* Add external channel URL for channel update / creation (#754) * Disallow synchronisation if user has no video quota (#754) * More constraints serverside (#754) * Disable sync if server configuration does not allow HTTP import (#754) * Working version synchronizing videos with a job (#754) TODO: refactoring, too much code duplication * More logs and try/catch (#754) * Fix eslint error (#754) * WIP: support synchronization time change (#754) * New frontend #754 * WIP: Create sync front (#754) * Enhance UI, sync creation form (#754) * Warning message when HTTP upload is disallowed * More consistent names (#754) * Binding Front with API (#754) * Add a /me API (#754) * Improve list UI (#754) * Implement creation and deletion routes (#754) * Lint (#754) * Lint again (#754) * WIP: UI for triggering import existing videos (#754) * Implement jobs for syncing and importing channels * Don't sync videos before sync creation + avoid concurrency issue (#754) * Cleanup (#754) * Cleanup: OpenAPI + API rework (#754) * Remove dead code (#754) * Eslint (#754) * Revert the mess with whitespaces in constants.ts (#754) * Some fixes after rebase (#754) * Several fixes after PR remarks (#754) * Front + API: Rename video-channels-sync to video-channel-syncs (#754) * Allow enabling channel sync through UI (#754) * getChannelInfo (#754) * Minor fixes: openapi + model + sql (#754) * Simplified API validators (#754) * Rename MChannelSync to MChannelSyncChannel (#754) * Add command for VideoChannelSync (#754) * Use synchronization.enabled config (#754) * Check parameters test + some fixes (#754) * Fix conflict mistake (#754) * Restrict access to video channel sync list API (#754) * Start adding unit test for synchronization (#754) * Continue testing (#754) * Tests finished + convertion of job to scheduler (#754) * Add lastSyncAt field (#754) * Fix externalRemoteUrl sort + creation date not well formatted (#754) * Small fix (#754) * Factorize addYoutubeDLImport and buildVideo (#754) * Check duplicates on channel not on users (#754) * factorize thumbnail generation (#754) * Fetch error should return status 400 (#754) * Separate video-channel-import and video-channel-sync-latest (#754) * Bump DB migration version after rebase (#754) * Prettier states in UI table (#754) * Add DefaultScope in VideoChannelSyncModel (#754) * Fix audit logs (#754) * Ensure user can upload when importing channel + minor fixes (#754) * Mark synchronization as failed on exception + typos (#754) * Change REST API for importing videos into channel (#754) * Add option for fully synchronize a chnanel (#754) * Return a whole sync object on creation to avoid tricks in Front (#754) * Various remarks (#754) * Single quotes by default (#754) * Rename synchronization to video_channel_synchronization * Add check.latest_videos_count and max_per_user options (#754) * Better channel rendering in list #754 * Allow sorting with channel name and state (#754) * Add missing tests for channel imports (#754) * Prefer using a parent job for channel sync * Styling * Client styling Co-authored-by: Chocobozzz <me@florianbigard.com>
302 lines
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302 lines
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import { Job } from 'bullmq'
import { move, remove, stat } from 'fs-extra'
import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { YoutubeDLWrapper } from '@server/helpers/youtube-dl'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { isPostImportVideoAccepted } from '@server/lib/moderation'
import { generateWebTorrentVideoFilename } from '@server/lib/paths'
import { Hooks } from '@server/lib/plugins/hooks'
import { ServerConfigManager } from '@server/lib/server-config-manager'
import { isAbleToUploadVideo } from '@server/lib/user'
import { buildMoveToObjectStorageJob, buildOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob } from '@server/lib/video'
import { VideoPathManager } from '@server/lib/video-path-manager'
import { buildNextVideoState } from '@server/lib/video-state'
import { ThumbnailModel } from '@server/models/video/thumbnail'
import { MVideoImportDefault, MVideoImportDefaultFiles, MVideoImportVideo } from '@server/types/models/video/video-import'
import { getLowercaseExtension } from '@shared/core-utils'
import { isAudioFile } from '@shared/extra-utils'
import {
} from '@shared/models'
import { ffprobePromise, getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo, getVideoStreamDuration, getVideoStreamFPS } from '../../../helpers/ffmpeg'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger'
import { getSecureTorrentName } from '../../../helpers/utils'
import { createTorrentAndSetInfoHash, downloadWebTorrentVideo } from '../../../helpers/webtorrent'
import { JOB_TTL } from '../../../initializers/constants'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../../../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoImportModel } from '../../../models/video/video-import'
import { MThumbnail } from '../../../types/models/video/thumbnail'
import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../../activitypub/videos'
import { Notifier } from '../../notifier'
import { generateVideoMiniature } from '../../thumbnail'
import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue'
async function processVideoImport (job: Job): Promise<VideoImportPreventExceptionResult> {
const payload = job.data as VideoImportPayload
const videoImport = await getVideoImportOrDie(payload)
if (videoImport.state === VideoImportState.CANCELLED) {
logger.info('Do not process import since it has been cancelled', { payload })
return { resultType: 'success' }
videoImport.state = VideoImportState.PROCESSING
await videoImport.save()
try {
if (payload.type === 'youtube-dl') await processYoutubeDLImport(job, videoImport, payload)
if (payload.type === 'magnet-uri' || payload.type === 'torrent-file') await processTorrentImport(job, videoImport, payload)
return { resultType: 'success' }
} catch (err) {
if (!payload.preventException) throw err
logger.warn('Catch error in video import to send value to parent job.', { payload, err })
return { resultType: 'error' }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function processTorrentImport (job: Job, videoImport: MVideoImportDefault, payload: VideoImportTorrentPayload) {
logger.info('Processing torrent video import in job %s.', job.id)
const options = { type: payload.type, videoImportId: payload.videoImportId }
const target = {
torrentName: videoImport.torrentName ? getSecureTorrentName(videoImport.torrentName) : undefined,
uri: videoImport.magnetUri
return processFile(() => downloadWebTorrentVideo(target, JOB_TTL['video-import']), videoImport, options)
async function processYoutubeDLImport (job: Job, videoImport: MVideoImportDefault, payload: VideoImportYoutubeDLPayload) {
logger.info('Processing youtubeDL video import in job %s.', job.id)
const options = { type: payload.type, videoImportId: videoImport.id }
const youtubeDL = new YoutubeDLWrapper(
return processFile(
() => youtubeDL.downloadVideo(payload.fileExt, JOB_TTL['video-import']),
async function getVideoImportOrDie (payload: VideoImportPayload) {
const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.loadAndPopulateVideo(payload.videoImportId)
if (!videoImport || !videoImport.Video) {
throw new Error(`Cannot import video ${payload.videoImportId}: the video import or video linked to this import does not exist anymore.`)
return videoImport
type ProcessFileOptions = {
type: VideoImportYoutubeDLPayloadType | VideoImportTorrentPayloadType
videoImportId: number
async function processFile (downloader: () => Promise<string>, videoImport: MVideoImportDefault, options: ProcessFileOptions) {
let tempVideoPath: string
let videoFile: VideoFileModel
try {
// Download video from youtubeDL
tempVideoPath = await downloader()
// Get information about this video
const stats = await stat(tempVideoPath)
const isAble = await isAbleToUploadVideo(videoImport.User.id, stats.size)
if (isAble === false) {
throw new Error('The user video quota is exceeded with this video to import.')
