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294 lines
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import express from 'express'
import { AccessDeniedError } from '@node-oauth/oauth2-server'
import { PluginManager } from '@server/lib/plugins/plugin-manager.js'
import { AccountModel } from '@server/models/account/account.js'
import { AuthenticatedResultUpdaterFieldName, RegisterServerAuthenticatedResult } from '@server/types/index.js'
import { MOAuthClient } from '@server/types/models/index.js'
import { MOAuthTokenUser } from '@server/types/models/oauth/oauth-token.js'
import { MUser, MUserDefault } from '@server/types/models/user/user.js'
import { pick } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import { AttributesOnly } from '@peertube/peertube-typescript-utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger.js'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config.js'
import { OAuthClientModel } from '../../models/oauth/oauth-client.js'
import { OAuthTokenModel } from '../../models/oauth/oauth-token.js'
import { UserModel } from '../../models/user/user.js'
import { findAvailableLocalActorName } from '../local-actor.js'
import { buildUser, createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist } from '../user.js'
import { ExternalUser } from './external-auth.js'
import { TokensCache } from './tokens-cache.js'
type TokenInfo = {
accessToken: string
refreshToken: string
accessTokenExpiresAt: Date
refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date
export type BypassLogin = {
bypass: boolean
pluginName: string
authName?: string
user: ExternalUser
userUpdater: RegisterServerAuthenticatedResult['userUpdater']
async function getAccessToken (bearerToken: string) {
logger.debug('Getting access token.')
if (!bearerToken) return undefined
let tokenModel: MOAuthTokenUser
if (TokensCache.Instance.hasToken(bearerToken)) {
tokenModel = TokensCache.Instance.getByToken(bearerToken)
} else {
tokenModel = await OAuthTokenModel.getByTokenAndPopulateUser(bearerToken)
if (tokenModel) TokensCache.Instance.setToken(tokenModel)
if (!tokenModel) return undefined
if (tokenModel.User.pluginAuth) {
const valid = await PluginManager.Instance.isTokenValid(tokenModel, 'access')
if (valid !== true) return undefined
return tokenModel
function getClient (clientId: string, clientSecret: string) {
logger.debug('Getting Client (clientId: ' + clientId + ', clientSecret: ' + clientSecret + ').')
return OAuthClientModel.getByIdAndSecret(clientId, clientSecret)
async function getRefreshToken (refreshToken: string) {
logger.debug('Getting RefreshToken (refreshToken: ' + refreshToken + ').')
const tokenInfo = await OAuthTokenModel.getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient(refreshToken)
if (!tokenInfo) return undefined
const tokenModel = tokenInfo.token
if (tokenModel.User.pluginAuth) {
const valid = await PluginManager.Instance.isTokenValid(tokenModel, 'refresh')
if (valid !== true) return undefined
return tokenInfo
async function getUser (usernameOrEmail?: string, password?: string, bypassLogin?: BypassLogin) {
// Special treatment coming from a plugin
if (bypassLogin && bypassLogin.bypass === true) {
logger.info('Bypassing oauth login by plugin %s.', bypassLogin.pluginName)
let user = await UserModel.loadByEmail(bypassLogin.user.email)
if (!user) user = await createUserFromExternal(bypassLogin.pluginName, bypassLogin.user)
else user = await updateUserFromExternal(user, bypassLogin.user, bypassLogin.userUpdater)
// Cannot create a user
if (!user) throw new AccessDeniedError('Cannot create such user: an actor with that name already exists.')
// If the user does not belongs to a plugin, it was created before its installation
// Then we just go through a regular login process
if (user.pluginAuth !== null) {
// This user does not belong to this plugin, skip it
if (user.pluginAuth !== bypassLogin.pluginName) {
'Cannot bypass oauth login by plugin %s because %s has another plugin auth method (%s).',
bypassLogin.pluginName, bypassLogin.user.email, user.pluginAuth
return null
return user
logger.debug('Getting User (username/email: ' + usernameOrEmail + ', password: ******).')
const user = await UserModel.loadByUsernameOrEmail(usernameOrEmail)
// If we don't find the user, or if the user belongs to a plugin
if (!user || user.pluginAuth !== null || !password) return null
const passwordMatch = await user.isPasswordMatch(password)
if (passwordMatch !== true) return null
if (CONFIG.SIGNUP.REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION && user.emailVerified === false) {
throw new AccessDeniedError('User email is not verified.')
return user
async function revokeToken (
tokenInfo: { refreshToken: string },
options: {
req?: express.Request
explicitLogout?: boolean
} = {}
): Promise<{ success: boolean, redirectUrl?: string }> {
const { req, explicitLogout } = options
const token = await OAuthTokenModel.getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser(tokenInfo.refreshToken)
if (token) {
let redirectUrl: string
if (explicitLogout === true && token.User.pluginAuth && token.authName) {
redirectUrl = await PluginManager.Instance.onLogout(token.User.pluginAuth, token.authName, token.User, req)
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot destroy token when revoking token.', { err }))
return { success: true, redirectUrl }
return { success: false }
async function saveToken (
token: TokenInfo,
client: MOAuthClient,
user: MUser,
options: {
refreshTokenAuthName?: string
bypassLogin?: BypassLogin
} = {}
) {
const { refreshTokenAuthName, bypassLogin } = options
let authName: string = null
if (bypassLogin?.bypass === true) {
authName = bypassLogin.authName
} else if (refreshTokenAuthName) {
authName = refreshTokenAuthName
logger.debug('Saving token ' + token.accessToken + ' for client ' + client.id + ' and user ' + user.id + '.')
const tokenToCreate = {
accessToken: token.accessToken,
accessTokenExpiresAt: token.accessTokenExpiresAt,
refreshToken: token.refreshToken,
refreshTokenExpiresAt: token.refreshTokenExpiresAt,
oAuthClientId: client.id,
userId: user.id
const tokenCreated = await OAuthTokenModel.create(tokenToCreate)
user.lastLoginDate = new Date()
await user.save()
return {
accessToken: tokenCreated.accessToken,
accessTokenExpiresAt: tokenCreated.accessTokenExpiresAt,
refreshToken: tokenCreated.refreshToken,
refreshTokenExpiresAt: tokenCreated.refreshTokenExpiresAt,
accessTokenExpiresIn: buildExpiresIn(tokenCreated.accessTokenExpiresAt),
refreshTokenExpiresIn: buildExpiresIn(tokenCreated.refreshTokenExpiresAt)
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function createUserFromExternal (pluginAuth: string, userOptions: ExternalUser) {
const username = await findAvailableLocalActorName(userOptions.username)
const userToCreate = buildUser({
...pick(userOptions, [ 'email', 'role', 'adminFlags', 'videoQuota', 'videoQuotaDaily' ]),
emailVerified: null,
password: null,
const { user } = await createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist({
userDisplayName: userOptions.displayName
return user
async function updateUserFromExternal (
user: MUserDefault,
userOptions: ExternalUser,
userUpdater: RegisterServerAuthenticatedResult['userUpdater']
) {
if (!userUpdater) return user
type UserAttributeKeys = keyof AttributesOnly<UserModel>
const mappingKeys: { [ id in UserAttributeKeys ]?: AuthenticatedResultUpdaterFieldName } = {
role: 'role',
adminFlags: 'adminFlags',
videoQuota: 'videoQuota',
videoQuotaDaily: 'videoQuotaDaily'
for (const modelKey of Object.keys(mappingKeys)) {
const pluginOptionKey = mappingKeys[modelKey]
const newValue = userUpdater({ fieldName: pluginOptionKey, currentValue: user[modelKey], newValue: userOptions[pluginOptionKey] })
user.set(modelKey, newValue)
type AccountAttributeKeys = keyof Partial<AttributesOnly<AccountModel>>
const mappingKeys: { [ id in AccountAttributeKeys ]?: AuthenticatedResultUpdaterFieldName } = {
name: 'displayName'
for (const modelKey of Object.keys(mappingKeys)) {
const optionKey = mappingKeys[modelKey]
const newValue = userUpdater({ fieldName: optionKey, currentValue: user.Account[modelKey], newValue: userOptions[optionKey] })
user.Account.set(modelKey, newValue)
logger.debug('Updated user %s with plugin userUpdated function.', user.email, { user, userOptions })
user.Account = await user.Account.save()
return user.save()
function checkUserValidityOrThrow (user: MUser) {
if (user.blocked) throw new AccessDeniedError('User is blocked.')
function buildExpiresIn (expiresAt: Date) {
return Math.floor((expiresAt.getTime() - new Date().getTime()) / 1000)