* Add "currentTime" and "event" body params to view endpoint * Merge watching and view endpoints * Introduce WatchAction AP activity * Add tables to store viewer information of local videos * Add endpoints to fetch video views/viewers stats of local videos * Refactor views/viewers handlers * Support "views" and "viewers" counters for both VOD and live videos
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import { ActivityPubActor } from './activitypub-actor'
import { ActivityPubSignature } from './activitypub-signature'
import { ActivityFlagReasonObject, CacheFileObject, VideoObject, WatchActionObject } from './objects'
import { AbuseObject } from './objects/abuse-object'
import { DislikeObject } from './objects/dislike-object'
import { APObject } from './objects/object.model'
import { PlaylistObject } from './objects/playlist-object'
import { VideoCommentObject } from './objects/video-comment-object'
export type Activity =
ActivityCreate |
ActivityUpdate |
ActivityDelete |
ActivityFollow |
ActivityAccept |
ActivityAnnounce |
ActivityUndo |
ActivityLike |
ActivityReject |
ActivityView |
ActivityDislike |
export type ActivityType =
'Create' |
'Update' |
'Delete' |
'Follow' |
'Accept' |
'Announce' |
'Undo' |
'Like' |
'Reject' |
'View' |
'Dislike' |
export interface ActivityAudience {
to: string[]
cc: string[]
export interface BaseActivity {
'@context'?: any[]
id: string
to?: string[]
cc?: string[]
actor: string | ActivityPubActor
type: ActivityType
signature?: ActivityPubSignature
export interface ActivityCreate extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Create'
object: VideoObject | AbuseObject | DislikeObject | VideoCommentObject | CacheFileObject | PlaylistObject | WatchActionObject
export interface ActivityUpdate extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Update'
object: VideoObject | ActivityPubActor | CacheFileObject | PlaylistObject
export interface ActivityDelete extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Delete'
object: string | { id: string }
export interface ActivityFollow extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Follow'
object: string
export interface ActivityAccept extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Accept'
object: ActivityFollow
export interface ActivityReject extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Reject'
object: ActivityFollow
export interface ActivityAnnounce extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Announce'
object: APObject
export interface ActivityUndo extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Undo'
object: ActivityFollow | ActivityLike | ActivityDislike | ActivityCreate | ActivityAnnounce
export interface ActivityLike extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Like'
object: APObject
export interface ActivityView extends BaseActivity {
type: 'View'
actor: string
object: APObject
// If sending a "viewer" event
expires?: string
export interface ActivityDislike extends BaseActivity {
id: string
type: 'Dislike'
actor: string
object: APObject
export interface ActivityFlag extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Flag'
content: string
object: APObject | APObject[]
tag?: ActivityFlagReasonObject[]
startAt?: number
endAt?: number