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import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'
import { Subject } from 'rxjs'
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { Notifier, ServerService, User } from '@app/core'
import { objectKeysTyped } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import { UserNotificationSetting, UserNotificationSettingValue, UserRight, UserRightType } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'
import { InputSwitchComponent } from '../../../shared/shared-forms/input-switch.component'
import { NgIf, NgFor } from '@angular/common'
import { UserNotificationService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notification.service'
selector: 'my-account-notification-preferences',
templateUrl: './my-account-notification-preferences.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './my-account-notification-preferences.component.scss' ],
standalone: true,
imports: [ NgIf, NgFor, InputSwitchComponent, FormsModule ]
export class MyAccountNotificationPreferencesComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() user: User
@Input() userInformationLoaded: Subject<any>
notificationSettingGroups: { label: string, keys: (keyof UserNotificationSetting)[] }[] = []
emailNotifications: { [ id in keyof UserNotificationSetting ]?: boolean } = {}
webNotifications: { [ id in keyof UserNotificationSetting ]?: boolean } = {}
labelNotifications: { [ id in keyof UserNotificationSetting ]?: string } = {}
rightNotifications: { [ id in keyof Partial<UserNotificationSetting> ]?: UserRightType } = {}
emailEnabled = false
private savePreferences = debounce(this.savePreferencesImpl.bind(this), 500)
constructor (
private userNotificationService: UserNotificationService,
private serverService: ServerService,
private notifier: Notifier
) {
this.labelNotifications = {
newVideoFromSubscription: $localize`New video or live from your subscriptions`,
newCommentOnMyVideo: $localize`New comment on your video`,
abuseAsModerator: $localize`New abuse`,
videoAutoBlacklistAsModerator: $localize`An automatically blocked video is awaiting review`,
blacklistOnMyVideo: $localize`One of your video is blocked/unblocked`,
myVideoPublished: $localize`Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)`,
myVideoImportFinished: $localize`Video import finished`,
newUserRegistration: $localize`A new user registered on your instance`,
newFollow: $localize`You or one of your channels has a new follower`,
commentMention: $localize`Someone mentioned you in video comments`,
newInstanceFollower: $localize`Your instance has a new follower`,
autoInstanceFollowing: $localize`Your instance automatically followed another instance`,
abuseNewMessage: $localize`An abuse report received a new message`,
abuseStateChange: $localize`One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators`,
newPeerTubeVersion: $localize`A new PeerTube version is available`,
newPluginVersion: $localize`One of your plugin/theme has a new available version`,
myVideoStudioEditionFinished: $localize`Video studio edition has finished`
this.notificationSettingGroups = [
label: $localize`Social`,
keys: [
label: $localize`Your videos`,
keys: [
label: $localize`Moderation`,
keys: [
label: $localize`Administration`,
keys: [
this.rightNotifications = {
abuseAsModerator: UserRight.MANAGE_ABUSES,
videoAutoBlacklistAsModerator: UserRight.MANAGE_VIDEO_BLACKLIST,
newUserRegistration: UserRight.MANAGE_USERS,
newInstanceFollower: UserRight.MANAGE_SERVER_FOLLOW,
autoInstanceFollowing: UserRight.MANAGE_CONFIGURATION,
newPeerTubeVersion: UserRight.MANAGE_DEBUG,
newPluginVersion: UserRight.MANAGE_DEBUG
ngOnInit () {
const serverConfig = this.serverService.getHTMLConfig()
this.emailEnabled = serverConfig.email.enabled
this.userInformationLoaded.subscribe(() => this.loadNotificationSettings())
hasUserRight (field: keyof UserNotificationSetting) {
const rightToHave = this.rightNotifications[field]
if (!rightToHave) return true // No rights needed
return this.user.hasRight(rightToHave)
hasNotificationsInGroup (group: { keys: (keyof UserNotificationSetting)[] }) {
return group.keys.some(k => this.hasUserRight(k))
getWebLabel (notificationType: keyof UserNotificationSetting) {
return `Toggle web notification for "${this.labelNotifications[notificationType]}"`
getEmailLabel (notificationType: keyof UserNotificationSetting) {
return `Toggle email notification for "${this.labelNotifications[notificationType]}"`
updateEmailSetting (field: keyof UserNotificationSetting, value: boolean) {
if (value === true) this.user.notificationSettings[field] |= UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL
else this.user.notificationSettings[field] &= ~UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL
updateWebSetting (field: keyof UserNotificationSetting, value: boolean) {
if (value === true) this.user.notificationSettings[field] |= UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB
else this.user.notificationSettings[field] &= ~UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB
private savePreferencesImpl () {
next: () => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Preferences saved`, undefined, 2000)
error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private loadNotificationSettings () {
for (const key of objectKeysTyped(this.user.notificationSettings)) {
const value = this.user.notificationSettings[key]
this.emailNotifications[key] = !!(value & UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL)
this.webNotifications[key] = !!(value & UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB)