2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
module AASM
module Persistence
module ActiveRecordPersistence
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
# This method:
# * extends the model with ClassMethods
# * includes InstanceMethods
# Unless the corresponding methods are already defined, it includes
# * ReadState
# * WriteState
# * WriteStateWithoutPersistence
# As a result, it doesn't matter when you define your methods - the following 2 are equivalent
# class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# def aasm_write_state(state)
# "bar"
# end
# include AASM
# end
# class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# include AASM
# def aasm_write_state(state)
# "bar"
# end
# end
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
def self.included(base)
base.extend AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::ClassMethods
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
base.send(:include, AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::InstanceMethods)
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
base.send(:include, AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::ReadState) unless base.method_defined?(:aasm_read_state)
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
base.send(:include, AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::WriteState) unless base.method_defined?(:aasm_write_state)
base.send(:include, AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::WriteStateWithoutPersistence) unless base.method_defined?(:aasm_write_state_without_persistence)
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
module ClassMethods
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
# Maps to the aasm_column in the database. Deafults to "aasm_state". You can write:
# create_table :foos do |t|
# t.string :name
# t.string :aasm_state
# end
# class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# include AASM
# end
# OR:
# create_table :foos do |t|
# t.string :name
# t.string :status
# end
# class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# include AASM
# aasm_column :status
# end
# This method is both a getter and a setter
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
def aasm_column(column_name=nil)
if column_name
@aasm_column = column_name.to_sym
2008-02-27 15:32:52 -05:00
@aasm_column ||= :aasm_state
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
module InstanceMethods
# Returns the current aasm_state of the object. Respects reload and
# any changes made to the aasm_state field directly
# Internally just calls <tt>aasm_read_state</tt>
# foo = Foo.find(1)
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :pending
# foo.aasm_state = "opened"
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :opened
# foo.close # => calls aasm_write_state_without_persistence
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :closed
# foo.reload
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :pending
def aasm_current_state
@current_state = aasm_read_state
module WriteStateWithoutPersistence
# Writes <tt>state</tt> to the state column, but does not persist it to the database
# foo = Foo.find(1)
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :opened
# foo.close
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :closed
# Foo.find(1).aasm_current_state # => :opened
# foo.save
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :closed
# Foo.find(1).aasm_current_state # => :closed
# NOTE: intended to be called from an event
def aasm_write_state_without_persistence(state)
write_attribute(self.class.aasm_column, state.to_s)
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
module WriteState
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
# Writes <tt>state</tt> to the state column and persists it to the database
# using update_attribute (which bypasses validation)
# foo = Foo.find(1)
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :opened
# foo.close!
# foo.aasm_current_state # => :closed
# Foo.find(1).aasm_current_state # => :closed
# NOTE: intended to be called from an event
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
def aasm_write_state(state)
2008-02-27 15:32:52 -05:00
update_attribute(self.class.aasm_column, state.to_s)
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
module ReadState
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
# Returns the value of the aasm_column - called from <tt>aasm_current_state</tt>
# If it's a new record, and the aasm state column is blank it returns the initial state:
# class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# include AASM
# aasm_column :status
# aasm_state :opened
# aasm_state :closed
# end
# foo = Foo.new
# foo.current_state # => :opened
# foo.close
# foo.current_state # => :closed
# foo = Foo.find(1)
# foo.current_state # => :opened
# foo.aasm_state = nil
# foo.current_state # => nil
# NOTE: intended to be called from an event
# This allows for nil aasm states - be sure to add validation to your model
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00
def aasm_read_state
2008-04-29 01:27:56 -04:00
if new_record?
send(self.class.aasm_column).blank? ? self.class.aasm_initial_state : send(self.class.aasm_column).to_sym
send(self.class.aasm_column).nil? ? nil : send(self.class.aasm_column).to_sym
2008-02-22 15:46:31 -05:00