live files
filename: string
// Could be null for remote files
torrentUrl: string
// Could be null for live files
torrentFilename: string
@ForeignKey(() => VideoModel)
videoId: number
storage: FileStorageType
@BelongsTo(() => VideoModel, {
foreignKey: {
allowNull: true
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
Video: Awaited<VideoModel>
@ForeignKey(() => VideoStreamingPlaylistModel)
videoStreamingPlaylistId: number
@BelongsTo(() => VideoStreamingPlaylistModel, {
foreignKey: {
allowNull: true
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
VideoStreamingPlaylist: Awaited<VideoStreamingPlaylistModel>
@HasMany(() => VideoRedundancyModel, {
foreignKey: {
allowNull: true
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
hooks: true
RedundancyVideos: Awaited<VideoRedundancyModel>[]
static doesInfohashExistCached = memoizee(VideoFileModel.doesInfohashExist.bind(VideoFileModel), {
promise: true,
static doesInfohashExist (infoHash: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" WHERE "infoHash" = $infoHash LIMIT 1'
return doesExist({ sequelize: this.sequelize, query, bind: { infoHash } })
static async doesVideoExistForVideoFile (id: number, videoIdOrUUID: number | string) {
const videoFile = await VideoFileModel.loadWithVideoOrPlaylist(id, videoIdOrUUID)
return !!videoFile
static async doesOwnedTorrentFileExist (filename: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" ' +
'LEFT JOIN "video" "webvideo" ON "webvideo"."id" = "videoFile"."videoId" AND "webvideo"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
'LEFT JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" ON "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" = "videoFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" ' +
'LEFT JOIN "video" "hlsVideo" ON "hlsVideo"."id" = "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" AND "hlsVideo"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
'WHERE "torrentFilename" = $filename AND ("hlsVideo"."id" IS NOT NULL OR "webvideo"."id" IS NOT NULL) LIMIT 1'
return doesExist({ sequelize: this.sequelize, query, bind: { filename } })
static async doesOwnedFileExist (filename: string, storage: FileStorageType) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" INNER JOIN "video" ON "video"."id" = "videoFile"."videoId" AND "video"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
`WHERE "filename" = $filename AND "storage" = $storage LIMIT 1`
return doesExist({ sequelize: this.sequelize, query, bind: { filename, storage } })
static loadByFilename (filename: string) {
const query = {
where: {
return VideoFileModel.findOne(query)
static loadWithVideoByFilename (filename: string): Promise<MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo> {
const query = {
where: {
return VideoFileModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST).findOne(query)
static loadWithVideoOrPlaylistByTorrentFilename (filename: string) {
const query = {
where: {
torrentFilename: filename
return VideoFileModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST).findOne(query)
static load (id: number): Promise<MVideoFile> {
return VideoFileModel.findByPk(id)
static loadWithMetadata (id: number) {
return VideoFileModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_METADATA).findByPk(id)
static loadWithVideo (id: number) {
return VideoFileModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO).findByPk(id)
static loadWithVideoOrPlaylist (id: number, videoIdOrUUID: number | string) {
const whereVideo = validator.default.isUUID(videoIdOrUUID + '')
? { uuid: videoIdOrUUID }
: { id: videoIdOrUUID }
const options = {
where: {
return VideoFileModel.scope({ method: [ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST, whereVideo ] })
.then(file => {
// We used `required: false` so check we have at least a video or a streaming playlist
if (!file.Video && !file.VideoStreamingPlaylist) return null
return file
static listByStreamingPlaylist (streamingPlaylistId: number, transaction: Transaction) {
const query = {
include: [
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: true,
include: [
model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(),
required: true,
where: {
id: streamingPlaylistId
return VideoFileModel.findAll(query)
static getStats () {
const webVideoFilesQuery: FindOptions = {
include: [
attributes: [],
required: true,
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
where: {
remote: false
const hlsFilesQuery: FindOptions = {
include: [
attributes: [],
required: true,
model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(),
include: [
attributes: [],
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: true,
where: {
remote: false
return Promise.all([
VideoFileModel.aggregate('size', 'SUM', webVideoFilesQuery),
VideoFileModel.aggregate('size', 'SUM', hlsFilesQuery)
]).then(([ webVideoResult, hlsResult ]) => ({
totalLocalVideoFilesSize: parseAggregateResult(webVideoResult) + parseAggregateResult(hlsResult)
// Redefine upsert because sequelize does not use an appropriate where clause in the update query with 2 unique indexes
static async customUpsert (
videoFile: MVideoFile,
mode: 'streaming-playlist' | 'video',
transaction: Transaction
) {
const baseFind = {
fps: videoFile.fps,
resolution: videoFile.resolution,
const element = mode === 'streaming-playlist'
? await VideoFileModel.loadHLSFile({ ...baseFind, playlistId: videoFile.videoStreamingPlaylistId })
: await VideoFileModel.loadWebVideoFile({ ...baseFind, videoId: videoFile.videoId })
if (!element) return videoFile.save({ transaction })
for (const k of Object.keys(videoFile.toJSON())) {
