Fork 0

200 lines
6.3 KiB

import videojs from 'video.js'
import { StoryboardOptions } from '../../types'
// Big thanks to this beautiful plugin: https://github.com/phloxic/videojs-sprite-thumbnails
// Adapted to respect peertube player style
const Plugin = videojs.getPlugin('plugin')
class StoryboardPlugin extends Plugin {
private url: string
private height: number
private width: number
private interval: number
private cached: boolean
private mouseTimeTooltip: videojs.MouseTimeDisplay
private seekBar: { el(): HTMLElement, mouseTimeDisplay: any, playProgressBar: any }
private progress: any
private spritePlaceholder: HTMLElement
private readonly sprites: { [id: string]: HTMLImageElement } = {}
private readonly boundedHijackMouseTooltip: typeof StoryboardPlugin.prototype.hijackMouseTooltip
private onReadyOrLoadstartHandler: (event: { type: 'ready' }) => void
constructor (player: videojs.Player, options: videojs.ComponentOptions & StoryboardOptions) {
super(player, options)
this.url = options.url
this.height = options.height
this.width = options.width
this.interval = options.interval
this.boundedHijackMouseTooltip = this.hijackMouseTooltip.bind(this)
this.player.ready(() => {
init () {
const controls = this.player.controlBar as any
// default control bar component tree is expected
// https://docs.videojs.com/tutorial-components.html#default-component-tree
this.progress = controls?.progressControl
this.seekBar = this.progress?.seekBar
this.mouseTimeTooltip = this.seekBar?.mouseTimeDisplay?.timeTooltip
this.spritePlaceholder = videojs.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-storyboard-sprite-placeholder' }) as HTMLElement
this.onReadyOrLoadstartHandler = event => {
if (event.type !== 'ready') {
const spriteSource = this.player.currentSources().find(source => {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, 'storyboard')
}) as any
const spriteOpts = spriteSource?.['storyboard'] as StoryboardOptions
if (spriteOpts) {
this.url = spriteOpts.url
this.height = spriteOpts.height
this.width = spriteOpts.width
this.interval = spriteOpts.interval
this.cached = !!this.sprites[this.url]
this.player.on([ 'ready', 'loadstart' ], this.onReadyOrLoadstartHandler)
dispose () {
if (this.onReadyOrLoadstartHandler) this.player.off([ 'ready', 'loadstart' ], this.onReadyOrLoadstartHandler)
if (this.progress) this.progress.off([ 'mousemove', 'touchmove' ], this.boundedHijackMouseTooltip)
private load () {
const spriteEvents = [ 'mousemove', 'touchmove' ]
if (this.isReady()) {
if (!this.cached) {
this.sprites[this.url] = videojs.dom.createEl('img', {
src: this.url
this.progress.on(spriteEvents, this.boundedHijackMouseTooltip)
} else {
this.progress.off(spriteEvents, this.boundedHijackMouseTooltip)
private hijackMouseTooltip (evt: Event) {
const sprite = this.sprites[this.url]
const imgWidth = sprite.naturalWidth
const imgHeight = sprite.naturalHeight
const seekBarEl = this.seekBar.el()
if (!sprite.complete || !imgWidth || !imgHeight) {
this.player.requestNamedAnimationFrame('StoryBoardPlugin#hijackMouseTooltip', () => {
const seekBarRect = videojs.dom.getBoundingClientRect(seekBarEl)
const playerRect = videojs.dom.getBoundingClientRect(this.player.el())
if (!seekBarRect || !playerRect) return
const seekBarX = videojs.dom.getPointerPosition(seekBarEl, evt).x
let position = seekBarX * this.player.duration()
const maxPosition = Math.round((imgHeight / this.height) * (imgWidth / this.width)) - 1
position = Math.min(position / this.interval, maxPosition)
const responsive = 600
const playerWidth = this.player.currentWidth()
const scaleFactor = responsive && playerWidth < responsive
? playerWidth / responsive
: 1
const columns = imgWidth / this.width
const scaledWidth = this.width * scaleFactor
const scaledHeight = this.height * scaleFactor
const cleft = Math.floor(position % columns) * -scaledWidth
const ctop = Math.floor(position / columns) * -scaledHeight
const bgSize = `${imgWidth * scaleFactor}px ${imgHeight * scaleFactor}px`
const timeTooltip = this.player.el().querySelector('.vjs-time-tooltip')
const topOffset = -scaledHeight + parseInt(getComputedStyle(timeTooltip).top.replace('px', '')) - 20
const previewHalfSize = Math.round(scaledWidth / 2)
let left = seekBarRect.width * seekBarX - previewHalfSize
// Seek bar doesn't take all the player width, so we can add/minus a few more pixels
const minLeft = playerRect.left - seekBarRect.left
const maxLeft = seekBarRect.width - scaledWidth + (playerRect.right - seekBarRect.right)
if (left < minLeft) left = minLeft
if (left > maxLeft) left = maxLeft
const tooltipStyle: { [id: string]: string } = {
'background-image': `url("${this.url}")`,
'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
'background-position': `${cleft}px ${ctop}px`,
'background-size': bgSize,
'color': '#fff',
'text-shadow': '1px 1px #000',
'position': 'relative',
'top': `${topOffset}px`,
'border': '1px solid #000',
// border should not overlay thumbnail area
'width': `${scaledWidth + 2}px`,
'height': `${scaledHeight + 2}px`
tooltipStyle.left = `${left}px`
for (const [ key, value ] of Object.entries(tooltipStyle)) {
this.spritePlaceholder.style.setProperty(key, value)
private resetMouseTooltip () {
if (this.spritePlaceholder) {
this.spritePlaceholder.style.cssText = ''
private isReady () {
return this.mouseTimeTooltip && this.width && this.height && this.url
videojs.registerPlugin('storyboard', StoryboardPlugin)
export { StoryboardPlugin }