293 lines
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293 lines
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import * as Bull from 'bull'
import { TranscodeOptionsType } from '@server/helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
import { JOB_PRIORITY } from '@server/initializers/constants'
import { getJobTranscodingPriorityMalus, publishAndFederateIfNeeded } from '@server/lib/video'
import { getVideoFilePath } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
import { UserModel } from '@server/models/account/user'
import { MUser, MUserId, MVideoFullLight, MVideoUUID, MVideoWithFile } from '@server/types/models'
import {
} from '../../../../shared'
import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils'
import { computeResolutionsToTranscode } from '../../../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger'
import { CONFIG } from '../../../initializers/config'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../../activitypub/videos'
import { Notifier } from '../../notifier'
import {
} from '../../video-transcoding'
import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue'
type HandlerFunction = (job: Bull.Job, payload: VideoTranscodingPayload, video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUser) => Promise<any>
const handlers: { [ id: string ]: HandlerFunction } = {
// Deprecated, introduced in 3.1
'hls': handleHLSJob,
'new-resolution-to-hls': handleHLSJob,
// Deprecated, introduced in 3.1
'new-resolution': handleNewWebTorrentResolutionJob,
'new-resolution-to-webtorrent': handleNewWebTorrentResolutionJob,
// Deprecated, introduced in 3.1
'merge-audio': handleWebTorrentMergeAudioJob,
'merge-audio-to-webtorrent': handleWebTorrentMergeAudioJob,
// Deprecated, introduced in 3.1
'optimize': handleWebTorrentOptimizeJob,
'optimize-to-webtorrent': handleWebTorrentOptimizeJob
async function processVideoTranscoding (job: Bull.Job) {
const payload = job.data as VideoTranscodingPayload
logger.info('Processing video file in job %d.', job.id)
const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(payload.videoUUID)
// No video, maybe deleted?
if (!video) {
logger.info('Do not process job %d, video does not exist.', job.id)
return undefined
const user = await UserModel.loadByChannelActorId(video.VideoChannel.actorId)
const handler = handlers[payload.type]
if (!handler) {
throw new Error('Cannot find transcoding handler for ' + payload.type)
await handler(job, payload, video, user)
return video
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Job handlers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function handleHLSJob (job: Bull.Job, payload: HLSTranscodingPayload, video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUser) {
const videoFileInput = payload.copyCodecs
? video.getWebTorrentFile(payload.resolution)
: video.getMaxQualityFile()
const videoOrStreamingPlaylist = videoFileInput.getVideoOrStreamingPlaylist()
const videoInputPath = getVideoFilePath(videoOrStreamingPlaylist, videoFileInput)
await generateHlsPlaylistResolution({
resolution: payload.resolution,
copyCodecs: payload.copyCodecs,
isPortraitMode: payload.isPortraitMode || false,
await retryTransactionWrapper(onHlsPlaylistGeneration, video, user, payload)
async function handleNewWebTorrentResolutionJob (
job: Bull.Job,
payload: NewResolutionTranscodingPayload,
video: MVideoFullLight,
user: MUserId
) {
await transcodeNewWebTorrentResolution(video, payload.resolution, payload.isPortraitMode || false, job)
await retryTransactionWrapper(onNewWebTorrentFileResolution, video, user, payload)
async function handleWebTorrentMergeAudioJob (job: Bull.Job, payload: MergeAudioTranscodingPayload, video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUserId) {
await mergeAudioVideofile(video, payload.resolution, job)
await retryTransactionWrapper(onVideoFileOptimizer, video, payload, 'video', user)
async function handleWebTorrentOptimizeJob (job: Bull.Job, payload: OptimizeTranscodingPayload, video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUserId) {
const transcodeType = await optimizeOriginalVideofile(video, video.getMaxQualityFile(), job)
await retryTransactionWrapper(onVideoFileOptimizer, video, payload, transcodeType, user)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function onHlsPlaylistGeneration (video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUser, payload: HLSTranscodingPayload) {
if (video === undefined) return undefined
if (payload.isMaxQuality && CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEBTORRENT.ENABLED === false) {
// Remove webtorrent files if not enabled
for (const file of video.VideoFiles) {
await video.removeFile(file)
await file.removeTorrent()
await file.destroy()
video.VideoFiles = []
// Create HLS new resolution jobs
await createLowerResolutionsJobs(video, user, payload.resolution, payload.isPortraitMode, 'hls')
return publishAndFederateIfNeeded(video)
async function onVideoFileOptimizer (
videoArg: MVideoWithFile,
payload: OptimizeTranscodingPayload | MergeAudioTranscodingPayload,
transcodeType: TranscodeOptionsType,
user: MUserId
) {
if (videoArg === undefined) return undefined
// Outside the transaction (IO on disk)
const { videoFileResolution, isPortraitMode } = await videoArg.getMaxQualityResolution()
const { videoDatabase, videoPublished } = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
// Maybe the video changed in database, refresh it
const videoDatabase = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(videoArg.uuid, t)
// Video does not exist anymore
if (!videoDatabase) return undefined
let videoPublished = false
// Generate HLS version of the original file
const originalFileHLSPayload = Object.assign({}, payload, {
resolution: videoDatabase.getMaxQualityFile().resolution,
// If we quick transcoded original file, force transcoding for HLS to avoid some weird playback issues
copyCodecs: transcodeType !== 'quick-transcode',
isMaxQuality: true
const hasHls = await createHlsJobIfEnabled(user, originalFileHLSPayload)
const hasNewResolutions = await createLowerResolutionsJobs(videoDatabase, user, videoFileResolution, isPortraitMode, 'webtorrent')
if (!hasHls && !hasNewResolutions) {
// No transcoding to do, it's now published
videoPublished = await videoDatabase.publishIfNeededAndSave(t)
await federateVideoIfNeeded(videoDatabase, payload.isNewVideo, t)
return { videoDatabase, videoPublished }
if (payload.isNewVideo) Notifier.Instance.notifyOnNewVideoIfNeeded(videoDatabase)
if (videoPublished) Notifier.Instance.notifyOnVideoPublishedAfterTranscoding(videoDatabase)
async function onNewWebTorrentFileResolution (
video: MVideoUUID,
user: MUserId,
payload: NewResolutionTranscodingPayload | MergeAudioTranscodingPayload
) {
await publishAndFederateIfNeeded(video)
await createHlsJobIfEnabled(user, Object.assign({}, payload, { copyCodecs: true, isMaxQuality: false }))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function createHlsJobIfEnabled (user: MUserId, payload: {
videoUUID: string
resolution: number
isPortraitMode?: boolean
copyCodecs: boolean
isMaxQuality: boolean
}) {
if (!payload || CONFIG.TRANSCODING.HLS.ENABLED !== true) return false
const jobOptions = {
priority: JOB_PRIORITY.TRANSCODING.NEW_RESOLUTION + await getJobTranscodingPriorityMalus(user)
const hlsTranscodingPayload: HLSTranscodingPayload = {
type: 'new-resolution-to-hls',
videoUUID: payload.videoUUID,
resolution: payload.resolution,
isPortraitMode: payload.isPortraitMode,
copyCodecs: payload.copyCodecs,
isMaxQuality: payload.isMaxQuality
JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-transcoding', payload: hlsTranscodingPayload }, jobOptions)
return true
async function createLowerResolutionsJobs (
video: MVideoFullLight,
user: MUserId,
videoFileResolution: number,
isPortraitMode: boolean,
type: 'hls' | 'webtorrent'
) {
// Create transcoding jobs if there are enabled resolutions
const resolutionsEnabled = computeResolutionsToTranscode(videoFileResolution, 'vod')
const resolutionCreated: number[] = []
for (const resolution of resolutionsEnabled) {
let dataInput: VideoTranscodingPayload
if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEBTORRENT.ENABLED && type === 'webtorrent') {
// WebTorrent will create subsequent HLS job
dataInput = {
type: 'new-resolution-to-webtorrent',
videoUUID: video.uuid,
if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.HLS.ENABLED && type === 'hls') {
dataInput = {
type: 'new-resolution-to-hls',
videoUUID: video.uuid,
copyCodecs: false,
isMaxQuality: false
if (!dataInput) continue
const jobOptions = {
priority: JOB_PRIORITY.TRANSCODING.NEW_RESOLUTION + await getJobTranscodingPriorityMalus(user)
JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-transcoding', payload: dataInput }, jobOptions)
if (resolutionCreated.length === 0) {
logger.info('No transcoding jobs created for video %s (no resolutions).', video.uuid)
return false
'New resolutions %s transcoding jobs created for video %s and origin file resolution of %d.', type, video.uuid, videoFileResolution,
{ resolutionCreated }
return true