Only PeerTube was compatible with it, and the library has moved on RsaSignature2018 and removed RsaSignature2017 support. We had to create a dirty fork of the RsaSignature2017 branch, which is not ideal. Now we use the Mastodon implementation, that most other AP implementations that support JSONLD signatures use.
81 lines
2.7 KiB
81 lines
2.7 KiB
import * as AsyncLRU from 'async-lru'
import * as jsonld from 'jsonld'
import { logger } from './logger'
const CACHE = {
'https://w3id.org/security/v1': {
'@context': {
'id': '@id',
'type': '@type',
'dc': 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/',
'sec': 'https://w3id.org/security#',
'xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#',
'EcdsaKoblitzSignature2016': 'sec:EcdsaKoblitzSignature2016',
'Ed25519Signature2018': 'sec:Ed25519Signature2018',
'EncryptedMessage': 'sec:EncryptedMessage',
'GraphSignature2012': 'sec:GraphSignature2012',
'LinkedDataSignature2015': 'sec:LinkedDataSignature2015',
'LinkedDataSignature2016': 'sec:LinkedDataSignature2016',
'CryptographicKey': 'sec:Key',
'authenticationTag': 'sec:authenticationTag',
'canonicalizationAlgorithm': 'sec:canonicalizationAlgorithm',
'cipherAlgorithm': 'sec:cipherAlgorithm',
'cipherData': 'sec:cipherData',
'cipherKey': 'sec:cipherKey',
'created': { '@id': 'dc:created', '@type': 'xsd:dateTime' },
'creator': { '@id': 'dc:creator', '@type': '@id' },
'digestAlgorithm': 'sec:digestAlgorithm',
'digestValue': 'sec:digestValue',
'domain': 'sec:domain',
'encryptionKey': 'sec:encryptionKey',
'expiration': { '@id': 'sec:expiration', '@type': 'xsd:dateTime' },
'expires': { '@id': 'sec:expiration', '@type': 'xsd:dateTime' },
'initializationVector': 'sec:initializationVector',
'iterationCount': 'sec:iterationCount',
'nonce': 'sec:nonce',
'normalizationAlgorithm': 'sec:normalizationAlgorithm',
'owner': { '@id': 'sec:owner', '@type': '@id' },
'password': 'sec:password',
'privateKey': { '@id': 'sec:privateKey', '@type': '@id' },
'privateKeyPem': 'sec:privateKeyPem',
'publicKey': { '@id': 'sec:publicKey', '@type': '@id' },
'publicKeyBase58': 'sec:publicKeyBase58',
'publicKeyPem': 'sec:publicKeyPem',
'publicKeyWif': 'sec:publicKeyWif',
'publicKeyService': { '@id': 'sec:publicKeyService', '@type': '@id' },
'revoked': { '@id': 'sec:revoked', '@type': 'xsd:dateTime' },
'salt': 'sec:salt',
'signature': 'sec:signature',
'signatureAlgorithm': 'sec:signingAlgorithm',
'signatureValue': 'sec:signatureValue'
const nodeDocumentLoader = jsonld.documentLoaders.node()
const lru = new AsyncLRU({
max: 10,
load: (url, cb) => {
if (CACHE[ url ] !== undefined) {
logger.debug('Using cache for JSON-LD %s.', url)
return cb(null, {
contextUrl: null,
document: CACHE[ url ],
documentUrl: url
nodeDocumentLoader(url, cb)
jsonld.documentLoader = (url, cb) => {
lru.get(url, cb)
export { jsonld }