Sorry for the very big commit that may lead to git log issues and merge conflicts, but it's a major step forward: * Server can be faster at startup because imports() are async and we can easily lazy import big modules * Angular doesn't seem to support ES import (with .js extension), so we had to correctly organize peertube into a monorepo: * Use yarn workspace feature * Use typescript reference projects for dependencies * Shared projects have been moved into "packages", each one is now a node module (with a dedicated package.json/tsconfig.json) * server/tools have been moved into apps/ and is now a dedicated app bundled and published on NPM so users don't have to build peertube cli tools manually * server/tests have been moved into packages/ so we don't compile them every time we want to run the server * Use isolatedModule option: * Had to move from const enum to const (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html#objects-vs-enums) * Had to explictely specify "type" imports when used in decorators * Prefer tsx (that uses esbuild under the hood) instead of ts-node to load typescript files (tests with mocha or scripts): * To reduce test complexity as esbuild doesn't support decorator metadata, we only test server files that do not import server models * We still build tests files into js files for a faster CI * Remove unmaintained peertube CLI import script * Removed some barrels to speed up execution (less imports)
201 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable file
201 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable file
import { CLICommand } from '@peertube/peertube-server-commands'
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(err => {
async function run () {
const excludeList = getContributorsExcludeList()
let contributors = await getGitContributors()
contributors = contributors.concat(getZanataContributors())
contributors = contributors.filter(c => !excludeList.has(c.username))
console.log('# Code & Translators contributors\n')
for (const contributor of contributors) {
console.log(` * ${contributor.username}`)
console.log('\n\n# Design\n')
console.log(' * [Olivier Massain](https://dribbble.com/omassain)')
console.log(' * [Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard](https://mcgodwin.com/)')
console.log('\n\n# Icons\n')
console.log(' * [Feather Icons](https://feathericons.com) (MIT)')
console.log(' * `playlist add`, `history`, `subscriptions`, `miscellaneous-services.svg`, `tip` by Material UI (Apache 2.0)')
console.log(' * `support` by Chocobozzz (CC-BY)')
console.log(' * `language` by Aaron Jin (CC-BY)')
console.log(' * `video-language` by Rigel Kent (CC-BY)')
console.log(' * `peertube-x` by Solen DP (CC-BY)')
console.log(' * `flame` by Freepik (Flaticon License)')
console.log(' * `local` by Larea (CC-BY)')
console.log('\n\n# Contributors to our 2020 crowdfunding :heart:\n')
`*We ran [a crowdfunding campaign](https://joinpeertube.org/roadmap) in 2020 to implement live streaming to the version ` +
`3.0.0 of PeerTube. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and shared the news!*\n\n`
console.log('\n\n# Contributors to our 2018 crowdfunding :heart:')
`\n*We ran [a crowdfunding campaign](https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/peertube-a-free-and-federated-video-platform) ` +
`in 2018 to pave the road to the version 1.0.0 of PeerTube, with 1,379 backers. ` +
`Thanks to everyone who pitched in and shared the news!*\n\n`
async function getGitContributors () {
const output = await CLICommand.exec(`git --no-pager shortlog -sn < /dev/tty | sed 's/^\\s\\+[0-9]\\+\\s\\+//g'`)
return output.split('\n')
.filter(l => !!l)
.map(l => ({ username: l }))
// Zanata is dead, don't loose the contributors name
function getZanataContributors () {
return [
{ username: 'abdhessuk', name: 'Abd Hessuk' },
{ username: 'abidin24', name: 'abidin toumi' },
{ username: 'aditoo', name: 'Lorem Ipsum' },
{ username: 'alice', name: 'Alice' },
{ username: 'anastasia', name: 'Anastasia' },
{ username: 'autom', name: 'Filip Bengtsson' },
{ username: 'balaji', name: 'Balaji' },
{ username: 'bristow', name: 'Cédric F.' },
{ username: 'butterflyoffire', name: 'ButterflyOfFire' },
{ username: 'chocobozzz', name: 'Chocobozzz' },
{ username: 'claichou', name: 'Claire Mohin' },
{ username: 'degrange', name: 'Degrange Mathieu' },
{ username: 'dibek', name: 'Giuseppe Di Bella' },
{ username: 'edu', name: 'eduardo' },
{ username: 'ehsaan', name: 'ehsaan' },
{ username: 'esoforte', name: 'Ondřej Kotas' },
{ username: 'fkohrt', name: 'Florian Kohrt' },
{ username: 'giqtaqisi', name: 'Ian Townsend' },
{ username: 'goofy', name: 'goofy' },
{ username: 'gorkaazk', name: 'Gorka Azkarate Zubiaur' },
{ username: 'gwendald', name: 'GwendalD' },
{ username: 'h3zjp', name: 'h3zjp' },
{ username: 'jfblanc', name: 'Joan Francés Blanc' },
{ username: 'jhertel', name: 'Jean Hertel' },
{ username: 'jmf', name: 'Jan-Michael Franz' },
{ username: 'jorropo', name: 'Jorropo' },
{ username: 'kairozen', name: 'Geoffrey Baudelet' },
{ username: 'kedemferre', name: 'Kédem Ferré' },
{ username: 'kousha', name: 'Kousha Zanjani' },
{ username: 'krkk', name: 'Karol Kosek' },
{ username: 'landrok', name: 'Landrok' },
{ username: 'leeroyepold48', name: 'Leeroy Epold' },
{ username: 'm4sk1n', name: 'marcin mikołajczak' },
{ username: 'matograine', name: 'tom ngr' },
{ username: 'medow', name: 'Mahir Ahmed' },
{ username: 'mhu', name: 'Max Hübner' },
{ username: 'midgard', name: 'Midgard' },
{ username: 'nbrucy', name: 'N. B.' },
{ username: 'nitai', name: 'nitai bezerra' },
{ username: 'noncommutativegeo', name: 'Andrea Panontin' },
{ username: 'nopsidy', name: 'McFlat' },
{ username: 'nvivant', name: 'Nicolas Vivant' },
{ username: 'osoitz', name: 'Osoitz' },
{ username: 'outloudvi', name: 'Outvi V' },
{ username: 'quentin', name: 'Quentí' },
{ username: 'quentind', name: 'Quentin Dupont' },
{ username: 'rafaelff', name: 'Rafael Fontenelle' },
{ username: 'rigelk', name: 'Rigel Kent' },
{ username: 's8321414', name: 'Jeff Huang' },
{ username: 'sato_ss', name: 'Satoshi Shirosaka' },
{ username: 'sercom_kc', name: 'SerCom_KC' },
{ username: 'severo', name: 'Sylvain Lesage' },
{ username: 'silkevicious', name: 'Sylke Vicious' },
{ username: 'sosha', name: 'Sosha' },
{ username: 'spla', name: 'spla' },
{ username: 'strubbl', name: 'Sven' },
{ username: 'swedneck', name: 'Tim Stahel' },
{ username: 'tagomago', name: 'Tagomago' },
{ username: 'talone', name: 'TitiAlone' },
{ username: 'thibaultmartin', name: 'Thibault Martin' },
{ username: 'tirifto', name: 'Tirifto' },
{ username: 'tuxayo', name: 'Victor Grousset/tuxayo' },
{ username: 'unextro', name: 'Ondřej Pokorný' },
{ username: 'unzarida', name: 'unzarida' },
{ username: 'vincent', name: 'Vincent Laporte' },
{ username: 'wanhua', name: 'wanhua' },
{ username: 'xinayder', name: 'Alexandre' },
{ username: 'xosem', name: 'Xosé M.' },
{ username: 'zveryok', name: 'Nikitin Stanislav' },
{ username: '6543', name: '6543' },
{ username: 'aasami', name: 'Miroslav Ďurian' },
{ username: 'alidemirtas', name: 'Ali Demirtas' },
{ username: 'alpha', name: 'Alpha' },
{ username: 'ariasuni', name: 'Mélanie Chauvel' },
{ username: 'bfonton', name: 'Baptiste Fonton' },
{ username: 'c0dr', name: 'c0dr lnx' },
{ username: 'canony', name: 'canony' },
{ username: 'cat', name: 'Cat' },
{ username: 'clerie', name: 'Clemens Riese' },
{ username: 'curupira', name: 'Curupira' },
{ username: 'dhsets', name: 'djsets' },
{ username: 'digitalkiller', name: 'Digital Killer' },
{ username: 'dwsage', name: 'd.w. sage' },
{ username: 'flauta', name: 'Andrea Primiani' },
{ username: 'frankstrater', name: 'Frank Sträter' },
{ username: 'gillux', name: 'gillux' },
{ username: 'gunchleoc', name: 'GunChleoc' },
{ username: 'jaidedtd', name: 'Jenga Phoenix' },
{ username: 'joss2lyon', name: 'Josselin' },
{ username: 'kekkotranslates', name: 'Francesco' },
{ username: 'kingu', name: 'Allan Nordhøy' },
{ username: 'kittybecca', name: 'Rivka bat Tsvi' },
{ username: 'knuxify', name: 'knuxify' },
{ username: 'lapor', name: 'Kristijan Tkalec' },
{ username: 'laufor', name: 'Lau For' },
{ username: 'lstamellos', name: 'Loukas Stamellos' },
{ username: 'lw1', name: 'Lukas Winkler' },
{ username: 'mablr', name: 'Mablr' },
{ username: 'marcinmalecki', name: 'Marcin Małecki' },
{ username: 'mayana', name: 'Mayana' },
{ username: 'mikeorlov', name: 'Michael Orlov' },
{ username: 'nin', name: 'nz' },
{ username: 'norbipeti', name: 'NorbiPeti' },
{ username: 'ppnplus', name: 'Phongpanot Phairat' },
{ username: 'predatorix', name: 'Predatorix' },
{ username: 'robin', name: 'Robin Lahtinen' },
{ username: 'rond', name: 'rondnelly nunes' },
{ username: 'secreet', name: 'Secreet' },
{ username: 'sftblw', name: 'sftblw' },
{ username: 'sporiff', name: 'Ciarán Ainsworth' },
{ username: 'tekuteku', name: 'tekuteku' },
{ username: 'thecatjustmeow', name: 'Nguyen Huynh Hung' },
{ username: 'tmota', name: 'Tiago Mota' },
{ username: 'uranix', name: 'Michal Mauser' },
{ username: 'wakutiteo', name: 'Markel' },
{ username: 'wonderingdane', name: 'Nicolai Ireneo-Larsen' },
{ username: 'zeynepeliacik', name: 'Zeynep Can' }
function getContributorsExcludeList () {
return new Set([
'Bigard Florian',
// Requested by the contributor
'Marcel Cramm',
'Chris Sakura 佐倉くりす on Youtube',
'Chris Sakura 佐倉くりす on Youtube - 日本語は第二言語やけ、間違っとったら思いっきり叩いてくださいw つたない日本語ばっかりやけど頑張りまーす♪',