For now we Create these activities, but we should just send them directly. This fix handles correctly direct Dislikes/Flags/Views, we'll implement the sending correctly these activities in the next peertube version
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import { ActivityPubActor } from './activitypub-actor'
import { ActivityPubSignature } from './activitypub-signature'
import { CacheFileObject, VideoTorrentObject } from './objects'
import { DislikeObject } from './objects/dislike-object'
import { VideoAbuseObject } from './objects/video-abuse-object'
import { VideoCommentObject } from './objects/video-comment-object'
import { ViewObject } from './objects/view-object'
import { APObject } from './objects/object.model'
export type Activity = ActivityCreate | ActivityUpdate |
ActivityDelete | ActivityFollow | ActivityAccept | ActivityAnnounce |
ActivityUndo | ActivityLike | ActivityReject | ActivityView | ActivityDislike | ActivityFlag
export type ActivityType = 'Create' | 'Update' | 'Delete' | 'Follow' | 'Accept' | 'Announce' | 'Undo' | 'Like' | 'Reject' |
'View' | 'Dislike' | 'Flag'
export interface ActivityAudience {
to: string[]
cc: string[]
export interface BaseActivity {
'@context'?: any[]
id: string
to?: string[]
cc?: string[]
actor: string | ActivityPubActor
type: ActivityType
signature?: ActivityPubSignature
export interface ActivityCreate extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Create'
object: VideoTorrentObject | VideoAbuseObject | ViewObject | DislikeObject | VideoCommentObject | CacheFileObject
export interface ActivityUpdate extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Update'
object: VideoTorrentObject | ActivityPubActor | CacheFileObject
export interface ActivityDelete extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Delete'
object: string | { id: string }
export interface ActivityFollow extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Follow'
object: string
export interface ActivityAccept extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Accept'
object: ActivityFollow
export interface ActivityReject extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Reject'
object: ActivityFollow
export interface ActivityAnnounce extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Announce'
object: APObject
export interface ActivityUndo extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Undo',
object: ActivityFollow | ActivityLike | ActivityDislike | ActivityCreate | ActivityAnnounce
export interface ActivityLike extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Like',
object: APObject
export interface ActivityView extends BaseActivity {
type: 'View',
actor: string
object: APObject
export interface ActivityDislike extends BaseActivity {
id: string
type: 'Dislike'
actor: string
object: APObject
export interface ActivityFlag extends BaseActivity {
type: 'Flag',
content: string,
object: APObject