element.set(k, videoFile[k])
return element.save({ transaction })
static async loadWebVideoFile (options: {
videoId: number
fps: number
resolution: number
transaction?: Transaction
}) {
const where = {
fps: options.fps,
resolution: options.resolution,
videoId: options.videoId
return VideoFileModel.findOne({ where, transaction: options.transaction })
static async loadHLSFile (options: {
playlistId: number
fps: number
resolution: number
transaction?: Transaction
}) {
const where = {
fps: options.fps,
resolution: options.resolution,
videoStreamingPlaylistId: options.playlistId
return VideoFileModel.findOne({ where, transaction: options.transaction })
static removeHLSFilesOfStreamingPlaylistId (videoStreamingPlaylistId: number) {
const options = {
where: { videoStreamingPlaylistId }
return VideoFileModel.destroy(options)
hasTorrent () {
return this.infoHash && this.torrentFilename
getVideoOrStreamingPlaylist (this: MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo): MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo {
if (this.videoId || (this as MVideoFileVideo).Video) return (this as MVideoFileVideo).Video
return (this as MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo).VideoStreamingPlaylist
getVideo (this: MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo): MVideo {
return extractVideo(this.getVideoOrStreamingPlaylist())
isAudio () {
return this.resolution === VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO
isLive () {
return this.size === -1
isHLS () {
return !!this.videoStreamingPlaylistId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getObjectStorageUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (video.hasPrivateStaticPath() && CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.PROXY.PROXIFY_PRIVATE_FILES === true) {
return this.getPrivateObjectStorageUrl(video)
return this.getPublicObjectStorageUrl()
private getPrivateObjectStorageUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (this.isHLS()) {
return getHLSPrivateFileUrl(video, this.filename)
return getWebVideoPrivateFileUrl(this.filename)
private getPublicObjectStorageUrl () {
if (this.isHLS()) {
return getObjectStoragePublicFileUrl(this.fileUrl, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS)
return getObjectStoragePublicFileUrl(this.fileUrl, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getFileUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (video.isOwned()) {
if (this.storage === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) {
return this.getObjectStorageUrl(video)
return WEBSERVER.URL + this.getFileStaticPath(video)
return this.fileUrl
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getFileStaticPath (video: MVideo) {
if (this.isHLS()) return this.getHLSFileStaticPath(video)
return this.getWebVideoFileStaticPath(video)
private getWebVideoFileStaticPath (video: MVideo) {
if (isVideoInPrivateDirectory(video.privacy)) {
return join(STATIC_PATHS.PRIVATE_WEB_VIDEOS, this.filename)
return join(STATIC_PATHS.WEB_VIDEOS, this.filename)
private getHLSFileStaticPath (video: MVideo) {
if (isVideoInPrivateDirectory(video.privacy)) {
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.PRIVATE_HLS, video.uuid, this.filename)
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, video.uuid, this.filename)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getFileDownloadUrl (video: MVideoWithHost) {
const path = this.isHLS()
? join(STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.HLS_VIDEOS, `${video.uuid}-${this.resolution}-fragmented${this.extname}`)
: join(STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.VIDEOS, `${video.uuid}-${this.resolution}${this.extname}`)
if (video.isOwned()) return WEBSERVER.URL + path
// FIXME: don't guess remote URL
return buildRemoteUrl(video, path)
getRemoteTorrentUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (video.isOwned()) throw new Error(`Video ${video.url} is not a remote video`)
return this.torrentUrl
// We proxify torrent requests so use a local URL
getTorrentUrl () {
if (!this.torrentFilename) return null
return WEBSERVER.URL + this.getTorrentStaticPath()
getTorrentStaticPath () {
if (!this.torrentFilename) return null
return join(LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.TORRENTS, this.torrentFilename)
getTorrentDownloadUrl () {
if (!this.torrentFilename) return null
return WEBSERVER.URL + join(STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.TORRENTS, this.torrentFilename)
removeTorrent () {
if (!this.torrentFilename) return null
const torrentPath = getFSTorrentFilePath(this)
return remove(torrentPath)
.catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot delete torrent %s.', torrentPath, { err }))
hasSameUniqueKeysThan (other: MVideoFile) {
return this.fps === other.fps &&
this.resolution === other.resolution &&
(this.videoId !== null && this.videoId === other.videoId) ||
(this.videoStreamingPlaylistId !== null && this.videoStreamingPlaylistId === other.videoStreamingPlaylistId)
withVideoOrPlaylist (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo) {
if (isStreamingPlaylist(videoOrPlaylist)) return Object.assign(this, { VideoStreamingPlaylist: videoOrPlaylist })
return Object.assign(this, { Video: videoOrPlaylist })
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
toActivityPubObject (this: MVideoFile, video: MVideo): ActivityVideoUrlObject {
const mimeType = getVideoFileMimeType(this.extname, false)
return {
type: 'Link',
mediaType: mimeType as ActivityVideoUrlObject['mediaType'],
href: this.getFileUrl(video),
height: this.height || this.resolution,
width: this.width,
size: this.size,
fps: this.fps