190 lines
5.6 KiB
190 lines
5.6 KiB
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */
import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { pathExists, readdir, stat } from 'fs-extra'
import { join } from 'path'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils'
import {
} from '@shared/extra-utils'
import { MyUser, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models'
const expect = chai.expect
// Most classic resumable upload tests are done in other test suites
describe('Test resumable upload', function () {
const defaultFixture = 'video_short.mp4'
let server: ServerInfo
let rootId: number
async function buildSize (fixture: string, size?: number) {
if (size !== undefined) return size
const baseFixture = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(fixture)
return (await stat(baseFixture)).size
async function prepareUpload (sizeArg?: number) {
const size = await buildSize(defaultFixture, sizeArg)
const attributes = {
name: 'video',
channelId: server.videoChannel.id,
privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
fixture: defaultFixture
const mimetype = 'video/mp4'
const res = await prepareResumableUpload({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, attributes, size, mimetype })
return res.header['location'].split('?')[1]
async function sendChunks (options: {
pathUploadId: string
size?: number
expectedStatus?: HttpStatusCode
contentLength?: number
contentRange?: string
contentRangeBuilder?: (start: number, chunk: any) => string
}) {
const { pathUploadId, expectedStatus, contentLength, contentRangeBuilder } = options
const size = await buildSize(defaultFixture, options.size)
const absoluteFilePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(defaultFixture)
return sendResumableChunks({
url: server.url,
token: server.accessToken,
videoFilePath: absoluteFilePath,
specialStatus: expectedStatus
async function checkFileSize (uploadIdArg: string, expectedSize: number | null) {
const uploadId = uploadIdArg.replace(/^upload_id=/, '')
const subPath = join('tmp', 'resumable-uploads', uploadId)
const filePath = buildServerDirectory(server, subPath)
const exists = await pathExists(filePath)
if (expectedSize === null) {
expect((await stat(filePath)).size).to.equal(expectedSize)
async function countResumableUploads () {
const subPath = join('tmp', 'resumable-uploads')
const filePath = buildServerDirectory(server, subPath)
const files = await readdir(filePath)
return files.length
before(async function () {
server = await flushAndRunServer(1)
await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ])
await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ])
const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken)
rootId = (res.body as MyUser).id
await updateUser({
url: server.url,
userId: rootId,
accessToken: server.accessToken,
videoQuota: 10_000_000
describe('Directory cleaning', function () {
it('Should correctly delete files after an upload', async function () {
const uploadId = await prepareUpload()
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId })
expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(0)
it('Should not delete files after an unfinished upload', async function () {
await prepareUpload()
expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(2)
it('Should not delete recent uploads', async function () {
await server.debugCommand.sendCommand({ body: { command: 'remove-dandling-resumable-uploads' } })
expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(2)
it('Should delete old uploads', async function () {
await server.debugCommand.sendCommand({ body: { command: 'remove-dandling-resumable-uploads' } })
expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(0)
describe('Resumable upload and chunks', function () {
it('Should accept the same amount of chunks', async function () {
const uploadId = await prepareUpload()
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId })
await checkFileSize(uploadId, null)
it('Should not accept more chunks than expected', async function () {
const size = 100
const uploadId = await prepareUpload(size)
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 })
await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0)
it('Should not accept more chunks than expected with an invalid content length/content range', async function () {
const uploadId = await prepareUpload(1500)
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400, contentLength: 1000 })
await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0)
it('Should not accept more chunks than expected with an invalid content length', async function () {
const uploadId = await prepareUpload(500)
const size = 1000
const contentRangeBuilder = start => `bytes ${start}-${start + size - 1}/${size}`
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400, contentRangeBuilder, contentLength: size })
await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0)
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests([ server ])