const probe = await ffprobePromise(tempVideoPath)
const { resolution } = await isAudioFile(tempVideoPath, probe)
? { resolution: VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO }
: await getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo(tempVideoPath)
const fps = await getVideoStreamFPS(tempVideoPath, probe)
const duration = await getVideoStreamDuration(tempVideoPath, probe)
// Prepare video file object for creation in database
const fileExt = getLowercaseExtension(tempVideoPath)
const videoFileData = {
extname: fileExt,
size: stats.size,
filename: generateWebTorrentVideoFilename(resolution, fileExt),
videoId: videoImport.videoId
videoFile = new VideoFileModel(videoFileData)
const hookName = options.type === 'youtube-dl'
? 'filter:api.video.post-import-url.accept.result'
: 'filter:api.video.post-import-torrent.accept.result'
// Check we accept this video
const acceptParameters = {
video: videoImport.Video,
videoFilePath: tempVideoPath,
user: videoImport.User
const acceptedResult = await Hooks.wrapFun(isPostImportVideoAccepted, acceptParameters, hookName)
if (acceptedResult.accepted !== true) {
logger.info('Refused imported video.', { acceptedResult, acceptParameters })
videoImport.state = VideoImportState.REJECTED
await videoImport.save()
throw new Error(acceptedResult.errorMessage)
// Video is accepted, resuming preparation
const videoWithFiles = Object.assign(videoImport.Video, { VideoFiles: [ videoFile ], VideoStreamingPlaylists: [] })
// To clean files if the import fails
const videoImportWithFiles: MVideoImportDefaultFiles = Object.assign(videoImport, { Video: videoWithFiles })
// Move file
const videoDestFile = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSVideoFileOutputPath(videoImportWithFiles.Video, videoFile)
await move(tempVideoPath, videoDestFile)
tempVideoPath = null // This path is not used anymore
// Generate miniature if the import did not created it
let thumbnailModel: MThumbnail
let thumbnailSave: object
if (!videoImportWithFiles.Video.getMiniature()) {
thumbnailModel = await generateVideoMiniature({
video: videoImportWithFiles.Video,
type: ThumbnailType.MINIATURE
thumbnailSave = thumbnailModel.toJSON()
// Generate preview if the import did not created it
let previewModel: MThumbnail
let previewSave: object
if (!videoImportWithFiles.Video.getPreview()) {
previewModel = await generateVideoMiniature({
video: videoImportWithFiles.Video,
type: ThumbnailType.PREVIEW
previewSave = previewModel.toJSON()
// Create torrent
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(videoImportWithFiles.Video, videoFile)
const videoFileSave = videoFile.toJSON()
const { videoImportUpdated, video } = await retryTransactionWrapper(() => {
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const videoImportToUpdate = videoImportWithFiles as MVideoImportVideo
// Refresh video
const video = await VideoModel.load(videoImportToUpdate.videoId, t)
if (!video) throw new Error('Video linked to import ' + videoImportToUpdate.videoId + ' does not exist anymore.')
const videoFileCreated = await videoFile.save({ transaction: t })
// Update video DB object
video.duration = duration
video.state = buildNextVideoState(video.state)
await video.save({ transaction: t })
if (thumbnailModel) await video.addAndSaveThumbnail(thumbnailModel, t)
if (previewModel) await video.addAndSaveThumbnail(previewModel, t)
// Now we can federate the video (reload from database, we need more attributes)
const videoForFederation = await VideoModel.loadFull(video.uuid, t)
await federateVideoIfNeeded(videoForFederation, true, t)
// Update video import object
videoImportToUpdate.state = VideoImportState.SUCCESS
const videoImportUpdated = await videoImportToUpdate.save({ transaction: t }) as MVideoImportVideo
videoImportUpdated.Video = video
videoImportToUpdate.Video = Object.assign(video, { VideoFiles: [ videoFileCreated ] })
logger.info('Video %s imported.', video.uuid)
return { videoImportUpdated, video: videoForFederation }
}).catch(err => {
// Reset fields
if (thumbnailModel) thumbnailModel = new ThumbnailModel(thumbnailSave)
if (previewModel) previewModel = new ThumbnailModel(previewSave)
videoFile = new VideoFileModel(videoFileSave)
throw err
Notifier.Instance.notifyOnFinishedVideoImport({ videoImport: videoImportUpdated, success: true })
if (video.isBlacklisted()) {
const videoBlacklist = Object.assign(video.VideoBlacklist, { Video: video })
} else {
if (video.state === VideoState.TO_MOVE_TO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) {
await JobQueue.Instance.createJob(
await buildMoveToObjectStorageJob({ video: videoImportUpdated.Video, previousVideoState: VideoState.TO_IMPORT })
// Create transcoding jobs?
if (video.state === VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE) {
await JobQueue.Instance.createJob(
await buildOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob({ video: videoImportUpdated.Video, videoFile, user: videoImport.User })
} catch (err) {
try {
if (tempVideoPath) await remove(tempVideoPath)
} catch (errUnlink) {
logger.warn('Cannot cleanup files after a video import error.', { err: errUnlink })
videoImport.error = err.message
if (videoImport.state !== VideoImportState.REJECTED) {
videoImport.state = VideoImportState.FAILED
await videoImport.save()
Notifier.Instance.notifyOnFinishedVideoImport({ videoImport, success: false })
throw err