156 lines
4.7 KiB
156 lines
4.7 KiB
import { Request } from 'express'
import { BCRYPT_SALT_SIZE, HTTP_SIGNATURE, PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE } from '../initializers/constants'
import { ActorModel } from '../models/activitypub/actor'
import { createPrivateKey, getPublicKey, promisify1, promisify2, sha256 } from './core-utils'
import { jsig, jsonld } from './custom-jsonld-signature'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import { createVerify } from 'crypto'
import { buildDigest } from '../lib/job-queue/handlers/utils/activitypub-http-utils'
import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'
const bcryptComparePromise = promisify2<any, string, boolean>(bcrypt.compare)
const bcryptGenSaltPromise = promisify1<number, string>(bcrypt.genSalt)
const bcryptHashPromise = promisify2<any, string | number, string>(bcrypt.hash)
const httpSignature = require('http-signature')
async function createPrivateAndPublicKeys () {
logger.info('Generating a RSA key...')
const { key } = await createPrivateKey(PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE)
const { publicKey } = await getPublicKey(key)
return { privateKey: key, publicKey }
// User password checks
function comparePassword (plainPassword: string, hashPassword: string) {
return bcryptComparePromise(plainPassword, hashPassword)
async function cryptPassword (password: string) {
const salt = await bcryptGenSaltPromise(BCRYPT_SALT_SIZE)
return bcryptHashPromise(password, salt)
// HTTP Signature
function isHTTPSignatureDigestValid (rawBody: Buffer, req: Request): boolean {
if (req.headers[HTTP_SIGNATURE.HEADER_NAME] && req.headers['digest']) {
return buildDigest(rawBody.toString()) === req.headers['digest']
return true
function isHTTPSignatureVerified (httpSignatureParsed: any, actor: ActorModel): boolean {
return httpSignature.verifySignature(httpSignatureParsed, actor.publicKey) === true
function parseHTTPSignature (req: Request, clockSkew?: number) {
return httpSignature.parse(req, { authorizationHeaderName: HTTP_SIGNATURE.HEADER_NAME, clockSkew })
async function isJsonLDSignatureVerified (fromActor: ActorModel, signedDocument: any): Promise<boolean> {
if (signedDocument.signature.type === 'RsaSignature2017') {
// Mastodon algorithm
const res = await isJsonLDRSA2017Verified(fromActor, signedDocument)
// Success? If no, try with our library
if (res === true) return true
const publicKeyObject = {
'@context': jsig.SECURITY_CONTEXT_URL,
id: fromActor.url,
type: 'CryptographicKey',
owner: fromActor.url,
publicKeyPem: fromActor.publicKey
const publicKeyOwnerObject = {
'@context': jsig.SECURITY_CONTEXT_URL,
id: fromActor.url,
publicKey: [ publicKeyObject ]
const options = {
publicKey: publicKeyObject,
publicKeyOwner: publicKeyOwnerObject
return jsig.promises
.verify(signedDocument, options)
.then((result: { verified: boolean }) => result.verified)
.catch(err => {
logger.error('Cannot check signature.', { err })
return false
// Backward compatibility with "other" implementations
async function isJsonLDRSA2017Verified (fromActor: ActorModel, signedDocument: any) {
function hash (obj: any): Promise<any> {
return jsonld.promises
.normalize(obj, {
algorithm: 'URDNA2015',
format: 'application/n-quads'
.then(res => sha256(res))
const signatureCopy = cloneDeep(signedDocument.signature)
Object.assign(signatureCopy, {
'@context': [
{ RsaSignature2017: 'https://w3id.org/security#RsaSignature2017' }
delete signatureCopy.type
delete signatureCopy.id
delete signatureCopy.signatureValue
const docWithoutSignature = cloneDeep(signedDocument)
delete docWithoutSignature.signature
const [ documentHash, optionsHash ] = await Promise.all([
const toVerify = optionsHash + documentHash
const verify = createVerify('RSA-SHA256')
verify.update(toVerify, 'utf8')
return verify.verify(fromActor.publicKey, signedDocument.signature.signatureValue, 'base64')
function signJsonLDObject (byActor: ActorModel, data: any) {
const options = {
privateKeyPem: byActor.privateKey,
creator: byActor.url,
algorithm: 'RsaSignature2017'
return jsig.promises.sign(data, options)
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export {
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