Fork 0

393 lines
12 KiB

import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { ensureDir, move, pathExists, remove, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'
import got from 'got'
import { join } from 'path'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../shared/models/http/http-error-codes'
import { VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos'
import { peertubeTruncate, pipelinePromise, root } from './core-utils'
import { isVideoFileExtnameValid } from './custom-validators/videos'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { generateVideoImportTmpPath } from './utils'
export type YoutubeDLInfo = {
name?: string
description?: string
category?: number
language?: string
licence?: number
nsfw?: boolean
tags?: string[]
thumbnailUrl?: string
ext?: string
originallyPublishedAt?: Date
export type YoutubeDLSubs = {
language: string
filename: string
path: string
const processOptions = {
maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10 // 10MB
class YoutubeDL {
constructor (private readonly url: string = '', private readonly enabledResolutions: number[] = []) {
getYoutubeDLInfo (opts?: string[]): Promise<YoutubeDLInfo> {
return new Promise<YoutubeDLInfo>((res, rej) => {
let args = opts || []
args = this.wrapWithProxyOptions(args)
args = [ '-f', this.getYoutubeDLVideoFormat() ].concat(args)
.then(youtubeDL => {
youtubeDL.getInfo(this.url, args, processOptions, (err, info) => {
if (err) return rej(err)
if (info.is_live === true) return rej(new Error('Cannot download a live streaming.'))
const obj = this.buildVideoInfo(this.normalizeObject(info))
if (obj.name && obj.name.length < CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.NAME.min) obj.name += ' video'
return res(obj)
.catch(err => rej(err))
getYoutubeDLSubs (opts?: object): Promise<YoutubeDLSubs> {
return new Promise<YoutubeDLSubs>((res, rej) => {
const options = opts || { all: true, format: 'vtt', cwd }
.then(youtubeDL => {
youtubeDL.getSubs(this.url, options, (err, files) => {
if (err) return rej(err)
if (!files) return []
logger.debug('Get subtitles from youtube dl.', { url: this.url, files })
const subtitles = files.reduce((acc, filename) => {
const matched = filename.match(/\.([a-z]{2})(-[a-z]+)?\.(vtt|ttml)/i)
if (!matched || !matched[1]) return acc
return [
language: matched[1],
path: join(cwd, filename),
}, [])
return res(subtitles)
.catch(err => rej(err))
getYoutubeDLVideoFormat () {
* list of format selectors in order or preference
* see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#format-selection
* case #1 asks for a mp4 using h264 (avc1) and the exact resolution in the hope
* of being able to do a "quick-transcode"
* case #2 is the first fallback. No "quick-transcode" means we can get anything else (like vp9)
* case #3 is the resolution-degraded equivalent of #1, and already a pretty safe fallback
* in any case we avoid AV1, see https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/3499
const resolution = this.enabledResolutions.length === 0
? VideoResolution.H_720P
: Math.max(...this.enabledResolutions)
return [
`bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1][height=${resolution}]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]`, // case #1
`bestvideo[vcodec!*=av01][vcodec!*=vp9.2][height=${resolution}]+bestaudio`, // case #2
`bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1][height<=${resolution}]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]`, // case #3
'best[vcodec!*=av01][vcodec!*=vp9.2]', // case fallback for known formats
'best' // Ultimate fallback
downloadYoutubeDLVideo (fileExt: string, timeout: number) {
// Leave empty the extension, youtube-dl will add it
const pathWithoutExtension = generateVideoImportTmpPath(this.url, '')
let timer
logger.info('Importing youtubeDL video %s to %s', this.url, pathWithoutExtension)
let options = [ '-f', this.getYoutubeDLVideoFormat(), '-o', pathWithoutExtension ]
options = this.wrapWithProxyOptions(options)
if (process.env.FFMPEG_PATH) {
options = options.concat([ '--ffmpeg-location', process.env.FFMPEG_PATH ])
logger.debug('YoutubeDL options for %s.', this.url, { options })
return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => {
.then(youtubeDL => {
youtubeDL.exec(this.url, options, processOptions, async err => {
try {
// If youtube-dl did not guess an extension for our file, just use .mp4 as default
if (await pathExists(pathWithoutExtension)) {
await move(pathWithoutExtension, pathWithoutExtension + '.mp4')
const path = await this.guessVideoPathWithExtension(pathWithoutExtension, fileExt)
if (err) {
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete path on YoutubeDL error.', { err }))
return rej(err)
return res(path)
} catch (err) {
return rej(err)
timer = setTimeout(() => {
const err = new Error('YoutubeDL download timeout.')
this.guessVideoPathWithExtension(pathWithoutExtension, fileExt)
.then(path => remove(path))
.finally(() => rej(err))
.catch(err => {
logger.error('Cannot remove file in youtubeDL timeout.', { err })
return rej(err)
}, timeout)
.catch(err => rej(err))
buildOriginallyPublishedAt (obj: any) {
let originallyPublishedAt: Date = null
const uploadDateMatcher = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/.exec(obj.upload_date)
if (uploadDateMatcher) {
originallyPublishedAt = new Date()
originallyPublishedAt.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
const year = parseInt(uploadDateMatcher[1], 10)
// Month starts from 0
const month = parseInt(uploadDateMatcher[2], 10) - 1
const day = parseInt(uploadDateMatcher[3], 10)
originallyPublishedAt.setFullYear(year, month, day)
return originallyPublishedAt
private async guessVideoPathWithExtension (tmpPath: string, sourceExt: string) {
if (!isVideoFileExtnameValid(sourceExt)) {
throw new Error('Invalid video extension ' + sourceExt)
const extensions = [ sourceExt, '.mp4', '.mkv', '.webm' ]
for (const extension of extensions) {
const path = tmpPath + extension
if (await pathExists(path)) return path
throw new Error('Cannot guess path of ' + tmpPath)
private normalizeObject (obj: any) {
const newObj: any = {}
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
// Deprecated key
if (key === 'resolution') continue
const value = obj[key]
if (typeof value === 'string') {
newObj[key] = value.normalize()
} else {
newObj[key] = value
return newObj
private buildVideoInfo (obj: any): YoutubeDLInfo {
return {
name: this.titleTruncation(obj.title),
description: this.descriptionTruncation(obj.description),
category: this.getCategory(obj.categories),
licence: this.getLicence(obj.license),
language: this.getLanguage(obj.language),
nsfw: this.isNSFW(obj),
tags: this.getTags(obj.tags),
thumbnailUrl: obj.thumbnail || undefined,
originallyPublishedAt: this.buildOriginallyPublishedAt(obj),
ext: obj.ext
private titleTruncation (title: string) {
return peertubeTruncate(title, {
separator: /,? +/,
omission: ' […]'
private descriptionTruncation (description: string) {
if (!description || description.length < CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.DESCRIPTION.min) return undefined
return peertubeTruncate(description, {
separator: /,? +/,
omission: ' […]'
private isNSFW (info: any) {
return info.age_limit && info.age_limit >= 16
private getTags (tags: any) {
if (Array.isArray(tags) === false) return []
return tags
.filter(t => t.length < CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.TAG.max && t.length > CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.TAG.min)
.map(t => t.normalize())
.slice(0, 5)
private getLicence (licence: string) {
if (!licence) return undefined
if (licence.includes('Creative Commons Attribution')) return 1
for (const key of Object.keys(VIDEO_LICENCES)) {
const peertubeLicence = VIDEO_LICENCES[key]
if (peertubeLicence.toLowerCase() === licence.toLowerCase()) return parseInt(key, 10)
return undefined
private getCategory (categories: string[]) {
if (!categories) return undefined
const categoryString = categories[0]
if (!categoryString || typeof categoryString !== 'string') return undefined
if (categoryString === 'News & Politics') return 11
for (const key of Object.keys(VIDEO_CATEGORIES)) {
const category = VIDEO_CATEGORIES[key]
if (categoryString.toLowerCase() === category.toLowerCase()) return parseInt(key, 10)
return undefined
private getLanguage (language: string) {
return VIDEO_LANGUAGES[language] ? language : undefined
private wrapWithProxyOptions (options: string[]) {
logger.debug('Using proxy for YoutubeDL')
return [ '--proxy', CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.HTTP.PROXY.URL ].concat(options)
return options
// Thanks: https://github.com/przemyslawpluta/node-youtube-dl/blob/master/lib/downloader.js
// We rewrote it to avoid sync calls
static async updateYoutubeDLBinary () {
logger.info('Updating youtubeDL binary.')
const binDirectory = join(root(), 'node_modules', 'youtube-dl', 'bin')
const bin = join(binDirectory, 'youtube-dl')
const detailsPath = join(binDirectory, 'details')
const url = process.env.YOUTUBE_DL_DOWNLOAD_HOST || 'https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl'
await ensureDir(binDirectory)
try {
const result = await got(url, { followRedirect: false })
if (result.statusCode !== HttpStatusCode.FOUND_302) {
logger.error('youtube-dl update error: did not get redirect for the latest version link. Status %d', result.statusCode)
const newUrl = result.headers.location
const newVersion = /\/(\d{4}\.\d\d\.\d\d(\.\d)?)\/youtube-dl$/.exec(newUrl)[1]
const downloadFileStream = got.stream(newUrl)
const writeStream = createWriteStream(bin, { mode: 493 })
await pipelinePromise(
const details = JSON.stringify({ version: newVersion, path: bin, exec: 'youtube-dl' })
await writeFile(detailsPath, details, { encoding: 'utf8' })
logger.info('youtube-dl updated to version %s.', newVersion)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot update youtube-dl.', { err })
static async safeGetYoutubeDL () {
let youtubeDL
try {
youtubeDL = require('youtube-dl')
} catch (e) {
// Download binary
await this.updateYoutubeDLBinary()
youtubeDL = require('youtube-dl')
return youtubeDL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {