Many files from the `shared` folder were importing files from the `server` folder. When attempting to use Typescript project references to describe dependencies, it highlighted a circular dependency beetween `shared` <-> `server`. The Typescript project forbid such usages. Using project references greatly improve performance by rebuilding only the updated project and not all source files. > see https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/project-references.html
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import { Transaction } from 'sequelize/types'
import { buildUUID } from '@shared/core-utils/uuid'
import { UserModel } from '@server/models/user/user'
import { MActorDefault } from '@server/types/models/actor'
import { ActivityPubActorType } from '../../shared/models/activitypub'
import { UserNotificationSetting, UserNotificationSettingValue } from '../../shared/models/users'
import { SERVER_ACTOR_NAME, WEBSERVER } from '../initializers/constants'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../initializers/database'
import { AccountModel } from '../models/account/account'
import { ActorModel } from '../models/actor/actor'
import { UserNotificationSettingModel } from '../models/user/user-notification-setting'
import { MAccountDefault, MChannelActor } from '../types/models'
import { MUser, MUserDefault, MUserId } from '../types/models/user'
import { generateAndSaveActorKeys } from './activitypub/actors'
import { getLocalAccountActivityPubUrl } from './activitypub/url'
import { Emailer } from './emailer'
import { LiveQuotaStore } from './live/live-quota-store'
import { buildActorInstance } from './local-actor'
import { Redis } from './redis'
import { createLocalVideoChannel } from './video-channel'
import { createWatchLaterPlaylist } from './video-playlist'
type ChannelNames = { name: string, displayName: string }
async function createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist (parameters: {
userToCreate: MUser
userDisplayName?: string
channelNames?: ChannelNames
validateUser?: boolean
}): Promise<{ user: MUserDefault, account: MAccountDefault, videoChannel: MChannelActor }> {
const { userToCreate, userDisplayName, channelNames, validateUser = true } = parameters
const { user, account, videoChannel } = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const userOptions = {
transaction: t,
validate: validateUser
const userCreated: MUserDefault = await userToCreate.save(userOptions)
userCreated.NotificationSetting = await createDefaultUserNotificationSettings(userCreated, t)
const accountCreated = await createLocalAccountWithoutKeys({
name: userCreated.username,
displayName: userDisplayName,
userId: userCreated.id,
applicationId: null,
userCreated.Account = accountCreated
const channelAttributes = await buildChannelAttributes(userCreated, t, channelNames)
const videoChannel = await createLocalVideoChannel(channelAttributes, accountCreated, t)
const videoPlaylist = await createWatchLaterPlaylist(accountCreated, t)
return { user: userCreated, account: accountCreated, videoChannel, videoPlaylist }
const [ accountActorWithKeys, channelActorWithKeys ] = await Promise.all([
account.Actor = accountActorWithKeys
videoChannel.Actor = channelActorWithKeys
return { user, account, videoChannel }
async function createLocalAccountWithoutKeys (parameters: {
name: string
displayName?: string
userId: number | null
applicationId: number | null
t: Transaction | undefined
type?: ActivityPubActorType
}) {
const { name, displayName, userId, applicationId, t, type = 'Person' } = parameters
const url = getLocalAccountActivityPubUrl(name)
const actorInstance = buildActorInstance(type, url, name)
const actorInstanceCreated: MActorDefault = await actorInstance.save({ transaction: t })
const accountInstance = new AccountModel({
name: displayName || name,
actorId: actorInstanceCreated.id
const accountInstanceCreated: MAccountDefault = await accountInstance.save({ transaction: t })
accountInstanceCreated.Actor = actorInstanceCreated
return accountInstanceCreated
async function createApplicationActor (applicationId: number) {
const accountCreated = await createLocalAccountWithoutKeys({
userId: null,
applicationId: applicationId,
t: undefined,
type: 'Application'
accountCreated.Actor = await generateAndSaveActorKeys(accountCreated.Actor)
return accountCreated
async function sendVerifyUserEmail (user: MUser, isPendingEmail = false) {
const verificationString = await Redis.Instance.setVerifyEmailVerificationString(user.id)
let url = WEBSERVER.URL + '/verify-account/email?userId=' + user.id + '&verificationString=' + verificationString
if (isPendingEmail) url += '&isPendingEmail=true'
const email = isPendingEmail ? user.pendingEmail : user.email
const username = user.username
await Emailer.Instance.addVerifyEmailJob(username, email, url)
async function getOriginalVideoFileTotalFromUser (user: MUserId) {
// Don't use sequelize because we need to use a sub query
const query = UserModel.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({
withSelect: true,
whereUserId: '$userId'
const base = await UserModel.getTotalRawQuery(query, user.id)
return base + LiveQuotaStore.Instance.getLiveQuotaOf(user.id)
// Returns cumulative size of all video files uploaded in the last 24 hours.
async function getOriginalVideoFileTotalDailyFromUser (user: MUserId) {
// Don't use sequelize because we need to use a sub query
const query = UserModel.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({
withSelect: true,
whereUserId: '$userId',
where: '"video"."createdAt" > now() - interval \'24 hours\''
const base = await UserModel.getTotalRawQuery(query, user.id)
return base + LiveQuotaStore.Instance.getLiveQuotaOf(user.id)
async function isAbleToUploadVideo (userId: number, newVideoSize: number) {
const user = await UserModel.loadById(userId)
if (user.videoQuota === -1 && user.videoQuotaDaily === -1) return Promise.resolve(true)
const [ totalBytes, totalBytesDaily ] = await Promise.all([
const uploadedTotal = newVideoSize + totalBytes
const uploadedDaily = newVideoSize + totalBytesDaily
if (user.videoQuotaDaily === -1) return uploadedTotal < user.videoQuota
if (user.videoQuota === -1) return uploadedDaily < user.videoQuotaDaily
return uploadedTotal < user.videoQuota && uploadedDaily < user.videoQuotaDaily
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function createDefaultUserNotificationSettings (user: MUserId, t: Transaction | undefined) {
const values: UserNotificationSetting & { userId: number } = {
userId: user.id,
newVideoFromSubscription: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
newCommentOnMyVideo: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
myVideoImportFinished: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
myVideoPublished: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
abuseAsModerator: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
videoAutoBlacklistAsModerator: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
blacklistOnMyVideo: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
newUserRegistration: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
commentMention: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
newFollow: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
newInstanceFollower: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
abuseNewMessage: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
abuseStateChange: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
autoInstanceFollowing: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB,
newPeerTubeVersion: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB | UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL,
newPluginVersion: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB
return UserNotificationSettingModel.create(values, { transaction: t })
async function buildChannelAttributes (user: MUser, transaction?: Transaction, channelNames?: ChannelNames) {
if (channelNames) return channelNames
let channelName = user.username + '_channel'
// Conflict, generate uuid instead
const actor = await ActorModel.loadLocalByName(channelName, transaction)
if (actor) channelName = buildUUID()
const videoChannelDisplayName = `Main ${user.username} channel`
return {
name: channelName,
displayName: videoChannelDisplayName