Breaking: YAML config `ip_view_expiration` is renamed `view_expiration` Breaking: Views are taken into account after 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds (can be changed in YAML config) Purpose of this commit is to get closer to other video platforms where some platforms count views on play (mux, vimeo) or others use a very low delay (instagram, tiktok) We also want to improve the viewer identification, where we no longer use the IP but the `sessionId` generated by the web browser. Multiple viewers behind a NAT can now be able to be identified as independent viewers (this method is also used by vimeo or mux)
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import { Redis as IoRedis, RedisOptions } from 'ioredis'
import { exists } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc.js'
import { sha256 } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils'
import { logger } from '../helpers/logger.js'
import { generateRandomString } from '../helpers/utils.js'
import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config.js'
import {
} from '../initializers/constants.js'
class Redis {
private static instance: Redis
private initialized = false
private connected = false
private client: IoRedis
private prefix: string
private constructor () {
init () {
// Already initialized
if (this.initialized === true) return
this.initialized = true
const redisMode = CONFIG.REDIS.SENTINEL.ENABLED ? 'sentinel' : 'standalone'
logger.info('Connecting to redis ' + redisMode + '...')
this.client = new IoRedis(Redis.getRedisClientOptions('', { enableAutoPipelining: true }))
this.client.on('error', err => logger.error('Redis failed to connect', { err }))
this.client.on('connect', () => {
logger.info('Connected to redis.')
this.connected = true
this.client.on('reconnecting', (ms) => {
logger.error(`Reconnecting to redis in ${ms}.`)
this.client.on('close', () => {
logger.error('Connection to redis has closed.')
this.connected = false
this.client.on('end', () => {
logger.error('Connection to redis has closed and no more reconnects will be done.')
this.prefix = 'redis-' + WEBSERVER.HOST + '-'
static getRedisClientOptions (name?: string, options: RedisOptions = {}): RedisOptions {
const connectionName = [ 'PeerTube', name ].join('')
const connectTimeout = 20000 // Could be slow since node use sync call to compile PeerTube
return {
sentinelPassword: CONFIG.REDIS.AUTH,
return {
showFriendlyErrorStack: true,
getClient () {
return this.client
getPrefix () {
return this.prefix
isConnected () {
return this.connected
/* ************ Forgot password ************ */
async setResetPasswordVerificationString (userId: number) {
const generatedString = await generateRandomString(32)
await this.setValue(this.generateResetPasswordKey(userId), generatedString, USER_PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME)
return generatedString
async setCreatePasswordVerificationString (userId: number) {
const generatedString = await generateRandomString(32)
await this.setValue(this.generateResetPasswordKey(userId), generatedString, USER_PASSWORD_CREATE_LIFETIME)
return generatedString
async removePasswordVerificationString (userId: number) {
return this.removeValue(this.generateResetPasswordKey(userId))
async getResetPasswordVerificationString (userId: number) {
return this.getValue(this.generateResetPasswordKey(userId))
/* ************ Two factor auth request ************ */
async setTwoFactorRequest (userId: number, otpSecret: string) {
const requestToken = await generateRandomString(32)
await this.setValue(this.generateTwoFactorRequestKey(userId, requestToken), otpSecret, TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_LIFETIME)
return requestToken
async getTwoFactorRequestToken (userId: number, requestToken: string) {
return this.getValue(this.generateTwoFactorRequestKey(userId, requestToken))
/* ************ Email verification ************ */
async setUserVerifyEmailVerificationString (userId: number) {
const generatedString = await generateRandomString(32)
await this.setValue(this.generateUserVerifyEmailKey(userId), generatedString, EMAIL_VERIFY_LIFETIME)
return generatedString
async getUserVerifyEmailLink (userId: number) {
return this.getValue(this.generateUserVerifyEmailKey(userId))
async setRegistrationVerifyEmailVerificationString (registrationId: number) {
const generatedString = await generateRandomString(32)
await this.setValue(this.generateRegistrationVerifyEmailKey(registrationId), generatedString, EMAIL_VERIFY_LIFETIME)
return generatedString
async getRegistrationVerifyEmailLink (registrationId: number) {
return this.getValue(this.generateRegistrationVerifyEmailKey(registrationId))
/* ************ Contact form per IP ************ */
async setContactFormIp (ip: string) {
return this.setValue(this.generateContactFormKey(ip), '1', CONTACT_FORM_LIFETIME)
async doesContactFormIpExist (ip: string) {
return this.exists(this.generateContactFormKey(ip))
/* ************ Views per IP ************ */
setSessionIdVideoView (ip: string, videoUUID: string) {
return this.setValue(this.generateSessionIdViewKey(ip, videoUUID), '1', VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEW)
async doesVideoSessionIdViewExist (sessionId: string, videoUUID: string) {
return this.exists(this.generateSessionIdViewKey(sessionId, videoUUID))
/* ************ Video views stats ************ */
addVideoViewStats (videoId: number) {
const { videoKey, setKey } = this.generateVideoViewStatsKeys({ videoId })
return Promise.all([
this.addToSet(setKey, videoId.toString()),
async getVideoViewsStats (videoId: number, hour: number) {
const { videoKey } = this.generateVideoViewStatsKeys({ videoId, hour })
const valueString = await this.getValue(videoKey)
const valueInt = parseInt(valueString, 10)
if (isNaN(valueInt)) {
logger.error('Cannot get videos views stats of video %d in hour %d: views number is NaN (%s).', videoId, hour, valueString)
return undefined
return valueInt
async listVideosViewedForStats (hour: number) {
const { setKey } = this.generateVideoViewStatsKeys({ hour })
const stringIds = await this.getSet(setKey)
return stringIds.map(s => parseInt(s, 10))
deleteVideoViewsStats (videoId: number, hour: number) {
const { setKey, videoKey } = this.generateVideoViewStatsKeys({ videoId, hour })
return Promise.all([
this.deleteFromSet(setKey, videoId.toString()),
/* ************ Local video views buffer ************ */
addLocalVideoView (videoId: number) {
const { videoKey, setKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewsKeys(videoId)
return Promise.all([
this.addToSet(setKey, videoId.toString()),
async getLocalVideoViews (videoId: number) {
const { videoKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewsKeys(videoId)
const valueString = await this.getValue(videoKey)
const valueInt = parseInt(valueString, 10)
if (isNaN(valueInt)) {
logger.error('Cannot get videos views of video %d: views number is NaN (%s).', videoId, valueString)
return undefined
return valueInt
async listLocalVideosViewed () {
const { setKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewsKeys()
const stringIds = await this.getSet(setKey)
return stringIds.map(s => parseInt(s, 10))
deleteLocalVideoViews (videoId: number) {
const { setKey, videoKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewsKeys(videoId)
return Promise.all([
this.deleteFromSet(setKey, videoId.toString()),
/* ************ Video viewers stats ************ */
getLocalVideoViewer (options: {
key?: string
// Or
ip?: string
videoId?: number
}) {
if (options.key) return this.getObject(options.key)
const { viewerKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys(options.ip, options.videoId)
return this.getObject(viewerKey)
setLocalVideoViewer (sessionId: string, videoId: number, object: any) {
const { setKey, viewerKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys(sessionId, videoId)
return Promise.all([
this.addToSet(setKey, viewerKey),
this.setObject(viewerKey, object)
listLocalVideoViewerKeys () {
const { setKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys()
return this.getSet(setKey)
deleteLocalVideoViewersKeys (key: string) {
const { setKey } = this.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys()
return Promise.all([
this.deleteFromSet(setKey, key),
/* ************ Resumable uploads final responses ************ */
setUploadSession (uploadId: string) {
return this.setValue('resumable-upload-' + uploadId, '', RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_SESSION_LIFETIME)
doesUploadSessionExist (uploadId: string) {
return this.exists('resumable-upload-' + uploadId)
deleteUploadSession (uploadId: string) {
return this.deleteKey('resumable-upload-' + uploadId)
/* ************ AP resource unavailability ************ */
async addAPUnavailability (url: string) {
const key = this.generateAPUnavailabilityKey(url)
const value = await this.increment(key)
await this.setExpiration(key, AP_CLEANER.PERIOD * 2)
return value
/* ************ Keys generation ************ */
private generateLocalVideoViewsKeys (videoId: number): { setKey: string, videoKey: string }
private generateLocalVideoViewsKeys (): { setKey: string }
private generateLocalVideoViewsKeys (videoId?: number) {
return { setKey: `local-video-views-buffer`, videoKey: `local-video-views-buffer-${videoId}` }
generateLocalVideoViewerKeys (sessionId: string, videoId: number): { setKey: string, viewerKey: string }
generateLocalVideoViewerKeys (): { setKey: string }
generateLocalVideoViewerKeys (sessionId?: string, videoId?: number) {
return {
setKey: `local-video-viewer-stats-keys`,
viewerKey: sessionId && videoId
? `local-video-viewer-stats-${sessionId}-${videoId}`
: undefined
private generateVideoViewStatsKeys (options: { videoId?: number, hour?: number }) {
const hour = exists(options.hour)
? options.hour
: new Date().getHours()
return { setKey: `videos-view-h${hour}`, videoKey: `video-view-${options.videoId}-h${hour}` }
private generateResetPasswordKey (userId: number) {
return 'reset-password-' + userId
private generateTwoFactorRequestKey (userId: number, token: string) {
return 'two-factor-request-' + userId + '-' + token
private generateUserVerifyEmailKey (userId: number) {
return 'verify-email-user-' + userId
private generateRegistrationVerifyEmailKey (registrationId: number) {
return 'verify-email-registration-' + registrationId
generateSessionIdViewKey (sessionId: string, videoUUID: string) {
return `views-${videoUUID}-${sessionId}`
private generateContactFormKey (ip: string) {
return 'contact-form-' + sha256(CONFIG.SECRETS.PEERTUBE + '-' + ip)
private generateAPUnavailabilityKey (url: string) {
return 'ap-unavailability-' + sha256(url)
/* ************ Redis helpers ************ */
private getValue (key: string) {
return this.client.get(this.prefix + key)
private getSet (key: string) {
return this.client.smembers(this.prefix + key)
private addToSet (key: string, value: string) {
return this.client.sadd(this.prefix + key, value)
private deleteFromSet (key: string, value: string) {
return this.client.srem(this.prefix + key, value)
private deleteKey (key: string) {
return this.client.del(this.prefix + key)
private async getObject (key: string) {
const value = await this.getValue(key)
if (!value) return null
return JSON.parse(value)
private setObject (key: string, value: { [ id: string ]: number | string }, expirationMilliseconds?: number) {
return this.setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value), expirationMilliseconds)
private async setValue (key: string, value: string, expirationMilliseconds?: number) {
const result = expirationMilliseconds !== undefined
? await this.client.set(this.prefix + key, value, 'PX', expirationMilliseconds)
: await this.client.set(this.prefix + key, value)
if (result !== 'OK') throw new Error('Redis set result is not OK.')
private removeValue (key: string) {
return this.client.del(this.prefix + key)
private increment (key: string) {
return this.client.incr(this.prefix + key)
private async exists (key: string) {
const result = await this.client.exists(this.prefix + key)
return result !== 0
private setExpiration (key: string, ms: number) {
return this.client.expire(this.prefix + key, ms / 1000)
static get Instance () {
return this.instance || (this.instance = new this())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {