* Prepare homepage parsers * Add ability to update instance hompage * Add ability to set homepage as landing page * Add homepage preview in admin * Dynamically update left menu for homepage * Inject home content in homepage * Add videos list and channel miniature custom markup * Remove unused elements in markup service
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import * as express from 'express'
import { join } from 'path'
import { buildLogger } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { WEBSERVER } from '@server/initializers/constants'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database'
import { AccountModel } from '@server/models/account/account'
import { AccountBlocklistModel } from '@server/models/account/account-blocklist'
import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application'
import { ServerModel } from '@server/models/server/server'
import { ServerBlocklistModel } from '@server/models/server/server-blocklist'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import { VideoBlacklistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-blacklist'
import { MPlugin } from '@server/types/models'
import { PeerTubeHelpers } from '@server/types/plugins'
import { VideoBlacklistCreate } from '@shared/models'
import { addAccountInBlocklist, addServerInBlocklist, removeAccountFromBlocklist, removeServerFromBlocklist } from '../blocklist'
import { ServerConfigManager } from '../server-config-manager'
import { blacklistVideo, unblacklistVideo } from '../video-blacklist'
import { UserModel } from '@server/models/user/user'
function buildPluginHelpers (pluginModel: MPlugin, npmName: string): PeerTubeHelpers {
const logger = buildPluginLogger(npmName)
const database = buildDatabaseHelpers()
const videos = buildVideosHelpers()
const config = buildConfigHelpers()
const server = buildServerHelpers()
const moderation = buildModerationHelpers()
const plugin = buildPluginRelatedHelpers(pluginModel, npmName)
const user = buildUserHelpers()
return {
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function buildPluginLogger (npmName: string) {
return buildLogger(npmName)
function buildDatabaseHelpers () {
return {
query: sequelizeTypescript.query.bind(sequelizeTypescript)
function buildServerHelpers () {
return {
getServerActor: () => getServerActor()
function buildVideosHelpers () {
return {
loadByUrl: (url: string) => {
return VideoModel.loadByUrl(url)
loadByIdOrUUID: (id: number | string) => {
return VideoModel.load(id)
removeVideo: (id: number) => {
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(id, t)
await video.destroy({ transaction: t })
function buildModerationHelpers () {
return {
blockServer: async (options: { byAccountId: number, hostToBlock: string }) => {
const serverToBlock = await ServerModel.loadOrCreateByHost(options.hostToBlock)
await addServerInBlocklist(options.byAccountId, serverToBlock.id)
unblockServer: async (options: { byAccountId: number, hostToUnblock: string }) => {
const serverBlock = await ServerBlocklistModel.loadByAccountAndHost(options.byAccountId, options.hostToUnblock)
if (!serverBlock) return
await removeServerFromBlocklist(serverBlock)
blockAccount: async (options: { byAccountId: number, handleToBlock: string }) => {
const accountToBlock = await AccountModel.loadByNameWithHost(options.handleToBlock)
if (!accountToBlock) return
await addAccountInBlocklist(options.byAccountId, accountToBlock.id)
unblockAccount: async (options: { byAccountId: number, handleToUnblock: string }) => {
const targetAccount = await AccountModel.loadByNameWithHost(options.handleToUnblock)
if (!targetAccount) return
const accountBlock = await AccountBlocklistModel.loadByAccountAndTarget(options.byAccountId, targetAccount.id)
if (!accountBlock) return
await removeAccountFromBlocklist(accountBlock)
blacklistVideo: async (options: { videoIdOrUUID: number | string, createOptions: VideoBlacklistCreate }) => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(options.videoIdOrUUID)
if (!video) return
await blacklistVideo(video, options.createOptions)
unblacklistVideo: async (options: { videoIdOrUUID: number | string }) => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(options.videoIdOrUUID)
if (!video) return
const videoBlacklist = await VideoBlacklistModel.loadByVideoId(video.id)
if (!videoBlacklist) return
await unblacklistVideo(videoBlacklist, video)
function buildConfigHelpers () {
return {
getWebserverUrl () {
getServerConfig () {
return ServerConfigManager.Instance.getServerConfig()
function buildPluginRelatedHelpers (plugin: MPlugin, npmName: string) {
return {
getBaseStaticRoute: () => `/plugins/${plugin.name}/${plugin.version}/static/`,
getBaseRouterRoute: () => `/plugins/${plugin.name}/${plugin.version}/router/`,
getDataDirectoryPath: () => join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PLUGINS_DIR, 'data', npmName)
function buildUserHelpers () {
return {
getAuthUser: (res: express.Response) => {
const user = res.locals.oauth?.token?.User
if (!user) return undefined
return UserModel.loadByIdFull(user.id)